《Your name is Pyrecilla Abronova》7-0


Your head is caressed gently by a soft surface,

the feathery down from the cover trickle your delicate legs,

and your tiny body sinks into a creamy liquid.

You wake up again and wonder if you could stay up a little longer in bed today.

You try to close your eyes, but you hear something outside.

You turn on your back, but the sunlight reaches you through the window.

You cuddle your puffy covers, but it feels too rough to hold onto.

I wish I didn't have to go to school today, you sigh.

Eventually you feel you had enough lazing around and decide to leave your comfortable canopy bed.

You look through the window while washing your face and hands.

It's quite early, you discover, and as you look outside,

you notice the ground being moist and some puddles here and there.

It was raining this night, you deduct, and wonder how you will go to school today.

It’s usually not as terrible, but the sky looks like it might rain again any minute.

You sigh and decide to go out of your room. As you open the door the draught goes pass you.

You shiver a little and start walking towards the kitchen.

It’s from there you feel the warm filling the hallway.

“Good morning Emmi.” You rub your body while greeting your maid.

“Good morning young madam.” She bows. “I apologise for not getting up early.”

“I can only fathom what woe we would be facing without you Emmi.” You say.

“Kind words young madam.” She bows again.

It's a little chilly in the house so Emmi is putting some extra fuel into the fire place.

You greet her and quickly move next to the source of heat.

You decide to warm your little hands, but the maid prevents you from getting too close.

You go back a little and ask her what she is planning for breakfast. The clock in the hallway shows 5:57 am.

“It is a little early for breakfast I suppose. But since I’m already away it would be a waste not to assist.” You say while putting on the apron.

“It would be a waste of your talents young madam.” She states.

“Are you still against me helping you?” You say as the maid blocks you from the cutting board.

“I would strongly suggest not endangering your delicate fingers young madam.” She tells you.

“Well, that settles it. I will have you decide.” You go for the broom. “It’s cleaning or cooking.”

“Yes young madam, please allow me to do my work.” She bows and turns towards the stove.

She mentions that it is her job to worry about meals, and you react with a giggle.

Then she wipes her dirtied hands with the apron and reaches for the knife.

In the meantime, you start sweeping the floor, without listening to what she said.

After a while she briefly goes outside and carries back a jar full of tap water.

“It is heavy, let me help!” You drop the broom and rush to your maid.

“I am used…young madam. “Emmi says while carrying the heavy jar.

“There. You worry me with your blind dedication Emmi.” You state while whipping off the sweat.

“A disaster would be if you got hurt young madam.” She states.

Emmi returns with a fresh supply of water and you help her carry it.

She then tilts it and starts to fill the small bucket which she prepared beforehand,

Afterwards she picks up a floor brush and start cleaning the floor from the kitchen to the hallway,


while you pick up the broom again and continue where you left off.

When Emmi does the cleaning in this house she always starts with the kitchen,

Knowing so, you also decided to follow that order, started there, and made your way to the hallway.

Eventually you are finished and forced into your room until the water dries up,

while the maid still has to clean the steps leading upstairs.

You are able to smell a detergent she uses to scour the railing shiny clean.

Of course you could also start sweeping your room too, since there is wet floor in the hallway,

but you feel like you would rather need to use one of the brushes Emmi uses to clean hard to reach places.

“Emmi, I want to clean my room. Could you lend me a brush?” You ask, although you don’t get a response.

Since there was no answer you decide to pass time reading the book you borrowed from Acculina.

It's better than just sitting here and waiting for the floor to dry, you sigh.

Comfortable in your bed, you flip the pages and start reading the novel.

It is a story of a kingdom of magic that took pride in making maps. They all were wonderful.

The scholars could put as many details as they could, the map grew and grew.

The closer you looked the more detail you could discern. People gazed with amazement,

and as they did they became so impressed by it that the reality looked fake in comparison…

You close the book as it started to appear too strange to continue reading.

Is this really a book I borrowed from Acculina, you ponder.

You decided that you would at least resort your stack books,

from the thinnest and most useful at the top and thickest at the bottom.

As you do that some time passes again and Emmi enters your room.

“Excuse me young madam.” She bows opening the door.

“Emmi, can I be of help?” You ask.

“I am doing laundry.” She informs you.

“Right, go ahead.” You tell her.

It appears that she wants to pick up your laundry, which includes your covers too.

You nod help her carry some of the baggage, but you are forbidden to wash your clothes using your hands.

Instead, you silently watch and Emmi does the laundry by hand,

thinking if there is anything else you can do for her.

