《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 13



The voice was that of a young woman, stirring me from my sleep and looking around me a massive structure of stone lay before me. Another voice responded to the little girl's voice.

“Yeah, I know Bell.”

It took me a moment to realize that I was having another dream? Or maybe a memory? It was hard to say. Looking behind me where the voices originated from was a group of 6 people. A younger me, the girl named Bell I think, the Panther looking man named Pan, Clair the girl with the grayed out eyes, the boy they called Seb, and a beautiful woman with a multitude of tails, her face looking slightly foxy and a pristine look. A woman that hadn’t been in my last dream. All around us was forest and ruins.

The familiar group had all taken a knew to the new woman, including my self, a half circle of kneeling children and the only other adult.

“Lady Why,” The panther looking man half purred in reverence. So this was the Lady that I’ve heard about. She seemed so mysterious, so powerful, like that of a Greek goddess in the flesh.

“Children, I hope that you have been listening well to the instructions of your mentor.” She looked over the group of children like a proud mother. Her timeless beauty is washing over us all. “Sir Pan,” She suddenly stated to the kneeling Cat-man. Her face had grown gravely serious now. “It has come to my attention that the Sanctuary has come under attack by strange creatures.”

Pan nodded, he didn’t seem all that surprised to hear about it. “I heard word hours ago Milady. Survivors poured out earlier giving reports of strange deformed creatures that seemed straight out of nightmares.”

One of the ears on the lady, so unlike of that of a normal person, covered in white fur like hair and much larger then the normal ear much like that of a fox perked up, swiveling and listening to the noise of some unheard sound. “I come to tell you to be careful Panzer; these creatures are dangerous of that I’m sure. Though these children need the training to remember that they are not soldiers but symbols of the unity of our people.” Her voice was mesmerizing, and each of the eight white tails that fluttered behind the lady and seemed to move in their rhythm.

“I understand, I wish only to scout and plan to bring the children with so that they too can understand the threat.”

The lady nodded, and she walked over to the kneeling Demi-man. “I wish for you to be careful as well Pan. Stand up.” Pan did as he was told. He stood just a foot taller than the Lady. “Lean down my consort,” She gave him a heated kiss, one of her tails glowing in dim light, as their kiss continued a glow from the lady entered Pan before disappearing.


She didn’t stop at just Pan, she bade each of the young teens to stand, and each was treated the same, and a new tail would glow at the contact of another's lips. I walked closer while this was going on wanting to hear the words whispered into each of their ears. The girl Clair, strangely enough, seemed to notice my approach just like the last dream. But other then her the rest seemed not to notice.

By the time I got close enough, The Lady was at my younger self who seemed barely able to keep still his cheeks blazing red. The Lady appeared to sensually brush her hand against his cheek bending down enough to give both my younger self and my current self ample view of her generous bosom. The kiss left the younger me breathless. A mischievous smile came to her face as the kiss ended. “Daniel, prove to me that you deserve to be my chosen.” Her mischievous smiled hinted something slightly more something far more carnal in those whispered words. “If you do my dear, I shall reward you with my greatest blessing once you’re old enough.”

She stepped away from me at that point, those almost bewitching words still in my ears. She left then with not another word; the group seemed all to be a bit breathless and glassy-eyed. It seemed that this woman was more than just the ethereal and mysterious being that I’d first imagined.

The group soon got over their daze and walked into the entrance — all except for one girl. Clair stared at me, her Grey eyes quite clearly staring directly at me. “Daniel, it’s your fault.” She said at me before walking quickly to the group.

My fault? Why was it my fault, hell what was my fault? I followed the group into the dark corridors of the sanctuary. Bell and younger me stayed close to Pan, while little Seb took a more cautious approach and Clair seemed the furthest from the group. Her eyes are peeking at me every once in a while.

“What exactly is my fault?” I asked Clair. I figured it was pointless, so far nothing I’d been able to do had affected the dream so even though she apparently could see me I didn’t think that meant she could hear me too. But surprisingly she turned around and responded. “I will not say for worse will come.”

