《Lawman.》Part Two: Scuffle (a)
“What?!” Practically all of the staff that had gathered around Relovan asked in unison.
They got no reply as the Enforcer simply broke out from the crowd and began walking towards the arrivals section of the Terminal. As he walked, he checked to see what exactly he had managed to equip and take with him before the Chief tossed his duffel bag out into the Void.
“Cryogenic and Stun rounds, smoke grenades, flashbangs, Light Healing Serums, Numbing Serums… alright, so at the very least, I’m not completely toothless.” Relovan said to himself as he approached a lift.
As it descended, Relovan pulled a small metal case out from the utility belt he had equipped and opened it, revealing two small strips that were suspended in some kind of fluid. He carefully placed one at the base of his ear, beneath the lobe and the other beneath his chin, making sure that they adhered to his skin. He then closed the case and pressed a button on back, resulting in a brief bout of discomfort which caused Relovan to shake his head violently. He slid the case back into the compartment he had taken it out from and quickly made his way towards the exit. Instructions were being relayed over the speaker system within the Terminal, as one of the head clerks explained the situation not only to the staff, but to those who were already in the Terminal, waiting to fly out and such. There wasn’t much panic within the Terminal, however people were concerned and they were sticking close to things they could hang on to in the event of another tremor. Questions were being asked of the Security Officers, and Relovan quickly found a side exit so as to avoid having to answer asinine questions. His brisk walk quickly turned into a jog as he looked around. He found what he was looking for, as there was an entire row of police motorcycles parked in one of the designated areas. He clenched his right fist and once he reached the row, he chose a bike that he liked and held his wrist to a scanner near the console of the vehicle.
“Police Officer Relovan: First Rank Enforcer. S-Class License. Permission granted to use this vehicle.”
After the robotic sounding voice confirmed all this, the bike started on its own, extending its handle bars, lowering the seat, and all sorts. It was undergoing a mini transformation of sorts, and it went from being a standard issue motorcycle, to one that was a lot sleeker, and looked akin to a racing Hyper Bike than a police bike. There were multiple screens which had holographic heads up displays that relayed all kinds of information. Once the process was complete, Relovan quickly hopped onto the bike, taking his hat off and stowing it in a compartment which housed a sleek and almost form fitting helmet. He slid the helmet on, and it too went through a brief transformation as it became even sleeker than it had been before. Seconds later, it pulled off the lot, the high-pitched whine echoing as it did.
“This is Relovan, can anybody hear me? I have left the Terminal and am en route to the location of the first explosion. Am I correct in assuming that the tenuous peace between the Void Lords and their respective camps has broken down, and that they are now engaged in combat?”
Relovan, who was speaking on the police channel was waiting for a response from one of his fellow Enforcers. When he received none, he continued speaking.
“I have ordered the shutdown of operations at the Terminal to try and avoid an influx of more Void Knights and subordinates so we can focus our efforts on containing the situation as well as bringing the fighting to an end. I suggest we set a rendezvous point where we can assemble and then come up with a suitable strategy to apprehend the Void Lords, as we will have a higher chance of success if we do it together.”
Once again, there was no response to what he was saying, and this prompted Relovan to look down at a screen on the motorcycle which was displaying a map. He navigated his way through the map with a few hand gestures, looking for possible rendezvous points. As the motorbike zipped into a tunnel, Relovan felt a shift in the atmosphere again which caused him to stop looking at the map and focusing entirely on his surroundings. The tunnel had a long, sweeping curve and the further he progressed through the tunnel, the stronger the feeling Relovan had became and the moment he exited the tunnel, he could see why. There were cars on their sides and their roofs, others were frantically speeding and trying to get away from something, driving on the opposite side of the road. Some cars were flying illegally, causing them to come dangerously close to crashing into other cars, the cars on the roads that were still able to drive were doing so on any inch of a drivable surface. It was absolute chaos and Relovan, who had stopped his bike for a moment to observe it all, just watched on in silence. The road he was on was raised and surprisingly empty, but also gave him yet another vantage point, allowing him to plot a course beforehand. Before he set off again, there was yet another tremor, although this time, he actually saw what was responsible for this one. Another of the smaller Essence domes erupted from a point a little deeper into the city from where he was, and Relovan looked at the dome with a look of disdain on his face.