“Emmi, is there anything I can help you with?” You decide to ask.

“It is fine young madam.” She says. “Your time is most precious.”

“At least I wish I was able to think of practical tasks for days like these.” You say.

“It is a good memory.” She mentions. “We used to play on rainy days when you were little.”

“Evidently times of joy those days were.” You respond. “But a young lady shouldn’t be still playing with dolls.”

“Certainly young madam.” Your maid adds. “You grew well.”

Naturally there isn’t much you can recall from your childhood and playing with dolls.

However, you do remember looking through your old items and going back to the past.

Compared to today, those memories lie peacefully inside many of the drawers in your room.

If you were able, would you want to return to those times, if you wanted to start everything again,

if you wanted to live your life again, and which of those memories would you want to keep…

You ask yourself all those questions while looking at Emmi doing the laundry.


“I wish I could be able to help you Emmi.” You think out loud.

“I suppose you need to develop strength for violin.” She nods. “But this is not the kind of work for you young madam.

“True is that my fingers start to develop marks from the practise.” You giggle.

“Besides young madam, isn’t it time for you to get ready for school?” She reminds you.

“That is also right, thank you Emmi.” You bow to her.

You turn and look outside to notice that the clock shows that it is time for school.

Because you apparently already forgot you had classes today, the realization comes painful to you.

You hurry back to your room to get changed, wash your face and pack your books.

You concentrate on many different things at the same time and that causes you to trip and fall on the floor.

You stand back up and compose yourself before putting on your uniform and realising something is wrong.

As you look at the mirror again to notice your ribbon is loosened, so you tighten it.

You check your trunk again, everything is fine, look outside to window,

and see the same terrible weather you saw in the morning, but forgot about.

“The breakfast is ready young madam.” The maid reminds you from the hallway.

“I’m coming Emmi!” You rush out of the room.

“Good morning darling, what’s the hurry?” Your mother asks you.

“Good morning mother! I simply hate to be late to school.” You say hastily.

“Sit down darling, please.” She states with a commanding voice.

“Yes mother.” You lower your head and sit down.

You meet your mother, who as usual, greets you during the morning.

As you sit down and pull back your hair. Emmi helps you fashion it, as usual.

The three of you talk in the morning, as usual, about the things everyone looks forward to doing.

“Is there anything happening at the school darling?” She asks you. “You appear as if you would run there all the way if I wouldn’t thwart you timely.”

“I would dislike getting caught by the rain mother.” You explain.

“Then darling, you ought not to forget your umbrella.” She smirks. “After all you appear a little under the weather today, right Emmi?”

“That is possibly so madam.” Emmi nods, yawning.

“Emmi, don’t overwork yourself again.” You tell the maid stylizing your hair.

“I’m sorry to have caused concern, young madam.” Emmi apologies.

“Perhaps if you had less work you would be less tired.” You suggest. “After all, some students come by carriage to schools.”

“Any more would hurt Emmi’s honest work darling.” Your mother responds. “And we do have enough for the money I’m making.”

She jokes that you are a little under the weather today, and you smirk.

You also tell your mother to find more servants, because Emmi is getting overworked,

However, she responds that she has enough, and your dreams about every day carriage are crushed.

You pout and try to think up a witty response, but as you look around,

the grandfather clock in the hallway shows that it is time for you to leave.

“I think it is time for me, mother, Emmi.” You bow to your mother and then to the maid.

“Of course darling, do be careful about your dress.” You mother mentions.

“Good luck at your studies.” Emmi wishes you well.

As Emmi ties your hair with a ribbon, you stand up, put on the shoes which you don't mind dirtying,

put on your long coat, your parasol and say farewell to your family.

As you leave, the image of the land in shambles strikes you distressed.

Just how you will be able to make it to school through this much mud, you complain to yourself.

Nevertheless, you can't simply turn back, so you brace yourself and take small steps, with your hands holding your skirt up.

As you walk awkwardly in that position, you notice Ellien in the distance.

You decide that it would be not elegant to have her see you like that and release your grip.

You wave at her, she waves back at you, and the two of you resume walking.

Unlike you, she doesn't appear as concerned about the terrible weather as you.

Rather, she looks simply happy to see you again.

“Good morning Pyria.” She says.

“Good is an overstatement.” You reply. “But yes, good morning Ellien.”

“Not an admirer of rain Pyria?” She tilts her head.

“As far as you can see Ellien.” You explain. “I find it hard not to step in the mud.”

“That is something that can’t be helped.” She tells you.

“And the air is running the chills through my body.” You add.

