《Who is Biannca? - The Thirteen Middle School Reunion Member》Chapter 04 - Introduction to the Isolated Mansion
The bus had left and would only come back 3 days later as scheduled. I need to repeat this. I still couldn’t believe it. Just one day before, I who had never been contacted nor received any news about my fellow middle school classmates for over than 6 years was still slacking off inside my room. But now, I was already at the reunion party together with them, whom I really missed and yearned for so much. Because of the school reunion mattered, I really felt like we were going to take a class again inside the building in front of us. And now, we, 12 people, were the only person in this world. No exaggeration really. Since nobody else was registered deep inside this forest as far as we know.
From where we were standing, what was lying in front of us is a real fancy two-floored white western mansion that really differ from the usual one I saw on TV. We really couldn’t see any part of this mansion before exiting the forest. The dense and wild forest trees were just too high and huge. It is a perfectly hidden and isolated luxurious estate.
We walked through the front garden in awe on a path that is made of some greyish horizontally cut rock instead of stepping on the healthy green grasses that covered up the entire park. The garden was neatly arranged with some beautiful sunflower beds and dwarf coconut trees with a special lamp on each of its base that seems would light at night to further enchant their guests.
As we were walking toward the mansion while some of us were still relentlessly testing out their phone, its detail could be seen even more clearly. I was arguing with Kazuki about the flowers in its beds. Which of us who dare to pluck one and give it to Elena or even the fifth legendary woman. Given my usual traits, I don’t have that much interest to win over him in such competition. But after being mocked for several times, I became really wanted to prove myself as a true gentleman, or at least not to lose to a being like him. But our first target seemed to be interested in another thing.
“Just curious, is that a logo or something?”
Elena pointed at the top most front side of the mansion. It does have the most eye catching and an unusual design which most certainly no other mansion would have. The main part of the logo looks exactly like a copyrighted icon or a ’c’ alphabet inside a circle that is being placed in between two ornaments. Both ornaments are also almost as big as the main one and hang from its middle height. The left one looks like yet another ’c’ alphabet but more straightened from its middle to bottom, while the right one is just the horizontal-flipped shape of the left. The bottom of those two ornaments are sticking out lower than the main one and toward its center a bit. They look like two legs supporting the main icon.
That friend of mine is still indeed wearing that same ring like she used to. A uniquely designed black intricate ring ever since I know her, on her pointing left index finger.
Ryouta gave out a smile of confidence.
“Yes, it is also from the design itself.”
“Does it have any meaning?” Elena further questioned him as he hadn’t satisfied her curiosity.
“Um? Sorry, but you will have to guess that. Ah, or why don’t we play a game together. The clues will be presented during the reunion. The one who gets it right first will get the authority as the King or Queen to command all the others as their subordinates until the end of the reunion. Of course, I won’t be participating in the competition and will automatically become one of the subordinates when anyone ever manage to answer it,” Ryouta confidently challenged us.
“Sounds much interesting,” Elena really like that kind of riddle.
“Maybe just like those common romance things. An initial to a ‘c’ named thing, a person, for example? Our Chika-chan?” Kaede teased her little sister. She was being too mushy. The cute girl blushed, even Ryouta was shocked a little.
“So sweet …,” Kaigo was moved emotionally.
“… if that is the truth,” Ringo wasn’t moved at all.
I know what is going on inside Kazuki’s head now if he were to win the competition. Though I shouldn’t know. I don’t want to know.
“Wuuuaoh!!! There are even double open lounges,” surprised by the twins simultaneously. We were also surprised by them as the result.
Kaigo was shooting with both of his hands to the right, and Ringo did the same to the left cozy lounge. One on each side of the mansion. They were utterly moved.
“Just like us. Yeah!” They gave a high five to their other half. They were happy just because they finally found their meaning in life.
Ryouta smiled satisfyingly.
“Yes, we can also gather in one of those outer lounges if we are bored with being inside all the time.”
“Please choose ‘left’ if you would so kindly vote for me,” Ringo had marked one side as her territory.
“Please choose ‘right’ if you would so kindly vote for me,” Kaigo also didn’t want to lose a territory.
Please wait please, isn’t Kaigo on the left, Ringo on the right? Or whatever.
“Then, it is better for us to just stay inside,” joked Kaede, a cold one again.
The twins were disappointed.
“Yes, maybe … you are right,” said the twins weakly.
“I and Rin shouldn’t be quarrelling over such trivial thing,” said Kaigo regrettably.
“I and Kai shouldn’t be arguing over such trivial thing,” said Ringo regrettably.
But after crossing over their faces with her right hand and his left hand, they quickly changed into excited ones like nothing ever happened, and vigorously punched upward together.
