《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 31_D


Turns out I would have been looking for a very long time. Umma uncovered the entrance to the hole, hidden under what looked like a wagon she had smoothed over the appearance so well that I never would have thought that the ground there was loose.

“So what did you do to your foot? I would kill to be able to recover like that, one time I was out for weeks after running from the guards left me with a nasty sprain.”

“I have no idea.” I didn’t, not a clue. I was hoping that Panzer had an answer for that too. The trip to the base took longer then I remembered it taking, Umma spent that time chattering happily telling me about her adventures on the streets. I found myself being drawn into her energy, and it wasn’t long before I started telling her about my art, and days when I had gone out drinking; usually with Teresa my girlfriend at the time along with other things.

Though I didn’t feel like my stories were anywhere near as interesting as hers she still seemed to enjoy them asking more and more questions.

Two guards stood in our path they let us by after seeing Umma’s face, the camp seemed far more alive men and women chattered. Umma asked where Panzer was and after giving directions were off again.

“It should be that tent,” Umma said, pointing to one of many tents that looked exactly alike.

“Are you sure,” I asked, wondering how in the hell they kept track of them.

“Oh yeah, I’ll tell you a secret, I won’t even charge ya for this one, look on the ground in front of the tents.”

Doing as she told me I looked down, a symbol and number were etched there.


“That’s how they keep track of where everybody is.” She winked at me I’ve gotta go, don’t miss me too much.”

“Wait aren’t you going to be bringing me back?” She shrugged, probably, regardless I’ll know when you’re done.” She left then, a little hurricane on its way to its next victim. I still wasn’t for sure how I felt about her flirtatious advances, regardless of how serious they may or may not be I still felt unsettled by her physical youth.

Entering the tent I was overwhelmed by the scent of death. Panzer, Regar, and Lizz all stood around the bodies in heated discussion. A mousy looking man sat further back, a pad in his hands and seemed to be taking notes.

“Did you remember whether it made any audible noises?”

“It didn’t, not a peep, it was so creepy,” Lizz said

“She’s right nothing at all.”

The mousey man nodded, “From the reports you’ve all given me I conclude that it must have been a newborn, I suspect that it won’t take much to flush it out, they are quite stupid the first few months, the better question is how did it get here?”

I stepped deeper into the tent, realizing quickly that they were discussing that creature that attacked us. “Hey, I heard it,” I said, eyes turning towards me a look of bewilderment on their faces.

The mousy man especially seemed interested. “Who may I ask is this?” He asked his voice making an intellectual squeak.

Pan walked towards me and put an arm around me affectionately. “This is my son.” The remark left quite a few eyes with raised eyebrows. “Pan sir I am quite interested to know when the hell you had a son.” Regar said amused.


Lizz gave me a sidelong look, “He seems a bit too human to be one of your kid's Sir, no disrespect.” She said humbly. I had a feeling I knew where this was going, mentally I braced myself for the embarrassment that I would have to face.

“He was a pupil of mine, training to be one of Lady Whyn’s consorts, all those children I considered mine.” He paused, a look of pain flashing on his face disappearing faster then it appeared. “Even those that betrayed my expectations.” He finished.

I was relieved that he didn’t bring up that son in law bit, I’d had enough embarrassing moments today. The conversation ended there, the rooms morose atmosphere returning.

“What did you mean you heard it?” The mouse man asked

“It spoke to me, it told me not to interfere, and it screamed, how did you guys not hear that?” I asked.

Regar, Lizz, and Pan all shook their heads.

“I didn’t hear anything.” Regar said

“Hmmm,” The mouse man hummed jotting down notes. “Very interesting,”

The room felt a little colder all of a sudden. Was I seriously the only one that had heard it?

“What was that thing?” I asked timidly.

Pan gave the mouse man a glance, “Go ahead and tell him.”

“It’s a fragment. More precisely it’s a fragment from another world.”

“Another world? So like my home Earth, I mean Elsewhere?” The mouse-man shook his head. “I do not believe so, all accounts I’ve seen of this Elsewhere suggest that the world could not nurture these beings.

Nurture? So does that mean there are other worlds?

“What do you mean by that?” The mouse man looked over to Pan. “Lizz, Regar, I am done with you two for now. Take the rest of the day off.” They bowed short bows and left, neither looking back.

“Continue please.” Panzer said.

His gift allows him to travel back and forth between Elsewhere and Nowhere so it wouldn’t be surprising if he found out.” The mouse man seemed to suddenly get more energetic, putting his face up to mine his whiskers tickling my nose he seemed to inspect me. “Fascinating, I’m certain that Queen Ceranna will be most excited to hear this news.”

“Queen Ceranna?” I asked

“Bah you Outworlders, she is Queen to the Glorious Western nation of Sandalphon. To answer your question on why Elsewhere could not nurture these beings the answer is because of the lack of mana that exists in your world now. Mana, which is the life source of magic and a variety of creatures including this one runs low in Elsewhere or so all accounts seem to point.”

“So then where did it come from, and why is it here?”

“Another world, possibly a broken world, they are linked to something but I don’t know, they feed off mana siphoning it to some unknown place.”

“We’re still learning more and I would be very much pleased if Sir Pan were to bring the body when he finds it.”

“I’ll do my best, we’ll let you inspect the bodies for a while longer before sending them off as a proper burial.”

We left the tent; I thankful to be out not wanting to look at those bodies any longer if I had too. We ended up going to Panzers room, a robust walk in itself. The information still going through my head.

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