《Door to Nowhere (On hold for a remake)》Chapter 10


Frantically my arms went to my throat, the feeling that I was going to suffocate felt overwhelming.


Emma was shaking me as if trying to get me out of the panic attack through sheer brute force. She never was all that great at being comforting when it mattered. Rosary flitted around Emma her face in worry. This hadn’t been the first time that either had seen him have a panic attack.

“I can’t breathe…” I gasped feeling like something; someone was choking me.

People were starting to look over at me in a weird manner the people nearest to us seemed to be glaring daggers as if to say, “How dare you to interrupt us.” Thankfully only those few people had noticed the exchange, god how scary would it be if that crowd were to turn its attention on us.

I could hear whispering, like the sound of conversation, I looked over to find the blurry figure of Emma conversing with a woman. I couldn’t make out what they were saying but a moment later Emma grabbed me by the arm and practically dragged me.

We reached our destination shortly. Entering inside the scent of lavender and cinnamon filled my consciousness, driving away that scent of death and decay. It calmed me a little; they seated me on a chair of hardwood that reminded me of oak. My surroundings started to clear up, the haze fleeing from my eyes. Did we seem to be in a tavern or something? I wasn’t entirely sure as my only experience with one had been from the various games and fantasy movies I had interacted with. In total only four people were in the room, Emma; Her Hazel eyes are staring at me with concern.. Rosary, whom at this point was on my shoulder again, myself, and an elderly woman.


They all were staring at me to some degree. I wanted to hide, anywhere would do. Why couldn’t I be more normal?

“I’m ok now, I think. Thank you.” I respond in answer to their stares. The old woman smiled at me, her wrinkles lessening. “Young man was that the first Declaration of Law that you have been too?

That was a Declaration of Law? It was more like a public show of profanity.

“Yeah…” I responded to her avoiding her gaze my eyes purposefully looking away from her lest she sees just how much it had affected me. God damn, I’m pathetic.

“You call that Law?” Emma responded, “That was horrific.”

Rosary didn’t say anything she had been unnaturally quiet ever since we’d arrive, only voicing her concern of being her. But damn if that’s the way they treated people like her kind could I blame her?

The old lady nodded as if by habit, then as if she had caught herself nodding, she unnaturally stopped herself. “It is what it is.”

“The law keeps this place in relative peace, and the lord of this realm is a stronger lord than the one who came before.” She had a far-off look for a moment as if remembering happier simpler times. “Do you have a place to stay young ones?”

That was a good question, now that I was here in Nowhere, what was I going to do? I had no idea what I was doing here. Letting fate push and pull me where it pleased, allowing others baby me. I had to make a decision. “No ma-am, we’re not from around here, we kind of just happened upon here.”

Rosary flitted over to join the conversation; she seemed to be in a better mood now. “The two of them are from Elsewhere.” She piped out to the woman.


Wait a sec, Rosary why are you just casually telling her that we are from a different world. She wouldn’t believe us and probably think we’re crazy. Well more crazy than we are.

“Ahh, that makes perfect sense, from what part of Elsewhere do you hale from?”

“Huh?” Did she believe her? I was dumbfounded.

“Seattle, in the United States” Emma responded. Wasn’t she surprised? If she was, then she was good at hiding it.

The old woman smiled as if pleased about the subject. “I was born and raised in Britain; I was brought to this world while I was still in school.”

“One thing about this world that you will realize quickly young ones is that people coming from Elsewhere though rare are not unheard of. The god of this world is a tricky god with no qualms of populating this world with those that had former lives.”

Her face darkened for a moment, “Whether or not those who were kidnapped are good or not for his world.” This world was so different from the world I had been raised. “I will let you stay here for a while.” The old woman piped after turning away. “I know what it’s like to end up here alone, scared, with nothing to support me.”

“We don’t need you to help us,” I responded more so out of impulse than the real desire to say no.

Emma responded to that with a swift punch to the kidney. “He’s a bit prideful ma-am I’m sorry, we do need somewhere to stay. He only meant that he would feel bad to impose on you.”

Emma shot daggers at me, they almost felt real, and I was thoroughly cowed. The old woman watched our antics for a moment, “No need to feel imposed, and I will, of course, ask for some help in exchange it has been a while since this tavern has hosted guests, I’m sure my son will also see the light in allowing you to stay.

That made me wonder, how could a tavern with such a nice atmosphere and an even nicer proprietor find itself lacking in customers.

“Please follow me; I shall show you to your rooms. Today you can relax if you like. Tomorrow we can talk about just how you can compensate me for staying.

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