《The Legend of Fanaura : Journey》Chapter 13 - A Pet (Wenona)


CW : Sexual assault

Her blue eyes widened, breaths were ragged and harsh. Her hands trembled at her sides, she curled her fingers to a fist. She could feel the sweat-drenched on her temple, snaking down from her face down to her throat.

"Hi there, little witch," Scry sat cross-legged on top of the kite, an evil smirk rose on his lips, "cool ride you have here."

"Did he see what I did? Did he see me conjuring this kite?" Wenona's mind was in chaos.

"Why are you so quiet?" his smirk changed to a sneer. He leaned closer to Wen, as the girl backing away instinctively, "did a ca-- nah a snake catch your tongue?"

Wen gulped hard, her mind was in a frenzy. One part she tried to find a way out on how to outrun this man, on the other she was freaking out with the fact he might have known her deepest secret. Her right hand carefully slipped into her bag, trying to find something that might help her to getaway.

However, before she managed to take anything out, his body was suddenly looming on top of her. His hand grabbed and tightened on her right wrist, white-knuckled; strongly securing it from the ability to move. Wenona tried to fight back, pull her hand as forceful as she could, while her left hand was hitting and pushing him with the idea of hurting him. He grabbed on her left hand too and with one hand he pinned her down harder.

"LET ME GO!" Wenona shouted at his mind as she kept squirming and kicking him. The kite bopping on top of the stream and shifting to left and right because of their struggle. An idea flashed in her mind to let them fall to the stream, but somehow Scry read her mind. He put his Bagh Nakh just an inch away from her throat and he leered close.

"Don't even think on doing that," he whispered menacingly in her ear, "unless you wish to taste my bite again."

The girl froze, her blue eyes stared at the glinting Bagh Nakh under the light of the moon. Fear traveled in her veins but never made it to her facial muscles. She hardened her jaw and hissed through her mind once more,

"L E T M E G O!"

"What's with the telepathy?" he snickered, "Have you gone mute? You should just scream out. I am sure Z or Lyall will come to rescue you. Heh, even my dear cousin also that so-called future husband of her would try too at least."

Instead of answering his mock, Wenona carved a stony glare into the man skull, fury blurred her sight. A grin spread over Scry's face, wide and open; showing his perfect teeth. At that moment it was obvious that he enjoyed the torment he was inflicting on her.


"Aw tut tut tut, I guess my little kitten is scared...," he blinked teasingly, "scared to have her secret exposed."

"YOU--!" she opened her lips for the first time but before she managed to finish her sentence, Scry pressed his lips against her. She hardly had a moment to react, he pressed his tongue to the seam of her lips and forced its way in. She struggled once more without caring for the poisonous weapon just above her neck. But, just like how it happened, he pulled away in an instance. He licked his lips -looked satisfied- as he backed away; completely letting the girl go.

"Wh-wha --" Wenona blinked; confused and flushed.

"Well, my dear that is called a leash," he fixed his blue silk shirt and smiled at Wen, "I have found a rare species. Of course, you don't expect me to let you go that easily, do you?"

"Rare speci--?!"

"A Pononga, who would have guessed?" He put his hands under his chin and smiled, "I found you and now you are mine."

"I am not yours!" She blanched, she could almost feel the white in her cheeks. Blood drained from her face.

"You are mine, dear. I have made sure that you properly took that poison," his amber eyes looked deeply into hers, "it should be rooted and spread in five seconds. The only way you survive is to keep me by your side."

"...you! I am so going to kill you! Give me the antidote!!!"

"Sure, but for now you should do what you plan on before I interrupted you earlier," Scry was playing with his nails and dusting his expensive leather pants, "Z and the others will come soon. So let's go now unless you want to announce to the world that you are a Pononga."

Frustration built on her expression, she took a deep breath trying to hold down the desire to shout and throw him off the kite. She then turned to the direction of Marama. Her eyes glowed against the moonlight as the kite levitated higher from the ground.

"I promised you, I will kill you someday!" She hissed.

"Sure, I can't wait to see how you do it." Scry chuckled.

