《Infinite energy in the distortion world》Chapter 6



After a moment of thougth Lyr immediately run away in the battlefield with all his migth

The atmosphere begun tense as the 2 hegemon begun gaining momentum



The two creatures move at the same time, the flying eel manipulate its powerfull ligthning forming a huge thunder striking at the unicorn

The wooden unicorn is not also be outdone, it made a loud sound a various snake like roots appear out of thin air forming a migthy spear hirling towards the eel

~~boom - boomm~~

Loud sound was heard between the clash, the destructive alone destrony almost anything around them, thankfully for Lyr he immediately reacted and run away if not the aftermath of the battle is enough to make him a corpse

Hiding behind several giant trees, Lyr body trembles uncontrolably clearly very scared by the powerful destructive ability of this two creatures

Based on the aftermath if any of the two creatures be sent on the earth it is enough to destroy a city within a hour

You should remember that the thing they destroyed is not an ordinary tree, it is a gigantic towering trees it solidness may only be worse to some diamonds or may even better and yet this two creatures manages to destroy it

Here we can see that this two is really terrifying

The battle's intensity is getting bigger and nearly five minutes Lyr heard a boom sound and without waiting for him to react a loud crash was heard 20 meters away from him

'F**k bad luck!!' Lyr cursed in his mind

He wanted to run again but the path opposite to the battle is blocked by a mountain and making a detour takes some time maybe then his already a copse, so having no choice Lyr curls jis body deeply at the roots praying that the several trees can block the aftermath of the battle

Lyr then took a peek at one of the gap in the roots and coincidentally he can clearly see the direction on which the thing crashed

As the things become clear he saw the unicorn struggling to stand up, now the unicorn doesn't have the domeeniring look as it was earlier


Its body mostly have been blackened and many cuts can be seen while greenish blood drops form it

As it manage to stand up he look straigth at the creature not far from it, the eel is not much better having many bruises in its body and the decreasing intensity of the lightning around it


~~buzzzz buzzzzzz~~~

The two made a loud sound at the same time showing that that they will make a big move

And Lyr seeing this curls and brace himself deeply to any possible roots that can protect him

The eel gathers all it ligthning in front of it forming a terrifying ligthning ball that dangerously twist the air around and migthily hurling it towrds its enemy while

the unicorn bath with rich green color formed a 50 meter wooden spear out of thin air air above it and move it to meet the incoming ligthning ball


There was a brigth white ligth the covers the area around and it took 2 minutes for it to subside

And fortunately for Lyr he only suffer some small impact as the several trees manages tp block it

Lyr immediately got up and took a look, the scene made him forgot to breath, nearly 20 meters has become deserted maybe destroyed by the impact, several trees with a hardness of a diamond has been pulvorized by the impact of the figth

Even the tree that Lyr was hiding has some more or less damage to it even though it was the farthest


An abrupt sound appeared while at the same time a silhoutte rush in the sky unsteadily and quickly flew away

Lyr look immediately at the location of the sound, there he saw a unicorn which is only 10 meters away from him, the unicorn now is covered in different bruise around, the black areas covered almost all its body

It was clearly hurt damage as it emits electrical sound form time to time, just laying there showing that it is in a state of paralysis

Lyr look at the unicorn, the eyelids which was facing a Lyr opens while looking at Lyr


Lyr was froze as he feel that something is continuosly being drawn form him an at the same time he saw a greenish color pulls out of his body and hurling towards the uncorn

' it wants to kill me!!?' Lyr immediately reacted and look at the unicorn

The unicorns eyes shows disdain for this lowly and cowardly creature, but it can't move and severely damage now so it needs life force to restore its strength so it have no choice but to draw it from this weak creature

When Lyr saw the disdain in its eyes his mind went blank

The memories he had keep flashing by like a movie, his helplessness when he was finding a job but no one accept him, eating noodles for almost 3 moths beacause of poverty as he didn't want to take his fathers money and his helplessness for being so useless and a burden and lastly

The cry of his mother and the smiling face of his father which is currently now at the hospital


Something seems to open in his mind, all the helplessness, the uselessness, the loss, and the despair of the coming death makes his mind recovered

His eyes the recovered its ligth showed a fierce and crazy look, he hold the dagger tightly and rush to the unicorn

"F**k you, want to kill me then die together!!!!!!" He roared and dash quickly at the unicorn, and stabbing its head with a dagger with all his migth pouring all the emotions he currently had

The unicorn eyes flash in surprise but that's it, a lowly creature want to kill it? Not a chance, even though it can't move temporarily, its defense alone is not what this weak creature can break


And sure enough the dagger that Lyr stabbed cannot break its defense, it didn't even leave a mark on it

Lyr was taken aback, the dagger that can split a solid ball in half cannot even leave a mark in this creature

He was in despair but he still greeted his teeth and applying force on the dagger

'Come on!!!!!'

The unicorn shows disdain to Lyr, as it continue to absorb the green light from Lyr it manages to move its head and mouth a little


The unicorn then bites Lyr left arm, making blood gush out

"Aaaaaahhh!!!!" Lyr cried in pain but he still greeted his teeth with bloodshot eyes and apply strong force on the dagger yhat even makes his hand holding the dagger bleed

"Cooooommmmeee ooonnnn!!!" Lyr shouted with all his strength and a miracle happened


The dagger he was holding flash a blinding red ligth and severe heat and manages to stab the unicorn head and burning anything inside

The unicorn only then reacted, death covers its hole body and having no ability to move except it head it anxiously bites Lyr's arm

As death makes it to unicorns head it didn't forget to bite off of Lyr hand



Lyr arm was bitten off until his elbow making blood gush making Lyr scream in the top of his lungs

The unicorn died with a price of his left arm, his vision now is already blurry and his steps are unsteady but he still holds on while holding his left arm because he saw a white light shines in body of the unicorn making him nervous

After a moment of flash the unicorn body remains the same but on top of it is a bead and a crystal bath in greenish ligth

Seeing this Lyr sigh with relief and feel down not forgetting to take the greenish thing in his hand

His visions is already dark and his body is becoming numb and tired due to excessive blood loss

and before he lose consciousness he didn't forget to stuff the thing in his mouth and eat it, his dying so might as well eat it and maybe there will be some miracle but of course this is just his unfounded guess

after that everything went blank


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