《The Special Forces》Volume 3 Chapter 3: The Omniscience Himself


Volume 2 Chapter 3: The Omniscience Himself

The group was travelling on the roads leading to Stonetalon Mountain. The mercenaries took the lead and surrounded the group while Erica and Lyralei were in the middle along with the paladins. The paladins had disguised themselves as traders so that the enemy would not realize they were coming if they had spies along the road. However, this drew the eye of a bandit lord who laid in wait, waiting for the chance to ambush them. He sent a man to intercept them in the road in order to buy time for the others to get in position.

“Halt! Pay the toll if you want to use this road.”

The bandit stopped the group alone without fear, threatening them with a sword. Vanessa, the mercenary leader rode up and talked to the bandit with suspicion.

“This road is free to use for everyone, who are you to stop us. Get out of here or prepare to die.”

Vanessa drew her sword and the other mercenaries followed. They were used to these kinds of thing as many a bandit group have done this in the history of them being mercenaries. What they weren’t prepared for was the amount of bandits as dozens of them sprung out when the man in front of her whistled to signal them.

“Everyone, get ready to fight. We can’t leave this to the mercenaries alone.”

The High Priest shouted a command and the paladins disrobed, revealing heavy armor already worn and weapons. The priests also prepared to chant healing skills to support the warriors.

“Don’t worry, we still outnumber them. Wear them down and we will get their riches and women.”

Lyralei was enraged and she took out her bow. Channeling magic into it, she drew the bow and fired releasing a magical arrow that pierced multiple bandits before vanishing. Erica, not to be outdone, started a chant for her magic. She created a large ball of ice before throwing it to the enemy and making it explode. The shards of ice pierced multiple bandits and injured them heavily, if it didn’t kill them. The group made quick work of the bandits as they had started to panic upon the reveal that their enemy had magicians. The priests also ensured that none of the mercenaries died while the paladins were untouchable with their own healing magic.

‘I might have chosen the wrong targets. I need to retreat and live.’

While the other bandits were busy trying to stay alive, the bandit lord tried to escape. He couldn’t escape the eyesight of Lyralei however, trained as she was to always monitor the leader of the enemy in a fight and look for an opportunity to strike. And saw him she did, as when he tried to run away, Lyralei put an arrow right through his neck instantly killing him. The fight after that was just cleaning up, ensuring that none of the bandits escaped and lived to tell the tale.


The group had once again continued travelling after destroying evidence that a fight had occured. Erica herself volunteered and proceeded to burn the whole area with her magic. Lyralei and Erica were talking to each other in order to pass time.

“That was certainly impressive Lyralei, it really is convenient not having to carry arrows around.”

Erica had seen Lyralei’s shooting earlier and was impressed by it.

“Just like you use magic to create the iceball earlier, I used magic to create an arrow. The bow is what guides the arrow to the target. More proficient rangers don’t even need a bow to launch the arrows, instead just using their mind to guide them.”

Lyralei explained how the rangers used magic and then asked about Erica’s magic.

“I saw you use both ice and fire magic. You also mentioned you can use all elemental magic. Is there anything else you can use?”

“I have trained in long-ranged magic to supplement my elemental magic. I am currently training on the other fields of magic as well.”

Erica explained that she is the next Head of one of the Houses of Magic in the continent, House Ross and therefore had to train to be the best mage in her house.

“How about Eric? What magic does he use?”

Erica’s face turned somber as she explained how Eric had no magic and what that meant for a child from House Ross.

14 years ago

The twins were 4 years old and they were playing with their older siblings in the mansion of the current Head of House Ross, Byron Ross, their grandfather and Ana’s father. Their parents were their to inform the head of the House about the magic of the twins.

“Eric cannot use magic?”

Byron was slightly angry in his tone as Ana explained that the magician who tested the twins discovered that Eric had no potential for magic.

“According to the tester, Eric is like a normal person however Erica has the most potential he had ever seen in the three generations that he had tested for House Ross.”

Byron’s anger was replaced by happiness as he finally found a worthy successor to him.

“The magician theorized that Erica might have the ability to steal magic and stole Eric’s magic in the womb.”

Charles added what the magician had said when he discovered the wide gap between the skill between the twins.

“Well then, your family shall live in this mansion now. I shall make Erica into my successor and the other one shall be dealt with according to our tradition.”