The kite dashed in high speed and left the stream area. From so high up the frosty leaves lie like a carpet. The green of trees and white of snow shining like silvery stems on a frosted morning. The clouds moved in a breeze that they couldn't feel through their jacket and cape as they flew against the wind.


Scry hung out of the kite, his eyes even wider than his mouth as he took in the aerial view. The stream snaked and curved like the blue veins of the earth. A woven tapestry of forest and mountains, far closer than he ever knew. It is a world without frontiers from above, land, water, and cloud.


"Give me the antidote!" Wen's voice broke his amusement.

"I know what you are thinking," Scry returned to his cross-legged position, "you are going to throw me to my death after you got the antidote, right?"

Wenona locked her lips and didn't answer.

"I'll give you a part of it," he handed out a yellow glossy pill out, "I need the other part so you won't kill me."

The girl shifted her body a little bit so she could see the man who sat behind her. She glared at him from his face to the suspicious pill in his palm. Her body language screamed distrust.

"My hand is getting tired. If you don't want it I can just throw this, " the amber-eyed man pretended to shake his hand. It made the glossy pill jiggle around dangerously on his palm. Wen took the risk and her hand swooped it just at last minute before it fell down.

"How do I know I could trust you?"

"You don't," he shrugged, "but pretty sure I am not planning to poison you to death, while we are on air. Your death would be mine too. So, it is up to you to take that antidote or not."

Wenona's eyes squinted, the fire of hatred was smoldering in them as she weighed down the pros and cons of her situation. Her gaze moved from the pill to the man a few times. She then took a couple of deep breaths before finally putting the glossy like gem pill at the tip of her lips. Her blue eyes glanced at Scry one last time. She wanted to see if there's anything change in his poker face. But. he didn't even pay attention to her anymore, like a little boy he was enjoying the cold night breeze. Closing his eyes and opened his arms wide.

Wenona touched the antidote with her tip of the tongue. A taste of soft sweetness spread gently to her taste buds. Finally, with a deep breath, she gulped down the pill.

"Good girl," Scry smiled gingerly, "I knew you would drink that."

"What do you mean?!"

"Nothing, it just means that the leash is tightened now," he chuckled, "as long as you want to stay alive, you will have to stay by my side, my little pet."

"YOU!" Wen exploded, "What did you just give me!!"

"Pakiaka seed, the only seed in this world that could live and grow inside of a human body. It will root in your veins and drink your blood as its nutrition," Scry put his hands behind his head and laid back on top of the kite, "I might give you the antidote when we arrive at our destination. As long as you be my good pet, I won't let you die."

Wen put her finger inside her throat in an attempt to make her puke out the seed. But, no matter how much she coughed and retched, nothing came out. Her face paled and her breathing was labored.

"Eww, you are gross," Scry scrunched up his nose in disgust, "it is already in your bloodstream, no way you can puke it out. Just be a good pet and I will give you the antidote... maybe."

"Why are you doing this? What do you want?!" She balked, her voice was hoarse, "Do you want to be rich?! Do you want me to conjure some gold and precious stone--"

"Bah, I don't need any of those. I am rich enough," he looked bored.

"Then why are you doing this to me?!"

"Because, you are not boring," he shrugged, "the others just bored me to death. Ugh, especially that girl; so easy. But, you on the other hand... you have been entertaining. Trust me my dear I will keep you alive as long as you don't bore me down."

Wenona was speechless for a few long seconds, she couldn't believe her ears. This man was not normal, for him, people's life was nothing but a plaything. Something that was only useful as long it entertained him.

"That's why I am coming with you to Marama to help you save your sister," he winked and the grin on his lips grew wickedly, "two people would have a higher chance than one. I am a good master, ain't I?"

"... you are sick," she murmured in horror.

"Oh, that makes me wonder. Is your sister also a Pononga? Are you two blood-related?"

The fear sat on her like a pillow over her mouth and nose. Enough air got by it, allowing her body to keep functioning, but it's crippling all the same. Her mind was screaming dread but she set her face to 'casual indifference'. Her only way out to keep Riddele away from the claw of this mad man.

"No, we are not blood-related."

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