《Pangaea Online, War of the Ancients》[V1] Chapter 4: Boss Fight? Part Two
AN: Sorry about the super long wait for this chapter guys. I had to go back to school and lost a lot of time writing the story. Fear not since most of this chapter will be the boss fight. I don't like super OP characters so yes the MC will die to bosses and not miraculously beat them.
The Grassy Plains
Aeleus's POV
Walking towards the area where the boss spawns, Aeleus started a conversation with Dhark and Vlad.
"What classes are you guys playing" Aeleus asked curiously
"I'm a beastmaster" Dhark replied.
Aeleus quickly used the web function and searched up the class review over Beastmaster.
Class: Beastmaster
Description: The beastmaster is a class recommended for highly experienced players. Depending on what monsters and/or animals the beastmaster has in possession. The most amounts of beasts a beastmaster can obtain depends on his skills. In Panagaea Online, there are certain events that make bosses drop skills although the chance is highly rare, if the skill tome drops, the beastmaster is able to increase his capacity by 1. This event starts the first in-game day and occurs every two weeks. In addition, the beastmaster can choose two paths. The animal path, and the monster path. The animal path is more versatile as their is more animals on my the game. The monster path is more dangerous as monsters deal more damage and can attack faster, animals have higher defense and health.
Starting skill: [Capture]
Depending on the path that the beastmaster is on, allows the beastmaster to capture a monster when it's hp is less than 10%, with a 5% chance of success.Max number for level 1 is 3. During certain events, a beastmaster will be able to capture a boss with the hp at or less than 1% with a 1% chance of success.
"Woah, this skill looks overpowered" Aeleus said,
"The power to be able to capture bosses and use it is amazing, by the way what path are you?"
"I chose the monster path since more damage is better. My current team is a LVL 4 adult wolf, and 3 LVL 3 wolfs:"
Aeleus was openmouthed at this point "Wolfs? You guys are already at the end of the tutorial area?"
"Yea, once we reach level 5, and kill the [Elder Wolf], we can go to the next area." Vlad said
"Oh! I almost forgot. What class are you Vlad?"
Vlad smiled
"I am a Warrior" he said
Aeleus used the web function once again and looked up Warrior.
Class: Warrior
Description: A class normally played by novices as this class is easier to play than the others. This class focuses mainly on swords and tanking. Once a is dropped by a boss, or given by an NPC, the warrior is able to choose a different class such as, Paladin, Dual Swordsman, or Knight.
Starting Skills: [Taunt] [Power Swing]
Rank: Unranked
Description: Forces the enemy to target the user for 5 secs.
[Power Swing]
Rank: Unranked
Description: Using extreme force, a warrior is able to deal 10% extra damage to an enemy.
Aeleus was about to say that his skills were great before he noticed one crucial fact.
"Two skills? Why does he get two skills!" Aeleus yelled
"It's because this class is for novices that I get an extra skill. Bow before me you useless character" Vlad said arrogantly and somehow had his foot on a rock and light shining down on him.
Aeleus pouted and said "How is that any fair"
Dhark agreed with this statement wholeheartedly.
Aeleus looked forward and saw what they had come for. A huge Red Fox sitting atop a large rock surrounded by 9 [Adult Red Fox]'s.
Aeleus quickly observed the Boss to find out its stats.
[Elder Red Fox] [BOSS]
Rank: White
Dexterity: 10
Health: 500
Skills: [Frenzy] [Double Strike]
Description: When this monsters HP drops below 20%, all stats are increased by 5, and the monster goes back to half HP.
[Double Strike]
Description: Allows this monster to quickly attack twice and breaking the enemy's defense.
*CAN BE DROPPED (First kill only, 1%) [EVENT]
Aeleus quickly shouted "Guys! This boss can drop a skill! We have to get it!"
Vlad's mouth started to water since the skill was perfect for a warrior class like him.
"This opportunity won't come again for a while. The Event for boss dropping skills started when we entered and will finish in about 2 hours. We have to kill him in 2 hours or we can't get the skill." Dhark said grimly.
"Well we better get started" Aeleus enthusiastically said.
Pulling out his wand, Aeleus quickly started the battle, and aimed at one of the [Adult Red Foxes].
[Fire Orb] smashed into the fox and quickly dealed 10 damage.
Dhark and Vlad grinned and jumped into Battle.
[Taunt]! Vlad yelled, [Power Swing]! Dealing another 20 damage to the fox.
Dhark on the other hand quickly learned lured in another fox and summoned his [Wolf Pack].
