《REAPING PENDANT》update and plans


ill try n make this quick,

made i promise i couldnt keep becus of a bad headache, was ashmed and didnt write until it was too late ( school started) planned to stop entirly but i couldnt get the world of this "work" out of my head. the urge to keep writing kept on popping up and i honestly spend some of my free time imagining the world and its charcter. so, i reread the "work" again and realise how bad it was( i knew it was bad but danm... >.<). i truly want to give life into this so ill write another "work". this other wont have any schedule becus school( basically writing on my free time). it'll suck but it will be my foundation to come back and rework this "work" as i can not give up on this( my imagination wont let me). for now, peace :D

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