《Universe Dysphoria》Freedom: Trust


Tethys - Thunder Bay

December 3, 2558, C.E.

Sam told Tim what happened. Neither of them had seen Gwen since. “I’m worried.” Sam was the first to show concern. but they both had it.

Tim looked up at the clock. “Eleven P.M. Should we sneak out and look for her?”

As if reading their mind an envelope slipped under their door. “Sam, you’re closer. What is it?”

After ripping it open and reading it Sam’s eyes grew wide. Tim felt his silent surprise and inquired again. “Here, you should read it yourself.” and Sam handed it up to him.

Tim read it, ‘Do not do anything tonight. Gwen is safe. At Ten A.M. I will call for you in my office. Come without hesitation. They are watching you. We cannot make any mistakes. Sincerely, Mr. Mustang’

“Do you trust him?” was the question after it was clear that Tim had stopped reading.

“Yes, without a doubt. He has shown me unbelievable things. If he is right; he is our only hope. It sounds like tomorrow is going to be a big day; let us get some rest.”

“Maybe I will finally get some answers. I’m too anxious to sleep.”

Tim climbed down from his bed and grabbed a hammer. “let me help lay down and try to relax.” Tim keeled down on the metal floor and put the hammer down beside him. He put his hands onto Sam’s forehead and chest. Sam’s eyes closed.

After a couple of moments, Tim could feel Sam’s anxiety filtering into him through his arms, but Sam’s now calm breathing had synchronized with his.

Tim softly took his hand off Sam’s chest and grabbed the hammer. He visualized a conduit flowing though him from Sam’s brain to the end of the hammer. With a quick swing, he struck the floor with the hammer leading to a loud bang. However, it did not wake up Sam, he was now completely asleep.


“Sometimes I hate doing things like this for people that don’t understand.” Tim sighed as he took his hand off Sam’s forehead and put the hammer away.

He went back up to his bed and murmured to himself, “It is going to be a dreadful day.” Then he reconsidered, “maybe it will be the best day of my life.”

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