《Heir's Fate》Chapter 7 : You can rest now.


"Two Percent."

Rey was shocked by the answer. He knew that Alex was holding back, but he didn't expect him to hold back that much.

'What the hell...'

He thought. The party also reacted similar to what he was thinking. They were looking at him like he's some sort of monster.

"What's that look? It's normal for me to use this much. I'm a Late Alpha Class hunter, If I used more than two percent I would end up hurting someone seriously."

The party was taking their time digesting the information. Alex was using two percent of his full power and still managed to one sidedly beat a whole group by himself.

"Shall we start now?"

"Yes, thank you for answering."

The party was already on a defensive stance, they were waiting for Alex to move first. One of Rey's bracelets gave off a faint glow and disappeared. A warm light surrounded the party. It was a spell that slightly boosted their strength and senses.


Alex flew towards them, his dash leaving a crater on the ground.

Maki planted his feet firmly on the ground and slightly tilted his shield as he saw the incoming fist from Alex.


A blunt metallic sound boomed as they collided. Maki was sent flying like a weightless rag doll. He flew a few meters back and landed on his feet. His left arm felt numb. His left shoulder was burning in pain, he would have to check on it after the fight.

Alex was impressed. Before his fist landed on the shield, Maki jumped so that he could get sent flying backwards to put distance between them. If he took the blow head on, Alex's fist would've penetrated through his shield just like Genesis'.

Zen quickly backed off and aligned himself with Maki. He was supposed to strike when Alex and Maki clashed, but things happened too quickly for him to react with a counterattack.

Alex bolted off towards Maki once more.


a shot made out of energy cut through the air. The shot Than fired was leisurely deflected by Alex as he was charging. Alex's hands were coated with energy making it possible to deflect the bullet.

Maki and Alex were face to face once more. Alex raised his fist and dropped it on Maki's shield.



Maki was barely able to dodge the hammer like swing. He didn't block with his shield, Zen would take this chance to strike.


A gust of air howled once more. Zen who was hiding behind Maki launched his attack. He swung his fist towards Alex who was recovering his fist after his assault on Maki.


Alex lightly tapped his feet and the ground around him crumbled and lifted. A deafening boom dazed both Zen and Maki. Zen who was in the midst of attacking lost his balance and fell forward.

Alex took advantage of the opening and went in to strike Zen. He lifted his hand and swung it downwards once more.


Than tried to stop his fists from landing by shooting a shot aimed to the head. Alex calmly tilted his head to the right to avoid the bullet. Rey wanted to jump forward but it was already too late. The impact was imminent.


Maki quickly kicked Zen away from the strike and took on the blow. He couldn't send himself flying as Alex's strike was downwards. He raised his shield and put all his strength in his legs.


A tiny sound clinked off of the shield. He was expecting a huge force to drop on him, but it didn't come. He was left confused until he looked at his shield. He looked up towards his shield.

Instead of seeing the back of his shield, he saw Alex looking at him through the hole he made on his shield.

'What a monster.'

He unsummoned his shield and accepted his fate. He felt Alex rub his hair, he was out of the fight. He sat on the ground, a resigned look present on his face.

Zen who was kicked back a few meters by Maki was now standing with Than and Rey. He was clutching his stomach, he felt like he would vomit the food he ate a while ago.

"Lets switch tactics."

"Zen its time for us to go on the offensive."

Rey spoke as he looked at Alex who was observing them. Zen nodded in agreement and spoke.

"Than, you know what to do."

"Shoot like a madman."

Than activated two of his bracelets, one on each arm. They gave off a faint glow and disappeared. Than's eyes glowed a faint golden color. The world slightly lost its color and time began to slow down in his perspective.


They looked at each other, their eyes burning with anticipation. Rey and Zen quickly dashed towards Alex.


Than's bullets raced with the wind. Alex leisurely waved his hands to deflect them.


Rey's daggers cut the air where Alex was once was.


The wind howled as Zen threw out a punch.

Rey and Zen was constantly barraging Alex with their attacks. Energy shots would also harass Alex as he tried to escape their onslaught.


Alex lightly tapped his feet on the ground once more. Rey and Zen were both expecting this. They jumped before the ground below them crumbled, so they wouldn't lose balance. Instead of retreating, they continued their assault.


Countless strikes hit the air as Alex leisurely dodged both of their attacks. He was impressed by the constant flurry of blows the two of them were doing.

A few moments passed by and their onslaught started to slow down. Their attempts in hitting Alex were futile, every blow met no resistance. They looked tired.

Than who was shooting at the back also had a fatigued expression. He was constantly firing off his energy without time to replenish. The spell he casted on himself was starting to disappear, the world slowly regained its color and Alex's movement became too fast for him to register.

They continued their assault on Alex. Alex who was dodging let out a yawn. Rey saw this as an opportunity to do something. He quickly threw one of his daggers in the air, Than saw this and they both nodded at each other. They both aimed for the same place.

As Than and Rey simultaneously aimed for Alex's head. Alex ducked and sweeped both of them off of their feet with a light kick. As they both fell on the ground, they were gasping for air, and sweat covered their entire body.

Their weapons crumbled and reformed back into bracelets. They couldn't sustain the flow of energy any longer.

"Both of you can rest now."

Rey was looking at Alex intently. Alex took a step forward and immediately took a step back.


A dagger landed where he took a step forward a moment ago. He looked at Rey who was lying on the ground and smiled at him.

"How cunning."

Alex slowly made his way towards Than who kept shooting at him from a distance. The shots Than fired can't be compared to his usual ones.

The power was lacking and some didn't even made it towards Alex. They dissipated even before being deflected. This was a sign that he was currently running on fumes.

Alex stood face to face with Than, with four feet of distance between them.

Click. Click. Click.

Than was trying to shoot at him with his firearm but no shots came out. He was shooting blanks.

He quickly unsummoned his firearm and summoned a sword and shield. As the sword and shield. He swung his sword towards Alex. Alex didn't try to dodge, he just stood still while looking at the sword. The sword immediately crumbled. It reverted back to a bracelet, the energy Than was supplying was insufficient.

Alex placed his hand on Than's shoulder.

"You can also rest now."

Than collapsed and laid down on the ground. His breathing was erratic. He was relieved the fight was over. The whole party was pushing themselves to their limits.

Alex was like an insurmountable wall. They didn't manage to even land a single hit on him.

"You guys did well. You satisfied my expectations."

"T-thank you..."

Than was having a hard time speaking. He let out his thanks and continued to rest on the ground.

"After I spar with the other groups, call your party to meet me after the seminar. I have something to discuss with you hunters."

Rey, Zen and Than dragged themselves out of the field and approached Maki who was looking at them with pity.

"Good thing, I got eliminated first."

Maki proudly exclaimed.

"That means you'll be the first to die."

Rey said jokingly. The party laughed together.

"Did you really need to kick me right in the stomach?"

Zen said while clutching his stomach. It seems like he was ignoring the pain when they were fighting. The party laughed again once more.

"We need to meet the instructor after he spars with a few other groups."

Than informed the party. The other three looked at him with confused eyes. They simultaneously spoke.


"I don't know, but his expression seemed serious."

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