《Story of the twilights》[Book 2] Chapter 4: Hide and go Hide
Shuuya: Everyone, I know that the Hide and go Hide game will begin within an hour and I am expecting that the winner of this game will once again come from our group…
Konoha: Shuuya… did you and Yuuko switched bodies?... I’m sorry… it’s just that… that…
Rin: You speak like Yuu-chan
Riko: No one’s denying that at all
Rin: Where is Yuu-chan?
Shuuya: Oh about that! He is in a hospital since he had some sort of brain problems I think it originated from the prank that you pulled at him a few days ago..
Rin: Really?
Micheal: He still has a soft spot?
Camilla: Now that we mentioned being sick… Didn’t you feel un well yesterday rin-chan?
Shion: Are you fine now?
Rin: I’m F-fine?
Konoha: Are you sure? I think I heard a questionable tone in the fine part also—
Rin: Nonono, I said I’m FINE! Right!? So stop bothering me!
Rin then started running around in circles in quite a high speed that untrained eyes can’t see her until she totally disappeared into thin air which was actually just her floating too high up so no one could see her
Camilla: Nah! She’s Too energetic to be sick right?
Yet at a distance Mio was thinking ‘She’s really acting weird I wonder why? She didn’t do anything with Micheal right’
Yumiko: I think she’s too spoiled!
Riko: Oh come on now Yumi don’t be jealous
Yumiko: I am not!
Micheal: Your face is green
Shion: written all over your face
Yumiko: How could I be jealous of a witch!?
Meanwhile up in the sky was rin sitting on what seems to be nothing which was caused by her [Spell of wind: wingless flight], a self-made spell of hers, was mumbling something
Rin: Damn! That Konoha! If someone… If I turn into a witch, he’s the first person I’m gonna curse!... Actually… Two people shouldn’t be too much of a trouble… right? Just a priestess wouldn’t matter much yeah I’ll keep that in mind
Announcement: we will now proceed in transporting everyone to the verified location in 5… 4… 3… 2… 1… 0
Everyone was teleported in different locations and Rin was teleported in what seems to be an art gallery
Rin: Oh~ these paintings looks like those that sister made! There’s even a picture of me and kinji-kun… Eh? T-that’s really sister’s work! Then that would mean there are lots of my portraits here! But then… Where should I hide? I have 1 hour left to think… oh~ I have a great idea~
3 hour later…
Day 1
We are currently hiding in quite a tall building and by ‘we’, it meant me, Shion and Mio. I am using my Lightning mana to produce a 40° Celsius heat to hide our body temperature but do know we’re in an oven right now… it’s terribly hot! We didn’t expect it to be this hot! Well then ‘I’m sorry!’ but the game had already start 2 hours ago! How can we move!?
I really want to destroy all those robots! What do you mean ‘then just destroy it’? they’re indestructible!? Do you all know what that means? Oh really? Any you want me to destroy things that can’t be destroyed!? They’re made with unobtanium a certain metal that can absorb magic! In addition, its defense is on par with normal gold! We can’t melt it!
Why can I use my magic? That’s where Shion and Mio comes in you do know that Shion’s element is darkness and Mio’s main element is light right? They are using their magic to cancle out my control over the surrounding making the heat caused by my lightning mana become natural lightning mana that I do not own get it?
You can’t? well then never mind! I’m too dehydrated to argue with anyone!
Also adding the weather which is too sunny! I never thought I would hate sunny days… we’re gonna be cooked ALIVE!
Mio: we should have brought someone with ice magic
Micheal: Oh really? Then our temperature’s going to cool down enough for the robots to find us
Shion: Stop arguing!
Micheal: I hope a god would get captured I need mana to feed myself
Day 2
I’m on top of a roof! Haha the roof is actually made of steel so I was able to blend myself on it and hold onto it but… it’s hot…I feel my own skin melting…
Eh… a drop? W-water!? Thank the gods! I would always hope to have water element than steel anyway~ h-huh? My grip on the roof loosen… I-I can’t hold onto anything anymore! Did the roof just became too slippery and looks like a slide!? I’m gonna FALL!
There seems to be someone below me… Is that Kinji!
I-I live such a terrible life
Using my metal magic I made a small box for a room for my self to stop the heat from burning me but… I didn’t expect there to be rain my room I need to take the cover of of me or I’m gonna drown…
Something hit me… Green hair Green eyes…
A robot came running after us and paying no head to it I gave this bastard a taste of bitterness the most tragic thing in the world a bitter candy!