“The air feels fresher after the rainfall, actually” She points out.

“And the clouds look like they are about to break out.” You mention.

“You have an umbrella with you.” She giggles a little.

She tells you about her last day, how she received a letter from her brother.

It was actually from last month, but arrived just today.

She wonders how he is doing, since Ellien didn't see him after he left.

“I received a letter from my brother recently. It was supposed to arrive a month ago, but you know how the post office isn’t dependable.” Ellien decides to mention.

“My mother often complains.” You adds.

“To receive words from the past and read them is a little unusual.” Ellien says. “It’s before from when all that happened. He simply says that everything is fine, not to worry, that he will soon head home, that is feeling fine, that he has a competent professor, things like that.”

“You must worry about him now, that he left again.” You say.

“I do not worry as much, Pyrie, it is just that I can only imagine how fortunate our days were when I was young.” Ellien speaks. “Furthermore I always tell myself to be glad with what I have, rather than wish for things to be better.”

“I would also rather have a carriage like Harrivetta.” You smirk. “But if I did then I wouldn’t be able to talk with you like this.”

“A carriage like Harrivetta? That is ludicrous to imagine.” Ellien giggles. “I still remember that gentleman’s moustache.”

You continue small talk with Ellien and travel towards the school.

The trip was very uneventful. You see the same old people on the street,

the same old church, the same old buildings, and the same old trees along the way.

However, you start to hear thunder in the distance, and worrying, you reach for the umbrella.

“It feels like it’s almost going to raid.” You say.

“Pyrie, can I use your umbrella too?” She asks you a little shyly.

“Tell me not that you forgot your Ellien?” You tilt your head.

“It has holes.” She explains.

“Of course then feel free to stay under mine.” You mention.

“Hey you two!” A voice like thunder startles you both.

Suddenly, Minorta appears in front of you two, but luckily, you don’t drop anything.

You completely forgot about her, you notice, and greet her as usual.

She stands still in place, until you reach her, only then she hugs you.

After that brief exchange she starts talking about how her morning.

“Today I was worried about my mother’s grave after the storm so I checked it out this morning.” Minorta explains. “Last time I went there during the Memory day and left a candle. By some force it was still there when I checked it today.”

“That is a good sign.” Ellien says. “Your mother must be blessed by the Goddess in the heavens.”

“I pray, she was a good mother for me.” The blond haired girl mentions. “I remember when I was little and she used to take me to that place in the forest. She said she could hear the whispers of spirits there.”

“I too wish your mother was still alive Minorta.” Ellien cheers her.

“Of course, that’s the past now.” Minorta nods. “I wouldn’t be able to imagine if my mother was here due to some miracle happening.”

Minorta mentions that her mother’s grave didn’t get damaged during the heavy rain.

It’s a relief for her, but does that mean she never got a visit from that man, you ponder.

You recall that the person you met during the Memory day knew Minorta’s mother.

Although it is possible that she didn’t mention she met him, you decide it’s better not to inquire about him.

And then, suddenly the droplets start appearing and fall onto everywhere.

“It’s starting to rain? Right before school?” You complain as you open your parasol.

“Hey! You don’t have a parasol too Ellien?” Minorta arks while hiding under your parasol.

“Of course mine is riddled with holes.” Ellien says while hiding under your parasol.

“I would have brought more if you I knew.” You say with the two close to you.

As the three of you avoid puddle after puddle, walk side by side, and listen to the rain falling,

you start thinking about how little time you have been spending with your friends lately.

There is always housework, violin practise or homework, but there is never enough free time.

You find yourself looking idly into the distance, wishing that winter break would start already.

“How long till we get to school?” You ask curiously.

“There is still quite the way Pyria. I will help you hold the umbrella against the wind if it’s too much.” Ellien suggests.

“I appreciate but that’s not an issue.” You say.

“Well I also want to be at school already Pyria.” Minorta tells you. “But if all days were sunny I would have to invest in a parasol myself.”

“Because you are afraid of sun rays?” You tilt your head.

“Rather I would anticipate a sudden storm coming any minute, after all the bore.” She says.

“Luckily, winter break is coming.” You mention. “Investment now is unwise.”

“That is quite funny Pyrie, since you are the one most involved in the future.” Ellien turns at you and smiles. “If I were to say, I would most definitely lose my mind without a task to do.”

“And my brother can’t stop working, even on holidays. That’s why I feel like I should help him.” Minorta adds. “Even if I tried to lock him a room he would still find something, like grabbing a knife and do wood carving for example.

