《Magic of the Extinct》Chapter 15


The man was starting to look suspicious. He took out his radio only to be greeted by static. He steadied himself, straightening his weapon.

"Now's your chance Carmen," Elaine said.

Carmen peered at the man from behind the bush, his claws ready and a knot around his stomach. He had never killed before let alone in such a cowardly way.

Carmen took a deep breath and pounced.


Patricia launched a gust of wind that caused Mason to stumble a little. Patricia focused her magic into the feathers on her bracelet and punched him in the gut. He staggered but remained unfazed. Patricia put the feather on her boot and focused her magic there going in for a kick to the side. He stumbled a little to the side but still remained still.

"Patricia continues her relentless onslaught but Mason remains unfazed!" the commentator exclaimed. "Is this where Patricia's luck runs out."

Patricia took up a defensive position as Mason stared at her, indifferent.

"You pack quite a punch, girlie," Mason said. Mason towered over her like a foreboding giant. Patricia stood, staring straight at his calm eyes. Mason ducked, using a low kick attack to make Patricia lose her balance and before she could even hit the ground, she was greeted by an elbow in the stomach that knocked the air right out her lungs.

The crowd winced. "Oof, that looked like it hurt," said the commentator. "Will the timid beauty be able to get up?"

Patricia tried getting up but Mason grabbed her face and slammed it against the bridge. The crowd let out another wince. Jenna felt her heart in her throat. She got up from her seat, navigating through the tangle of feet and hands trying to get to the commentator's booth to stop this fight but was stopped by a firm hand to her shoulder. Standing behind her was a large man with huge muscles who shook his head.

"This is Patricia's fight," the man said calmly.

"And who the hell are you supposed to me?" Jenna said, shaking off his hand.

"I'm Patricia's brother," the man said. "My name is Paul."

"If you're who you claim to be, you'd want this to stop," Jenna said as Patricia struggled to get up only to be greeted by a kick to the side. "Look at what that bastard's doing to her."

Paul nodded. "I understand but this is not your fight. It is hers and as her brother I know, despite the pain she's going through."

Patricia was yanked upwards by her hair as Mason causing her to cry out in pain, her nose bleeding, bruises lining her face. Mason pressed against her lower back. Her back tearing underneath the pressure Mason applied on it with his foot, a horrible grin plastered on his face.

Jenna winced. Trying to fight every instinct she had to run to the arena and tear that smirk off his face.

"She wouldn't want anyone to fight her battles," Mason finished. "Especially after everything she lost."

Jenna clenched her fist, resisting the urge to punch this Paul guy in the face. She knew Paul knew more about his sister than she did but Jenna couldn't stand to see the pain she was going through.

Jenna breathed out an exasperated sigh and flayed her hands. "Fine, fine." She stared at Paul who remained very impassive even though his own sister was getting her bones broken. She looked straight into his calm grey eyes and said "Just know that if anything happens to Patricia, after I deal with Mason..."


She smiled.

"You're next."

Paul shifted his body a little bit.


Mark grunt saw a flash of red and held out his gun in front of him. The gun was sliced clean in half. A Charmeleon landed in front of him and swung his tail but Mark stepped back.

Mark's first instinct was to call for backup but he realized that if someone with literal flames on his tail managed to get to him, they were all probably wiped out. Mark cursed. He had to be careful. If this Charmeleon managed to wipe out everyone that was posted around Route 24, there was no telling what he could do to Mike. So, Mike did what he does well. Talk.

"What the hell is a Charmeleon like you doing here?" Mike asked, tossing what remained of his gun away. "Wasn't your kind eaten by the Paras?"

"Not all of us," Carmen said. "Not me."

Mike looked at the charmeleon's eyes, the rage that was burning in them. He'd seen that look a lot from all the guys he worked with back at HQ. The eyes of someone who was consumed by rage. But Mike saw something else. A softness in them. He hadn't gone over the edge yet.

"You want revenge, don't you?" Mike asked, grinning. "I can see it in your eyes."

The Charmeleon didn't say anything.

"My mates haven't been radioing in," Mike said, waving his radio in front of the Charmeleon. "Did you kill them?"

