《NOIS: A RWBY fanfiction》Chapter 00- charcter descriptions


Noir Pendragon: Then Team leader of team Noise. A high spirited young man of 17 who loves helping people and adventurous. His weapon specialty is dual wielding two three-foot single edge ninja ken blades. His weapon is called the Excalibur shards which consists of two three part handles and two containers on his back. Each container has 50+ blades each covered with different dust for different powers. Once connected to the handles the blade can charge the dust energy to the base of his handles that are guns. Once out of dust he drops the blade from the handles and bushes a button on each handle which makes any blade not attached to his handles explode like a grenade. He lives with his uncle in Vale and was trained by Qrow along with Ruby and Yang. He and Ruby have a big brother little sister relationship he and yang are best friends and have a mutual attraction to each other. He has a motorcycle he calls Wasp which is green and black. He wears a black leather jacket over a green t-shirt and white Cargo pants usually. He is both skilled in combat and tactics making him an excellent leader. His biggest weakness is his tendency to rush into situations before he asses them.

Onyx Howlin: A young ambitious man who seeks to be a huntsman. To strangers he comes across cold and uncaring. Although once he gets to know and become comfortable with a person he reveals to be an incredibly cheerful young man. He is always optimistic about everything because in his view a situation could be worse. He stands over six feet tall and appears to be rather scrawny. However, he is incredibly fast strong and accurate with his blows. He wields the “Silver bolts,” which are two silver colored gauntlets that cover his arms, each has a two foot punching dagger attached to each fist. He can use these daggers to both punch and slice enemies. The gauntlets can also launch the blades off with a 40ft steel cable so he can either shoot his opponents from great distance with the blades or fight them “Scorpion style,”. The gauntlets also can fire lightning balls that range from Taser strength to overload. He can also channel the lightning through his cables and blades. He is very good friends with team JNPR’s Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie because he grew up in the same orphanage as them. He is also rather close to all three of his teammates and always willing to bend over backwards. His biggest weakness is being overwhelmed by multiple enemies at once he is much better at one on one battles.


Ivan Canis: A young wolf Faunus from Vacuous, Ivan knows what oppression and fear can do first hand. He managed to pass Beacon’s entrance exam. A hater of the white fang he vowed to become a Huntsman to prove Faunus are not evil. With his family blessing he set off. He stands at meager four feet eleven inches and doesn’t have much for him speed or mobility wise, but makes up for it with strength and defense, as well as ranged attack. His weapon of choice is called “Deity Breaker,” which comes in the shape of a cross although has many forms. Melee form is a massive battle axe strong enough to split diamond with a single swing. In ranged form1 in doubles as a flamethrower and rocket launcher at the base. The ultimate for comes from range form two which shoots a giant laser strong enough to destroy a building with one blast called the Athenian Pointer. Loyal Reverent but far too forgiving and gullible.

Sebastian Mortick: A carefree dark skinned young man who wants to be a huntsman so he isn’t stuck as a role of servant. His mother is a receptionist for the Schnee Dust Company and His Father is the personal bodyguard for the Schnee family. As such he ended up growing up alongside Weiss Schnee and is her best friend from before Beacon. He trained hard so he wouldn’t have to work hard in a boring job working for the Schnee family. His weapon of choice is called “Omni,” which base form is a spear with a dust loader similar to Weis’s rapier. Its range form is something to his personal reference; a compound bow that shoots arrows made of dust the size of javelins. He may seem carefree but he actually cares for his friends like family. He hates guns and loves Archery because it was one of the few things good he remembers his father doing for him.

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