《Magic of the Extinct》Chapter 1


Pallet Town. A town in the southernmost area of the region of Kanto surrounded by luscious green trees and trimmed grass. Red rooved houses dotted the town with a maze of stone pathways snaking their way around it. This was the town where mages could find Professor Oak who was in charge of registering Mages for the Annual Magic Tournament which would decide the strongest mage in all of Kanto.

Patricia made her way to Pallet. There were bound to be plenty of mages with various disciples roaming around here. She was a mage of the Pidgey disciple. Mages of the Pidgey disciple, much like those of the Rattata disciple travelled around in tribes. They were led by a chief who was the strongest amongst them and easily distinguishable by the Pidgeot feather on his armlet. Patricia wanted to prove herself to the tribe and to prove that a woman could be chief so she set out for the tournament to prove herself. The only thing holding her back though was her all round shyness and the occasional stutter.

Patricia climbed down the hill, adjusting her leather armlet which had Pidgey feathers attached to it to help her control the winds and dusted off the feathers on her brown blouse. She brushed her brown hair down and took a deep breath before she entered Pallet Town.

Pallet Town was where people normally registered for the Tournament. That was priority number one of course. But Pallet Town was also where peopled looked for their Party, especially during tournament season. Mages were legally obligated to only travel in parties of six, especially if they were participating in a tournament. This was to prevent disorganisation and also to encourage party synergy seeing as magic was of various types. Patricia hoped someone would let her in their party but seeing as how the people of her tribe commonly participated in these tournaments, she had her doubts. Patricia could see all sorts of mages around these parts. She noticed the mark of the Abra disciple on some of the large crowds of people. She saw someone with the spear of Onix fighting someone whose hands were enshrouded with stone. She even saw a few body alterers like the Zubat tribe who sacrificed sight for control over sound.

Patricia made her way to the lab. She had to push herself in line, apologising to everyone who gave her a dirty look. There were people of various disciples here, each of them different shapes and sizes. Patricia saw someone really skinny holding a V.O.L.T.O.R.B grenade launcher that was twice his size. She saw a really large man holding a dagger the size of a spoon. All this people looked so capable and strong unlike Patricia. She wondered if anyone even wanted someone like her in their party. She was the weakest in their tribe after all.

The line was awfully slow which was to be expected seeing as all the mages filled even the corners of the Lab. Patricia saw through the windows and noticed even more people standing in line outside. This was going to take a long time and seeing as she was squashed between two rather large mages, she was going to be in for quite a wait.

She was starting to sweat when she suddenly heard the door open and in came a boy, a rather short boy with fiery hair, wearing a white robe and walking with such authority that he skipped the entire line. However, nobody seemed to care that he was skipping past them, all of their eyes were pointed at the boy’s tail.


The boy had a long lizard like tail with a flame at the tip. Patricia read about mages with tails, specifically the people of the Charmander tribe who lived up at Mt Moon. They normally kept to themselves and never cared much about Magic tournaments so it was odd to see someone like that hear.

One of the people in line stepped in front of the boy. The man was built like a mountain with muscles that could crush an elephant.

“You’re cutting in line,” said the man.

The boy ignored him and walked forward.

The man stepped in front of him again.

“I said you’re cutting in line,” the man said, his voice tighter this time around. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

The boy remained quiet. He tried walking to the side but the man blocked his path.

“Are you deaf short-stuff?” said the man. “Or are you just plain stupid?” The man kneeled down. “What part of cutting in line do you not understand?”

“Did you just call me short?” asked the boy.

The man shrugged. “Yeah I did. What are you gonna do about-”?

Within seconds the man was on the floor with scratches all over his body. “Don’t call me short.”

The boy walked ahead, nobody dared to go near him. It seemed even the officials were surprised because when the boy stepped up to the registration table, the officers paled.

“I’m here to register for the mages tournament,” said the boy.

“R-right this way sir,” said a meek official who was wearing rather baggy clothes. “I’ll be taking you to meet Professor Oak, you’re going to have to sign some papers.”

“Can you wait?” said the boy. “I need to get something.”

“I’m sorry sir but…”

The boy gave him a look.

The official let out a tense laugh. “Of course, sir, take your time.” When the boy left the officer let out a relieved sigh. This was not in the job description.

The boy walked amongst the large crowds, eyeing everyone until he found Patricia. Patricia was taken aback by the intense look in the boy’s orange eyes and took a step back. The boy walked up to Patricia, sniffing her.

“You,” he said, pointing at Patricia.