Still quiet. So, he was the stubborn type. He needed something more to crack open his shell. Mike knew just where to start.

"You know, I was there at Mount Moon." Mike started pacing back and forth. "I was part of the squad that released those zombies. What do you call em, Paras?"

The grunt saw the Charmeleon shift a little. Bingo. "I managed to get away. My mates, not so much. I saw them tear through some of them. I never knew them all that well but man, the way those monsters tore through em all. They didn't deserve to go like that..."

"Shut up," the Charmeleon mumbled.

"What's that?" Mike asked, placing a palm by his ear to further mock the Charmeleon. Trying his darndest not to grin.

"SHUT UP!" the Charmeleon roared.

"Calm down," Mike said. "The way you're getting so angry. Makes me wonder if you lost someone too..."

"I said shut the fuck up," Mike growled. The flame on his tail getting brighter. Here we go.

"Was it your family?" Mike asked. Walking closer to him to taunt him. "Your girl?"

Mike tilted his head. "Or perhaps even your friend?"

The charmeleon let out a roar and sprinted towards him. He swiped at Mike in a frenzy making his movement predictable. Mike leaped back and the charmeleon launched a fireball which was easily dodged by sidestepping.

"You're predictable," Mike said, smirking. "Maybe that's why your friend died."

"SHUT UP!" the charmeleon screamed. "The hell do you know?"

The charmeleon pounced and dived towards Mike like a comet. Mike just took a step to the right and the boy swiped at air. Mike just kicked him across the back and the boy was greeted by dirt.

Mike tried his darndest not to laugh. This kid was an idiot. He might as well have some fun with him before he turned him in to the boss. Mike doubted this kid killed his entire squad. He had to have had some help. After handing the kid in he swore he'd find that bastard and make him or her pay.


The kid got up, his eyes still burning with rage. He tried tackling Mike but Mike evaded. The boy swiped with his tail and Mike jumped, kicking him across the side for good measure.

"For someone who wants revenge you sure are pretty whack in a fight," Mike said. He knelt down and grabbed the kid’s hair, pulling him upwards. Mike could see the rage in his eyes. The boy tried moving his tail to try and trip him over but Mike easily avoided it. He rolled him over and pressed his foot against his stomach.

"Now kid," Mike said, losing his usual mirth. "We can do this the easy way or the hard way. I have serious doubts a weakling like you could kill all my mates. So, what I want you to do is tell me who you're working for and afterwards you can run back home to mommy."

Elaine was tucked away in the bushes. She had a dagger ready to meet the grunt's throat if Carmen talked.

Much to her surprise, Carmen didn't talk.

The charmeleon mumbled something.

"What was that kid?" Mike asked.

"Don't call me weak," the charmeleon mumbled.

Mike pressed his boot against the boy's stomach. "I'm not joking kid. If you don't spill, you'll be let off with more than just a few bruises."

The charmeleon launched a fireball straight through Mike's boot. Mike let out a yelp as the charmeleon got up. Mike managed to get the fire out but he lost a perfectly fine boot. He turned to see that the charmeleon's claws were out, his body was hunched over ready to strike.

"Don't you ever call me weak," the charmeleon said, his voice as cool as ice.

The charmeleon pounced at Mike and Mike saw his eyes. They were hard, as hard as stone. The eyes of a killer.


Patricia was laying on the ground heaving as Mason put a heavy boot on her stomach. He puffed out his chest, spreading his arms wide as the crowd exploded with excited cheering.

He looked down at Patricia with pity and did something unconventional. He picked her up and dusted her clothes.

The crowd remained quiet, in eager anticipation of what was about to happen next.

"Look girlie," Mason said. "I had a lot of fun but now I'm starting to pity you. If you surrender now, I'll make sure your defeat isn't painful."

Patricia shook her head.

"I... I'm not going to give up," she said through heavy breaths. Her nose was bleeding, there was blood running down her mouth and staining her clothes. Bruises littered her body which swayed to one side. Yet she still refused to give up.

Mason let out a disappointed sigh. "Very well punch me," he said. "And from that punch I shall see whether this fight is worth continuing at all."