Kinji: I’ll be sure to rip off your limbs one by one! [Lapiz Lazuli]
I smiled widely that it seems like my I’m smiling from ear to ear while moving close to the soon to be man covered in a sweet red liquid I so love
Robot#1: 11th twilight out, 7th twilight out
3 minutes ago…
Who was that? I hope it was one of us I’m totally drained of my mana!
Robot#1: 11th twilight out, 7th twilight out
Oh~ great haha mana! Food! Water! I won’t die! But we have to thank our savior first…
Shion, Mio and Micheal: Your sacrifice won’t be in vain
Don’t worry we can talk and blink an breath without the robots finding us… unless they’re really near us. We are saved for today… but how about tomorrow?
Day 3
Want to know where I am? I’m under water! It’s great to be a child of the water god! I can breathe in water! You know one of the safest place would be under water because there are lots of life forms there with a body temperature like humans!...
Do not move… The snake won’t get near you… the snakes won’t…
Camilla: Blob blob blob (WHAAAAAAA!)
(She’s under water! So it’s the bubbles!)
I quickly came up the surface! I will NOT let my face be injured! Not even if it costs my life or my name’s not Kanzaki Camilla!
Oh no… Is that a robot coming my way?...Oh dear… RUN!
Camilla: [Spell of wing]!
Only one thing came into my mind FLEE! They’re getting CLOSER!
Robot#2: 3rd twilight out
Day 4
I’m hiding in a hospital where there was a box of some sort it has the symbol of flames there it’s really safe here but just a pity that I’m lying here for 4 days straight! Do you know that it’s gonna hurt my back once I’ve tried to walk!?
I’m gonna be the laughing stock of the gods! How can I, Kisaragi Shuuya let the happened!? But for the sake of defeating that old man I will do anything!
(God of Flames: Old man… Just because he has white hair he became an old man… pity but you won’t win)
Teacher#1: Huhuhu
Teacher#2: Kukuku
Teacher#3: Fufufu
Teacher#4: Hehehe
Teacher#5: Hahaha
Teacher#3: After 4 days of looking
Teacher#2: We finally found you… Kukuku
Teacher#5: You dug your own grave
Teacher#1: To enter an incinerator Huhuhu
Teacher#4: Retribution!
Teacher#1,2,3,&5: RETRIBUTION!
Teacher#4: KISARAGI SHUUYA! Time to have our revenge! To make us teachers lose face!
Teacher#1: For defeating me in a battle in front of the entire school!
Teacher#2: For accidentally burning me in your hellish flames!
Teacher#3: For calling me a baldy!
Teacher#4: For scribbling on all my paintings!
Teacher#5: For burning all the balls in our gym!
All Teachers: We shall burn you in the incinerator!
Huh? Why is it hot here? Are those actually flames… Why am I being burned? God of flames have you dear child done anything wrong to you? I do know I’ve been kind to everyone even forgetting all about what that yumiko done to me…
Teacher#4: Won’t he die?
Teacher#2: Nah! He deserve it anyway
Teacher#1: We should have drowned him! He’s a flame swordsman!
Teacher#3: Yeah we won’t get our revenge…
Teacher#5: At least he’s out of the game
Robot#2: 2nd twilight out
Day 5
I wonder who will be the sacrifice this time? It’s gonna be great if this game would just end by mycalculation there’s still around 50 or so students ha…
19 hour later…
I guess there won’t be a sacrifice then…
Day 6
I think I saw that tree move… I wonder who’s hiding there must be a royalty or god since he/she was able to hide for that long… oh is that Riko? Maybe I should plan on how to make her be our sacrifice?
Day 7
Maybe I should burn that tree down? No it’ll make me use magic then I’ll be disqualified… Are those some disqualified students? So this time they let the disqualified students lure the robots into the other hiding students… let’s hope our luck isn’t bad…
Nah! We’re twilight gods! Who other than gods would dare to sell us out?
Day 8
2 days without food! Sacrificial lamb where are you! Why’s the game lasting for this long!? We can’t continue any more…
Shion: …My mana’s draining fast…
H-huh? Let’s see if Mio gave 40 molecules of her light mana and I would give 20 molecules of my lightning mana then Shion would give 40 molecule of her darkness mana then it’s stable but if shion only gave 20 molecules then…
It’s gonna be unstable and we’re gonna be found out… that’s the best case scenario the worst case scenario would be if the whole building was blown to shreds that we’ll die… I’ve been thinking for so long then…
2 minutes ago…
Hai~ it’s so hot in here I wonder why? Oh yeah I’m hiding on a high building, luckily I found a room where the below part was so hot that it hid my temperature! Lucky me!