The [Adult Wolf] howled, and the 3 wolves quickly pounced on the [Adult Red Fox], bringing down its hp to around 90/125.
On Aeleus's side, Vlad took out most of the hp of the fox leaving it at 8/125 and Aeleus quickly finished it off with a cast of [Fire Orb].Dhark was quickly commanding his foxes and successfully killed off the other one.
Aeleus targeted the last [Adult Red Fox] and casted [Fire Orb] dealing 10 damage. Dhark made his wolves [Pounce] on the fox dealing 37 damage, and Vlad used [Power Swing] and dealt another 20 damage making the hp of the [Adult Red Fox] 58/125.
The fox retaliated and quickly took off 30 HP from Vlad, making his HP 115/145.
Another combo of [Power Swing],[Fire Orb] and [Pounce] killed the last fox, making it now Dhark,Vlad, and Aeleus vs. [Elder Red Fox]
The [Elder Red Fox] stood up and shook its imposing figure over the three adventurers. The fox then jumped down onto the ground and started to circle around the group.
"This boss looks so real that it's making me feel afraid" Aeleus said to the group
Dhark quickly checked the time and grimly said "We only have 30 minutes left to kill this boss before its skill doesn't drop anymore."
"Dang it! 30 minutes! That's hardly enough time to kill this boss" Vlad swore.
"We should be able to kill this boss, my mana is full and Dhark has yet to lose a single wolf. Dhark, is there anyway to box the boss in?" Aeleus asked
Dhark's eyes widened "My [Wolf Pack] should be able to box in the boss for some time."
"Great, let's box the boss in and have Vlad be the tank" Aeleus said
"Got it, [Wolf Pack]! Surround the boss!" Dhark said, starting the battle.
4 wolves quickly darted forward intent on trapping the boss.
The [Elder Red Fox] seeing this, quickly moved out of reach.
"Damn it!" Dhark cursed "Didn't think that the boss would know to move away"
Aeleus replied "Well I guess that means that our only option to kill this boss is a straight on attack"
"Vlad, can you keep the bosses agro on you" Aeleus asked
"You better believe it" Vlad said with a smirk on his face.
Rushing forward Vlad quickly used [Taunt] on the fox, forcing the fox to target him.
"[Power Slash]!" Dhark yelled.
"Che! Thought that my skill would have dealt more damage than that." Vlad said slightly annoyed.
The [Elder Red Fox] quickly jumped back and ran a pair of calculating eyes over his adversaries trying to figure out the weakest link of the group.
The foxes eyes narrowed and saw his target.
[Pounce] [Double Strike]
Aeleus's eyes widened when he saw the boss dash towards him but could do nothing to stop it.
"Shit, Aeleus!" Vlad yelled
Aeleus's flew back into a nearby tree and crashed into it.
"What the hell? It dealt more than half my hp in one combo" Aeleus said pissed off.
"Careful! My hp went down more than half from that combo! Aeleus yelled out to his companions.
"More than half?" Vlad's jaw dropped since the boss could deal so much damage so fast.
The [Elder Red Fox] suddenly jumped onto his rock formation and started to smash atop the rock.
"What is he doing?" Dhark asked.
"I don't know, stay on the lookout" Aeleus replied with a growing pit of unease in his stomach.
An adult red fox came darting out the forest.
[Pounce] [Pounce] [Double Strike]
This time the target was not Aeleus, but Vlad instead.
"Shit!" Vlad said as the damage was added up.
Left with 18/110, Vlad quickly backed away.
"This damage is unreal" Vlad said, drinking 2 minor health potions to fill his hp back.
"We need to finish him off, the faster the better" Dhark said.
"I agree" Aeleus said
"Vlad aggro him!"
"Roger!" Vlad replied and quickly casted [Taunt]
"[Wolf Pack]! Attack the adult red fox!" Dhark said, and quickly finished off the fox.
"Attack the boss now!" Dhark commanded.
The bosses hp quickly dropped down to 380/500, the wolf pack dealing a bit more than 100 damage before two were killed by the boss.
"Curse it!" Dhark said, pissed at losing half his team.
[Fire Orb]
[Fire Orb]
[Fire Orb]
Aeleus quickly casted [Fire Orb] 3 times and dropped the bosses hp down to 347/500.
Suddenly, out of nowhere a horn was blown and a group of 10 warriors jumped out the forest.
"Leave! This boss is now the guilds boss!" the man in the middle said.
Aeleus seeing this quickly retorted
"No way! We found this boss first!"
"So be it... Attack!" The man in the middle said before rushing forward, his companions not far from him.