Then she walked to me, her small hand brushing tenderly against my chest and she gingerly felt at the scar beneath the clothing. The injury left behind from that dream. Her eyes seemed to water for a moment before a few blinks banished the tears. “I wish I’d never been born with this detestable ability.” Just then she hugged me for a moment, her little body seeming larger then the dream, “I miss you, all of you. I wish things didn’t have to be this way.”


“What are you talking about Clair?” I asked the nearly shaking grief-stricken girl. I felt like I was the one roughly tearing at her scar, but I felt like I needed to know.

She blinked some more, and the group was slowly disappearing into the darkness of the sanctuary. “I’ve seen the future Daniel,” the future of Nowhere. She was shaking her body like that of a leaf being violently tossed about. “I, I wish that there could have been a different choice. You are not supposed to be here.”

The group at this point were no longer in sight; the frail-looking girl sniffled a little before turning away. “Clair?” I called out her name but was unsure of what to say. She stared into the darkness, and that’s when I realized that the scar on my chest was burning.

A creature slinked from out of the darkness it looked like a slug, one which had grown to the size of a pony and had sharp razer like spikes coming out of it. Clair screamed, her voice seemed more childlike than the sound I’d heard earlier. The girl backed up; the creature followed it’s spines appearing to twitch in anticipation. Fear crept through me, paralyzing me. Fear for myself and fear for the willowy pale girl that seemed to now be its prey.

I blinked, and suddenly I was with the group again. The only one not there was Clair. My fear subsided slightly though my pain was still plenty intense where the scar was.

“Where’s Clair?” The group stopped, Bell had been one to ask the question as she had looked back to find her missing. My younger self seemed to have still been in a stupor from his encounter with the Lady, but after a moment he became the most animated of the group. “Clair?” they started yelling each.

“Stop,” Panzer said authoritatively, “I smell something to stay behind me, children.”

The group started to follow Panzer, though they kept looking behind worried about Clair. The scent of rot and blood soon filled the air. Bodies torn to shreds littered the area. They reach a large open area where the darkness receded. Water poured down from above spilling into a pool and there in the light of the sun stood a heavily wounded man, bodies surrounded the fountain arrayed as if they were trying to crawl towards the light only to be struck down moments before reaching it.

The man stared at the group blankly for a moment as if not entirely able to see correctly. A feeling of dread; was I the only one feeling it? It was knowing what was happening to Clair? Sebastian was shaking like a leaf his face turning almost green, while my younger self kept clenching his fist to the point that it seemed like he was cutting circulation to the hand and Emma looked back steadily as if hoping Clair would return tears sneakily appearing at the corner of her eyes. The only one that seemed calm was Panzer. “Who would do such a thing?” Emma asked. The group seemed almost afraid of the wounded man, were they afraid of him or of learning what had done this kind of destruction.

“We need to look for Clair!” My younger self yelled out. Panzer gave the boy a wary eye, “I know, but keep your cool, or you could end up like these poor souls.” Pan made his way to the wounded man.

I felt like I was going to puke, can you puke in a dream? Again I have to wonder whether it is a dream. I felt like I was inside some invisible creatures stomach. Was that just my imagination?

Panzer at this time was quietly whispering to the wounded man. A clicking sound filled the air, and suddenly a shrill feminine scream accompanied it, that was Clair's scream. The Little me, Emma and Sebastian though momentarily frightened shook themselves. “Clair!” The younger me screamed and started rushing after the sound. It was almost impressive how brave he was. Even when I had known it couldn’t hurt me, I had been paralyzed to do anything.

“Stop!” Panzer yelled as the other two followed me. Panzer went to chase after them when the wounded man grabbed the Panther man and whispered something to his ear. I couldn’t hear what it was the only thing I could see was unbridled fear in Pan’s eyes before I turned and chased after the group. Was Clair OK?

Then I woke up, the chill air of the morning nearly wiping out the earlier damp heat that had been in my dream. “Fuck!” I sprung out of bed, cold sweat across my brow and my chest still had that faint burning sensation. All these dreams seemed to do was create more questions. Then I remembered that I wasn’t the only inhabitant in the room, Looking over to Rosaries bed I noticed that it was empty. Where had Rosary gone? A slight dread filled my gut; I shouldn’t worry so much that was only a dream besides this is obviously not some forest filled with Ruins.

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