《I was reincarnated into a yandere otome game as a side character》The inescapable hunger


"Woah... Oh God flying is scarier than I thought."

Spoke Gilgamesh, as he was flying all over the place in a weird-looking manner, if walking was hard as a baby, then without a doubt flying is even harder, to maintain balance in the air wasn't an easy thing it's like taking a swimming position and expecting to float and swim without the aid of water.

"Damn, how much further Solomon, this is straining it's very hard to find a perfect balance."

"You mean the Larocha, no way in hell I want to see those things, those are the last monsters I want to see at the moment, if they were disgusting in 2D I could only imagine how repulsive they look in real life or as a 3D character."

"Why so?"

"Aura, what do you mean by an aura?"

"I see, so it's just a sense of danger right?"

"Is it because I'm similar to a dinosaur."

"Well that's interesting you sure are knowledgeable Solomon, to be honest, it's kind of scary, but I am glad you are on my side."

"But anyway I'm going to land right here, just keep giving me directions."

From there young Gilgamesh landed roughly on the cold rigid dirt being held tightly by mother earth, for the first time in his new life he memorize the scene of cruel mother nature, from miles on end he was surrounded, by the giant trees that could reach clouds, it just comes to show how high he was flying prior till now.

Nevertheless, from the very moment, he opens his memorizing eyes, and gazes at the world for the first time, he was filled with a foreign emotion he could not explain, the beauty of the world that was never his originally gave him a sense of happiness he had never had.

The pure beauty, of mother nature, was never something he experience when he was Shiki Morgan, for half of his life, it has been nothing but pure despair, the very wall he secluded himself to was the textbook definition of what his previous life meant, those walls were his prison, and ironically he felt content from been locked out from society.

But seeing how beautiful this world is firsthand, a new experience he could not comprehend, awaken something in him, he could only help but wonder.

"Was my world as beautiful as this?"

A question that no one could answer, not even him, strangely not even Solomon intruded.

Gilgamesh stayed there as he took a moment to appreciate the beauty that was this hell of the world, according to the information he got from playing every DLC that the game had to offer, including the original game itself, he has concluded that he was in one of the ten primordial dark forests.

In normal circumstances, this place would be considered a hell hole for even a Saint rank explorer, and the reason why this place was so dangerous for many was because of the great number of monsters lingering in the woods, no one has ever come back alive from this place for the last 400 years, even current guild records have stated as such.

That is just how dangerous this one area was, and the name this hell hole was branded with was as follow.

"The Agakloxso Mentrinara forest, the forest that Kill was sent to train from his early childhood, in the game this place becomes a nest for the abysmal during the first fall.

This hell hole was filled with many boss level monsters, and honestly speaking within this forest was one specific boss monster called Semmeth, she was an ancient dragon, that got seriously injured in the dark age, from there she manages to survive, and since then, this was the place she resides as she isolates herself from the world."


"And since we're a decade from the first fall, that means she hasn't been corrupted, hmmm... if I find a way to prevent her from being corrupted then I can prevent half the world to be destroyed, at least that way I can enjoy the beauty of this world even more."

But just as Gilgamesh was thinking that an alarming notification came from Solomon's voice, as she said.

Upon hearing this news Gilgamesh tensed up, as he began hearing a loud noise, the sound itself resemble the sound of an oncoming vehicle approaching at high speed as it crashes into everything in its path.

Gilgamesh hurried turn to the direction of the loud sound but as soon he turned around he almost shit himself in pure fear because the scene before him will give him some rather questionable nightmare in the future.

Imagine just wanting to reach the monster pool, but as soon as you land a giant 20 meters rabbit with a disturbing and sadistic face was inches away from you.

It had a countless amount of teeth, while its fur was white, but its entire body was stein with the blood of its previous victim, even its long-ass 25-meter ears had teeth and eyes, meanwhile at the center of its face was one giant demonic-looking red-eye, it was even worse since it was smiling like a maniac on a murderous rampage.

And to add insult to the injury it was rolling like an armadillo on a highway, at that moment Gilgamesh had a what the fuck face plastered on his face, with a fearful glare, in his tiny eyes, the mere look of this monster smile was enough reason for him or anyone to want to punch mother nature in the face for even creating a monstrosity like this.

The world around Gilgamesh began to stop as he felt like he was in a blank space, and in this space, it was only him, and this thing.

And just as it was about to resume only one word could be heard from the baby's mouth, in the short moment of silence, and again only he and Solomon were there to witness his last words.


And right after, a loud explosion can be heard, along with the sight of Gilgamesh being ripped in half as the rabbit monsters ate him while running over him at the same time.