“M-me,” Patricia stammered.

“Yeah,” the boy said. “Come with me.”

Patricia timidly followed the boy. She noticed his tail swinging from side to side. She had to try her best to avoid the flame on his tail.

“W-why do you need me?” Patricia asked. The boy stared at her again causing her to step back again.

“I can’t read,” the boy said.

Patricia sighed. What had she gotten herself into?

The officer led them to Professor Oak, a stout man wearing a lab coat who had very dishevelled grey hair. Professor Oak was in an office that was very disorganised with papers scattered on the floor and magical artefacts spilling from a mountain of boxes.

“How may I help you?” Professor Oak asked.

“They’re here to register for the tournament,” said the officer. “Please be quick though, the line is disgusting.”

The officer left the room leaving Patricia and the boy alone with Professor Oak. Professor Oak scratched his head. “Okay let’s see…” Professor Oak pulled up two papers from a cabinet. “Name?”

Patricia was about to speak up but the boy beat her to it. “Carmen.”

“And the young lady?” Professor Oak said with a gentle smile.


“P-Patricia,” Patricia said, looking down. She saw that Professor Oak was wearing a silver ring with a pink flower at the top. She had heard that Professor Oak was a master of the Bulbasaur ring but she didn’t know he was this good going so far as to attain a surge.

“Okay…” Professor Oak said. “Are you two in a party together?”


“Yes,” Carmen said, causing Patricia to redden.

“Okay…” Professor Oak mumbled. While he was typing out the details, Patricia whispered to Carmen.


“I need someone who can read,” Carmen said bluntly.

Patricia frowned. So that’s why. Still, she was glad to be in a party especially with someone this strong.

“Disciples?” Professor Oak asked.

“What does that mean?” Carmen whispered to Patricia.

“It means the magic you use,” Patricia said.

Carmen nodded. “Fire magic.”

Professor Oak chuckled. “You need to be more specific otherwise…” It was then when Professor Oak noticed the tail. “You study the Charmander disciple? So, you’re part of Hitokage’s tribe?”

Carmen nodded. “Yeah.”

“Your people normally don’t participate in tournaments like this,” Professor Oak said. “What made you want to participate?”

“Well,” Carmen said, scratching his orange hair. “In my tribe they bullied me because I was shorter than the rest of the tribe.” Carmen sighed. “My parents also left me when I was a kid, Master was the only one who took care of me. Teaching me everything.” Carmen stretched. “The bullying got so bad to the point that I couldn’t go to school which was why I can’t do stuff like read and write. Master was busy so he didn’t have time to teach me all of that.”

Carmen grinned.

“And that’s why I want to fight in the tournament,” Carmen said. “To prove em all wrong. I’m going to be Champion and nothing’s gonna stop me.”

Patricia couldn’t help but admire the boy. After all, they both had the same goals seeing as they were both outcasts of their tribe.

Professor Oak smiled. “Interesting. If only my grandson was as noble as you.”

Professor Oak wrote down their names on a paper and handed them cards.

“These cards are proof that you’re participating in the Tournament,” Professor Oak said. “I hope to see you there.”

Carmen nodded and left while Patricia thanked him and then the duo was off.

“So, you’re the boy I keep hearing about?”

Carmen turned around to see a boy with spiky brown hair and a cocky grin on his face. Strapped to his back was something that they could only assume was a shell. He was wearing leather armour atop his blue shirt with a necklace around his neck.

Carmen and Patricia were just about to leave Pallet Town for Route 1 but this boy had stopped them.

“Damn that tail is huge,” the boy said. “You know, I’ve never seen your type around these parts.”

Suddenly a bunch of mages came towards them.

“Is that Professor Oak’s grandson?” said a girl amongst the crowd. “He’s so handsome!”

“He’s going to challenge the Charmander,” said another. “Damn he’s so screwed. Doesn’t he know Blue’s the strongest mage in Pallet even before he got his artefact?”

Carmen ignored them and beckoned for Patricia to follow him, however Blue stepped in front of him.

“I want to battle you,” Blue said.

“I don’t have time,” Carmen said.

Blue grinned. “You heard that people,” Blue shouted at the crowd. “This guy here is a chicken! And I thought the Charmander mages were supposed to be prideful.”

Carmen clenched his fists. “Fine asshole.”

Suddenly Carmen’s nails elongated into claws, he looked like he was about to pounce but Blue wagged his finger.

“Ah, ah, ah,” Blue said. “It’s two against one here, isn’t that a little unfair? First let me take on your little lady friend here, then it’s your turn.”

