《Lawman.》Part Six: Gaia. (b)
“Where are we headed, Chief?”
“Most likely to Union House, the base of the Council. We’re just going to check in to let the powers that be know we have arrived, and then we’ll probably go to where you’ll be staying for the duration of your time here.”
“We will be staying in separate places, then?”
“Yes we will… unless you want me to bunk with you?” Nura asked with a smirk.
“I’m quite alright, thank you Chief.” Relovan said with a shake of the head.
He then looked out of the window of the vehicle as they drove along. The scenery was nothing out of the ordinary at first, however the more they drove towards the city, the more things changed. The multiple tiers of the Gaia City became more and more prominent, and the sheer scope and height of it all had Relovan wanting to open the window and stick his head out. There were many, many large and thick pillars that were too odd a shape for Relovan to make out. The convoy was driving in the middle level of the city, and there were clearly buildings that shot up from below the level they were on, and proceeded into the clouds high above where they were. There were a ridiculous amount of branching lanes and roads that shot off every which way, and Relovan was looking at them all, wondering just where they went. He closed his eyes and appeared to be thinking about something very serious when he felt a tap on his shoulder, snapping him out of it.
“What’s up, Lawman? You okay?”
“Huh? Of course, I was just trying to get my bearings straight is all.”
“Yeah, for orientation purposes is all.”
“No need for that, we’ll be taking that offramp that will have us begin our ascent.”
“Considering how these cars are similar to the ones back on Blargon, I assumed our ascent will be done on the roads?”
“Precisely. I don’t do flying cars – I like the feel of rubber on tarmac.”
“Ah, of course.” Relovan said with a sigh.
“I’m guessing you would have liked to see an overview of the entire city, huh? Don’t worry, there’ll be time for that. We’ll take one of those flying tours later in the week.”
“Chief, we aren’t here on vacation – we’re here to testify, remember?”
Chief Nura didn’t reply and just hummed to himself as he too looked out of the window. The motorcade turned off onto a different lane, and the ascent began. They were driving on a multilane road, yet there were many such roads all around them, with vehicles either ascending, or descending. There were many offramps and onramps, and Relovan found himself feeling decidedly impressed with it all. The convoy followed the road they were on without deviating once, and soon enough, they came across vehicles that flew as opposed to drove, making their way up as well. After a little over half an hour, the group finally stopped climbing and the road leveled out. They had driven through the clouds and were finally on the highest tier of the city. The road that they had been on was built on the outside of the city, and slowly wound up in a gradual yet unending curve. It was almost like they were on a lift that was on the outside of a building and when they did reach the top, Relovan was immediately greeted by the sight of a city that put the opulence and luxury of the First Planet’s city to shame. From the buildings, to the cars that filled the roads, to the flora and fauna, everything was just on a different level. The presence of the police, the military and even Marshals was clear and present, with the police and military uniforms bearing the insignia of the Council, much like the Ss Illusive.
“Look at all these people.” Relovan remarked.
“They’re mostly tourists – the rich and famous from far across the Void. Rich businessmen, aristocrats, nobles, royalty and the like. They flock to this place because people love to say they closed deals on Gaia, or they shopped in Gaia, etcetera.”
“This place is shiny.” Relovan said with a shrug.
“And that’s more than enough for most, Lawman.”
The group drove past the entrances to many loud and shiny Districts and drove towards a point where the tops of a number of statues could be seen. Due to Relovan mostly looking out of the window, the conversation was kept to a minimum, and they reached Union House relatively quickly. The motorcade parked and the doors were opened for both Relovan and Nura. As they stepped out, Relovan looked at the statues, which were of a bunch of people of different races shaking hands. Once again, Relovan and Nura were escorted by four Marshals as they walked towards Union House, which was likely the most guarded building on Gaia. The amount of security gates, booths and checks that were present inside were astounding, although by virtue of walking around with Marshals and Nura, the group breezed past all of them and walked into an office. Inside the office was somebody dressed in a suit with the Council Insignia on the breast pocket, a beret as well as six long, hairy arms that were each doing something. This person looked up at the group that entered his office, and immediately after seeing Nura, he looked back down to monitor the many, many things his hands were doing.
“Nurari Hyonto.” He said in a gruff voice. “I heard you were coming back, but I didn’t believe it.”
“Well here I am in the flesh, so you may as well believe it now.” Nura responded.
