

The chaos that we caused was slowly dying down as of right now, but remnants of the destruction of the city hall was still fresh in the minds of everyone else inside the city. Although, everything that was going on outside doesn’t matter because what's going to happen in here is paramount for my future.

“Do you have any knowledge of how this works?” Wise asked while he sat on his own bed.

“To an extent”

“Good" He nodded."Go ahead and I’ll just wait here until you’re finished, then”

He’s not going to make me play a specific role? Not even a slight suggestion of what I should take?

“Okay, then” I took a deep breath and put my right hand in front of me. The scorch mark on my palm began to radiate heat. It sent an excruciating wave of agony to course through my whole arm all the way to my head.

I grit my teeth and waited until a transparent window with a white outline appeared in front of me. It had writing on it in big, black, bold letters that was easy to read, and what it said was;

Customization-class: Pawn

Tier: I

Rank: Unavailable

Conceptualization points: 5000


Well, for blowing up a huge ass building that the city considers as its centerpiece was only worth a measly five thousand points, then I really need to do something more amazing or stupid if I want to catch up to everyone else real quick.

I put my attention to the word Attribute and then all the words disappeared, and were now replaced by new ones like, Strength, Dexterity, Agility, Endurance, Vitality and other role-playing game like elements. Then, there were the more uncommon ones like Physique, Charm, Likability, Perception, Emotional Control, Luck, and so on and so forth.


There were a myriad of options to choose from, but it came with a problem. I studied over what was written on the window, but it was hard to do so because no explanation was given as to what they would do. Half of them were easy to understand, though the others, I just had to guess from the words and make do with my meager knowledge of it’s meaning.

“Want to know a useful tip?”

“What is it?”

“Try focusing your points into what synergizes with one another. Or, if that isn’t your cup of tea, then go the all-rounder path and simply put one in everything… or just dump them all in one attribute like I did”

Like he did? That’s outright foolish if you ask me. But…

“Synergy, huh…”

What he said did make some sense, but what do I need right now, though? I definitely don’t want to do something so reckless as to distribute all my points into everything, or to go full ham on one thing only. I mean, I just have enough points to upgrade a few of them.

“I guess this works for now” I said that as I put my points into Agility, Dexterity, and Perception. And when I did that, those three appeared in my default window below Attribute with a tier ‘I' to it’s side.

I was more into surviving rather than fighting something head on with brute force, anyway, and Perception sounded like it was an attribute that makes me more aware of my surroundings. Survival is the go-to strategy early on for a newly appointed individual like me.


Pure strength doesn't necessarily equate to seeing the morning sun of the following day, but of course it increases your chances to. Like there are millions of celestial bodies in the sky, there are also an unfathomable amount of ways to survive in this world.


“Yeah” I said, satisfied with what I currently have. Although, I don’t feel like anything has changed at all. I still feel like I’m worthless on the inside, and frail on the outside. Perfect.

“Good, now, tell me the name of the man we’re going to play with” He said that with a large grin on his face.

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