He spent just another second or two looking at the cars below before shooting off from where he had been parked and heading down the road. The reason for the road being empty was revealed as a rather impressive pileup of cars behind a massive pile of rocks made it clear that there was no chance of Relovan proceeding down the road. Without missing a beat, the Enforcer turned onto the hill leading down to the congested roads below. He avoided those cars that were moving towards the Terminal as well as those that were beached on the grass. The bike screeched onto the tarmac with a flourish and Relovan cranked it, zipping down the road with the wail of the motorbike at near deafening volume levels. He weaved in between both oncoming and stationary vehicles with the type of ease and skill that would really boggle the mind if people weren’t in a frantic panic. He continued down the road for a little longer, and the further down it he went, the more the surrounding buildings started to look progressively rougher. The worse the shape of the buildings became, the thicker the air became and Relovan suddenly found himself having to bring the motorcycle to a screeching halt as one of the hulking Personal Knights of Void Lord Vox flew across the road and into a building, before quickly being pursued by a thin Knight of Void Lord Juxtae, who was enveloped in a light blue shroud of sorts, surrounded by Shields and flying towards Vox’s Knight. Something else happened that was loud and caused the ground to shake somewhat violently, prompting Relovan to dismount his bike. Moments later, the pair emerged from wherever it was they had been clashing and fought right in front of Relovan now in the middle of the road. The hulking Knight was busy throwing punches that each come across as death blows, while the sleight Knight had a multitude of Shields up which looked to be made of Storm Essence. The blows were coming into contact with the Shields with such force that the streaks of lightning that would periodically dance across the shield actually changed colour, becoming red as they were filled with Flame Essence. The strikes were fast and ferocious, and if it wasn’t for the Shields, it was clear that Juxtae’s Knight would have been in serious trouble.
“HA!” The lummox boomed as he unleashed a barrage. “You cowardly, peace loving, grass eating weakling! Why won’t you lower those shields and fight like a man?! HUH?!”
“Because I am neither stupid, nor a man, you simpleton!” The thin one responded in annoyance.
Relovan, who had already started walking towards the two fighters. He reached down towards his hip and pulled his pistol out from its holster. Without even looking at the gun, he loaded the energy pods that housed the different types of ammunition and turned a dial on it to ‘STUN’. While approaching the pair and seemingly ignoring his current predicament, the Enforcer addressed the Void Knights.
“This is Police Enforcer Relovan!” He stated, his voice carrying rather well, considering what was going on. “Line six, paragraph twenty-three of the Chapter ‘Laws of the Void and Void Lords’ within the Constitution states that ‘All Void Lords (and those that serve them) on or within property or assets owned directly by the Coalition – which are considered Neutral Zones – are prohibited from engaging in any form of combat and are to maintain a truce until they leave. Breaking this law will result in punishment decided upon by the Council’.” Relovan quoted the Constitution as though he was reading general knowledge off the back of a gum wrapper. “You two are in direct contravention of this law, and thus must surrender and subject yourselves to the processes of the law. Deactivate any and all Essence Powers you are currently using and place your hands behind your heads.”
The two Knights, who had stopped fighting long enough to catch what Relovan had said glanced at each other, before looking back at the Enforcer.
“What if we don’t want to?” Juxtae’s Knight asked.
“Then I will subdue you both by force.”
Relovan said this as he raised his gun, which he held with both hands, spread his legs shoulder width apart and bent his knees slightly. He did all this so quickly; it almost caught the two Personal Knights off Knight.