The group of warriors quickly used [Taunt] all at once and stunned the boss.
"Of course! Why didn't I think of that! If multiple people are forcing the boss to fight them the boss would be confused and be temporarily stunned. With 10 people the stun should be 5 secs." Vlad said with awe in his eyes.
The Warriors quickly rushed towards the stunned boss and casted [Power Swing].
This dropped the hp of the boss by around 200, leaving the boss with 173/500.
Lead Warriors POV
"Ha! This boss is too easy for us, wonder why boss himself didn't join in on this fight." The warrior thought.
"Fandor! This is too easy!" Yelled one of the warriors.
The lead warrior, now Fandor, replied "Tell me about it! This is much to easy to be a challenge to us" in a arrogant tone.
The fox quickly backed away, out of the stun, eyes blazing red the fox started to bark and quickly grew larger.
"Oh shit... [Frenzy]. With its strength being 17, he could instakill everyone hear with two hits.
The fox quickly used [Pounce] on the group of warriors and followed up with a [Double Strike] killing seven warriors in two wide arcs.
"Wha..What is this? Seven of my brothers gone?" Fandor thought, his eyes quickly filling up with rage, anger, and a touch of bloodlust.
"You arrogant beast! Die by my sword! Brothers, avenge our fallen comrades!" Fandor yelled out.
The boss was quickly stunned once more, but without ten people the stun only lasted half a second, only enough for the three warriors to cut the wolfs hp in half to around 65/500.
The fox quickly used the combo of [Pounce] and [Double Strike] quickly killing off two of the remaining three warriors, leaving the last critically injured.
"No... Is this what death feels like?" Fandor said as a huge glowing, red eyes fox bit his body in half, killing him instantly.
Aeleus's POV
"Damn, even that group of ten soliders couldn't kill the boss. Good thing the hp left is only at around 60." Aeleus said
"We need to finish this battle, the fox can kill us in one hit right now" Dhark said
"Vlad draw the aggro and dodge his attack while me and Aeleus will attack the boss, killing him" Aeleus said.
"Got it!" Vlad replied and ran towards the boss.
[Taunt] [Power Swing]
Aeleus and Dhark quickly followed up with a series of [Fire Orb]'s and attacks from the remaining wolfs, killing the boss before he had a chance to defend.
Enemy [Elder Red Fox] killed
120 XP gained
50 copper coins dropped
Items Dropped:
His mouth wide open and drolling Aeleus tossed the sword to Vlad and told him to say the stats.
Damage: 7-10
+Strength: 2
-Defense: 2
"This sword is great! A damage of 7-10!" Vlad exclaimed
"I'll take the Fur but the egg, we are rolling for it right?
"Yea" Dhark said, his mouth also watering over the egg.
Dhark and Aeleus rolled, since Vlad already got the sword.
Dhark rolled first and rolled a 11.
"Ha! Have fun beating that!" Dhark laughed at Aeleus misfortune.
Aeleus, praying that his luck would work out, rolled the dice.
The dice stopped moving and landed on a pair of sixes.
Dhark started to sputter "Wha.. What..."
"Ha, looks like I won this egg, better luck next time." Aeleus said extremely happy.
Level increased by 1
You have 5 unallocated stat points.
[Fire Orb] has increased by 1
Damage up by 4
Mana cost down 1
"Finally, [Fire Orb] leveled up. Thought that would never happen." Aeleus said with a smile on his face.
"Whatever, let's just go turn in this quest already" Dhark said depressingly.
"Ha, still a baby aren't you little brother" Vlad said
"Wha.. Shut up!" Dhark yelled at Vlad with a red face
Aeleus started to laugh and Dhark and Vlad both broke out into laughs and started to walk towards the NPC.
Somewhere Far Away
3rd person POV
Fandor smashed into the ground.
"You did what?" A deathly cold voice said
Fandor quickly got on his knees, "I'm sorry boss! I never imagine the boss would have [Frenzy]. That annoying person most likely stole the kill for the boss.
"Person?" The voice said
"There was a small group of people that were fighting the boss before we got there. However, I managed to get a quick look at his name, Aeleus" Fandor said.
"Hmm, Aeleus you say? Interesting, very interesting. You may go." The voice said
"Yes boss" was the reply
"Aeleus huh, I hope to meet you in the future Aeleus"
AN: Sorry about the huge time it took to release this. Was in hospital for a bit, got very sick so I couldn't do anything for a long time. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed Ch 4 and my try at a good boss fight. Until later!
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