《Universe Dysphoria》Separation: Mutilation


Terra Firma - Helsinki, Finland

June 19, 2557, C.E.

He was just waking up from surgery. His surgeon was standing over him and smiling. “It went very well.” He smiled weakly toward the doctor. He was in a great deal of pain, but he was reborn. Now his body matched what he knew; he was a boy.

His mother sat by his side holding his hand. “Congratulations, Samuel.”

“I’m finally me,” Sam whispered back.

Suddenly three men in suits barged into the hospital room. They moved quickly. The first one moved to behind the doctor and forced him to drop the things he was holding handcuffing him behind his back. Before she knew it the second moved to Sam’s mother pushing her up and away from the hospital bed. Handcuffs tightened around her writs. The third officer attached her son to his hospital bed.

“You are all under arrest under the authority of the Government of Terra Firma for participating in illegal surgery to mutilate the human body as defined by God.”

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