“What’s the point in believing it after the fact?”
“I don’t know, you tell me.”
The strange exchange made very little sense to Relovan, who looked at the two and quickly surmised that they knew each other.
“We’re here to check in.” Nura stated.
One of the many arms stopped what it was doing and moved to a panel before rapidly tapping away.
“Surely, you could have just left it to the Marshals to report for you.”
“We could have, but considering how squishy the Lawman here is, I would rather we do so personally.”
The man looked up once more and looked at Relovan. He had sunglasses on, and his cigar smoked away gently. He didn’t even bother taking the glasses off and then looked back down.
“Yeah, especially considering that he’s a Human and everything. What do they say on Earth again? Ekse, sharp hoezit?”
“I wouldn’t know.” Relovan said with a sigh. “I’m not from Earth, after all.”
A panel on the wall slid open just after Relovan finished speaking, and a console popped out of it. Nura sighed as it came out, before walking over to it and placing his hand on a large scanner.
“Acting Police Chief Nurari Hyonto, temporary badge number 0785734224, signing in. I have brought Enforcer Relovan, who is due to testify, along with me. On my authority, I would like to initiate Protection Protocol 544-V as well as change the Enforcer’s lodgings to the Langeni Hotel, within the Gateway District.”
Relovan just looked at Nura, making a personal note of the fact that he referred to himself as an ‘acting’ Chief. Before he could think of much else though, a voice spoke through the console, much to Relovan’s surprise.
“Nura… so you actually have returned after having rejected all the Council’s attempts to coax you back. It says this Relovan is one of only two witnesses to testify at the Hearings – along with you. Are you sure such a lax protocol such as 544-V is the best way forward?”
“I will be with him.” Nura replied instantly.
“I see… there probably is no place safer than being by your side for him, so we will allow it. Have the Enforcer check in as well.”
“Roger.” Nura said before removing his hand and looking at Relovan. “Lawman, come over and do what I did.”
Relovan walked over to Nura, who stepped aside, and then he placed his hand on the scanner as well.
“Go ahead and speak, stating your name, rank and badge number.”
“First Rank Police Enforcer Relovan, badge number 0796210200. Not sure if I should ‘sign in’ because I don’t work here, and never have. But I am here to testify.”
Nura chuckled and nodded at Relovan, placing his hand on the Enforcer’s shoulder.
“That will do, Lawman. Let’s go.”
Relovan pulled his hand off of the scanner, and the group moved towards the door. Nura was seemingly going to leave without saying goodbye to the six-armed man, and this looked like it was going to cause yet another scuffle. This didn’t happen however, and the cigar smoking man looked up from everything he was doing and grinned.
“By the way, Nuri…”
“Hm? What?”
“Squishy may have heard that you were going to be in town, so…”
“What?!” Nura boomed as he looked at the guy behind the desk. “How the fuck does Squishy know I’m here?!”
“Is that really what’s important in this scenario?”
“No! What’s important is that I avoid contact with Squishy until we leave!”
“That’s gonna be tough, Nuri… you know how Squishy loves to search for you when you’re around.”
Nura, who was visibly flustered, looked at Relovan and gestured with his head.
“Let’s go, Lawman. The longer we stay here, the higher the chances of that bastard finding me.”
“…there are beings that exist that make you this flustered, Chief?”
Nura didn’t respond and the group left the office, and eventually, Union House. Soon afterwards, the cars were back on the road, with the Gateway District their destination. Nura continued to look flustered, prompting Relovan to speak.
“…who is this Squishy, Chief? Why did the mere mention of their name make you react like this?”
Nura looked at Relovan in silence for a while, before sighing and looking out the window.
“Squishy is… an acquaintance that I had a brief dalliance with. A Megilah.”
“A cephalopodic race that come from Megala. Immensely powerful Shapeshifters that are gifted both in Essence usage, as well as shapeshifting. Squishy is one of the most talented, to the point where they can create working male and female reproductive organs, AND split into two or more versions. But Squishy prefers to use their genderless, squishy, blob-like form. That bastard is the epitome of gender fluid.”
“…so what’s the problem?” Relovan asked.
“The problem is that ever since we rutted, they won’t leave me alone!”
“…was the sex bad?”