“I repeat, deactivate any and all Essence Powers you are currently using, and—”
Relovan had no time to finish his command as he suddenly saw a massive right fist enveloped by Flame Essence absolutely hurtling towards him. He barely had enough time to blink, let alone dodge, however he managed to do just that, dropping his arms and tilting his head to the side about as quickly as he could manage. Even then, that wasn’t quite enough as the right side of the helmet he was still wearing suddenly cracked and shattered, exposing half of his face. He didn’t stand on ceremony however, and Relovan moved quickly, adjusting his feet and body to give himself enough room and launched a series of kicks into the Knight’s midriff. The midriff in question was not only hard as Irolian Diamond, but also about as hot as anything Relovan had ever touched. Thankfully, the greaves he had on negated the effects of both to a degree, and he managed to get in three hard and fast kicks before he had to dodge once again. He did so in the nick of time, as a large elbow zipped towards his head, as if aiming to crack it open like a gourd. Relovan just managed to duck beneath the elbow as his cape moved in the direction the fist had flown past him. The back of the helmet proceeded to shatter into many small pieces, and this in itself made the remaining part to fall to the ground and shatter as well. While managing to ignore the breaking of his helmet, Relovan then reached inside his cape with one hand and with rather impressive speed, before slapping a shackle of sorts onto the wrist of the arm that had flown past him. He then instinctively evaded as if another blow was incoming – which it actually was. He shot up from his squat and leaned his upper body back as quickly as it could. As the clubbing blow zoomed past his torso, Relovan grimaced ever so slightly as the clearly skin tight top rippled from the sheer force of the fist moving past it. He dashed backwards and raised the gun with speed again to try and fire off a close-range shot, however he was rushed once again by the Knight who seemed intent on crushing the Enforcer. The space between them was closed within the blink on an eye and once again, the now cuffed right fist came flying towards Relovan, who had darted to his left as soon as the gap had been closed. He then ducked low, practically squatting again before dashing to his right now and sliding beneath the extended right arm as he reached under his cape once more. He then darted towards the rising left arm that appeared to be headed straight for him and as quickly as he had with the right wrist, he clasped another one of those shackles onto the Knight’s left wrist before dashing away and sliding to a stop behind the Knight.
“You’re just as bad as that cowardly wisp.” Vox’s Knight said as he turned to look at Relovan and spat on the floor.
“Is that so?” Relovan asked his grip on his pistol tightened somewhat. Would you prefer it if I fought like a man?”
“You probably don’t have the balls to, Human.”
Relovan sighed slightly as he lowered his left hand down to his belt and pressed a button of some sort with an audible click. All of a sudden, light blue lights on both cuffs started blinking, before blue energy tendrils shot out from the base of both cuffs. Within a matter of moments, the tendrils connected, and immediately changed shape, becoming more like a chain than anything else, and once the change had happened, the Knight’s hands started moving to the front of his body. He kicked up quite the fuss as he struggled against the sheer force of the cuffs, however the struggle was all for naught as close to half a minute later, both of his wrists had been forced together. Before he could do or say anything else, the sound of a gunshot rang out and less than a second later, a multitude of lightning streaks of different shades of blue danced around the Knight’s body, causing him to scream rather enthusiastically. He struggled and tried to pulls his wrists apart, but the more he struggled, the more intense the lightning became and battle between the man and his handcuffs was quickly won by the cuffs as he fell to his knees, and then onto his side. The streaks died down as he appeared to lose consciousness, and the sound of approaching footsteps caught his waning attention.
“You’re under arrest. Was that manly enough for you?” Relovan asked simply, before turning around and leaving the smoking brute lying on his side.
He held his pistol in his right hand as he slowly approached Juxtae’s Personal Knight.
“Surrender yourself to the law and you won’t have to be hurt like that.”
“Oh please.” The Knight said as she scoffed. “Do you think me an imbecile that overgrown buffoon? Besides, I am a Storm Knight – your little stun bullets won’t work on me.”
Juxtae’s Knight’s voice was dripping with confidence as she looked at Relovan from behind her shields, which suddenly crackled with streaks of lightning as if to emphasize her point. The shields of varying sizes all floated and occasionally shifted positions. Relovan just looked at her, and began to approach the woman.
“Last chance – stand down.”
“Go fuck yourself.” She spat in reply.
Relovan started to pick up the pace, walking faster as he got closer until he was practically jogging. The Knight had her arms raised as if she was waiting to unleash an attack or something onto the onrushing Enforcer. He suddenly broke into a sprint, his left hand still down by his waist. Once he had closed the gap between them to a certain point, Relovan tossed something small from his waist towards the Knight, and she wasted no time in firing off a thin lightning bolt at said projectile, which exploded into a smoke cloud. Moments after the smoke grenade exploded, something pierced through the cloud and hit the largest shield, which was more or less shielding her entire body.