Patricia swung her arm against Mason's chest. But her arms felt so limp, so weak so all she ended up doing was a light tap against his bare chest.

Mason shook his head. Patricia had no time to react as a karate chop met her arm causing a loud crunch that made her scream in agony. Her arm hung loosely at her side as tears streamed down her face. Half of the crowd cheered, the other was nauseated.

"We could have ended this fight in a less painful manner but it seems you left me no choice."

Mason focused raised his fist, focusing all his magic into it. Jenna knew a mega punch when she saw it. He was going to launch her across the bridge and Jenna didn't know whether or not Patricia was going to survive it. She was about to run, run to the commentator's booth and stop this match but Paul stopped her before she could.

"Let go of me asshole," Jenna snapped. "Your sister is going to die."

Paul shook his head. "Wait and watch."

"No, I don't want her to die," Jenna said, struggling against his firm grip.

"She isn't going to die," Paul said calmly. "She made sure of that."

Jenna turned and held her breath Mason launched his mega punch and...

Was suddenly whizzed across the arena by a violent gust of wind.

Jenna couldn't believe her eyes. Hell, even the audience couldn't. They were all as still as stone; the commentator also had his mouth shut.

And then...

The audience erupted in an explosive wave of rampant cheering. Jenna let out a breath of relief, Paul smiled. Patricia had won. Patricia had won!

As if to cement that fact the commentator loudly cheered "AND THE WINNER OF THIS LEG OF THE NUGGET TOURNAMENT IS PATRICIA FROM THE PIDGEY TRIBE!"

The crowd roared their approval. Patricia could only afford to give them a weak smile as the world swirled around her and she collapsed on the ground.


The charmeleon swiped like a madman. His eyes burning with rage and the fire on his tail blazing. Mike was unable to predict his next move and act accordingly. One minute the charmeleon would be swiping at him with his claws causing scratches on his body that erupted with blood. And just when Mike thought he saw an opening the charmeleon launched a fireball and leaped in the air. Mike couldn't find any openings and with the amount of scratches on his body he was starting to get exhausted.

Mike decided to cut the bullshit and use his magic. His muscles expanded just in time as the Charmeleon leapt in the air. Mike punched the Charmeleon square in the stomach causing the Charmeleon to roll on the ground.

Mike let out a sigh of relief. His old man didn't teach him much, but he was glad to have inherited the Machop disciple form him.

He thought the battle would be done. He thought he had killed the Charmeleon but the kid got up. The Charmeleon charged towards him launching two fireballs that Mike swatted aside with ease. Mike swung his hand but the Charmeleon ducked and soon he felt four claws pierce his stomach.

Mike tried punching the Charmeleon but the Charmeleon put his claws further inside, causing the punch to just barely bruise the little bastard.

The Charmeleon tackled him to the floor and let out a cry before slashing at Mike's face.

"DON'T EVER CALL ME WEAK AGAIN," Carmen roared. Slashing at his face, his eyes, his nose. "DON'T YOU EVER MAKE FUN OF ME AGAIN!"

"Enough," said a calm voice.


"I said enough Carmen," Elaine said. "You've already killed him."

And Carmen saw. The Team Rocket grunt, or what was left of him. His face was a bloody mess, his body littered with scars. And his eyes wide open, wide open with fear.

"Get up," Carmen shouted, shaking him. "GET UP YOU BASTARD I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU."

"He won't be getting up anytime soon," Elaine said.

"I killed him?" Carmen asked.

Elaine nodded.

"I... killed him... someone," Carmen mumbled. His words slowly becoming a muddled mess.

Carmen stared at his claws, his hands. Blood, the man's blood, running down from his claws to his palms and his wrists like a slow river. Carmen jumped off from the man's body and rubbed his hands against his pants and his shirt as if trying to wipe away a stain.

"I..." Carmen said, his voice shaking. "I didn't mean to."

Carmen's face paled. He keeled over and vomited all over the grass. Carmen didn't want to kill him, didn't want to end another man's life. But the taunting and the jeering was getting on his nerves. Carmen would be lying to himself if he didn't say he enjoyed it.