Ellien turns to you and makes a funny face.

She then argues if every day she would be looking forward to a single week or two of no work,

that would make her uneasy. She simply can't imagine what she would do with that much free time.

Minorta also mentions that she would feel terrible for her brother, since he is always working hard,

even on holidays. She argues that even if you would lock him at home, he would still find something to do.

Hearing that, you giggle a little, and other girls follow.

"At least he actually stops to eat and sleep.” Minorta jokes.

“I think we have arrived?” You look ahead.

“Yes it appears so. Let’s go in quick.” Ellien suggests.

Three of you finally arrive at school. It's about time, you sigh, and pass through the large iron gate.

There are some students with umbrellas, but those without simply run through the rain.

There is however pavement here and not much mud in the courtyard thus they slow down here.

You then enter the building, and as usual, you take off your shoes, your coat and put down your parasol

The floor is smeared with mud all over, but there is a janitor doing his job there.

You look at your school uniform to see if any mud stuck to the hem of the skirt.

“This is why I wore a long cloak today.” You say to yourself ironically.

“Don’t worry Pyria, it’s going to come off in the wash. ”Ellien tells you.

“Yet it still stings to know it didn’t serve the purpose of shielding the dress.” You explain.

For better or worse, you try to take out a handkerchief and try to physically wipe the dirt from your clothes.

It's partially effective, but at least it's better than doing nothing.

You also note that you don't have an uniform here you can change into,

and that from tomorrow you wouldn’t know what to do since the long coat proven ineffective.

With that, you notice that neither Ellien nor Minorta are really bothered by their apparel being dishevelled.

“Say Ellien, Minorta, would you like me to assist you with a tissue?” You ask.

“Those stains do look a little terrible.” Ellien says. “But I do not mind.”

“A tissue might help a little perhaps, but thanks Pyria.” She answers.

You help their skirts get a little cleaner than from their initial state, but they still look dirty.

“Don’t bother it won’t come off completely, no matter what you do.” Minorta tells you.

“Besides it’s not that I’m bothered with this Pyrie.” Ellien says.

“It’s not proper.” You state.

“Yes but you shouldn’t be absorbed by incidental matters.” Ellien responds.

“You ought to be glad your dress is only soiled, not teared.” Minorta adds.

As they try to explain that you shouldn't be absorbed in trivial things,

like your school image, the three of you arrive to the classroom.

You notice it's empty and decide to sit down at your desk and use it as a cover.

That way at least you won't get embarrassed in front of the class, you figure.

As time passes, you notice more of your fellow female students entering and acting just like Minorta or Ellien.

They are not being concerned about the weather, at least that's what you can discern.

Finally, Harrivetta enters, the only person that's fortunate enough to be travelling by carriage.

“Good morning Harrivetta.” The three of you say.

“Good morning.” The tall blond girl responds.

She passes you by, saying only good morning, and nothing else. You look at her.

Her hair floating gently, her elegant way of walking, her unspoiled face and clean uniform,

and her unfazed eyes that decidedly locate her objective as she sits down and pulls towards the desk.

You wish that you could be like her and didn't have to deal with the problems you have.

But that's just a wild dream, you think to yourself.

The teacher enters after a while, and the class stands up, greets her, and sits down. Today she will be teaching you physics.

“I’m all sure all of you discover the law of gravity today.” The teacher lets out a laugh, and no one follows. “We are going to discuss physics today. Open your textbooks.”

The class passes as usual, pretty uneventful, you remark.

After what appears to you a whole day, after you lose hope, the bell rings outside in the hallway.

At that time you suddenly wake up and realize that the lecture is over.

The teacher excuses herself and you head towards the mess hall with your friends.

You wonder what kind of food you are going to eat today when something unexpected happens.

Harrivetta, who happens to stand in the doorway, stops you from entering. It appears that she wants you to answer her question.

“Pyrecilla, listen to me carefully.” She states. “There have been unforeseen complications.”

“I presume the issue involved me directly?” You respond.

“It is about the winter break that you must know.” She continues. “We will be having one more guest.”

“Then that is a relief to hear.” You say with your hand on your chest.

“Yet everything is like it was set. I follow that you don’t disappoint.” She tells you.

“I do look forward to our appointed date.” You bow to her.

“I also shan’t mention more, but instead allow her to speak for herself.” She adds.

Harrivetta stopped you to again confirm if you were willing to stay the winter break with her.

This time there was more to the conversation. It appears that there will be another guest.

You nod and a little girl jumps out from behind Harrivetta. It's Davithea, who smiles toward you.