“What the –?” She exclaimed as the damage done to the shield was minuscule at best.
“HA!” The Knight cackled as she relaxed a little as she began to look to her sides, expecting Relovan to attempt to a surprise attack from her flanks of back, which were all also shielded.
All of a sudden, whatever had hit her shield started to have an effect as within seconds, the entire large Storm Shield had become completely frozen; and unfortunately for the Knight, immediately after it froze, the shield then shattered as Relovan flew through it, right knee first. His cape had been wrapped around him like a protective layer of sorts, and the instant he broke through the frozen shield, he let go of the cape and raised his right hand into the air. It was holding onto the gun, which now had a transformed butt. It had not only grown in size, but it was shaped like the head of a hammer. He then brought his right hand down and struck the Void Lord’s Knight on the jaw with such force that there was not only an audible crack, but she went from being upright, to having the side of her head bounce off the tarmac below so hard that it was anybody’s guess how her head didn’t crack open like a melon. Relovan landed on the ground with a thud, and kept his energy pistol at the ready, however once it became readily apparent that the Knight was not going to get up, he walked over to her and slapped cuffs on both her wrists.
“Squishy.” He remarked as he stood up.
Relovan then touched the strip beneath his earlobe and began speaking once more.
“This is Relovan. I have just subdued two of these Personal Knights on the Higgins Highway. From here, I will continue to make my way further into the city. I suggest that the rendezvous point be someplace close enough to the Hotel that we have a clear view of the Void Lords so we can strategise. Anybody with location suggestions is more than welcome to table them.”
Relovan looked around as he allowed himself just a moment to catch his breath. His upper torso still felt like it was burning from the earlier near miss, and despite the greaves having knee guards, his knee was in a bit of pain.
“Even grunts like these are problematic.” Relovan said as he took a deep breath. “So I’m down to five rounds of Cryo and Regular ammunition and five smoke grenades.”
Relovan then took another breath and made his way back towards his motorcycle. The butt of his pistol began to transform in his hand, going back to its regular size with something of a flourish, before being holstered once more. The cape fluttered triumphantly as the Human Police Enforcer had taken down two subordinates of actual Void Lords. He hopped onto his bike and spent a few moments calibrating the navigation system on the console, setting the Hotel as the destination before riding off with a loud wail. He had to navigate the bike through the torn roads and around the rubble, all the while being on the lookout for both fighting Knights as well as civilians that required assistance. Thankfully, the First Planet police had quickly moved to take care of the citizens, evacuating them from buildings as best they could. As Relovan rode deeper into the city, emergency vehicles that had been damaged in some way and abandoned grew in number. Sections of buildings had also been damaged, street signs and lamp posts had been uprooted and strewn all over the place, and in spite of the relative infancy of the scuffle, things had progressed rather quickly. Car alarms bleated away and after a few minutes of travel, yet another tremor hit. This one was particularly violent and appeared to originate from somewhere to the East of where Relovan was. He stopped the bike once again and as his gaze fixed on a rather new looking smoke cloud.
He let out a slight sigh before riding off towards the smoke cloud itself. He no longer had a helmet on because his had been destroyed despite not actually taking a hit. Due to there being no flow of traffic or operational traffic lights, Relovan was able to make his way towards the danger zone with relative ease, his only concern being whether or not he could avoid the stationary vehicles and bits of rubble that littered the road. Soon enough, the condition of roads and buildings became worse and worse, and the bike was now beginning to work to not only maintain speed, but stability as well. As he took a corner, Relovan was suddenly confronted by the clashing of two more Knights from opposing sides. One of Vox’s Knights was standing in the middle of a small crater with his legs spread and his fists clenched and pressed against each other. A mass of unbelievably hot flames swirled around him and formed a twister of sorts, burning and melting almost everything in the surrounding area. Conversely, the other Knight was doing the exact same thing, only with Storm Essence. Juxtae’s Personal Knights appeared to be female, like the previous one, and while she was standing with her arms by her side and her feet pressed together, she too was standing in the middle of a swirling tempestuous twister. Streaks of lighting danced all around the twister, with most of them striking the floor and creating flashes of light. Vox’s Knight looked at his opponent with the most intense scowl.