In that fleeting moment, Gilgamesh was devoured by a monster, the remaining of his body was nothing but two legs and a pool of red blood beneath them.

And the creature that suddenly attacks him from nowhere just continues to devour as if nothing even happen as it continues to devour everything in its path without a care in the world.

Meanwhile, at the very same spot where Gilgamesh died, beneath the pool of blood that stein the very ground beneath him, a glimmer of light could be seen.

It was not bright, no if anything, it could not be seen by anyone, it was as if the light itself, was nothing more than a representation of death and rebirth itself.

And just as the light slowly disappear, a weird sound could be heard and with it, the figure of a young boy could be seen as he just popped into existence.



Of course, this person was Gilgamesh as he was standing still on two-foot looking at the sky with a horrified expression, his body was trembling with fear eventually in his confusion.

He gazes at his trembling hand, he could still feel the horror along with the quick and agonizing pain that hit him earlier.


It was as if he was run over by a speeding bus while being dunked into a grinder, the crunching sounds of his bones and flesh that was been torn apart were all that could be heard in his ears.

And overall the terrified and sadistic facial expression of the monster who reaps his life so quickly he didn't even have the time to process the full details of his death.

But he was quickly snapped out of his dilemma when he heard the sizzling sound, of something beneath him, and when he looked, there it was, his pool of blood and his two remaining served feet, both evaporating into the atmosphere in the form of blue particles.


But the realization of what hit him earlier was still taking strong effects on him, but eventually, he began to speak.

"I... I j-j-just di..died!"

"If I-I didn't h...have to respawn ability then I would have d...


"What kind of stupid question is that of course there is nobody, who could just get used to dying nobody wants to die, Solomon, fuckkkk!!! I feel so pissed off right now!"

Shouted young Gilgamesh at the top of his lungs.

"Don't tell me to calm down Solomon, what the fuck, I just fucking died."

"Am I a joke to you?"

"Egh... fuck I'm not getting nowhere with you, sigh... did you at least analyze that thing."




Name: -/-// Age: 9// Race: Baby toon rabbit// Rank: Disaster// Existence value: 3,455// LVL: 4//


Hp: [699/699] Mp: [1333/1333]

Str: 45// Spd: 97// Vit: 78// Int: 15// Dxt: 89// Def: 56//


High-grade earth immunity// medium-grade wind immunity//


Razor-sharp body// Double jump// Wind claw// Air jump// Rolling// Night vision// Fear inducement//Danger sense// Laser vision// Play dead//


Durability destroyer//


Upon seeing the blue screen that pops up in front of him, Gilgamesh quickly goes through the stats of the monster, and honestly speaking he has zero fighting experience, but that still wasn't going to stop him from invoking his vengeance.

The fucking thing made a quick meal of him like he was in some McZonald drive-through, honestly speaking he'd didn't care how strong it was, to him this personal matter, was nothing more than an eye for an eye.

"What do you mean what are my intentions?'

"It's obvious I'm going to go and give that thing a piece of mind."

"Don't worry I don't plan on wasting time with it, I plan to destroy that thing with my most powerful attack, if I have that in my arsenal of abilities, then I'm sure, no I'm positive I can send that thing to oblivion."

At those words Gilgamesh grinned smugly, he was pissed for dying like that, so it's a fitting end for a monster like this.

"I got it, but God that thing is fast, maybe I should get closer to it to avoid unnecessary damage to the environment."

"Ok then, I still don't have any control over my strength so a single jump will do."

From there, Gilgamesh went into a jumping position, he still doesn't know how much power he has at level one, but he will test it out right here and now, and with all his power.

His muscles compress to their absolute limit, as his entire body weight pushes his legs downward, almost as if a powerful spring was about to be released.

The earth beneath him start to crack with the pressure that was building up, and all that was left was to release all this built-up pressure, and when Gilgamesh did so, all that was heard was a raging explosion, of a sonic boom, and if a person or animal was close to it, all of them would have held their ears in agony.


Because upon release all that could have been seen, was a blur of something breaking the sound barrier, as it jumped toward the direction of the toon rabbit high in the sky, the speed it was traveling at, has long surpassed the speed of sound.

The figure just keeps going higher and higher in the sky, till eventually, it shot through a cloud like a speeding bullet.

Meanwhile, Gilgamesh was traveling at an unbelievable speed from his point of view it would appear that the clouds are getting closer and closer by the second, the atmosphere and temperature are getting a little colder, eventually, he started to lose momentum but the experience would feel like an unforgettable memory.

And when he finally stopped he began to feel his body weight tugging him downwards, it was clear that he was starting to fall back down due to the loss of momentum.

At that moment he could only ask Solomon.

"Hey, Solomon how high am I right now?"

