《Chasing the Hurricane》Chapter 6: A Search for Meaning
...but for some reason, I can't seem to.
Opening my eyes again, I see that the lamp Maria was using is out, and she is sleeping. I'd better be careful not to wake her. I slowly rise from the bed and, drawn to the moon's light, I find myself looking out the window.
It really is beautiful. I've never really taken a moment to appreciate the sight, but right now, I find myself enraptured. On this night, that huge sphere shines brighter than any star in this night sky. I can now understand why people have been so fascinated with the moon. A little bit, at least.
And of course, since the moon shines so bright...
“...wait, that's...”
...I can see what's happening outside. I can see a speedscale running off, leaving the city, headed north... and I see Walter riding on it.
“Dammit, I can't just stand here!”
Sorry, Maria. Looks like I'm going after Walter, anyway. Hopefully I'll be back before you even realize what's happening.
Running, I hurry into the lobby, where the receptionist is still standing behind her desk.
“You're Yrza, right? Is something wrong? You look troubled.”
“There's a rumor going around about an old temple that reveals its secrets in the full moon's light, right? Would you happen to know where that temple might be located? Could you point it out on the map?” The map I have with me doesn't help. I left the other ones in the room. Damn, I can be stupid sometimes...
“Wait, what's going on? Calm down--”
“Please!” Losing composure, I slam my hands on her desk. “It could be a matter of life or death!”
“What!? Wait, hold on, I can help. I just need a moment.” Immediately she searches through her files, finding the map that I need. “This is it,” she says, pointing to the temple in question. “Go there, and if it is dangerous, please be careful! I'll let you borrow this map, but if something happens to you or it, my boss will kill me.”
“Don't worry, no one will die tonight if I can get out there fast enough.” I take the map and run off. “Thanks again!”
Out at the stables, I've let Kobo out of his pen and I'm getting myself geared up.
“Yrza!? What the hell are you doing!?”
Oh, no... looks like I did wake her.
“I'm sorry, Maria, but I can't stand by,” I say, strapping my armor and sword onto myself. “I just feel it down to my core... Walter's life is in danger. He's going to die if I don't do something.”
“Take me with you!”
Not exactly the response I was expecting to hear, but...
“No. It's too dangerous. Anything could happen out there.”
“That's why I'm going! I can help, so just bring me along!”
“I know you want to be helpful, but I can't let you get hurt! Do you think it'd really be okay if I let something happen to you!?”
“Yrza, listen!” Maria shouts. “You have no healing Rune Complexes, right!?”
“Wha...” I'm actually caught off guard. She's been paying attention to my Runic Arts, even though I haven't used that much since I met her?
“I've seen the ones on your arms. You can't heal, can you?”
I grit my teeth, feeling somewhat defeated. “No. The healing runes would always reject my energy. I'm just no good at it.”
Hearing this, Maria removes the gloves on her hands that she's been wearing this whole time. I see two Rune Complexes, one on each hand. They look kind of like seven triangles, arranged in a circle, pointing out. I think the Church of El Rey uses a similar symbol, but I've seen this before elsewhere.
“Maria, you...”
Before I can finish my sentence, she grabs me by the arms and looks me in the eyes. “I won't get in your way, and if you want to save Walter's life, you will need me there. I'm coming with!”
I feel a tinge of uncertainty run through me as I answer her. Yes, I don't have time to argue this, but is this really a good idea? Are we going to be alright out there?
“Alright, Yrza, come on! Every second counts!”
Slapping my face with both hands, I try to snap myself out of it. “Right!” I hop into the saddle, and help Maria onto it. “Kobo! Full speed! Hyah!”
And so, we ride off into the moonlit night. I hope we won't be too late...
What must be the temple is coming into view. After slowing Kobo down...
“Alright, keep going, but slower, and keep an eye out.” He does so. “Maria, you see anything?”
“There!” She says, pointing left. “I think I see him!”
I look in that direction. “Oh shit...” That spot is being swarmed by wolves. Do I dare...? “Look, Kobo, I need you to trust me.” I grip my sword and start drawing it out. “Run straight into the middle of that. Don't worry, you're not gonna get hurt if you do it right. We've got this.” I give him a kick to spur him onward. “Let's go!” Without hesitation, he goes running right into them. It doesn't take long for the wolves to realize other foes are approaching. Before they can react, however, I swing my sword, clearing the way and cutting a few.
“Damn, I got careless,” Walter says, seeing us, keeping his hand on his waist dripping red. He's sitting on the ground next to his wounded speedscale, and breathing heavily. I hop off of Kobo and slash at a few more of the wolves, giving us some space.