“Let us move on, Leader-kun,” they cheered simultaneously again.
We really don’t know anything about what they are thinking, even after knowing them for so long. But luckily, they had settled down by themselves. I appreciated it, maybe.
We continued our marching toward the mansion lead by the host. And when our leader was only one step from the mansion’s main door, he stopped and turned to us, looking very gravely.
“The last thing that I wanted to … warn you all is that … before we entered …,” Ryouta paused for a moment. When he was ready to talk, Megumi who was still wearing sunglasses, annoyingly put her unusable phone back into her expensive bag, and cut in with a sneer and an ungraceful countenance.
“Is there a spirit or something in this … high-class-mansion?”
“… Yes,” Ryouta tried to sound as calm as possible but still couldn’t do it very well.
“What do you mean!?” she took off her shades. Her eyes were as big as her shocked voice, ours as well.
The atmosphere was darkened. The sole young man in front of us closed his eyes and faced downward to reconsider yet once again before telling us. After a second or two, he stared blankly at us, straightened up his glasses, and gulped coarsely. At last, he spoke.
“There exists an old legend around this area even before this mansion was built. If there is a set of twelve people to be living together, in this case to be present in this mansion at the same time. A thirteenth unknown person would be summoned … and start killing those living people from the first night until the highest possible number of victims in one digit, which is nine. Thus … leaving only three chosen survivors.”
Everyone was dumbfounded for a while. It isn’t my first time to hear such kind of murderous legend though. Well, I think it is just a common seasoning to intrigue the other to come to this secluded area. But still, somehow, it made me felt a bit uneasy.
Unexpectedly, Megumi was taking this seriously.
“What kind … of rumor is that!?”
Takuma and Ken were laughing out loud at him, at his overacting and lousy story, most likely. I think it is very rude of them toward a person who was considering very seriously for the sake of us. Even though I also don’t believe in this kind of irrational things, but I would rather respect that.
“Are you serious? Ryouta-chan?” Takuma was asking scornfully while holding his stomach
“Of course he is serious, Takuma-kun. Look, I am so afraid now,” Ken gave a deep sarcasm.
Other than the two of them, all of us silenced seriously. At least not showing any kind of disregard to the mansion owner’s kind reminder. Though it might be just a useless folk legend, Ryouta still felt the needs to tell us beforehand. He might have known that those two would have mocked him. But Ryouta didn’t take much concern. He was really mature.
“All right then, all needs to be known beforehand has been told. All of you ready?” Ryouta pumped us with a fist to the sky.
“Yeaaah!!” we shouted and followed his motion.
But Takuma and Ken wanted to cause further trouble. The first said with an awful dramatic play.
“I … I am being forced to stay in here. Why did you just tell us that so important ghost story after we already left so far away from our safest home sweet home?”
“No need to worry,” Ken was showing off his manly big biceps like a bodybuilder. Kazuki pretended to vomit behind of me. After a few poses, he talked more.
“I will beat up that thirteenth ghost or whatever, and if necessary … kill him.”
We were taken aback by his brutal and twisted expression. I would never have expected to feel this kind of terror in our reunion even just for a second. But our ex-class leader still did his job well, clapping his hand to steal the whole attentions to him once again, smiling and softened the atmosphere.
“Nothing will really happen to us though. Now, let’s enter into the mansion. Those bags are heavy, right? We are so tired already.”
We entered into the mansion through that unusual yet simplified big and heavy entrance after its lord had unlocked it. By his guidance, we were being drawn to assembly in the drawing-room.
“Here we are, enjoy yourself like your own,” said the one who has the closest relationship to the true owner.
“A pretty good one coming from you, isn’t, Ryouta-chan?” Ken laid his muscular arm around Ryouta’s shoulder with some amount of force. The latter only replied with a stiff smile. Kazuki and I looked at him sternly before he let go of him as though surrendering.
Ryouta thanked us silently.
“Our bedrooms are on the second floor. They fit perfectly 12 people for the each of us. Six rooms on each wing which all have already been prepared nicely. So, there is no chance for any of you to be sharing one room. What a waste, right, Kazuki-kun?”
He knows him well. I bet nothing is secret anymore. Kazuki is just too infamous.
“Well, it isn’t as though we will be sharing by couples either. I would never want to share with Yoru. He snores!”
“Thanks, for discovering my unknown talent,” I smiled with my hands gently coming toward him. But he quickly realized the danger, and slipped off from the bottom. Now, he hid behind the leader. No, I wasn’t trying to choke him.
Some of us chuckled. I think I just raised his fame up. Not a good one, but he likes that one and lives from that.