“…it was weird, Lawman… too weird. That squishy blob kept morphing and changing shape mid-pump. Needless to say, the orifices would change at the drop of a hat, and—”
“Chief, we are entering a realm here which really is none of my business. I get the gist of it – I don’t need details.”
Nura swallowed a lump in his throat as he continued to stare out of the window, and Relovan decided to end the conversation there. Luckily, the Gateway District and Langeni Hotel were close, which meant the trip was short enough. When they arrived at the hotel, Nura and the Marshals escorted Relovan inside and much to his surprise, his hotel room was already booked and fully paid up. They walked him to his room, and after agreeing to meet in the lobby in the morning, Nura and Relovan parted. Relovan sought out the hotel gym, had an unsatisfactory workout, and retired for the night after showering and eating.
The next morning, Relovan dressed in his police uniform again, complete with hat and cape, and made his way down to the lobby. Chie Nura was already down there, only this time, he was alone.
“Chief.” Relovan greeted.
“Lawman.” Nura answered with a nod.
“Where are the Top Hats?”
“Protection Protocol 544-V was approved, so they have been left behind.”
“So that Protocol was to get rid of them?”
“Exactly – how could you enjoy the sights of the Capital with them hovering about?” Nura asked with a shrug and a shake of the head.
“Wait a minute, you actually… this isn’t a vacation, Sir!’ Relovan pointed out, but Nura was having none of it, completely ignoring Relovan.
“Let’s go get something to eat, then we can go browse!”
“Browse? What are you talking about, Chief?”
Nura was already walking out of the hotel entrance and Relovan knew it was all a lost cause. He followed the Chief, only to find a car there waiting for the both of them. They got in, and the driver drove off without either man saying a world. Clearly, Nura had already decided where they were going to eat, and Relovan just went along with it due to the fact that this was his first visit. Despite having called for a car, it turned out that the place Nura had chosen to eat in wasn’t all that far. They were dropped off at the steakhouse, and went in. The doors in Gaia were all huge, due to the city being a melting pot and there being a plethora of large races that called the city home. The décor illustrated this as well, and the two men were shown to a table that catered both for Nura’s massive body, and Relovan’s normal one. They placed their orders, and Relovan figured that if he was going to get any questions in, it would have to be before the food arrived.
“So Chief…”
“You will be appearing before the Commission the day after tomorrow. I believe that you are only scheduled to give your testimony once, as there is surveillance footage, and cross examining is not going to take place.”
“No, I know all Chief – I too read my own summons. I was going to ask what is going to happen after the Hearings. Like, what exactly Phase Two or whatever you want to call it is.”
“Well, that is all dependent on how things go in the Council Chambers. Essentially, what I have in mind is—”
Nura was interrupted by the waiter bringing the first round of food to the table, which drew a glare from Relovan. Nura, for some unknown reason, was not being coy and was just about to tell Relovan what exactly he had planned, but the arrival of the food signaled the end of that. The waiter had no idea why he was being glared at, but he jumped back all the same. Chief Nura promptly began to tear through his food, and Relovan sighed a touch. He shrugged, looked at his own food that had been brought along with Nura’s, and began to eat as well. Conversation was a non-factor as the two ate, with the Chief sounding like a creature from the bowels of the NetherVoid as he ate. The food kept coming, and Relovan ate a surprisingly large amount of food before he sat back in his seat and nursed his glass of water. Nura kept going though, and it didn’t seem like he was ever going to stop. He eventually did though and after settling the bill, Nura dragged Relovan out of the restaurant and started walking in what Relovan thought was a random direction.
“Where exactly are we going, Chief?”
“…Gateway IS the shopping District after all, so we’re going to browse.”
“What? Chief, how many times do I have to say, we are not on vacation?!”
“Lawman, I have seen the clothes you wear.”
“Yeah, and? We still aren’t on – wait a minute. What’s wrong with my clothes?
“There’s nothing wrong with them per se, it’s just there’s very little right with them either.”
“Excuse me?”
“Look, your clothes are old and faded, Lawman. There are all manner of clothing stores and boutiques in and around here. Even if you aren’t going to buy anything, just browse, okay? That hat you like to wear is clearly from the Death Squad days, so there’s no changing that, but stone washed jeans and over washed jeans are two different things. This is an order from your superior!”
Relovan stared at Nura incredulously while slowly shaking his head, before turning around and walking in the direction of large, shiny signs and display windows.
