《Survival Story Of A Swordsman In A Post-Apocalyptic World》Chapter 12


In ancient times. There was once a story about a mortal who received the power and blessing of a god. The said god was named Raijin. He had chosen a mortal to become his vessel and thus, over time he gave him more and more power, in form of lightning bolts that hit the man. Every person is shocked that every time lightning will hit him while he's on the field attending on his crops, he's unscathed and there was no sight of burn whatsoever. The man continued receiving power unbeknownst to him. Until this power manifests itself to the fullest. It took the form of a small lightning sphere on his hands. And at that moment. The god finally lets his presence known and ordered him to swallow it. He gained unstoppable power and dominated the land. From a simple farmer, he became a walking god. Until he knew that there were others just like him lurking throughout the lands who received power from different and various gods. Many generations passed since this myth has been passed on throughout. Until the sphere that the man ate is eventually dubbed…

"Thunder pill." The channeling completes and the man now holds a blue, lightning sphere on his left hand. "I'll now… give my best." And swallowed it. At the moment after that. Intense pressure could be felt through the entire battlefield. The man's whole body that was once imbued by lightning now has even more intensity. It was so great that the very soil he's standing on cracked simply by him standing there. The lighting around him now spans a few meters away from him and even hits objects like trees that subsequently fell because of it being passively hit by those that are currently scattering around. His hair now stood up straight as it was also covered in lightning, as every part of him are, including his sword. He picked up his sword from the ground and lunges quickly. The previously superior agility advantage of the man now became an absolute as he's now so fast the boy couldn't react any longer.


"Yabai…!" As latter managed to block the attack but he could feel the shock from the blow that traverse his entire body. *Not just his speed. He became physically stronger too!* he managed to block a few more of the incredibly fast attacks before suffering a blow across his back. He grunted in pain before turning his head up and blocked the downward attack. Both of them locked eyes, both with serious expressions, and the boy finally managed to land an attack during this instance that sent the man flying away again. However, the man disappeared mid-air, nowhere to be seen, and suddenly appeared in front of the boy. His eyes widen as the man stabbed him and spins to kick him away. He crashed down the earth and got some of his ribs broken in the process. He slowly got up uninterrupted as the man simply waits for him to get up in the distance, looking at him sternly.

"This is starting to get worse... It has been fun, mister. So let's end it now…!" In a matter of seconds. His whole body got covered in earth and some form of monstrous image emerged. His whole body now got more buff and a little taller, he had a single demonic horn up behind his head, an incredibly long and thick tail, and sharp claws on his limbs. The face resembled a medieval helm, only showing his red glowing eyes which were previously black. His shield also got turned into earth and absorbed into his left arm. "Shall we end this fun?" With a distorted voice, the boy said.

"Yeah…" The man faintly answered but with a surprised expression.

They lunge towards each other and began attacking. They exchanged blows until the landscape is completely ruined, the land has been turned upside down, trees got completely annihilated in a wider radius. It was a complete mess. They were almost on an equal footing. The boy now mostly block attacks with his arms but occasionally brings out his shield during the exchange of attacks that simply springs out wherever he needs it to be. He can do that mostly thanks to the earth covering the entirety of his body to the very inch. Leaving no area to exploit in his armor whatsoever.


They stopped exchanging blows and stood far away opposite each other. The man now gathers all of his magic and lightning to his blades, on his feet, and took a stance, while the boy raised his shield and readied his fist. The man dashed at ultra-high speed, zoomed past the boy, and stopped a few meters behind him. At first. Nothing seemed to happen. But the boy's arm that was carrying the shield simply fell off and the man dropped to the ground. Until the last flicker of lightning disappeared.

The boy had a very surprised look seeing as his arm simply fell off. However, he didn't yelp nor cry in pain. He simply turned around and walked to the man while his armor crumbled to dust and was carried on by the wind. At first. That dash seems to only imply something. That the man slashed the boy's arm, however. During that instance. The boy also delivered a deciding blow. Through a quick punch below his shield that hit the man's stomach the same instance he goes for the boy's arm and not the shield. It was simply fast enough that the boy could not follow it properly and had his arm cut off.

He reached the man and said. "It was good. Nobody had ever made me into such a state except three other people in the past. I don't have this ability in the past when I fought them so it's safe to assume that you're the strongest I've ever faced. What's your level, mister?"

While still face down on the ground the man replied. "Seven… You… are having fun killing and fighting people, right?"

"Just the fighting part. Who would want to kill people out of their own will for no reason? Except for those sick bastards that are either psychopaths or sadistic."

"Then… did they deserve to die? Those people?"

"I don't know. None of us deserve to die. But our people… If we want to survive. We have to kill these people. They've done a lot of bad shit to us. They forced us to become fodders while fighting monsters. Make us do forced labor. They even occasionally torture men and rape some of our females in the past. All for fun... But not all of them are like that. There are a select few that **sometimes** show kindness to us. But all of them. I'm sure of it. Are scum and sick individuals. If we're to get out of here. We have to kill all of them. Nobody's spared. I don't like killing too. But there's a reason this happened so…"

"I see. I know... I know they run some illegal business here but… I'm simply doing it for my job… I have no hatred towards you or anything and I have no right to go against those illegal things. It's just a job. But I'm unable to complete it. So please kill me now. It'll only complicate things if you let me live."

"As you wish..."

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