“Know your role, weakling! You do not have the right to fight like a man!!” He bellowed.
The moment the brute said this, he attacked the other Knight, dashing towards her. She responded in kind and dashed right towards him as well.
“Fight like a man?! If anything, I’m fighting like an idiot!!” The woman roared right back.
Moments before the two made contact, Relovan suddenly sensed immense danger, however he was too close to get away. The two crashed right into each other, and Relovan watched as an Essence Dome was created right before his very eyes, growing in size with each passing moment. The sound of the rear wheel screeching on the tarmac could suddenly be heard as Relovan completed a semi-circle and tried to at least go back in in the direction he came and get as far away from the growing dome as possible. He was unable to get far however, as shockwaves the pulsed out from the dome caught him and launched both him and the bike into the air – along with many other vehicles that were behind and in front of him. Before he knew it, Relovan had been thrown off the bike and watched as cars, sign poles and rocks all flew past him. He found himself turning in midair, and as he did, a rather large rock caught him on the side of the head, causing him to spin and twist some more. Another large piece of something hit him in the midriff and a second or two later, he smashed into the back of a large vehicle – which ironically turned out to be an ambulance – and crashed into a building.
Relovan, who was surprisingly still conscious, looked up and realised that he had to move – and quickly. He pushed the rubble that had hit him in the midriff off of him as all manner of rubble and particulate smashed into the wall that the ambulance he had crashed into had smashed through. Upon successfully removing the large rubble, Relovan pulled himself out from the indent that he had created in the back of the vehicle and leapt down towards the ground. No sooner had that happened, did a bunch of vehicles, street lights, trees and more crash into the building – destroying the wall in the process. Relovan hit the ground with a thud but had no time to even think about that pain he was in as he immediately scrambled to his feet and began running as quickly as he could. Rubble and the like immediately crashed into the spot Relovan had vacated, however a fresh shockwave from the still growing dome caught him while he was running and launched him off of his feet, sending him flying back once more. It wasn’t as powerful as the initial ones however, so it sent him into a vehicle, but the vehicle itself was not forced off its wheels. He plopped down onto the road below with a splat, and lay there for a few moments, catching his breath. Once he had done this, he rolled over onto his back and then gingerly got up. His breathing was ragged and wheezy, blood had found its way out from his mouth and nose, and as he attempted to stand to his full height, he groggily shook his head. He grimaced as his right hand roamed around his torso assessing the damage.
“Breaks and fractures.” Relovan mumbled as he reached for the utility belt.
He pulled out two small gun shaped syringes and pushed a button on the both of them, resulting in a small cap popping off, and a multitude of small spikes to slide out from within the ‘barrels’. Wasting no time, Relovan jabbed both syringes into either side of his ribcage and pushed the buttons a second time. A small red status bar suddenly lit up on the side of each gun, and as they deposited whatever was inside them into Relovan, the level of their respective status bars decreased until completely empty. The Enforcer pulled both out at the same time and tossed the now empty Health Serums onto the ground and spent a few moments just breathing deeply and recovering. Around a minute later, he was no longer hunched over in obvious pain and the grimace on his face was replaced with a wrath-filled expression. He began to walk towards the dome, which had stopped growing and was now starting to decrease in size. He rolled his neck slowly as he touched the tender part of his head which had been struck earlier. The sounds of combat echoed throughout the area, and as Relovan got closer, he reached down to the belt with his left hand and pulled two small marbled sized balls that clacked in his palm as he clenched his fist. He started walking faster as he got closer, and soon enough, the fighting pair came into view. As they did, Relovan unholstered his pistol which started the process of transformation almost immediately.
“This is Police Enforcer Relovan.” He boomed as he started running towards the Knights.