"And the total time it took to reach here?"

"I see, so at my current level I'm capable of jumping high heights surpassing 2 miles in 8 seconds, honestly at the end of the series, the mc was capable of jumping to a neighboring foreign planet."

At those words, Gilgamesh began to look downwards, as he saw a giant path that was cleared in the forest thanks to these bastards.

Trees even, weaker monsters were devoured by the same monster that ate him but being so high up gave him a general understanding of how big the Agakloxso Mentrinara forest was.

Because for as far as the eyes can see there was nothing but greenery, this giants mountain he was on must be even bigger than the largest one in his original world.

But he also see some rather interesting things as well, there was a mysterious hut at least a twelve miles west, and going East there was a road that lead down the mountains, he guesses that's was the mountain roads, to Mallory village, although that mysterious hut in the woods did catch his attention.

But he didn't have time to pay it no mind, because at the speed he was descending at, he could see the view of the bastard, that kill him.

"I still find it very hard to believe that ugly-looking thing is a baby, how big does the adult one get."

"What that's huge how strong are they when they reach that level."

"Damn, can you give me, a general idea of how these ranks work?"


. Fodder rank.

. Grunt rank.

. Disaster rank.

. Destroyer rank.

. Commander rank

. King rank

. Emperor rank

. Calamity rank

. Extinction rank

. God rank

"I see and this toon rabbit is the third-highest rank, so that means this thing can total a small city right."

"I see, give me a status report on what that unique ability of his does."

"That kind of op, basically his physical damage can hurt you in a fight regardless of durability and defense."

"Although I would like to know more about how that God rank position work, for right now I'm going to get a little payback."

With that said, Gilgamesh was exactly half a mile away from the enemy, but it was enough because the next attack he was going to unleash was strong enough to total a portion of the forest upon activation.

"Solomon I'm guessing to activate this I just have to imagine it right."

"Yea, but I want this bastard to feel the despair of being eaten."

With that said, Gilgamesh began to open his mouth, and when he did that, a small ball of energy started to form, it was the size of a marble, the ball then began to glow white, then it continue swirling and swirling as more energy gets pump into it.

The marble ball then began to change color as a bright red was now present, and then a yellow, and finally a bright blue, and at this point and time, the ball was so hot it has long surpassed the temperature of the sun core, but it was also bright because of this time and the moment the night sky shines brightly within the area.

But if you look closely, something amazing was happening, the bright blue ball began to shrink, more and more, eventually, it disappeared, and what happened next was the sound, of a loud explosion as the star imploded on itself, and the result of such destructive force was the birth of a singularity.

At that moment Gilgamesh's mouth was covered in the pitches most abyssal black one could imagine.

As everything from below him starts to break from the grounds, the plants and trees were unrooted, the grass and wild bushes tears from each other, even the rocks and minerals of the earth started to tear apart, while chunks of the land break from one another and float towards the sky.

Overall, even light could not escape its grip once caught in its field, it's game over for anything, even for the prana in the atmosphere, as huge amounts of it were been pulled into the belly of the inescapable freak of nature.

So much so, the prana reading was already nearing halfway in such a short amount of time.

While a couple of monsters who were unlucky to be in the vicinity and the gravitational range of the freak and nature Gilgamesh brought fort into the world by applying his knowledge from another world to a useless ability that can't be used in a fight as it can only be used for storing, but after been in an imaginary world during his meditation to unlocked self-sustainability, this was one of his idea of how to make this ability useful.

But the result far exceed what he expected, so much so, that it was hard to control the destruction it could bring, that's why it can only be open for a short period.

Overall though, it was because of this breakthrough during meditation Gilgamesh brought fort a small black hole into existence.

And if a dictionary definition had to be given, then you could define this attack as so, a region of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape.

If you apply this to reality then the result could be catastrophic, noting within Gilgamesh's attack could escape the singularity he created, everything will be consumed even the stupid rabbit that is him.

And if Gilgamesh would have given a name to this attack then he would call it.

『Dimensional Stomach: Digestive Singularity』

--Toon rabbit Pov--


The sounds of rocks breaking and the beautiful sensation of flesh tearing, and the sweet taste of blood and guts flowing in the mouth of its glorious self.

The toon rabbit was a disaster class monster capable of destroying a small city within a day, it was very well known as a very destructive and sadistic Diva beast.

And unlike other Diva beasts, the toon rabbit probably moves the funniest, instead of bouncing like a normal rabbit it moves by rolling like a wheel at supersonic speed as it devours everything in its path.

But just as the toon rabbit finish tasting and eating everything in its path, it keeps rolling regardless, and unlike other rabbits, the toon rabbit migrates 200 times per year.