“Miss Pyrecilla, I’m going to be staying with you too!” Davithea says.

“Of course I do happily await that time.” You respond to her.

“Are you and Harrie friends?” She asks curiously.

“That is true.” You nod.

“That is only fair.” Harrivetta nods.

“But you fight each other and…” She shakes her head.

“That is not true.” You respond.

“It is how you can tell of our familiarity.” Harrivetta states.

“Oh, and you two ladies! My name is Davithea.” She bows towards your friends.

“It’s good to meet you Davithea. My name is Ellien.” The blue haired girl bows.

“And my name is Minorta. It’s my pleasure.” The emerald eyed girl bows.

Davithea asks you if you are going to live with her and Harrivetta, to which you nod.

Your friends are interested too in knowing what have you been planning for winter break,

but only now they discovered your decision. You can only wonder how they feel about that.

You and your friends talk for a while, while eventually moving into the mess hall and sitting down.

Ellien and Minorta sit beside you and Harrivetta and Davithea rest on the opposite side.

“It’s because of the violin practise.” You state. “It would be unreasonable to do otherwise since the teacher is a guest at Harrivetta’s house.”

“So is true.” Harrivetta nods. “I too express my anticipation.”

“If you worry about me Pyria, I have the chickens to take care off.” Ellien explains. “It is unwise to expect my grandpa would allow me walk in the snow that far.”

“Yes it does stings a little to know you won’t be nearby for the winter Pyria.” Minorta says. “I wish we could ice skate on the lake when it turns into ice. My brother would be against that, of course, but he probably won’t stop me.”

“It’s not like all of the winter I will be staying there.” You explain. “It would be possible for me and Harrivetta to visit you.”

“What a dashing idea miss Pyrecilla.” Harrivetta says while smirking.

“We can do a sleigh instead of a carriage!” Davithea adds energetically.

The meal arrives and you all enjoy your lunch while having a small talk.

Minorta, who is usually quite a fast eater, comes up with a topic.

She asks Harrivetta if she could say more about her relationship with Davithea.

While your other neighbour is quite excited to hear about it, you on the other hand aren't,

since you have a feeling that's it's nothing you haven't heard before.

“She was afraid to come to school.” Harrivetta explains. “That’s why I took interest.

“So you have met her on the street and shivering, took her to a shelter and fed her?” Minorta says. “Then you asked her that she would come to your school and that’s the current state?”

“Aye, at least the simplified account of events is such.” Harrivetta states.

“However when Davithea was absent again, what happened?” Minorta asks.

“That matter is not for your knowledge.” Harrivetta crosses his arms.

“There was a man and I was scared.” Davithea says.

“You were afraid of that man Davithea? Who is he?” Ellien asks curiously.

“He is a bad man. He is scary.” Davithea explains.

“Please Davithea, let me handle rest.” Harrivetta turns to her.

“Yes Harrie, I said too much?” She asks.

“Nay, it’s fine.” Harrivetta continues. “It’s her father, the person who is after her. He was once again seen in town, thus I told the watch to keep him away.”

“Harrie told me that it’s alright now so I’m again going to school as normal.” Davithea explains.

From the conversation you learn that due to a strange man appearing,

Davithea wasn’t able to normally go to the school and that’s why recently she was absent.

You also soon hear who that man is, and your friends are greatly surprised.

It’s the same person you three have met during your trip to the bakery.

“That man was my father.” Davithea says. “He got drunk and beat me, he was a bad dad.”

“That story sounds familiar.” Minorta mentions.

“Perhaps by chance we have met that man already?” Ellien ponders.

“Does he have warps on his hands, has a beard and wears a coat with tears?” Minorta inquires.

“And he smells bad.” Davithea adds, giggling.

“A moment Davithea, that description fits any undesirable.” Harrivetta states.

“But the story does fit.” Minorta mentions. “Was your father an artist?”

“Yup, he did paints and other arts.” Davithea nods.

“Circumstances might be that he might be the man.” Harrivetta points it out. “But if so, then state when you met him.”

“We were just leaving the bakery in the village.” Ellien responds.

“And Acculina, the nun in training, said she meets him often there, thus it’s confirmed.” Minorta adds.

“Yet, if taken logically, the person in the village has no goal looking there.” Harrivetta unfolds. “Knowing the location of the orphanage, the man ought to stay in the city. Why would he be looking there?”

“He was hungry, but he didn’t state that he was looking for her.” Minorta explains. “Of course it might be that Acculina forgot to mention that…”

Your friends join in a discussion about Davithea’s father and the connection to the man you met.

