《Magic of the Extinct》Chapter 13


The Cerulean Mage Center wasn't as packed as they expected a Mage Center next to a gym to be. Many people had returned to the mountains in order to see how their families were doing, the TV screens on the walls showed news of the Mount Moon incident and Hitokage's face was plastered on every TV screen.

Jenna cast a concerned look at Carmen but he was still stone faced, tapping his fingers against the white table.

"Can I get you anything?" asked one of the nurses.

"Coffee, please," Jenna said, smiling at the nurse.

They had decided to head to Cerulean cause they had heard that Team Rocket grunts were around the area and Carmen wanted to find them and find Giovanni. But their search had led them nowhere, they asked around but the people had their mouths shut and others just told them off. Meanwhile, Jenna started registering for the gym battle. She figured while they were stuck here, they might as well challenge the gym. Carmen completely ignored them, his sole focus finding Team Rocket and while Carmen continued his search, Jenna and Martin trained and much to Jenna's disappointment, their training didn't go anywhere. Martin still stuck with a useless stick.

"Hey, asshole," said a voice. A very snotty, high and mighty voice that pissed Jenna off the moment she heard it. "How's it going?"

Standing in front of them was Blue Oak accompanied by a timid looking Ratata mage and a girl who was floating in the air with her eyes closed shrouded in a purple aura, a spoon floating in front of her. She had a tattoo of a star on her forehead and three wavy lines on her shoulder. She had long, silky black hair than ran down to her back and wore black leather armor that ran up till her torso. Jenna didn't need the girl to tell her she was off the Abra tribe, she just showed it and judging by the spoon and tattoos on her body it seemed she was already of the Kadabra stage.

"I'm fine," Carmen said.

"Amelia and I," Blue said, pointing to the Kadabra. "Just won ourselves our second gym badge." Blue pulled out a badge case showing a gleaming blue Cascade Badge in the second slot. "And what's more..."

Blue scuffled around in his leather satchel, pulling out a golden nugget the size of a coconut. "We got ourselves a nugget from the Nugget Bridge challenge. Paul's over there checking out how that useless chick in your team..."

"P-Patricia," Rick offered.

"Tisha," Blue said. "Is doing. We're headed there to join him now."

"Patricia's participating," Jenna suddenly exclaimed.

Blue nodded and suddenly his eyes widened. Hands on his chin and a huge grin on his face, he smirked. "Damnnn girl, you look fine." He turned to Carmen. "Where do you keep pulling up with the goods." Blue walked over to Jenna. "What say you ditch this loser and join our team."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Hands off douchebag."

She stomped over to the bar, where Martin was hitting up the nurse in charge over there and started dragging him off by his ears.

"We found Patricia," Jenna said.

"But this nurse," Martin said. "She's one of a kind and oh, so beautiful."

"They all look the same, Martin,” Jenna said, sighing. She smiled at the nurse. "Is he bothering you?"

The nurse had an impassive look on her face. "Yes. Please take him away."


Jenna nodded and started dragging him out.

"C'mon Jenna," Martin protested. "At least let me get her number!"

She grabbed his arm and started tugging him away, despite his protests. "You're being a real pain in the ass, you know that?"

"A man must be firm when he finds the love of his life."

"The love of his life being the entire female population of Kanto?"

Martin nodded. "Exactly!"

The Mage Center door opened with a whir.

"She's a feisty one," Blue grinned, turning to Carmen. "I like it."

Rick and Amelia had headed off to the cafeteria, people who were interested in the commotion Jenna and Martin returned to their meals.

"Speaking of feisty ones," Blue said. "I wonder where that chick with the antennae is..."

At the mention of Carlotta, Carmen suddenly flared up. "Shut up," he mumbled.

"I think she was really into me," Blue said. "Oh, and that dude with the dagger, I wonder how he's doing..."

"I SAID SHUT UP!" Carmen growled, burning the table he was at to a crisp.

"Dude, relax, I'm just..." Blue's mouth clamped shut when he saw the look in Carmen's eyes. The cold, hard look of a man who had just lost someone he loved. A look Blue was greeted by everyday he looked in the mirror the time his parents died.

Suddenly, Blue softened. The people at the Center were suddenly focused on Blue and Carmen. A nurse had walked over to them, telling Carmen that if he or anybody he knows causes another commotion he would be asked to leave.

"Sorry," Carmen mumbled and sat down and started heading outside the Center.