It was one of the strongest monsters in this part of the forest, so it has never truly experienced true fear.

And unlike other rabbits who are normally born in a herd, he has been born as a rouge, basically, a toon rabbit who wasn't born with others.

Because upon his birth, his entire herd was already dead, each of them frozen in ice, and brutally slice apart, meanwhile both his mother and father rabbit were frozen solid as they broke apart, he was just lucky to be the only one to be alive.

Although he almost comes in contact with a blue hair monster, it was the only time in its proud life that it has felt true fear and despair.

And when his great self met the devil covered in beautiful blue, he was so scared he played dead to the point it become a racial ability.

And if it had great immense intelligence then this would have been considered one of its humiliating moments in life.

But despite that, it was lucky to escape the danger, so from since that incident, it has always been living its life never dreaming of going near the monster in blue territory.

But as it progresses further, a sudden dreadful sense of defeat run down its back, the great rabbit felt it before, yes the experience was so vivid it could never forget it.

This was the heavyweight of death looming over the shoulder of life.

The rabbit stopped on its track for a short moment to see what was above it.

And for the second time in the rabbit's short life, it felt fear, meanwhile, for the first in its life it felt an immense sense of dread so potent, it made him freeze still In its tracks.

Its danger sense was going off the charts, to the point that it could not even move a muscle, its face twitching into a horrified expression.

Because what the young room rabbit see, was a bright blue light, although it was nothing but the light he underestimated it for a moment, that was a bad decision because shortly after he began to feel a burning sensation all over, the shared intensity of the light heat was causing a slight forest fire to happen.

But it didn't have time to worry about that, because right after the bright blue light came to be, a loud explosion came blowing away the countless amount of trees and rocks causing debris to fly in every direction.

Thankfully the shock of the explosion shock him out of his fearful state, and with everything it had, it began to roll away at its fastest speed possible which was at least match 2.

But it didn't make it far before it noticed something unexpected, as he go forward, the more backward he seems to go, he tried to escape the source of the great pull.

In the end, he failed, because in time even the ground beneath him began to be pulled to the sky, leaving him with no land to travel on.

And when it was unfolded it began to feel immense pain hit him from his head, as its entire body began to stretch out like spaghetti, even its a sense of time seemed to slow down.

But in that limited borrow time, it was perceiving an incomprehensible hell, all he could see was a black entity a freak of nature it was nothing but a giant black wall devouring everything in its path.

All it could have thought was.

"WHaT kiNd of mOnStEr is ThIs?"

But sadly it would not get its response because soon after, it was fully consumed within the black hole Gilgamesh created.

--Gilgamesh Pov--

Gilgamesh watched as everything beneath was consumed and seeing that the ugly bastard had been consumed whole, he closed his mouth which automatically stop the attack, but when he look at the ground below it was destroyed beyond repair, it was as if a deadly natural disaster pass-through here.

Trees were ravaged, the earth was destroyed, the land beneath him has been broken apart, and some monsters were dead.

But as soon as Gilgamesh landed on the ground, the velocity of his speed was magically canceled as he began to float down slowly as his toes gently touch the ravaged ground beneath him.

And when he looked around he smiled smugly and proudly at the damage before him, as he shouted to the sky with a satisfied expression.

"Hahaha... serves you right you filthy mongrel, how does it feel to be eaten, the look on your face was priceless and equally satisfying."

"Maybe I should throw a party, in regards to this victory, all that is left is the doll, who does she think she is for taking my precious tail, my pride and joy, maybe I should take her legs as a trophy, no maybe I should find some dirt on her and use that to blackmail her, yes I must embrace the ass hole within."

But as soon as Gilgamesh was enjoying his victory, he was interrupted by Solomon's voice as she said.

Upon hearing this great news, Gilgamesh's smile grew even wider, despite the previous nightmare of him dying, the result of victory made him rich.

Normally he wasn't going to use, much less waste his wealth, on material from this world no, if everyone in the world has a final trump card that can assure them victory.

Then his final trump card would be his "group chat" and "Omniversal-store", although he hasn't tested them out yet, it's better to get some treasure so he can do some late night shopping when he reaches back home.

It was only obvious that living a carefree life, with fun memories and good times, was by making connections, and what better than making friends with really cool and dangerous people.

Overall, he was excited to see the layout that "the witch of guarantee" set for this power, although he hasn't seen anything yet he knows it's going to be awesome.

"Agh... yes this is a good night, tonight was a very good night indeed, I'm satisfied with the rewards I have received, but let's proceed from where we left off."

"I believe you said North right, Solomon."

With that said, Gilgamesh proceeds to go towards the monster pool, fully contented with his actions.

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