If they are the same person, then why would he be in the village instead in town, looking for her daughter.

That’s the problem Minorta is trying to figure out. Harrivetta on the other hand is sceptical.

She believes that they are talking about two different, unrelated people.

In any case, it seems that this mystery is not solvable by simply thinking hard enough.

Your friends eventually stop talking about this altogether and focus on finishing the meal.

Davithea is helped by Harrivetta, who takes care that she won’t dirty her uniform.

Ellien and Minorta on the other hand already finished and asked you to come with them.

“Please excuse us, we have to attend our lecture.” You bow to Harrivetta.

“It was a pleasure to meet you Harrivetta and Davithea.” Ellien bows.

“I will be seeing you two as well.” Minorta bows.

“Let’s meet again!” Davithea says.

“Come anytime. And please do inform me of abnormalities.” Harrivetta bows.

The two of your friends and you head back to the classroom with full stomachs.

It’s going to take some time for you to digest, booth food and the conversation you just had.

As you enter the class the teacher asks you to sit down and the bell rings in the hallway.

“Good evening. I’m sure all you young ladies have been eager to learn the art of math today.” The teacher says. “But at the same time I understand your minds being filled with thoughts about the winter break. I think that today it will be a good decision to start slow.”

Today's subject is math. You are not particularly interested, and the class passes somehow.

When the bell rings, your eyes open wide, you get filled with joy, and then you realize something.

It's the fact that you will not only have to go back home through the same mud,

you will also have to practise your violin and do your homework, all without a break.

“I hope it won’t rain on our way back.” You say while dressing in the cloakroom.

“It’s fine Pyria, you don’t need to worry. It stopped raining a while ago.” Ellien mentions

“It’s already enough for me to be moving through the mud.” You sigh. “My mother said that I shouldn’t cloud my mind about travelling by carriage.”

“I can imagine her reasons.” Minorta nods. “But even if you were to, wouldn’t you miss out on talking with us?”

“Wouldn’t you be able to ride with me?” You propose. “I suppose the coachman would have to stop if I told him.”

“I am not sure Pyria. People would say things, and I don’t feel it would be okay for us to use that privilege.” Ellien deliberates.

“Besides, how could walking together under one umbrella be replaced by anything?” Minorta jests.

The two of your friends decide to turn down your carriage plans as well. A pity, you sigh.

However, just as you are about to put on your shoes, you hear something.

“Leave my sight rascal!” Someone shouts.

There is a voice from the outside that you recognize.

In an instant, your skin starts to shiver.

Minorta and Ellien, who are beside you also notice.

The three of you decide to go and check out the source.

As you go through the main door your predictions were right.

You see Davithea, her father, and Harrivetta who stands between them,

blocking the way with arms stretched out.

"I said not to approach me. One more step will be one too much.” Harrivetta warns the man

“It’s you again.” He replies in a calm voice.

“Your presence here is ill needed. Many times I said that and I shall keep my stance.” Harrivetta adds.

“Then go ahead, Davithea is the one I want to talk to.” He says.

“Go away mister! You are scary!” Davithea shivers hiding behind the tall blond girl.

“So you don’t want to talk? I hoped we would visit mother again.” He expresses.

“I don’t understand!” Davithea raises her voice.

“They told you to hate me? Your father?” He asks.

“You are not my father mister!” She raises her voice again.

No matter where you look, your senses can’t defy the events that unfold there.

Before you are able to react, several things happen.

The man explains that he wanted to express his graduate for helping out Davithea,

and that he has to go to a place far away and leave her daughter with Harrivetta.

Harrivetta almost slaps the man with her open hand, but managed to keep her cool.

The little girl tells her father to go away and that he smells bad.

“Is that enough for you mister?” Harrivetta asks the man, trying to push him away from Davithea.

“I see, I might admit defeat.” The man takes a step back and the blond girl stops.

“Then you promise not to show yourself again?” She asks.

“I was concerned about her.” The man says. “But I presume she is now in good care.”

“In good care you say? Dare you repeat?” Harrivetta provokes.

“I was mistaken to worry. You young lady, take care of her while I’m gone.” He explains.

“Go already! You smell!” Davithea shouts.

“I will head where the winter is not as harsh. If I come back, please remember mother.” He turns to the little girl.

Ellien runs up and says that they don't fight, that they should calm down and think about the family.

“Mister, I’m sorry to interject.” Ellien bows to the man. “We have met before, right?”

“That is true, we met near the bakery.” He nods.

