《Aim and Fire》Chapter 10


Over the course of his year being employed as a knight tasked with guarding Amorado’s largest city, Jamie encountered a number of strange characters. From the self-proclaimed psychic handing out hundreds of identical parchments forecasting humanity’s destruction at the hands of a wizard wielding a sword that cast fire and lightning, to a traveling Didgeridoo collective that exclusively played songs about Arakhum’s glory, very little caught him by surprise anymore.

This man-turned-beast however, left him paralyzed. He and Caitlin were on their feet, weapons drawn, but Jamie had no idea what to do next. Perhaps he missed the day of training at Skystead where Captain Harlowe prepared his trainees to fight hulking man-golems.

“Got any deception planned to trick this one?” Jamie asked.

“I’m receptive to any ideas you might have.”

“He doesn’t seem too fast,” he suggested as the beast clumsily moved towards them. “I’ll distract him, see if you can find a weak spot from a distance.”

Caitlin sprinted forward. The monster awkwardly cocked his right arm and swung it forward to try and catch her, but Caitlin was easily able to duck it. He shifted his massive torso around and barked at the Princess, so Jamie took the opportunity to plunge his sword into the beast’s side. The monster emitted an annoyed grunt and tried to scratch the wound like an inconveniently placed itch, so Jamie took out his blade and backed up.

As Caitlin continued the barrage, Jamie waited for an opportunity to strike somewhere more critical. The man-golem’s flailing attempts at swatting Jamie like a troublesome fly were slow and inaccurate, but the most minor mistake would cost dearly. Ducking and dodging, Jamie left a long cut on golem’s arm and was rewarded with a particularly angry scream. He raised his great fist to the sky, but the knight leapt out of its path just as it was about to crush him. Another volley of arrows filled his sides and torso, and the monster returned his attention to Caitlin. With renewed energy, he charged at the princess, his legs carrying him forward with long, powerful strides. Caitlin hopped onto a nearby boulder and used it to vault over the creature’s head as he passed, firing an arrow into the back of his head as she descended.

“Doesn’t seem like we’re doing much more than making him angry,” Jamie commented.

“Everyone has a weakness, Christiansen.”

The beast curled his arms, clenched his fists, and roared, priming himself for another run. The sound of a small collision drew his focus away. Caimal threw a rock at his head, then another and another. Undeterred by his scrutiny, she threw another and another, both hitting him in his nose. When it became clear her barrage did little more than annoy, she sprinted away, her target quick on her trail.

“Dammit, Caimal!” Caitlin yelled as she and Jamie broke out into a sprint. He couldn’t help but admire the young girl’s bravery. True, they no longer had a clear view at the jewel in his chest, but it took significant courage to help them fight the beast. Without any training or weapons, Caimal put herself at great risk for their sake.

Their brave trainee ran past a corner of a nearby cottage. When she jumped into a nearby haystack, the beast stopped in his tracks. He looked around, certain the tiny girl was somewhere close, preparing another attack. Caitlin fired an arrow at his shoulder and continued running. While he was focused elsewhere, Jamie lifted his blade and sliced the golem’s arm at the elbow, severing it from his body. The beast let out a hideous, stomach-churning shriek that only intensified when Jamie cut off the other to complete his masterstroke. At last bested, the creature wobbled, closed his eyes, and toppled over.


“I’m amazed you didn’t need me to save the day again all by myself again,” Caitlin announced. “You actually managed to pull your weight in this partnership.”

Despite their usual layer of sarcasm, her words of praise ignited his cheeks. That was probably the closest he would get to a genuine compliment from her, and it sent his spirit soaring into the clouds. “Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you, Caitlin. I appreciate you choosing. Uh, you didn’t choose me, actually, but I’m happy to help you.”

“That was amazing! I can’t believe you two stopped that creature!” Caimal emerged from her hiding spot, sparing them from his further rambling.

“Never mind that,” the Princess addressed the question by crossing her arms. “What were you thinking, charging in and throwing stones at him like that?”

“I thought you and Sir Jamie needed me. I thought I could help you fight him,” the young girl, filled with wonder and awe, looked away in shame. “I’m sorry, Princess.”

Caitlin sighed. “I’m not angry, Caimal. What you did took immense courage, but next time, leave the fighting to the grown-ups. Sir Christiansen and I have trained all our lives to do this, you could’ve gotten yourself hurt.”

“I understand. I apologize for my behavior.”

Not wanting to let the conversation become too dour, the princess quickly segued elsewhere. “Maybe when you’re older, you can train to become a knight.”

Caimal instantly brightened, the wonder and awe returned just as quickly. “Really? Do you think so?”

“What do you think, Sir Christiansen, how do you think Caimal would fare at the training grounds at Skystead?”

Jamie wanted to comment on how she’d be an exemplary candidate, but there was a low hum emanating from the corpse of the fallen monster. The gem was glowing.

“What’s happening?” Caitlin asked.

Jamie shook his head. “I have no idea.”