“Everyone! Don't let them see your backs!” If they see us running away, it'll be a short chase. We've got to fight them off right here. As we stand in a circle, the wolves still living closing in, I start thinking of what I can do about this.
Looks like I didn't bring any Rune Complex Seals with me. That's fine, though. What I'm trying to do should still work. I focus on my sword and the left hand that's holding it. Power of the universe, bend to my will! I command the power of fire!
The fire Rune Complex on my arm lights up, and in seconds, I can feel the power of the fire. I continue my focus on the sword, and, right before my eyes, it is ignited. Another light in the night in my hands, certain to burn anything I touch with it. The wolves seem to be given pause at the sight of this, but before any of them can decide they want to attack us...
“All of you, get down!” Just as they do that, I swing my sword horizontally, in a perfect circle, hitting quite a few of the wolves, burning them. The ones I managed to catch with my sword are dead within moments. The others start to flee almost as quickly. Guess that did it.
“Maria! You'll see to him, right?”
“Yeah. Wait, what are you--”
“Kobo!” I go running, and he runs after. Once he catches up, I hop on, and we ride to the ruins. Since we rode out this far, I might as well help him find what he was looking for. I would hate it for Walter to have gotten himself hurt, only to return empty-handed.
Now that we're here, we search inside for a moment. “See anything, Kobo?” Damn, it's dark... wait! “Oh, right, the moon's light!” Why am I thinking of that now? It's not as if...
“...hey, is that...?” Well, what do you know, even inside this building, the light of the full moon did show me something. Specifically, it's now shining on this old book through a hole in the ceiling. Carefully, I grab it and go to Kobo once more.
“Maria, I got something!” She seems to have gotten Walter's speedscale back on their feet. Walter himself, however...
“Yrza, do you think your speedscale can handle three people at once?”
“It'll be hard for us all to fit, but Kobo can definitely handle the weight.”
“Alright, help me get him up there.”
“Got it.” I hop off and help Walter onto the saddle. Me and Maria get on after that. “As I understand it, his speedscale will still know to follow us.”
“Right. We should get out of here. There could be something else lurking around, still.”
We've managed to get back to town safely. After being helped into Walter's room, Maria lays him down on his bed.
“I'll finish treating him. It should only take a few more seconds.” As much as I want to question her about this, I shouldn't break her concentration. I watch quietly as she heals Walter with the Rune Complexes on her hands. The wounds disappear quickly. It's not long until it looks like the worst is over. “Alright, he should be fine. We should let him rest alone.”
“I understand,” I say, leaving the book I found on the small desk in Walter's room. We walk out and return to ours. Once we're there, Maria sits on her bed, and I sit on mine.
“I'm sorry I didn't say anything about it earlier,” she says, looking away to avoid my eyes. “It just didn't seem like it mattered until now. I wasn't trying to trick you, or anything.”
“That's okay,” I say, waving my hand as if to try and wave her concern away, “everyone's still alive, so don't worry. It's just that...” Hm. How shall I phrase this... “I want to know how you got those Complexes, Maria.”
“Hm...” she places her hand on her chin, thinking. “I already told you I was brought up with the teachings of the Church of El Rey, right?”
“I think you've said it once or twice.”
“Truthfully, throughout most of my childhood, father had me attend a sister's school that was in Redwolf. I learned a lot about the religion, and they put a ton of hard work into trying to make a worthy sister out of me. The training I went through involved me learning about light Rune Complexes, and learning to use them to heal.”
“That seems like a good thing, to me. Why do you sound so sad about it?”
Her face changes again. Now, she seems more angry than sad. “I was happy about it, at first. Then I started looking at how how father treats some people.”
“Lord Redwolf isn't a very nice guy, I assume.”
“He can be a very nice man, but also very cold. Talking to the people that work for us, I heard that a lot of them are afraid of him. Last time I spoke to him, he still says he loves me, no matter what, but what if I'm just being manipulated?”
“I don't know what to say, to be honest. I'd like to believe your father does care, but I can't really say.”
“I just can't be sure. Father asked me to go to the alchemist and said it was because he believed in me, and I want him to believe in me, but a part of me didn't care. A part of me just wants to run away and make it someone else's problem. I don't really know what I want anymore...”
Unsure what to say to all that, I find myself looking up, watching the ceiling. “I'm sure you'll figure out eventually.”
“Yrza?” When I look forward again, I realize that Maria is right in front of me.