“Then please tell me why is your daughter so against you?” Ellien asks. “If the only family that’s left for her is you, you should stay by her side no matter what.”

“Even though I would end up hurting her?” He man states. “I don’t have a dine, no one will give me work and they call me a lowlife. It’s better this way.”

“No I believe that if you try to show love…” Ellien continues.

And finally, Minorta expresses her opinion that the man should try again and again, until their happiness would be achievement.

“Remember me? I was the one to give you bread.” Minorta interjects.

“Yes, thank you.” He expressed his thanks to her.

“Then I have to say that I saw it, the reason why you can’t become a proper father again.” Minorta speaks. “It’s because of faith. The faith that you lost for yourself and the faith that people have in you that you didn’t notice.”

“A man of little faith who can’t stand lies I am.” He nods.

“What of people telling you lies?” Minorta states. “Do you think if they spoke the truth of you, would that improve anything? If Acculina would tell you that you’re hopeless, would that improve anything?”

“No, certainly not.” He agrees.

“That’s what I still believe in your mister.” Minorta says. “That is why I believe that you will eventually be dispelled of misfortune and find a way which makes you and your daughter happy.”

As you watch, you also wish you knew how to reach a satisfying conclusion for everyone.

But you don't, and as sad as it is you know that “happy ending” can’t be achieved.

Therefore, if everything was up to you, what would you do, you ponder.

All things considered, this is the person who was rude to you and disrupting peace at school grounds.

You could very well call the principal and arrest this person if you wished so.

“Greeting again mister.” You bow elegantly towards the man. “My name is Pyrecilla Abronova.”

“It’s you.” He replies.

“Then you are well aware that these are the school grounds.” You explain. “And you are in the jurisdiction of the school’s code of honour. “

“That is obvious. What is that you want?” He asks.

“I’m here to inform you of your transgression of one of the rules.” You articulate. “Because you have verbally charged a student and caused a commotion I have no other choice but to call this fact to the authorities.”

“That is what you concluded?” He looks at you.

“Is that really what you want to do Pyrie?” Minorta says.

“Will that help both?” Ellien asks.

“Are you certain of this path to be right?” Harrivetta quires.

“Does that mean I will never meet this man again?” Davithea asks.

You make your decision and from here on now, you hope that you will never see that person again.

You head home with Minorta and Ellien, who are too scared to say anything.

After a long and tiring trip you arrive back home, welcomed by Emmi and your mother.

You undress your coat and shoes, who are once again covered in mud, and greet your family elegantly.

Your mother however notices the stains on your skirt.

“Greetings mother.” You drop a crusty.

“Good evening darling.” She bows back. “Look at you, your school uniform got dirty.”

“It is so mother. It is unfortunate but I bear no mind.” You reply.

“A good child wouldn’t play in the mud“ Your mother jokes. “But given that the rain came down today, is it excusable.”

“Thank you mother.” You bow.

As motherly as possible, she reminds you that grown up girls should not play in the mud.

Even Emmi’s tenancy wasn’t enough to hold her from releasing a small chuckle.

Afterwards the three of you sit down and have dinner.

You notice that today's meat is especially tasty, you notice, and thank your maid for excellent cooking.

At that time your mother decided to change the topic to you and asks about your day at school.

“I appreciate the effort you put in today’s dinner Emmi.” You state. “It is especially tasty.”

“Thank you young madam. It is my pleasure.” She bows to you.

“However, have you put your effort at school too darling?” Your mother asks. “It’s only expected from a young lady like you to be performing as adequate as her maid.”

“Of course mother my achievements are nothing to be ashamed of.” You say. “But I do have to add today we had a strange visitor. He was a rude person, but was thankfully dealt with quickly.”

“That is concerning my darling, especially that I have been hearing about one affair after another.” You mother expresses. “For you winter break make sure you study properly since who knows what will become of that school in the future.”

“And even Harrivetta complained to the principal.” You add. “She couldn’t make him bend unfortunately. It was a matter of differing opinions.”

“If I were you darling I would have her close.” Your mother tells you. “After all changing schools at your age is not particularly exceptional.”

“Yes mother I will keep that in mind.” You nod.

You tell her that your day at school was fine, until something terrible happened.

You mention that a strange man was able to enter the school grounds and cause some commotion, but he was dealt with.

You also say that even Harrivetta complained to the principal personally,

but he said he couldn't do anything without the teacher’s body reaching a verdict.

In reply your mother suggests that you be changing schools in the future.

Will that be after the winter break or after you finish this semester is still unknown.

“Emmi, could you pass me the greens?” You ask the maid.