Huh? What happened? The room bellow me! Micheal, Mio and Shion!? Those witch and warlocks!
An earthquake? The building near me exploded and some rocks came flying towards…me!? What a bad luck!
Robot#3: 9th twilight out
Robot#4: 4th twilight out, 10th twilight out
Robot#1: 6th twilight out
Robot#5: 8th twilight out
For I the nurse of the twilight flinch from an explosion! I’m ashamed of myself!
Day 9
It seems like fate made us gods gather, our time of discussion came it seems like Yuuko and Rin-chan are the only ones left I wonder where they are?
Day 10
All of us the twilight gods that were already disqualified are together entering the place where Shuuya got incinerated and tried to investigate. We are also observing all the rooms to lure some students out and finish this devilish game!
Shion: Is the Yuuko?
Huh? H-he’s on a bed!
Shuuya: With a dextrose!?
Micheal: While we were being roasted in that room he-he’s here lying on a comfy bed
Mio: While we’re dying out of hunger he’s with a dextrose!?
Camilla: A traitor!
It seems like we’ve come to an understanding!... hehehe
1 minute later…
Robot#6: 1st twilight out…
Rin-chan won! Yey! The sky was then filled with colorful firework… I do remember that by the ended of a game there shouldn’t be a need for fireworks… There’s only fireworks when it was rin-chan herself who won… I wonder why?
Hehehe I the nurse I mean… I the secret newspaper club member in the gods shall know the answer!
I wonder where Yuuka hid… Is that Yuuka that came out of the painting!?
Asuhi: Yuuka!?
Rin: Oh Asuhi-kun!
Asuhi: …What were you doing there?
Rin: I was hiding in sister’s paintings!
Asuhi: …
I forgot about adding Asuhi in the character list sorry!
Yuuko [1]
Shuuya [2]
Camilla [3]
Shion [4]
Rin [5]
Riko [6]
Konoha [7]
Yumiko [8]
Micheal [9]
Mio [10]
Kinji [11]
Azami [12]
Honey [18]
Mr. Twilight
- In Serial32 Chapters
Ph. D. In Sorcery
Follow Anastasia, the unlucky physicist turned wizard, as her reality gets turned upside down and she is plunged into a world of gods, magic, swords, and adventure. Short and sweet description, anything more would be a spoiler and I detest those. Now, what you can expect from reading: This is my first time writing, or better said allowing someone else to read that mess so don’t raise your expectations too much. Still, I will try to keep the story flowing, while also devoting as much time as I can to editing. In my opinion, the story is written at a faster pace than normal with time skips here and there. I will do my best to not allow the faster pace to ruin the story by using those time skips to raise the skill of the main character. I am mainly looking for feedback while I test myself in new and unexplored waters. I did put a lot of thought into worldbuilding and the magic system, it is something that has been mulling inside my head for years before I sat down to write anything down. First and foremost I am an engineer and not a writer. I will try to do my utmost to make the world logical and consistent, but sometimes I might not express that in a way that’s clearly understood. I have a rough outline with several possible endings, but the story will change and evolve as I do. But in case I have to stop for whatever reason, the story will get an ending. It will be done even if I have to send coded messages from a bunker. I am a big fan of the Dresden Files so you can be certain that everything mentioned will in most cases be used, with a few red herrings sprinkled in the mix. But that also means I will enjoy putting the main character through the meat grinder while I eat popcorn and laugh from my evil lair. Physics, and to be more precise electromagnetism, quantum field theory, general and special relativity are very interesting topics for me that I research in my spare time. That means that the premise of the story will be using that research to bring logic to magic. Stupid I know, magic is magic, but to me, there is no reason why there shouldn’t be a concrete set of rules there. But it is still magic and that allows me to play with some things that shouldn’t normally be possible. I will focus on evolving the main character and having her react as anyone normal would, from my perspective. There will be scenes of battle, gore, and sexy times, but I will not go into too many details, counting on your imagination to fill the gaps. There will be plenty of combat, even battles ranging from a few dozen, a hundred, and thousands of participants. I could go on but there isn’t much to say that would convince anyone to read, either you thought the title was cool or you liked the poster. Or not, but after several days in photoshop, that’s the best I could do. And the title was originally Sorceress with a Ph.D. The new one makes a little less sense but I like the ring of it more for some reason. I just hope someone enjoys what I write as much as I do. In the end that is the reason, I am doing this, because I enjoy putting my thoughts on paper and seeing the outcome. Credit for the art: https://www.artstation.com/artwork/e0o8nw
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