《Records of Zinc》Basic Medicine Making: Lesson #2 – Bone Powder​


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Brief Description:

Bones have been used as medicine for thousands of years. It has been tested that consuming bones not only promotes bone health, but also beneficial in promoting heart and nerve health. Because bones are harder to consume, medicine makers dry and crush the bones into powder. That way, consumers can use the powder with ease.

Why use Bones?

Bones are rich in minerals that not only strengthens bones and teeth, but also helps with heart muscle and nerve transmissions. There are two main minerals. One of them can improve stability of the body and the other can promote healing and growth. Both minerals help boost kidney functions.

General Steps:

Sun dry the bones. Once dried, shatter the bones. Sun dry once more. Crush the shattered pieces into powder Distribute the powder in 20 gram dosages.

Note: Careful not to take too much and limit dosage to maximum 3 doses as it would not be beneficial any more and could cause poisoning.

More uses of bones in medicine will be introduced in later lessons.

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