"Hey, man," Blue said, his cocky exterior suddenly diminishing into one of understanding because if anyone knew what Carmen was going through, it was him. "I'm sorry for going off like that... I didn't..."

"Out of my face," Carmen said.

"Look, I know what it's like," Blue said. "If you need anybody to talk..."

"I said get out of my face!" Carmen said. Loudly this time. The fire on his tail flared up and his claws were inches away from Blue's throat.

"Alright," Blue said, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright... fine. I'll give you some space..."

Blue backed off a little, starting to walk away. But he couldn't just let Carmen go down this path. Not after all the people he pushed away when he was mourning his parents. Not after all the hurt he had put the people he loved through.

"Just know if you need anything..."

But by the time Blue could say anything, Carmen was gone.


The path to Nugget Bridge was surrounded by colorful stands and the smell of confetti. Animated discussion ran amongst the people of Cerulean, who were lined up by the stands buying snacks and sweets. The smell of barbecued meat spread in the air. The Nugget Bridge challenge was, after all, something that was held annually in Cerulean. People all over Cerulean gathered to see a tournament of various mages of different backgrounds battle it out for a gold nugget worth five thousand pokedollars. But Patricia wasn't here for the nugget, she was here for what her brother promised her.

By the edge of Nugget Bridge, there was a table. Sitting at the table was a handsome boy around Patricia's age with black hair combed over one of his eyes and a bored expression on his face. He wore a purple and yellow scarf around his neck and a black jacket. Upon closer inspection, it wasn't a scarf around his neck but rather an Ekans.


He looked up and grinned at Patricia. "Hey there, pretty lady. Here to join the Nugget Bridge tournament."

Patricia reddened at his compliment but shrugged it off. "Yes."

"You're just in time," the boy said. "We still have one more spot in the tournament just for you."

The boy clapped his hands. "Hey, Zane."

The boy peaked over the table. "Zane." He picked up a pen and tossed it underneath the table. "Zane, get your lazy ass up."

From underneath the table, a Zubat mage pulled himself up, stretching out his wings and yawning revealing his sharp fangs. Like Zinnia, Zane had bandages wrapped around his eyes. He had a black cape draped over his back and also wore a black jacket.

"Cut a guy some slack, Zeke," Zane said. "Some of us need some shut eye."

Zane sniffed in the air. "I smell pidgey feathers."

"That's because we have ourselves a new participant," Zeke said.

Zane scratched his shoulder length black hair. "I have to do the checkups," he groaned.

Zeke nodded. "You have to do the checkups."

Zane fluttered over to Patricia, sniffing at her. Patricia stepped back a little, uncomfortable at how close Zane was getting.

"Zane here makes sure you aren't carrying anything illegal with you," Zeke said. "Though we're one to talk." He mumbled the last bit under his breath. "As per Nugget Tournament rules, you aren't allowed to carry any items that may give you an unfair advantage. Potions, magic enhancement drugs etcetera."

"Satchel," Zane said suddenly.

Patricia hesitantly unbuckled her satchel. Zane handed it to Zeke who scuffled through it. He pulled out jars of purple liquid and the oran and sitrus berries she had gathered. He plucked one of the citrus berries and popped it in his mouth.

"Hey," Patricia protested.

"Those potions looked hand-made," Zeke said, a look of sudden interest spreading across his face. "Hmm."

"You just ate one of my berries," Patricia said.

Zeke ignored her. "You make these potions."

"Y-Yes," Patricia said, flustered. "I worked really hard to find those berries, you know?"

"You got an interesting skill set, I'll give you that," Zeke said.

Zane fluttered to the table and plopped on to the chair.

"Anything else you find, lazybones?" Zeke asked.

Zane shook his head. "Nah, she's clean."

Zeke nodded. "You have a party?"

Patricia shook her head. "No, I'm alone."

At that, the Ekans' eyes fluttered open.

"Huh, you got Venom's attention," Zeke said, grinning. "Not many people interest him."

"A-Are you going to sign me in or not?" Patricia stammered, her cheeks red. She wasn't used to demanding things from others, Zeke thought. And it showed.

"I am," Zeke said. "But just know you'll be up against Mason."


Zeke nodded. "Mankey mage with a hell of a track record. He hasn't lost a single battle except against that Oak kid but he's on another level."

Zeke leaned forward. Patricia could see a sparkle of curiosity in his grey eyes. "But even the Oak kid had trouble with him," Zeke said. "If it weren't for that Pidgeotto mage, he would have been screwed."