“I think, no matter what, I'll be happy, having gone on this journey,” she says, smiling. “After all, it's because I came out here that I met you.”
“Yeah,” I say, nodding.
“Well, we've been up far later than we needed to be,” she says, going back over to her bed. “We should sleep.”
“You're right,” I say, lying down. “Good night.”
“You, too.”
Man, it was nice to sleep indoors again.
Right now, we're in the lobby, leaving soon.
“Yrza? Ready to go?” Maria asks.
“Yeah, I'm all packed up,” I say, to her.
“Thank you for saving Walter's life,” says the receptionist. “We hope to see you again!”
“Thanks for having us!” With that, we walk around to the back of the building and head toward the stables to retrieve Kobo. Once we make it to the north exit...
“Hey, you two! Man, that was a crazy night, wasn't it?
Walter is waiting, there.
“You're still here?” I ask, although I am happy I'll get to speak to him again, deep down.
“Well, I've got to properly thank the people who saved my life, right?” He laughs. “So, you have my eternal gratitude, and... if you don't mind me asking, what's got you traveling, Yrza? You didn't say last night, after all.”
“I'm looking to learn more about the Ghost Hurricane. I feel there are mysteries there that have been left unsolved for too long.”
“Ooh, that's quite an undertaking. I hope you can do it, though. It's up to people like us to unearth the secrets of the world. Something we find could change lives.”
“Hopefully for the better.”
“So, if you're looking for more info... I've got an interesting rumor to share with you.”
“What is it?” I ask.
“They say there's a man who lives in the Old Capital at the center of the continent, who saw the Ghost Hurricane first hand. He's been closer to it than almost anyone else, and lived to tell about it. I speak of Sir Agil, of the once-famous Imperial Four.”
“Agil!? He's really still out there, huh? Grandall used to talk about him sometimes.”
“Yup. Good luck with that.”
“So, what about you, Walter? You going the same way?”
He shakes his head. “I'll be going even further north, through the mountains. Other ancient texts are said to be out there, and I've got to go find them.” He seems to be preparing to get on his speedscale, but... “...say, Yrza, I took a peak at that book you left on my table.”
“Oh? Did you learn something from it?”
“There's still plenty to read, but what I've seen already suggests this;” he holds his right index finger up as he speaks. “While fate exists, it's naught but a chain. The weak are bound to it, but those with strong wills... they can break these chains and build their own destinies.”
“Heh. Sounds like something you'd like,” I say, with a smile.
“And I'll tell you about another. You might find it interesting,” he continues. “Another old belief says that each person has their own individual destiny, but when certain people meet and destinies intertwine, events can occur that not even the gods could foresee.”
“That's fascinating,” I say, scratching my head, “but I feel like you're going somewhere with this. What do you really want to say, Walter?”
Looking at my face, he just shakes his head and chuckles. “It's silly, don't think about it too much.” He starts to climb into the saddle of his speedscale, but... “...seriously, though, Yrza.”
“Yeah, Walter?”
“There's not a single doubt in my mind. I can't explain it, but I somehow know I was meant to meet you out here.”
“Huh. You're sure about that?”
“Completely. I'm certain there was special meaning in this encounter, Yrza.” Walter smiles again. “This isn't the last time we'll meet each other. I'll see you later.”
“Looking forward to it,” I say, returning his smile. “Good luck out there.”
He waves, and rides off on his speedscale, headed directly north.
“...so, Yrza.”
Maria has been so quiet that I nearly forgot she was there. “What is it?”
She holds up her left hand, saying: “You're going to the Old Capital,” then holds up her right, “I'm going to the Old Capital,” and she brings her hands together. “Hm?”
“Well, I guess.” I understand what she's getting at. I just don't know if...
“Yrza,” she says, looking right into my eyes, smiling.
“J... just spit it out, come on,” I say, wondering if my face is getting a bit red.
“You don't dislike me, do you?”
I sigh. “No, I don't.”
“And I still need to finish sewing your symbol in, remember?”
God damn it... I have no reason at all to say no to her, do I? I'm just so not used to it, though. Still, this hasn't been bad, has it? Really, I guess I should stop fighting her, after all.
“Y-you're right, okay?” I admit, finally. “We'll go together.”
The moment I say this, Maria wraps her arms around me and hugs me tight. “Thank you, Yrza.”
“Yes, yes, come on, people can see us,” I say, prying her off. “Hop on. We're going to the Old Capital!”
It's about time. Now, I feel like real progress in my quest is within reach...
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