《JOURNEY》Mother's protection


Marina stopped queen for leaving the room by saying "instead of force, it is better to make boy loyal".

“How asked Kelly”

“By arranging the marriage with the crown princess-Neha Warknight” answered Marina.

Everyone in the palace knows Marina fond of Neha. It is right to say that instead of Kelly in Neha’s eyes Marina is her mother.

Neha is born with Magicless, her core for handling the magic is shattered in the womb. All the people in the palace knows that she will die in the hands of her siblings when the time for crown comes. It is understandable why no fractions support her, as nobody wants to support talentless people.

It is a pity, even though she is mature for her age and has wisdom beyond compare, but without magic, her fate is sealed. So, what is the reason for arranging the marriage? Only one thing explains it is for protection.

Kelly knows what Marina wants. A sigh escaped from her mouth, she still can’t understand why Marina desperately wants to protect Neha, what she saws in this little girl.

As of reading Kelly’s heart, Marina explains, “I see this child like my daughter. As a mother, I have to protect the child. In the mother's eye's, her child talent doesn't matter to her affection"

Everyone in the palace knows, it is only due to Marina's influence Kelly put Neha as crown princess status. If not, the title would be replaced a long time ago.

Kelly began to think it is a good idea for arranging the marriage with the crown princess. It solves so many problems like making the boy loyal, and there is no need for bloodshed. It’s like arranging the marriage only written in words. No actions are taken, when the time comes Kelly can murder Neha and arrange the marriage with Third Princess.


For the time being it is wise to follow Marina’s words and arrange the marriage of the boy with Crown princess.

“oh Marina, if it is not for our friendship, I would never agree to your proposal” Said Kelly.

Hearing this a smile formed in Marina’s face. She said “Thank you! Your majesty, I will remember this favor for a lifetime”.

“So, shall we go to Pensavalia now”.

“Yes, majesty” answered Mariana. “Also, can we take Neha with us”.

Without hearing the Queen's reply, Marina ran into the palace corridors. Asking the maids about Neha.

Queen watched this show with amusement. She didn’t stop Mariana, giving carrots once in a while to your subjects is how Kelly rules. If there is no requirement of anybody, she will not show any mercy for anyone.

Kelly befriended Mariana only due to her ability to predict future, otherwise, Kelly will not look in Mariana’s direction.

After a short while along with Mariana came along with a girl who looked like 6 years old.

Kelly looked at the girl Neha, under my brief gaze she doesn't withdraw or flinch, but neither does she step forward to be seen. Her shape already has the beginnings of womanhood, yet I doubt she is more than halfway through her teens. She stares with that look the girls around here take, one designed not to give any emotion away. She's still a child, hiding her delicate side behind a paper wall, keeping her natural smile under lock and key. Where I to talk to her she would be excessively polite, deferential even, but I can't enjoy it. It's just another sign of the violence of these parts. The tension that controls her face has always been part of her life, take it away and likely she'd reinvent it simply to keep her status quo. As the pressure in a bottle, it must be taken down slowly to keep the mind functioning the right way. The girl isn't in any danger and so I turn back before she becomes uncomfortable.


“Can we go now?” asked Kelly, impatience can be seen in her voice.

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