《Emperor》0003| Examine Your Surroundings


Now, before executing our nearly, if not completely, impossible plan, we need to know our positions. What that Balfus guy said? Hidden sector? Ne'er heard of such sector before. It's a bit dark here, but the dim light is fine enough to NOT HIT with any object. Here could be G-45 bots patrolling around... Or are they? God knows, now, care to move?

Jahxiel: "Huh? Okay. Hmm... It's a bit dark here, but the dim light is sufficiant."

What did I just say a while back, kid? YOU IMBECILE! YOU WEREN'T LISTENING! STUPID, STUPID!!!

Jahxiel: "Stop. It felt like my head was about to burst!"

Psst! Do you see those large cobwebs out there?

Jahxiel: "I see them."

Can ye say what might have sewn 'em?

Jahxiel: "Crawlies..."

Lots of them, probably more than thousands... after seeing the number of cobwebs. It can also be mutated giant crawlies, created by the results of a failed experiment and what not...

Jahxiel: "Stop that! It's creeping me out..."

That's why they are also called 'creepy' crawlies...

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