“Yes young madam, here they are.” She hands you the salad bowl.

“Incidentally Emmi, do you prefer the bread from the bakery or the market?” Your mother asks.

“If I have to say I don’t notice the difference.” The maid states. “But I care that variety is preserved throughout the week madam.”

“That is fair Emmi. My mind was on economic conditions.” Your mother mentions. “It would be most unfortunate that our local supplier would suffer a clientele takeover due to deliveries during winter. “

“I understand madam.” The maid nods. “I shall exercise piety against excessive consumption.

“Thank you for the meal Emmi.” You say as you stand up and bow to the maid.

“My pleasure, young madam.” She responds.

After you finish your dinner, you finally feel full of energy for the first time in a while.

You excuse yourself, go to your room, undress your dirty school uniform,

and put on your favourite clothes with the help of Emmi.

Despite that the corset was firmly tightened, you don't feel constrained.

You look at yourself in the mirror and do a twirl.

There is a beautiful young madam in the reflection.

“You look delightful young madam.” She compliments you.

“Thank you Emmi.” You drop a crusty gracefully. “It feels simply wonderful to be wearing this dress. I wish I had more chances to present myself like this.”

“I also believe that would be splendid.” The maid nods. “However do forgive me for my confusion. What is the occasion that you desired to don this dress for?”

“Simply because so came to my mind, a fancy you may say.” You say as you twirl the dress left and right with fingers holding the hemp of the dress and then spun your entire body around. “A more precise reason is that I wish to do my best today.”

“Of course young madam.” She bows and leads you outside.

You go with Emmi to her room and start your practise.

For the very first time you feel like you are starting to grasp the technique.

All because you eliminated all the problems in your life. The mud on your uniform,

the man that could tell through lies, and even the school soon won’t be an issue.

On top of that you are a model student, you will be staying the winter break with Harrivetta,

you will be a student of the famous Salayev and look like a graceful and elegant maiden, just like your mother.

“Isn’t this right?” You ask your maid.

“It was amazing young madam.” She claps. “I must say I am impressed to see you improved this much.”

“It is only natural.” You tell her. “I was only able to improve thanks to you Emmi.”

“It is all young madam’s effort.” She bows. “I only contributed support.”

The maid nods and congratulates you on your improvement you made by your effort.

“Splendid darling!” She claps as well. “I am very happy to see you getting praise from Emmi. She is a harsh teacher after all.”

“For the sake of young madam’s future.” The maid bows to her.

“Then go ahead. I wish to hear your music darling.” She signals to you to play.

“For you mother I feel like a simple song might be too humble.” You state.

“Yet keeping your mother waiting might be cruel to her heart.” She jokes. “I won’t judge you or dispirit you with rigour like others. Simply do as you feel and speak with your melody.”

“Yes mother, I shall let my feelings be known.” You bow and start playing.

Your mother notices you practicing , decides to enter, and asks you to play for her.

A moment after you flip the pages and find something fitting you, a fervent song.

It is a mixture of high and low notes and has parts where the tempo increases.

The song goes into your head and an image of a lit fireplace appears.

It burns and gives off warmth, but the fire appears hard to control.

You concentrate on hitting the high notes , but instead it appears as if your hands were guided by fire itself.

It enables you to play as you have never before and impress even yourself.

“Darling!” Your mother says, jumping at you as you finish the song.

Surprisingly, even though the song appeared hard, it went a lot better than you expected.

Your mother is happy and hugs before you are allowed to say anything.

You can feel her embracing and warm hands that enfold your tiny body entirely.

Your nose welcomes her lovely rose perfume as her silky hair gently tickles your face.

Her soft and comforting body becomes like a mattress as you fall deep into it.

You are glad for the first time that she is your mother.

“I’m really glad mother!” You shed a tear. “It’s all thanks to you mother, all thanks that you said I should believe in myself!”

“Yes darling, it was most delightful. I haven’t heard such music in my life before. Absolutely splendid.” Your mother responds with a teared eye as well.

“Congratulations young madam.” The maid bows, hiding her face.

“Thank you Emmi.” You also make her join the hug.

“It wouldn’t be a lie that I can see a bright future for you darling.” Your mother says.

It takes a while before Emmi finally reminds you of your presence in the world.

You thank your mother for listening to your small recital and go back to your room to do your homework.

Afterwards, you change into your night clothes, again with the help of the maid,

who releases you from the corset, and eventually head for the bed.

There is not a single worry on your mind when you are finally able to close your eyes and travel to the world of pleasant dreams.

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