Elaine placed a hand on Carmen's shoulder.

"The first kill is always the hardest," Elaine said, standing Carmen up and wiping the vomit from his mouth. "But it'll get easier."

"I don't... I don't want it to get easier," Carmen said. Unable to take his eyes away from the man's corpse. "I... don't..." Carmen shook his head. "I don't want to kill again."

"You have to," Elaine said. "Otherwise you'll never be strong."

Carmen nodded. He had to be strong. He had to. To make sure nobody died again.

"Now come," Elaine said. "Let's see what Team Rocket wants with the man in the lighthouse."

Carmen nodded. He cast one look at the dead body. The life he had taken. The life that was in his hands. For a second, he thought about Sean, he thought about his Master. Was he no different than that bastard Giovanni, than those monsters that killed Sean? Was he a monster?

Elaine beckoned him forward, snapping him out of his thoughts. Carmen left the body behind, trying his hardest to fight the dark thoughts that were clawing at the edge of his mind.


Alice watched as the Pidgey girl was carried away in a stretcher, accompanied by a girl with pink hair and an old man who was drunk out of his mind. That girl put up a good fight against Mason who Zeke and Zane had hired (for good money too). Oh well, another one of the boss's nuggets down the drain.

Alice left the crowded stadium. The boss had put them there to find out more about the weapon that was down in that cave by the lake. Cerulean Cave, the locals called it. They had sent a squad down there to investigate but they hadn't returned.

Two of their own, Jessie with her Ekans and one of those creepy hypnotists with masks had went to some rich guys house to find a magic scroll. A scroll which, apparently, taught a technique that allowed whoever used it to escape the cave if things got dicey. One of boss man’s executives Kayla knew how to write magic scripture so she could easily replicate the contents of that scroll.

Meanwhile, Alice's job was to get snacks for the squad. Kinda shitty for a mage of the Abra disciple.

After the match, Alice teleported back to Route 24, envisioning Sam's face. She loved chocolate cake and that was the first thing Alice had ordered from the Mage Center.

She teleported and found herself tripping over something.

"Geez," Alice mumbled. She cursed as she picked up all the food that was scattered on the ground. She placed the food in the plastic and turned to see what she tripped on...

She almost vomited.

It was Sam. Her mouth wide and eyes wide open. Her veins an ominous black color. Next to her was Taylor. His body twisted and mangled.

Alice didn't want to believe they were dead. She didn't want to believe that her friends, her family was dead. But she'd seen what Ekans poison did to a person and she knew Sam had been poisoned.

And it wasn't just Sam and Taylor. No. She walked past the bodies of all her comrades, some had their throats sliced, others had daggers sticking up from their backs like porcupines. Steve, Stan, Joe, Rayna. They had all been murdered.

She had walked past the people who had taken care of her, who had rescued her from that hellhole of an orphanage. She walked past their bloodied dead bodies until she reached the entrance of Bill's lighthouse where...

"No," she cried. "No, no, no no."

She scrambled over to Mike's body, fell to her knees. Ugly sobs escaping her mouth.

"No, Mike," she wailed, cradling his head that was almost unrecognizable. "Mike."

Mike was almost like a father to her. He was the one who got her out of the orphanage, who cradled her in his arms as her tears stained her shirt. Mike was the one who vowed for her membership in Team Rocket, who took care of her, who fed her and helped her recover from all that abuse. Her hands were stained with his blood, she could taste the salt of her tears. At that moment, she felt a resolve. She would kill the person responsible for her family's murder. She would make the person suffer and watch as all the people they loved was murdered right in front of their eyes.

And it was then, it was then she felt it coming. The Surge. Power coursed through her entire body as she was enveloped in a white light, the pain in her heart fueling the power she could feel emanating from her entire body.

When an Abra mage experienced the surge, he or she needed three things. Two seals and a twisted spoon to focus and contain their power until they were ready for the Alakazam stage. Alice always had the twisted spoon with her, seeing as the Surge could happen at any time.

She drew the seals with Mike's blood.

To be continued...

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