The bystanders made a circle around Blue and Patricia. Patricia was pale, seeing as she was surrounded by so many people. She looked down nervously, hoping she wouldn’t screw up.

Blue grinned. “C’mon babe. Eyes on me, you can’t be missing this hotness.”

Patricia nervously looked up at Blue who was grinning confidently. Patricia wished she was that confident.

Blue unstrapped the shell from his back. There was nothing peculiar about it except for the white outline. Patricia must have been staring at it for pretty long because Blue chuckled.

“This,” Blue said. “This is a Squirtle shell. One of the rarest magical artefacts out there. Unlike my Grandpa and sister who are compatible with grass magic, I’m compatible with water. This was why I needed a strong artefact. An artefact that suits the man who’s going to be the next Champion.”

Blue put the shield in front of him. “You ready?”

Patricia nodded.

The feathers on Patricia’s armlet glowed as she launched a gust of wind and Blue. Blue planted himself on the ground as the gust hit his shield, instantly dissipating.

Blue grinned. “C’mon girl, I thought you were better than that.”

Patricia launched another gust of wind which Blue dispatched with ease. Then another and another. Blue was getting really bored.

“Is that supposed to be the power of the winds or a fart?”

The crowd laughed. Blue walked towards her as Patricia tried launching gusts of winds which Blue dispatched with ease. Suddenly Blue stood in front of her with a smirk on his face. Patricia realised just how tall he was which caused her to step back a little.

Blue shrugged. “I don’t normally hit girls but…”

Blue knocked Patricia’s face with his shield causing her to crumple on the floor.

“Let this be a reminder that useless people like you don’t belong in the tournaments.”

Patricia buried her face in her arms as tears started streaming down her cheeks. Useless, maybe that’s all she ever was. She couldn’t do anything to help out the tribe, she was always falling behind her brother. What the hell was she thinking joining the Tournament? She was just an idiot just like everyone in her tribe said she was.

Carmen placed a hand on her shoulder, as he removed his white cape, ready to fight.

“Your turn now?” Blue asked, grinning. “Let’s see if you’re as useless as your partner.” Blue readied his shield. “Like they say, birds of a feather stick together.”

In the place of Carmen’s fingernails, they were claws.

“Arceus,” Blue said, gagging. “That’s disgusting. I’ve never seen a body alterer do that.”

Carmen pounced and starting attacking Blue’s shield but Carmen barely made a dent.

Blue grinned. “This shield is indestructible. You’re gonna have a hard time getting through it.”

Blue shoved with his shield but Carmen back flipped away from his shield.

Carmen conjured a fireball from his hand and launched it at Blue but Blue deflected it easily, redirecting it to parts of the crowds who scattered.

Blue grinned. “This shield has a water affinity. Your fireballs aren’t going to work.”

I know something that will, Carmen thought.

Carmen launched a volley of fireballs as he charged at Blue who deflected them easily. When Carmen got in range, he leapt in the air which surprised Blue at first but he raised his shield just in time. But Carmen was not done yet, using the shield as a trampoline he launched himself behind Blue. Blue quickly turned but Carmen was already underneath him.

And with one uppercut, the battle was finished.

Blue was on the ground, unconscious. The crowd stared at Carmen in awe. Not only did Carmen take out the strongest mage in Pallet but he did so without any magic. The crowd scattered as Carmen gave them all a dirty look as he picked up Patricia.

Patricia’s eyes were red. There was a bruise on her cheek where Blue hit her.

“Are you okay?” Carmen asked, dusting her clothes.

Patricia nodded.

“Don’t listen to that asshole,” Carmen said. “You’re not useless, don’t let anybody tell you otherwise.”

Patricia nodded. She had a hard time believing that. After all, her teammate defeated someone she had trouble with. What good could she do?

Carmen yanked her forward. “You just gonna sit there?”

“But I’m useless,” Patricia said. “You don’t want me in your team. You need someone stronger in your team, not me.”

Carmen sighed. “It’s true. You are pretty useless…”

“You see,” Patricia said.

“But we are gonna be training, aren’t we?” Carmen said. “I’ll make sure I train you real good then you won’t be useless anymore.”

Patricia was taken aback by this statement. It was the first time someone cared for her despite her uselessness. She was so taken aback by this kindness that she was still for a full minute before Carmen called out at her.

“C’mon Pat,” Carmen called. “Let’s go!”

And Patricia was off with Carmen, both of them unsure of what was going to happen next.

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