“I hope Squishy pops out from where you least expect it and finds you.” Relovan grumbled as he walked down the street.
“I HEARD THAT!” Nura boomed as he stared at Relovan, who just ignored him.
“…hmph. I hope Squishy finds HIM instead.” Nura grumbled himself, before finding a large enough bench to sit down on.
Time flowed rather quickly for the Chief, who seemed to just be enjoying being where he was. After a few hours, he got up and decided to go look for Relovan.
“It’s been long enough; he must have found a few things – even if he wasn’t looking in earnest.” Nura mused to himself as he walked.
As the Adonian stomped his way down the street, a breeze suddenly kicked up and a sweet, floral scent caused Nura to stop and sniff the air. The longer the breeze blew, the stronger and more prominent the scent became, and in turn, the louder and more pronounced the sniffing became. Nura began to walk in the direction the smell was coming from, his eyes large as he shook his head ever so slightly in disbelief.
“This can’t be.” Nura said to himself as he walked quicker and quicker. “Is she really here?”
Even though the Chief was speaking to himself, it was as if somebody heard the question and answered it for him as Nura walked around a corner and was met by the sight of a rather large entourage. A group of at least ten women, all dressed in tan coloured robes covered in elaborate designs, all stood in a formation, as if surrounding somebody. They were all slightly hunched over in one way or another, and they all appeared to be holding something in one of their hands. What they were in fact holding were bits of clothing that were part of the same outfit. They were indeed standing and walking in formation around somebody, with the women holding the overhangs and excess material belonging to that person’s outfit. Much like the other women, she was wearing a robe that was a similar colour and was also covered in beautiful embroidered designs. The main difference however was that her robe was absolutely massive, and almost unnecessarily so. The team of women surrounded her in order to prevent all of the hanging and extra bits of the robe from touching the ground. From the sleeves, to a particularly long train, to even her headdress, everything was long enough to touch the ground – hence the team of women to help prevent that. Despite being almost completely covered by her clothes, the woman’s face was visible, and she was absolutely beautiful. Her skin was bronze, and her makeup, while minimal, complimented her skin tone perfectly. A black cloth, which was also adorned with the same patterns and designs as her robes, was wrapped rather tightly around her head, covering her eyes completely and her hair, which was elaborately integrated with her headdress, was very long and pale gold in colour. She was walking along looking particularly disinterested as an armed, older woman – likely her bodyguard – was talking to her about something with a very scary facial expression. The young woman suddenly stopped and her face changed direction, immediately settling in Nura’s path. Her mouth opened wide and she shook her head ever so slightly.
“Is that really you?!” She asked as everybody stopped what they were doing and looked in the direction she was facing. “Uncle Nurunuru?!”
“…how many times have I asked you to stop calling me that, Princess Nkanyezi?” Nura said as he began to approach the group of women.
The sound of wooden sandals clacking on the ground, coupled with the concerned cries of ‘Princess’ and ‘watch out’, ‘where are you going?’ made for quite the interesting mix of ambient sounds. Nura, realising that the Princess running towards him while dressed that way was a recipe for disaster, quickly stomped towards her before she could break through the women just in front of her. By the time she did, he was already right in front of her, and the Princess leapt into the air and embraced the giant police chief.
The Princess was cackling as she said this and nuzzled the Chief, before letting him go and stepping back. She had the biggest smile on her face, and looked as though she wanted to jump in for another hug. Nura, sensing this, spread his arms wide and smiled broadly, as if waiting for her to leap in, but then the older woman stepped in, standing in front of Princess Nkanyezi and in between her and the Chief.
“Princess, please refrain from behaving in a manner that is unbecoming of your position.” The woman scolded.
“Seriously, you old crone? The Princess and I haven’t seen each other in many years, yet you felt it necessary to interrupt our reunion?”
“Silence, Adonian.” The woman snapped. “You weren’t worthy to touch the Princess back when she was younger, and you are still unqualified.”
Nura grinned as he looked at the woman, before clenching his fists so tightly that his knuckles cracked all at once.
“Clearly, you wish to die, woman.”
The woman looked at Nura and reached for one of the many swords that hung from either hip. She was stopped however as she felt a hand on her shoulder, and she looked to her side to see Princess Nkanyezi scowling at her intensely.
“How dare you speak to Uncle Nurunuru like that, Carolina?” The Princess asked, clearly displeased. “My behavior as far as Uncle is concerned is none of your business.”