“Now, for the sake of equality, let’s draw on random instead of picking it.”
The mansion master also already prepared the box of raffle and showed it to us. All of us agreed unconditionally and were extremely excited.
Well, most of us.
“We will be getting the room first. Six rooms on each wing, right? I will be taking the … third one from the furthest right. Ken will be taking the fourth one from the furthest left, Ok?” forced the one who maybe the leader of the divided group here.
“Right! No probs,” assented but by the strongest guy.
“Hmm …?” the first picker smiled maliciously to the house lord. The latter smiled it over awkwardly.
Ryouta just didn’t want to start damaging the atmosphere over that small thing. The rest of us followed. They were just being themselves, though their choice kind of separating themselves as the only mutual friends here.
After picking out the numbers which had already been occupied. We were ready to seal our fate for the next 3 days.
“God, please let us be together,” prayed the twins earnestly. But, isn’t the whole purpose of the drawing for us to be mixing together and socializing more? Nevertheless, it isn’t as though just by praying like that would be granted so easily.
“God, thank you. We love you,” praised the twins happily. They did succeed, miraculously.
Unstoppable, next to each other.
My brother was looking extremely pleased with the result as well. We weren’t side by side, but we were still on the same wing. He would never appeal for a restart now.
For me? For the young women who surrounded his room? But still, no one suggested anew.
“Let me show you all to your rooms,” announced the leader eagerly.
Most of us replied with the same kind of satisfaction for the end result. The foreign woman was still silence as usual.
We followed Ryouta up to the second floor from the main stairs in the center of the main hall, and went along the left and right entirely sheltered corridors architected for the maximum lighting purpose together as he introduced us to our new room. There are even some western pole displays. How classy! When we reached to each’s little private space, he or she was given their key and left us to their room to make it comfortable for themselves. I followed the housemaster until one before the last which should be Fionna’s as she was still with us. Finally, I too, received a pretty heavy and intricate key from him. I thanked him for his generosity and took a second to appreciate this personal place of mine for the entire dreamed reunion days.
I unlocked the door and entered inside. It is a strong door with both metal lever handle and a hole to unlock or lock with key. Additionally, a sturdy bolt is on the inside to be qualified as a bedroom entrance. Looks usual but the craving has so much effort put in there. Magnificent!
From my know-nothing-about-interior-design’s perspective. This room is simply fabulous. Its floor is nicely made from brown high quality ceramics, the lighting set up matched the overall white color of the wall and the surrounding, and the way they positioned the furniture has made this room feel so simplified and comfortable. The space is big, despite consists of a bed fully covered by duvet to the floor with a side table and a phone on it, TV sets up front, dressing table and wardrobe next to it, and even a full set of bathroom.
I put my heavy travelling bag that had been bothering me all along the trip on the bed. Nothing else to do really. I left my room and walked down to the first floor, to the previous drawing-room. There were some people gathering already. One after another came in until all participants were in complete number again, except the leader.
Kazuki and I were having a really childish talk, and laughing about what kind of unmatchable stupidity we had done together in the past. Not even a slightest awkward moment anymore. Kaede and Chika were also gossiping cheerfully. Elena was leisurely grouping with Kaigo and Ringo. Ken and Takuma were talking silently at the far corner. Megumi was wondering around the room alone, appraising the antique collections inside the cupboard. And the last but not the least, Fionna was reading a thick book by the window. Everyone surely had loosened up the intense feeling deep inside themselves. Because they know that all of us, in this room, are just their own old acquaintances. No need to be suspicious around them or acting as though an adult. Just like the old days. Staying together inside the classroom peacefully while doing their own liking when there is no teacher. No one would ever worry about anything. Such yearning atmosphere.
Then Ryouta joined in while pushing a cart full of glasses and a jar of juice. He announced again.
“Sorry, there is no servant for the service. Since it is already too much to ask for my father to lend us the mansion. Besides, I also think it is best if there are only us in the reunion and we serve ourselves, right?” Ryouta was pouring the drinks into the glasses as he said. We helped him and delivered to everyone in the room.
I wasn’t wondering about what kind of disappointment on Kazuki’s face.
“No worries Ryouta-kun, your mansion is already a too-great-contribution for the party. Let the women be the maids. Aren’t there some appropriate costumes for them? Cat ears? Ha-ha-ha.” Kazuki was fooling around as he received the drink. Not drunk really, just an orange juice and his usual self. Maybe he was just being desperate. Ryouta shook his head.
“Wear it yourself if you so wanted too,” Chika joked back at him. He had gotten the Lolita’s attention faster than me. But it wasn’t as though we had agreed to mutually competing or anything.
Kazuki winked to me, and posed a pointing gesture before a thumb down. I sincerely smiled to him.
