《Ramblings of a Bored man》Chapter 9 : Personality-less people


--Chapter 9--

Hehehehe.. An eye for an eye and a chen for a chen!

Wait, when did you appear? Didn't the author go and die in a hole or something? Just fuck off for all I care.

Ugh, this damned 'best friend' of mine is really killing me, want to know why? You really do, right? RIGHT!?

Well, here is what happened...


Once upon a time, a timid boy with the current name of SB-2 had gotten hit by an ant-sized meteorite.

His frail body was frail (obviously), so he nearly died (seems very possible since meteorites fly at very high speeds.)

This and that happened, and the secret organization took him in with me (or so I deduced from what he said and what he was told.)

Anyway, ignoring all the other filler content, he decided to live in his world as a character with little to no powers. A world that existed in the information age, before we were able to find pebbelites or whatever they were called (I forgot. It has been over a thousand years since last chapter, so go to hell.)

Now comes the main problem, the big ol' center of the problem, his personality.

But chen-chen! Why the fuck do you care about someone else's personality? Can't they just live how they like?

To that, my maggots, I tell you to listen to me closely.

Imagine a smart guy, a veeeery smart guy with a smart brain in his smart head, okay? Emphasize on 'smart.'

Ok, so.

We already established that he is smart, and by that I mean he is able to solve things just like a fucking detective con*n would, with only little clues.

Now then, add to that a female character. A typical, generic, princess-like female that has a forceful attitude, yeah?

That boy is a supposed 'energy saver', in other words, he doesn't like doing anything. My type of guy, per se.

Now we have two characters, aye? Energy saving guy and Forceful girl, remember that you maggots, cause it only takes a few more lines to explain my point.

So.. heheheh... soo....

That energy saving guy can't say 'no'.

The fucking fucker can't spit out a 'no'.


This and that happens, he does his sister a favor by joining her past club, and for some weird ass reason, that girl is in it (plot, you can't question it no matter what).

That girl was locked inside the club room, so she forces him to find out who and how she was locked inside, then she continues on by forcing him to solve more things.

Remember, he is an Energy Saving Guy.

She tells him to meet her at a cafe, and she says 'Oh, I forgot this thing from when I was a kid, can you help me deduce?' Well, no one cares, except him for that matter.

Later on they deduce it, and then I thought "Phew.. That seems the end of it." But it wasn't. It freaking wasn't!

A while later, she comes out and says to the people in the club (the boy's two friends and him) to watch a movie preview, and lo and behold, he wants to say no!

She. Skips. His. Opinion.

Then the champ, the boy's friend comes in and says 'Hey, he wants to say something.' God bless him for that.

But the fucking female just says to the boy 'You are coming, right?' while everyone else is coming.

He, of course, can say 'no' and no one will give a shit. She is inviting, nothing more and nothing less. But then he just stays silent and nods.


Are you fucking serious? Are you!? Is that a way to do that, SB-2? Is that how a 'smart' man likes it? Are you a masochist? Do you love being pushed around like a bitch and doing things you don't want to do? Because it seems like it, VERY MUCH SO!

-breath in-

Well, what are you saying, you maggot of a reader. Do you think this is normal? Is it normal to not be able to say no? To let everyone push you around against your will? To not mutter the mere two letters 'N' 'O'? If you disagree, so be it. You are a maggot anyway, ugh..

Fucking hell, ever since then, I stopped looking over at the guy. He infuriated me more than ever, so I'm thinking.. Why not go ahead and burn that world of his?


But I'll be fucking damned! I myself put down a rule that no one is allowed to interact with each others' world, so yeah, I'm fucked.

Ok then, chen boy. You have stayed silent for a thousand years just to rant about something like that? What a pity, I pity you. - Says a random maggot who doesn't want to jump inside the pit.

Well, you know what? Yes, this is what happened and what will happen. You should be thankful that I'm even here.

"Connecting... Done. Welcome, Violett Blue."

Sigh, guess my ranting time is up now, eh?

Alright then, here is what I did :

I destroyed my original planet.

I recreated it.

I waited until it became a semi-sci-fi planet, hooray!

The fuck Violett, you only did that!? I hear you muttering.

Add to that the fact that I made crystal aliens invade the planet and making it a paradise for shounen characters, yes. That is all what I did.

Am I a character too? Of course I am! I'm that cliche boss who is doing something 'evil' that will get beaten by the main character and his harem later. But guess what, fuck that! Because that 'boss' isn't the real me, it is merely a body double! Hahahahahaha!

-On a side note, I also played as the first guy who started defeating the aliens, but he is now 'dead'. Rest in kill, I will miss this persona.

Well, time to continue observing our main character, Robbie Ratten. Pffft.

Firstly, I'll explain how this 'semi-sci-fi shounen planet' works, 'kay?

So, here is the deal.. A meteorite once fell along with the crystaline aliens, and this meteorite grew into a tree that grows colourful crystal balls. Those balls, once connected to the human, are able to transform into armaments like that mecha bullshit that is able to go against the aliens.

Of course, there are different types of armaments that solely depend on the person, not the crystal. But there are also times when the crystal ball is blessed in of itself, allowing whatever armament to become a high tier, strong, armament.

Yet, the crystal isn't a limiter. If you trained enough with it and understood, no matter what crystal ball you use, you shall become the top.

Ah, yes.. I forgot to tell you.

There are crystals that allow for hybrid armaments or fluid ones that let one choose the weapon they want. Be it a shield or a gatling gun, imagination is that user's limit.

So.. yeah, that's about it. Very cool and original, aye? I'm quite sure the writer is very satisfied with 'my' great 'ideas.'

Yep, definitely.

Back to our beautiful Robbie Ratten, he is now on the international island that trains kids with potential to become Crystal Fighters. PFFFFFFFFFT.

T-.. trust me. . ahahahah... I didn't name it...

Fuck me. That name is funny as hell!

ahh.. phew.. well, moving on. This Robbie already had the qualities of a harem main character.

How so, the maggot annoys me.

My dear maggot, he has a bro-con sister that is not related to him by blood, he saved a random girl from death before - he nearly died from the alien while saving her -, and he has the luck of a harem master!

Let me elaborate. Oh, he will actually show us himself. Here, have a look.

He enters the school building and walks to a corner, on the other side is a girl with impossiblely big racks running while sticking to the wall, before bumping into each other at the corner.

He, with his great luck, fell on his back while her boobs were ontop of his face, and his hands holding on her butt. Sometimes he makes me jealous, sheesh!

And there you have it. This is also one of his harem members, but I'm not going into detail. Because what harem has fleshed out characters, amirite? Yeah? Yeah?!

...Some have fleshed out characters but harems are still bullshit.

Though, it is fun to watch an unwilling harem main character get tortured in real time by the plot, heh.

Guess I'll watch more while you maggots fuck off. The chapter has nearly reached its limit, aye?


Oh yeah, just so that I can clear that out of the way.

Welcome back, I never missed you.

--Chapter 9 end--

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