The Princess walked away from the still stunned Carolina and walked over to the Chief, smiling broadly.
“Well, would you get a load of this cheeky little Princess.” Nura beamed. “You sure have grown to be able to speak to the Dragon Lady like that.”
“She likes to treat me like I’m still a child, Uncle Nura.” Princess Nkanyezi scoffed. “She means well, though.”
Before saying anything else to Princess Nkanyezi, Nura held his clenched left fist in his open right hand, raised his bent right elbow while simultaneously lowering his left – creating a diagonal line with his arms. He then bent his knees ever so slightly and bowed his head.
“Forgive the tardiness Princess Nkanyezi, but Acting Police Chief Nurari Hyonto greets you, Princess.”
Princess Nkanyezi slid one foot in front of the other, crossing her legs and curtsied in reply, smiling as she too bowed her head.
“Acting Police Chief.”
“How you have grown since we last saw each other, Princess. You could still fit in my hand back then.”
“I likely still can, Chief Nura.” The Princess said with a chuckle.
She had suddenly become a lot more formal and serious with Nura, referring to him as Chief and not Uncle. It was as if she had switched the tone of their conversation to further illustrate that she had indeed grown up. The two brought their greeting to an end and stood normally, before Nura beamed some more.
“Are you here alone, Princess? Or is the Prince here with you?”
“Oh please, we are out here to enjoy the Gateway District, Chief. That one absolutely abhors any kind of shopping District, and would sooner schedule a tedious meeting on the spot than come shopping with me.”
“Princess!” Carolina scolded. “Please watch how you speak about Prince Ali!”
“As much as I can relate with what you have just said, I would have to agree with Dragon Lady on that one, Princess.”
Nkanyezi just rolled her eyes before stepping closer to Nura and smiling.
“News of your impending arrival was the talk of the town in certain circles, Chief. Considering the circumstances behind your departure and subsequent stance, I was surprised to hear that you were going to be here. May I ask what brought you here?”
“The planet I had been transferred to was on the wrong end of a Void Lord squabble, unfortunately. They ended up causing quite a bit of damage, and one of the Enforcers under my command was seriously injured.”
“Really? What happened?”
“He confronted Juxtae and Vox, the Void Lords in question, and tried to arrest them.” Nura said with a chuckle.
“Seriously?!” Nkanyezi boomed. “To have attempted to arrest that Lord Vox… that Enforcer must be very brave, and very strong. Is he an Adonian like you? Or a Lycus? Orcan?”
“…he’s a Human, Princess. A squishy, soft, weak Human.”
There was a bunch of scoffing, snorting and even laughter that came from all of the ladies-in-waiting. Meanwhile, Carolina shook her head and rolled her eyes as well.
“For one so weak and of such low standing to attempt such foolishness…” The Dragon lady snorted.
“You all laugh, but Lawman was in the right.” Nura said as he looked at all the cackling servants.
The look in Nura’s eyes not only shut them all up, but sent shivers down their spines.
“In fact, he even arrested a few Void Knights. While the others cowered and ran underground, he confronted beings far more powerful than himself without even a lick of hesitation. If I didn’t know what kind of man he was, I would have turned you all to paste by now.”
Nura was glaring pretty hard, but when he looked down and saw Princess Nkanyezi’s face, he took a deep breath and calmed down.
“…what kind of man is he, Chief Nura?” The Princess inquired.
“Rigid.” Nura replied with a nod. “I don’t think I’ve met a mortal as rigid as he is. The law is the basis of that rigidity, and in order to uphold the law he swore to protect when he became a police officer, he really will confront and face any danger. He fought with the Professor, and made that bald-headed creep kneel.”
“He did?!” Nkanyezi boomed again.
“…well, Vo didn’t so much kneel as he collapsed and lost consciousness after being tormented with a stun baton. But hey, close enough.”
As Nura and the Princess caught up, Carolina continued to monitor the immediate area for threats. She also had a small, yet immensely warm smile on her face as she watched her Princess speak happily and freely with somebody she was genuinely fond of.
“…I guess this trip was worth it to see that happy face.” She whispered to herself.
“…it seems you’re getting softer as you grow older, Lady Carolina.” One of the ladies sniggered, prompting a glare to be shot her way.