As he got closer, it became apparent that the two either hadn’t heard Relovan or simply disregarded his presence as well as his announcing his presence. This prompted the Enforcer to toss both of the things in his hand into the space between them. Suddenly, and after a rather large explosion, smoke rapidly blanketed them. That certainly got their attention – well, that and Relovan almost immediately bursting out from within the cloud, in midair with his cape fluttering behind him. He flew towards the Knight serving under Vox and before the brute could react, Relovan cupped the back of his head with his empty left hand and forcefully pulled it forward while simultaneously driving his right knee up towards the incoming face. They armoured knee smashed into the unarmoured face with as much force as it could muster. The Enforcer then pulled himself using his left arm and vaulted over his opponent. As he flipped over to face the Knight’s back, the moment he landed raised his right arm to his left, pivoted his hips and absolutely smashed the butt of his pistol into the side of the Knight’s head as hard as he could – so much so that something of a mini shockwave pulsed out from where they were standing. A hand suddenly reached up and grabbed Relovan’s gun, causing the Enforcer’s eyes to balk for just a second. He had no time to just stand there looking dazed however as he was hoisted over the Knight’s shoulder with such speed and force, that Relovan felt as though he was going to throw up. He quickly corrected himself in the air, aiming his pistol as best he could from memory and firing off a shot. The Stun round zipped past the Knight’s head, just missing as it as he managed to dodge. This however resulted in him relinquishing his grip on Relovan’s gun and the moment that happened, the sound of something being cuffed onto his large wrist was heard. The Knight threw a punch but missed horribly as the Enforcer disappeared into the smoke. As Relovan tried to move into what would have been the brute’s blind spot armed with another shackle, a sudden surge of multiple lightning bolts burst out from beneath the ground just in front of him, now forcing him to leap back. Relovan then turned around, only to be forced to duck as quickly as he could and just barely managing to avoid the blazing palm that flew past him. The residual heat that emanated from the hand actually singed Relovan’s hat a touch, however upon realising that it was a left hand that was flying past him, he quickly reached up and attempted to cuff the wrist of said hand. The attempt was just barely successful, however before he could do anything else, a powerful twister ripped through the smoke and hit both Relovan and the brute, resulting in the Enforcer being launched off of his feet and hurtling out of the smoke cloud, twisting this way and that.
“Fuck!” He exclaimed before crashing into a nearby advertising screen which had been outside of the range of the dome.
He grimaced and groaned in pain as he landed on the ground below, appearing to writhe just a tad. He willed himself out of it however by absolutely pounding the ground with his right fist.
“Get up!” He roared to himself, which was exactly what he did, focusing on the cloud and seemingly ignoring the pain.
He absolutely sprinted towards the cloud – which appeared to be dissipating with each passing second, and upon realising that he had lost his gun, Relovan reached down and the utility belt deposited yet another grenade into his left hand.
“Using cowardly tricks like these are more befitting of cowards like you, weakling!” Vox’s Knight boomed. “What are these strange cuffs?!”
“What are you even talking about?!” Juxtae’s Knight responded. “Did you think I would use my Essence Powers to blast the smoke away, so you could go on about how I’m not qualified to fight in a way you think is only suitable for men, you oaf!”
“BUT THAT’S TRUE!!!” Vox’s subordinate absolutely boomed. “NOW REMOVE THESE THINGS!”
As Juxtae’s Knight was about to retort, the sound of a flapping cape suddenly caught her attention. She noticed it too late however, as Relovan’s gloved hand appeared in front of her and suddenly opened, revealing a bright light that grew ever bright and ever larger as the flashbang exploded. The Knight let out an immense scream and covered her eyes, however it was too late and she was already blinded. The moment her hands came up to cover her eyes, cuffs were shackled onto her wrists, and after pressing something on his belt, the energy tendrils from before snaked out from both pairs of cuffs. Due to the wrists of both Personal Knights being in close proximity to one another, the energy tendrils didn’t have to do much work to bring the cuffs together. The two struggled against the might of the cuffs, although Vox’s Knight put up more of a fight than his counterpart. Unlike in the previous instance, Relovan didn’t shoot the Knights, so the stun effect of the cuffs while still effective, was not as powerful as it had been previously. The lightning clearly showed their locations within the smoke, however the accelerated dwindling of the cloud coupled with the lightning blew the remaining smoke away to reveal the two. Relovan moved to stand between the two. Once he did, he held his right hand out, and after a few moments, his service pistol appeared from somewhere and actually flew into his hand, with Relovan catching it without even looking at it before holstering it and tucking his arms beneath his cape.