People who were born with no magic in House Ross were shunned and isolated until they were 12 where they are kicked out and abandoned by the House. The elders who implemented this rule did not want the House to be tainted by them. Charles and Ana trembled and pleaded with Byron.


“Father, please exempt Eric. Erica is already more than enough in terms of magic!”

“Silence, outsider! You have no say in family matters.”

Charles tried to reason with Byron who sneered at him and told him to be quiet.

“I will be the one in charge on how to take care of them. All you need to do is follow instructions.”

Erica told Lyralei that Eric was separated from the family and was made to live alone, isolated in another part of the mansion. When he was 12, he was made to leave and Erica only saw him again 2 years ago after she moved to the South to study in the Academy. He was found by the Order of the Omniscience who took him in and trained him. Before Lyralei could reply, the High Priest interrupted them.

“We’re close now according to Augustine. Everyone stay silent!”

They arrived to see that the camp had already been abandoned.

“They must have already moved back to the Empire.”

The group searched the camp for any clue as to where they could have gone when they found the weapons of the paladins that were hidden by the subordinates of Red.

“I can track where they are based on these weapons. Everyone, this where we stay tonight. We need to wait for the reinforcements to arrive.”

The High Priest gave out orders and entered one of the temporary buildings to prepare for another trance to ask for guidance from the Omniscience himself.

It was one of the breaks between the experiments and the paladins were separated into individual rooms. Eric was preparing to take a rest as the experiments were starting to take a toll on his body. They were subjected to multiple magics and forced to use the magic that was granted to them and see the reactions. Just as he fell asleep, visions assaulted his senses.

“Leave me behind! I’ll hold them off!”

A paladin shouted to his friends as he stood up against what seemed to be scorpion-like creatures and managed to hold off for a long time before finally succumbing to the enemy.

“Guardian! Protect us all!”

Another scene started and another paladin appeared, this one using a spell that summoned angels that stopped the attacks of the humans he faced.

“Fear not, I can bring him back.”

The previous scene ended and another one replaced it. The paladin comforted a woman and approached the man who was covered in blood. He held his hands above him and they suddenly shone. The man lying down suddenly coughed out and opened his eyes. The visions suddenly ended there and he found himself in a library. There was a man sitting down on a chair in front of him.

“Who are you and where am I?”

Eric was disoriented but he tried to adjust to what was happening. He was wary as to who the person was in front of him and put up his guard.

“Now now, is that how you treat your god? I’m what you call the Omniscience in your world and this is the dimension of the gods.”

The man in front of him dropped a bomb further confusing Eric.

“You may not believe it as I myself rarely show personally to my followers. However, other gods do so. Selemene herself appears on the festivals on the Moon Kingdom or whatever it’s called.”

Eric tried to take ahold of the conversation by asking what the visions he saw meant and why he himself saw it.

“The paladins you have seen are what your Order calls Omniknights. They are my personal champions and they can use the skills and magic that I myself personally use. You saw those visions as you shall be the next Omniknight yourself.”

“Me? Why have I been chosen?”

“You have shown yourself to be most brave, most faithful, most- just kidding. It’s because you have such a large mana reserve yet it has nothing within it. It is easier for me to grant you the powers as you yourself have none of your own.”

Suddenly, the Omniscience frowned as he looked around the room.

“I fear our time together is ending. Wake up and you shall find new powers within you. Wait for your fellow paladins to come to your aid then reveal yourself. Your sister and that ranger friend of yours are also with them.”

“Wait, Erica and Lyralei is-”

Eric suddenly woke up to find out that a few hours had passed. He felt his powers had grown overnight as when he casted a healing spell on himself, it shined brighter than ever before and healed him much faster. Eric then prepared himself for the upcoming experiments with ease in his mind, knowing that help was coming.

“Hail High Priest, my name is Bradwarden and I was sent by General Kaolin to aid you. These fellows are the Shadowhunters, adept at scouting and offensive magic. They shall be a great help in this rescue mission of yours.”

The High Priest introduced himself to the Shadowhunters and bade them inside the building.

“My name be Zekhan. I be leading dis unit of Shadowhunter myself.”

The leader of the Shadowhunters introduced himself and the High Priest led them towards a meeting hall. Waiting there was Vanessa, Erica and Lyralei and together they started planning for their next step.

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