《Records of Zinc》Experiment #1 Part 1 - The first Chaurus


As soon as Zinc returned from submitting the quest report, he laid the 39 Chaurus eggs out in a secluded, forested area outside the city walls. While he tended to the eggs, he took out a couple of thick acupuncture needles and a bottle of weak poison. For the first objective, as soon as one of the eggs hatched, he will immobilize the newborn Chaurus and feed it with the bottle of weak poison. The purpose of this was to test whether the Chaurus could withstand the weak poison and survive. If it survives, the poison it will create will be stronger than normal. If it dies, then Zinc will remove the poisonous sac and use it on the next newborn.

While he pondered on the process to check if there's no mistakes, the doctor noticed a faint cracking sound. Pinpointing the location of the sound, Zinc arrived next to a cracked egg. The first Chaurus was about to break free of its shells. As soon as the centipede-like monster crawled out of the egg, it glanced about weakly and zoned in on Zinc. Via imprinting, it began to recognize Zinc as its mother. As it crawled happily towards the dwelf, Zinc pulled out a long needle and pierced it into the baby Chaurus's spine, cutting away all feeling and movement from the newborn's body.

The baby Chaurus looked at Zinc in confusion and tried to utter a sound. But right as it opened its mouth, Zinc poured the bottle of weak poison down the Chaurus's throat. The baby monster sputtered a couple of times as it choked on the acidic liquid before it began trembling and shuddering. After twitching a couple of times, the baby Chaurus ceased all movements. It had died. Seemed like the baby Chaurus wasn't strong enough to withstand a bottle of weak poison. How disappointing!


Zinc shook his head and reached over to pull out the needle. Once he stored the needle into his utility belt, Zinc retrieved a scalpel. He bent down over the dead Chaurus and began dissecting it. His past experiences with dismantling the large Chaurus and small Chaurus had allowed him sufficient knowledge and insight on where the baby Chaurus's poisonous sac was. Zinc dismantled the baby Chaurus, separating the exoskeleton from the flesh and innards. The doctor carefully removed the poisonous sac and drained the poison into a rotect jar. Zinc stored the flesh and innards in another rotect jar while he hung the exoskeleton out to dry. Suddenly, he heard another crack....

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