There was some laughter, however that laughter came to an end very quickly, as a fluttering, regulation Police Cape caught the attention of the Princess’ entourage. Relovan walked down the street that everybody had gathered next to, and when he saw Nura he sighed and started walking towards him.
“Chief, there you are. Do you even know what I’ve been through over the past few hours?”
“…this isn’t possible.” Carolina said with a look of disbelief on her face. “For that man to enter the realm of my consciousness, and get so close to not only us but the Princess, without me noticing?!”
“Yo, Lawman!” Nura greeted with a wave and grin. “How did you find me? Did you have fun browsing?”
“Of course not, Chief!” Relovan snapped before realising he was the subject of many, many glares.
He then looked at Princess Nkanyezi, before looking back at the Chief and speaking again.
“I believe I am in the presence of an esteemed somebody, am I not, Sir?”
“Oh, that’s right! My mistake! Lawman, this is Nkanyezi, Seventh Princess of the Thoba people.”
“…a member of the Thoba Royal Family?” Relovan said as he closed his eyes and looked as though he was trying to recall something.
A few seconds passed before his eyes shot open and he looked at the Princess. Immediately afterwards, he replicated the salute that Nura had done a little earlier, and bowed his head slightly.
“Greetings Princess, I am Police Enforcer Relovan, and am honoured to make your acquaintance.”
The Princess, along with her people, were stunned by the culturally accurate greeting. Nura actually clapped and turned to face the Enforcer completely.
“Have you met a Thobanian Royal before, Lawman?”
“I have not.” Relovan admitted with a shake of the head. “I just know the laws of their Constitution, in which the appropriate greeting is mentioned.”
“…you know of our laws?” Carolina found herself asking before she knew what she was doing.
“Of course.” Relovan stated as he finally stood up straight, having observed protocol by holding the salute for the prescribed amount of time. “I have studied and am up to date with the laws of all Coalition members.”
There was a period of stunned silence from all but the Adonian Police Chief, who just grinned and nodded his head frantically.
“This is why I call you Lawman, Lawman.”
The Princess, who had been quiet since the moment Relovan entered the equation and started speaking, was still able to pick up bits and pieces of the conversation. She had been rubbing her eyes and shaking her head every few seconds, as if trying to rid herself of cobwebs or adjust to something. Nura noticed this, and his eyes grew large for an instant, before they went back to normal. Nkanyezi’s ears perked up and twitched a few times as she listened, and after some time, she spoke as she faced Relovan.
“…Lawman? Did the Chief just call you Lawman, Enforcer?”
“That is what he calls me, Princess.”
“…then, you are the one who tried to arrest the Void Lords?”
“Oh? The Chief has divulged that tidbit, has he? Well yes, that was me. I failed terribly though, and my chest was destroyed.”
“The footage was still impressive though, with you screaming ‘I AM THE LAAAWWWWWWW’ and all that.”
Relovan shot Nura an embarrassed glare, before scoffing and looking off to the side.
“I am though.” Relovan bullishly declared.
“Excuse me Enforcer, but if you are indeed the ‘Lawman’ that Unc… Chief Nura mentioned before, then are you really a Human?”
“Absolutely, Princess.”
“…a-are you sure?”
“Is there any reason why I shouldn’t be, Princess?”
“No, no at all…”
“Maybe the Princess is just shocked because you took on Void Lords when we all know just how squishy Humans are. Anyway, it’s about time for us to get something to eat, wouldn’t you say, Lawman?”
“…you’re hungry again, Chief?”
“How long do you think it’s been since our last meal? Let’s go.”
“I keep telling you this isn’t a vacation, Chief.” Relovan groaned.
He looked at the Princess and bowed his head, before looking at her entourage and doing the same. The Chief waved and the two men disappeared down the street. Instead of going to the establishment they ate breakfast in, or indeed any restaurant at all, Nura hailed a cab and the pair ended up going back to the Hotel. Nura had a rather serious look on his face and was quiet for the majority of the trip to the hotel room. Once they were inside, Nura spent a few minutes just walking and looking around the room.
“Searching for bugs, are you Chief?”
“More or less.” Nura said with a nod.
“Do you seek to discuss something related to the Hearing?”
“Is the extent of your knowledge regarding the Thoba Royals based on what you’ve read in the constitution?”
“Huh? Well, yes, it is… but why do you ask, Chief?”