Even Blue had trouble with him? Patricia had a hard time believing that.

Zeke slumped back on his chair. "You have to be really brave or really stupid to challenge the guy."

Zeke turned a paper around and held out a pen. "Sign here, please."

That statement caused fear to grip at her heart. Even Blue had trouble against this Mason guy, what good would a mage like Patricia do? Patricia who couldn't even face off against the Paras horde, Patricia who couldn't even protect her friends when it mattered the most?

(her sliced throat and the blood, oh the blood)

She almost didn't want to sign.

But the thought of the Pidgeotto feather, the thought of the strength that brought and the thought of finally, finally having the strength to protect him, to protect Carmen who had believed in her when no one else did. To make sure he wouldn't have to go through the pain he went through again.

"Look, pretty lady," Zeke said. "I don't have all day."

Patricia signed the paper.

Zeke grinned. "Done and dusted. The tournament starts at 7 P.M sharp. Don't be late."

Zeke noticed the determination in her eyes as she walked off. That girl was fighting for something. Zeke wondered if maybe he could get her to join. If maybe, just maybe the girl would join good old Team Rocket.

His Ekans hissed, wide awake now.

Zeke grinned. "You're right, Venom. This is going to be interesting."


The pain never went away. Carmen ripped into the trees, trying his hardest to ignore the sharp ache in his heart. He let out screams of frustration, yanking a tree and tossing it aside. He didn't want to think about them because it hurt him and showing hurt was a weakness.

And Carmen had to be strong. If he was weak, he wouldn't be able to defeat Team Rocket.

Carmen raised his hand, ready to reduce the tree in front of him into splinters but suddenly a purple rope tied around his hand. It was tight, so tight in fact that Carmen could feel his arm breaking. Carmen summoned a fireball and the rope untied itself immediately after.

Carmen heard the bushes rustle. He turned and suddenly there was a dagger by his throat.

Standing in front of him was a woman with mask and a cloth around her head, covering her left eye. A sliver of black hair could be seen over her venom green eyes. She wore light clothing that allowed flexibility and a red scarf around her neck.

The purple rope wrapped itself around the woman's neck. Carmen realized it wasn't a rope but a creature. An Ekans to be exact.

"Good job, Naga," the woman said. She turned to Carmen. Staring into her black eyes was like staring into space. There was something cold about them, something very distant and disconnected. Like the eyes of a killer.

"Don't try anything or I will slice your throat."

"Who the hell are you?" Carmen asked.

"Carmen, the Chief of the Charmander tribe," the woman said.

"How do you know who I am?" Carmen growled, claws appearing from his nails.

"I have my sources," she said. "Loosen up. I'm not here to kill you, unless it's completely necessary."

And she meant it.

"You lost..."


Carmen tried summoning a fireball but before he could, he was on the ground. The crouched down on top of him, the cold edge of the dagger prickling his Adam’s apple.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the woman said. "Listen up otherwise the charmander tribe will lose another Chief."

Carmen gulped and nodded. The woman got off of him, Carmen got up.

"So, what the hell do you want?"

The woman's dagger slid back into her sleeves. "Revenge, the same as you and I'll need your help."

"Why me?" Carmen asked. "I'm nothing special."

"Because like me, you have lost people that are important to you."

Carmen ignored that statement. Brushed it aside. Thinking about Sean and... Thinking about them hurt. It hurt like hell.

"And what's in it for me?"

"Information," she said. "I know where Team Rocket currently is."

At that, Carmen perked up. "Where?"

"Route 24, they're staking out by the lighthouse."

At that Carmen blazed ahead, completely ignoring the woman's existence.

The woman appeared in front of Carmen, causing him to stumble backwards.

"So, you're just going to trust me?" she asked. "A woman you just met."

Carmen got up, looking up at her. He was speechless.

The woman sighed. "You didn't even ask my name."

Carmen was still speechless though he seemed to be getting embarrassed as his face was reddening.

"You're a lost cause."

"S-Shut up," Carmen stammered.

Carmen got up, crossed his arms and sighed.

"What's your name?" Carmen mumbled.

He acted so much like a child. The child the woman wished she had.

"My name is Elaine," the woman said. "This Ekans is Naga. You'd do well to remember it."



Patricia heard somebody exclaim.

"Patricia!" the voice said, more relieved now. "I'm so glad to see you."