“I am sure … you will make a very good example for it,” Takuma said in lewd tone, grinning at the Lolita. But the twins have more impact than the others, no matter who.
“Let’s share the works, shall we?”
“How about our ladies just need to take care of the edibles and other culinary stuffs, while our gentlemen will have to protect them if any unexpected things happen-happen, no Ringo?” Kaigo asked his twin and emphasized that ‘unexpected things’ tone.
“But those unexpected things are far more difficult-difficult, yes Kaigo?” Ringo asked back to her twin, also emphasized that ‘unexpected things’ tone.
“Of course, it is worst if that something won’t happen,” Kaigo grinned.
“Maybe it is best if we ignore anything will happen,” Ringo grinned.
They smiled to us warmly. Of course, I don’t think of any special meaning from their weird conversation. But I caught a glimpse of uncertainty in Elena’s expression. She quickly changed to her default face for me, a ‘forced smile’ when she met my gaze. As the result, I became to feel somehow un … settled.
“Me as a servant? No way! I have never done such dirty works, and I am not going to cook nor clean anything!” Megumi protested. The rich lady really seems to live in a different kind of life.
“You might … just need to take plates or other crockeries from cabinet and place it back there,” Ryouta said delicately, careful not to trigger the young lady’s temper.
“That is fair enough. Though I might also need some help a bit.”
We spent the next few minutes discussing the job more specifically for each new maid for the next 3 days. The gentlemen really seemed to have nothing to do at all, and somehow reminded me of those times where the boys usually skipped out of the cleaning or the other duties to the girls. But somehow again, all of us had agreed to this impartial works arrangement that came from the twins. I still feel a little uncomfortable with their previous unreasonable ‘reason’ and Elena’s wavering countenance. But then her clear voice alerted me from bewildering aimlessly to the present world again.
“It seems that there will be a heavy rain tonight,” Elena announced.
“I also heard from the weather forecast before. Though the sky looks so clear and no clouds right now,” said Kaede while approaching and looking at the outside through the window where Fionna was still reading. Still expressionless as ever as though nothing happened. She closed her enchanting eyes first before sealing up the book because of the sudden disturbance. She didn’t look annoyed though. Kaede was still as thickheaded though.
“Let’s hope that isn’t going to happen because tonight we will have a barbeque party at the garden together. And to make things even more exciting, we will have to tell our own ghost story in the dark. Everyone should at least have one, right? I will reveal more about the old legend that I had only told so briefly before,” Ryouta declared excitedly.
“Thanks Ryouta-kun for the chance. I owe you, my man,” Kazuki gave a bro-punch to Ryouta’s chest, assuming it was a party of scaring and hugging.
“I am scared of scary things, Kae-nee,” the Lolita is really cute and needs protections. She hugged her braver sister like a frail child.
“Don’t be afraid, Chika-chan. There is no ghost in this world. The only threat in here is the pervert,” Kaede peered to Kazuki. The latter opened his mouth big, pretended to be confused, or rather, confused for real.
We laughed, very hard.
“I … I will be … really … certainly … waiting for it,” Elena looked totally interestedly scared. I thought she likes those kinds of things.
Will Fionna finally open to us at that time?
A while of vacancy before Kaede clapped her hands and jumped a bit, looking very excited.
“Ah, yes! We are also by the beach, right? Since the weather is still so great, what about a play on there? Can we? Ryouta-kun?”
“Of course. I am going to say so as well,” assented Ryouta.
“Yeah! It will be great. Bikinis everywhere,” Kazuki shouted vigorously. We laughed again at our most perverted clown.
“Do you still want me to keep you alive?” joked Kaede. Kazuki quickly hid behind me this time.
“Scary. Ha-ha,” he laughed but still remain cloaked.
“Excuse me, and enjoy yourself. I am not a big fan of hot weather. This hour’s sunlight will spoil my skin,” Megumi disagreed again. She looked annoyed, “Just leave me alone, I am going to stroll around.”
“Don’t wander into the forest, Ok?” Ryouta kindly reminded her again.
“Do you want me to give some private protections, baby?” but Takuma couldn’t even get the air around her to respond.
“We have seen so many wild and dangerous animals …,” Kaigo said.
“… in the forest when we were in the bus earlier,” Ringo followed.
They deeply howled again.
The spoiled lady was already going out of the room while waving her hand lazily from her behind, implying that there is nothing needed to be worried about. Then she disappeared before us.
“Let’s hurry. I want to smell those tropical sands so badly,” demanded Ken impatiently.
Nobody disagreed anymore. We dispersed and went up to our room to change into more appropriate clothes for the beach party.
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