Nura sat down and took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Princess Nkanyezi is the Seventh Princess of the Thoba Kingdom. She’s not Seventh due to her age, but rather, because of the social standing of her mother and her mother’s entire Clan. The thing is, her mother’s Clan possesses a certain bloodline, which manifests itself randomly, and results in children of immense power being born. Nkanyezi was one such child, and she possesses The Eyes of First, which essentially make her blind to everything but Essence.”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, I’m not sure if you know the intricacies behind how Essence works, but to keep it simple, Essence is absolutely everywhere, and is in everything. Even as we sit in this room, there is an abundance of Essence available for us to absorb. The thing is, naturally absorbing Essence is something that most people are not quite able to do. Even powerful Essence Benders require assistance in the form of equipment, meditation techniques, and more. After absorption, Essence requires purification into the type of Essence that the person in question uses. So, Lightning Essence users need to purify, and then convert the Essence into Lightning Essence, before they can use it, and so on. This is likely the most rudimentary explanation of Essence you will likely hear, but bear with me. The Eyes can perceive all Essence, be it the impure shit floating around right now, or the purest of the pure, that has been processed inside somebody. They are highly prized, and there are many bad people who would go to extreme lengths to get their hands on those eyes.”
“I hear you Chief. But I’m still curious as to why you’re bringing this up.”
“You noticed that the Princess was wearing a blindfold, right? It was to protect her eyes. Because they see all the Essence, to prevent them from exploding due to a sensory overload, those blindfolds only allow those eyes to see large collections or concentrations of pure Essence.”
“…again, I’m still confused, Chief.”
“…you didn’t notice how she looked when… no, never mind. Apologies for rambling on about something inconsequential for so long, Lawman.”
“No problem, Chief… I mean, you two did appear to be close, so it’s not much of a surprise that her safety would concern you. Especially when one takes into account how many guards the Princess had with her.”
“Guards? I know the Dragon Lady is formidable, but she is still one person.”
“No, I meant the other ones – all of them. They tried to mask it, but they were all guards. Didn’t you notice that, Chief?”
“No Lawman, I did not.”
“Really?” Relovan asked, looking a little surprised.
“Tell me Lawman, you have this uncanny ability to detect or sense danger… how did that come to be?” Nura asked.
He was using the current topic as a segue into uncovering more information about Relovan.
“I’m not sure exactly, but I would say it comes from experience, Chief. Having been in countless battles since a very young age, I just started sensing things at a certain point. Mostly danger, but I have been able to sense other things on the odd occasion.”
“So how does it work?” Nura asked, trying to get more out of him.
“I feel things on my skin. Danger stings, and the higher the probability of death, the deeper the stinging – or any sensation – goes.”
“So when you opened the door to the Training Room in the compound and told me you were expecting death…”
“Yeah, I felt that in my very bones. I thought I was going to die the instant the door was opened.”
“So, this this experience based sense, has it gotten stronger since the Void Lord squabble?”
“I really don’t know. I have discovered that if I try to actively use this weird sense, it becomes a lot more effective. The problem is, I can’t yet use it in a fight, because it takes too long to activate.”
“Really? When did you discover that, Lawman?”
“When you punched me in that Training Room. My eyes were still closed, and I could feel the punch coming, but couldn’t open my eyes in time.”
“…do you think this sense is something you could train yourself to use actively? To activate it immediately and such?”
“Then I suggest that you start practicing using it in earnest, Lawman. That is a crazy ability to have.”
“Understood, Chief. Is there anything else that you would like to discuss?”
“Not particularly.”
“Then, shall we discuss what to expect at the Hearing? What should I expect?”
“Look, the Hearing will likely be you telling those old Council fogeys about what happened. The videos have all been submitted. This isn’t a court proceeding that requires lawyers, the Council just seeks to have you tell them how things went down – as the only person who received near fatal injuries.”
“Understood. So, are we going to eat or what?” Relovan asked as he stood up.
“I thought you’d never ask, Lawman.” Nura said with a massive grin as he too stood up.
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In Esen, a modern world where monsters survive and live in the wild, hunters exist. When a human turns 21 they receive their status and innate skill. No one knows why this happens. Innate skills determine a hunter. The type of hunter you become depends completely on your innate skill. Alonne is someone who leads a different type of 'killing job'. He is an assassin. He kills humans not monsters. When he turns 21 he turns into a small wolf and gets his innate skill: Evolution
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