“So do I have your attention now?” Relovan asked as they dropped to their knees. “Has my existence finally registered within your respective consciousnesses? In that case, allow me to start from the beginning. I am Police Enforcer Relovan, and you two are under arrest for contravening the…”
As he quoted the Constitution once more, Relovan stood between the two Knights and just eyed them. At the end of essentially reading them their rights, he looked at the Knight serving under Vox.
“You idiots need to decide which it is – should they fight like men, or shouldn’t they?” He then looked at the other one, who was still blind. “And you! …eat more roughage.”
Relovan shrugged before gingerly reaching up and pressing on the tape beneath his ear.
“This is Relovan. I have arrested two more of these Personal Knights. If one fights intelligently, they can be bested. Anyway, it appears that local Enforcers have evacuated the inhabitants of this planet’s city, so that might be one less thing to worry about. Anyway, I shall be proceeding to the Hotel. If anybody gets there before me, call out to me on this frequency, and we will take it from there.”
Relovan walked off as he finished speaking, not even glancing back at the two on the ground He searched for and eventually found his bike – which was still in one piece – and opened a compartment hidden beneath the seat. He pulled out a mini First Aid kit, and within there were a series of pain killers and other over-the-counter medication. There was also a bottle of water and a hand towel, and those were actually what Relovan went for; first dousing the towel in some water and wiping the blood from his face and nose, then using some water to wash the blood out from his mouth. Once that was done, he popped a few pills, pulled the bike off of its side and onto its wheels, and with almost no effort, started it and rode off.
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8 107 - In Serial7 Chapters
The Overlord is running out of Internet Data
Alex Dcosta was your typical isekai protagonist who finds himself waking up in another world. He finds himself in the body of a young boy with totally badass powers. But soon his joyful moment last until he realizes in this new magical world, there was no internet and quickly succumbs to despair. He realized the fact that he won't be able to continue to watch his favorite anime series and falls in depression. Just when a mysterious being makes a contract who gives Alex back his smartphone from the earth realm. But there was a catch, to stream his favorite anime he needed internet but there was none in this fantasy world. Hence there was an app installed in the phone itself which had certain quest posted in it. If Alex was able to complete a certain quest from the app, he would be awarded internet data which he can utilize to stream his favorite anime. The difficult the quest, the bigger internet data. Join Alex, a hardcore weeb who transforms and bends this fantasy world to his hobbies. Also for some reason, the gods of that realm were out for Alex’s blood.
8 137 - In Serial9 Chapters
White Clover Guild
The world of Twinwirl, divided among four continents protected by the twin deities of Light and Shadow, is a world where humans and monsters live together. After the great war one thousand years ago, the Light Deity went into hiding and the balance of power is divided unevenly among gods seeking to retain relevance and power. Even in this modern world, people still rely on bravers--individuals who adventure to keep the world order--to protect towns and cities. One day, the Light Deity decided it was time to give up the life of a hermit and regain her power through gathering faith. How? By starting a guild for bravers!
8 111 - In Serial11 Chapters
Perfect Love ✔️
Meet Scarlett and Ashley they have been best friends since before time. There parents are best friends. There parents parents are best friends. They were going wind of being best friends too.They grew up together and done everything together. The only difference is Scarlett is shy and gay. Ashley is none of that he is outgoing person. He isn't your classic joke that picks on the nerds. He quite opposite everybody loves him.All Scarlett life had been surrounded around Ashley. He's always with Ashley either cheering him on, or being his support, or helping him with school. He truly been his best friend. The only problem is now Ashley has a girlfriend. She nice to Ashley, but every time he isn't around she is straight up bitch to Scarlett. Scarlett never been the one to cause drama, but what happen we he feels she taken Ashley from him.Did I mention Scarlett is in love with Ashley?*This story is completed*
8 187