Jogging towards her was Jenna. She hugged Patricia tightly, causing Patricia's body to tighten up a little.

"Martin!" Jenna called, screaming at the crowd. "Martin you old bastard, we found Patricia!"

Martin emerged from the crowd, carrying a plastic bag carrying a bunch of snacks against his chest in one hand and a tub of popcorn in another. His mouth was stuffed, causing his cheeks to puff out and crumbs were littered around his beard.

"Thatsh a relief," Martin mumbled out, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing his mouth with them.

Jenna let out a sigh, hands on her hips. She smiled at Martin.

"If you don't act like you're excited I'm going to punch that food out of your stomach."

Seeing that smile, Martin spit out his food. "Hey Catricia, it's so nice to see you!"

At that, Patricia giggled.

Jenna sat Patricia down and they got to talking.

"I know you don't know me all that well," Jenna said. "I just joined and..."

"Is Carmen alright?" Patricia suddenly asked. Jenna was taken aback, she thought Patricia was the timid type, not someone to suddenly interject like that.

"S-Sorry," Patricia stammered. "It's just..."

Jenna shook her head. "No, I understand. You're concerned."

Jenna sighed and crossed her legs. She drew circles on the bench they were sitting on. "Carmen is..."

"He's hurting?"

Jenna nodded weakly. "Yeah, he's hurting."

"Oh no," Patricia whispered. Looking down on the ground.

Jenna held Patricia's hand. "But I'm sure he'll be fine," Jenna said. Though she wasn't sure who she was trying to reassure.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Jenna lied. Smiling at her to make her lie more believable. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

Patricia could tell she was lying but even though that was the case, Patricia knew. Patricia knew he would get back up and be his old self again, she was sure of it.

"But forget about Carmen," Jenna said. "Martin and I heard you'll be taking on the Nugget Challenge. Are you sure you don't need our help?"

Patricia shook her head. "I'll be fine," she said.

"You sure?"

Patricia nodded. "I'm sure."

"If you say so."

But Jenna still couldn't shake the worry in her heart. She was sure Patricia could handle herself but Jenna had heard rumors about how harsh the Nugget Challenge was. She'd heard of cases where people almost died because of how harsh participants could be.

"Ladies and Gentleman," said an excited voice. "Boys and girls! Welcome to the 25th Annual Nugget Challenge!'

The crowd cheered. People all around started scrambling for places in the stalls. Even Martin was running amongst the crowd.

"That's my cue," Patricia said. "I'll see you after the Challenge?"

"Yeah," Jenna said, her voice trailing off.

Patricia got up and headed off, almost getting buried amidst the crowd.

Jenna's was lost in thought, thinking about Carmen. She really hoped he was okay. He hadn't been seen in the Mage Center for a while and Jenna was starting to get worried.

There was no time to worry about him though. Jenna had to worry about Patricia. She walked amidst the excited crowd, praying that Carmen was alright.

On the other side of Nugget Bridge, two figures were hidden inside bushes amidst the shadow of a looming lighthouse. Ahead of them were men in black outfits with a big R emblazoned in the middle all carrying automatic weapons.

"You ready?" Elaine asked.

Carmen nodded, anger coursing through his body. "Hell yeah."

Back at Nugget Bridge, the audience seated atop stands that protruded from Cerulean Lake let out excited cheers.

"The Rules of the Nugget Challenge are simple!" the commentator said. "If you get thrown into the water you lose and if you're pushed into the edges of the bridge you also lose!"

The commentator pointed to the edges of Nugget Bridge that emptied out into the concrete streets of Cerulean and the grassy plains of Route 24.

"Do you all understand?" the commentator asked the crowd.

"Yes," the crowd said in unison.


"YES!" the crowd roared.

"Good," the commentator said.

"Our first match will be... the contradictory duo of..."

The spotlights flashed on to two kids, who couldn't be more than twelve years old bickering. One of them with a pair of pink antennae and the other wearing the brown garb of the weedle tribe.


The crowd erupted in laughter. All of them knowing about how the Weedle tribe hated all types of body alterers and how the Caterpie tribe was scattered because of them.

"And, taking the challenge all by her lonesome," the commentator announced. "A timid beauty of the Pidgey tribe..."

The lights flashed onto Patricia who's face turned such a deep red, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between her and a tomato.


The crowd erupted in cheers. Some of the men even began to whistle.

The lights flashed off and shined on the Nugget Bridge, making it light up like the sun.


To be continued...

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