The flesh of its massive arms began to regenerate, like vines coiling around an invisible tree trunk. In moments, his body was fully formed, his strength and anger returned stronger than ever. The monster let out a confused snarl and blinked, as if he just woke up from a nap. Short of dicing it to pieces and setting fire to its remains, how could they hope to kill it? Would that even be sufficient?

Probably not, but if the gem revitalized him, what might happen if they were separated?

As the beast writhed and gnashed, Jamie dropped his weapons and grabbed the gem, bolting his legs to the ground and prying with all his strength.

“Help me get it out of him!”

Caitlin complied, taking a similar position opposite him. The golem didn’t appreciate having its treasure stolen and thrashed with even greater ferocity. Just as its hand curled into fists, the crystal popped out of its socket. The beast’s snarling devolved into pitiful whimpers as his frame shrunk and his muscles deflated, leaving nothing but an unconscious, still breathing mercenary in his place.

Jamie was still hugging the crystal to his chest when Caitlin offered him a hand up. “Did that to it?” he asked once he was on his feet.

“Looks like it. How did you know that would work?”


He shrugged. “I guessed. If I know anything about fables, it’s that glowing swords or gems are where the villains draw their power.”

“I’m grateful you're useful for something, but this is no fable. ” Caitlin said. “First, Caimal, we need to get you to your parents. Then, after, can you take us to Miss Martin?”

“Of course, Princess. I’m sure she’d be glad to talk to you after what you did!” Caimal almost shouted. “You found my parents? You saved them from that big monster?”

“Not exactly,” Jamie said. “They fled back to the village before the monster appeared.”

“Oh, thank you Sir Jamie! Thank you Princess Caitlin! I knew you both would save the day!” Caimal ran forward and wrapped her arms around Jamie’s leg with surprising force. “Aren’t you going to kiss the princess?”

Jamie felt the color in his face evaporate. All he could offer was a foolish ‘uhhhh’.

“That’s how it goes, right? A heroic knight saves the day and kisses a beautiful princess to end the story.”

He looked to Caitlin for a way out, but she looked perfectly content to let him wallow in agony. That subtle smirk made him want to dig into the Earth and never stop.

“Let’s go find your parents. We need you to lead us back to the village.”

“I think we’ve earned a little time to revel in our triumph,” the Princess said as they returned to the town square.

Keeping people safe was and always would be Jamie’s top priority, but there was no denying he felt some excitement at the possibility. He was grateful most days on the job were quiet and uneventful, but saving a village from a giant monster certainly bolstered his confidence. He wasn’t expecting a banquet thrown in his honor, but he had a feeling they’d be thankful for his assistance.

How wrong he was.

“There he is!” the villager who cursed Jamie’s bloodline shouted. “He’s the one who betrayed the Princess! Gave her to those thugs!”

“He’s back for more! Stop him before he gets away!”

“Wait!” Caitlin jumped between them to protect Jamie from the wrath of the mob. “It was a trick! Sir Jamie Chrisitansen pretended to betray me at my command! He helped me best those cretins!”

Silence fell as the villagers determined the veracity of her claim. Eventually, their thirst for vengeance subsided. One of them gently grabbed Caitlin’s hand and lifted it into the air.

“Everyone!” a man yelled. “Our hero, Princess Caitlin Faraday, has single handedly vanquished those brutes!”

“We are honored to have you here, Princess!”

“She is a warrior worthy of her parents' legacy!”

Towards the edge of the crowd, the young couple from earlier barged their way to the front. “Have either of you seen our daughter, Caimal?” she asked.

“We were separated when they arrived, we don’t know where she went!” he added.

The crowd fell into silence as their adventurous daughter ran to embrace them. “Mother, father, it was incredible! Sir Jamie and Princess Caitlin saved us! I found them outside town and told them everything! They fought off the brigands all by themselves! They even fought off the giant monster! And I helped!”

The parents ignored that last comment and squeezed her tightly. “Oh, thank Arakhum, Caimal. You’re okay.”

“Thank you so much, Princess Caitlin,” her mother said. “We were terrified something happened to her. I don’t know how we can ever repay you.”

“No need to thank me, but I didn’t vanquish them alone. I had a considerable amount of assistance from,” she paused for just a moment, genuine pride shining in her eyes. “My partner, Sir Christiansen of the King’s Battalion.”

Being surrounded on all sides by a grateful citizenry was one thing, but whatever praise they were heaping on him was drowned out by Caitlin’s declaration.

“But if you’d like to thank us,” Jamie said. “Do you know where we can find Miss Martin? We could use her help.”

“Of course,” the father nodded. “We’ll take you to her.”

“But wait,” a villager shouted. "Don’t you first wish to be celebrated for saving us?”

“Yes! Such heroism deserves rich compensation!”

“There will be plenty of time for merriment soon enough,” Caitlin said “If you wish to honor my triumph, tell no one we were here! Recite the tale amongst yourselves all you like, but it is imperative the King and Queen not know my business. For the time being.”

“Not a word, Princess Caitlin!”

“No one will ever know! I’ll keep poison in my teeth if they capture me!”

Another pertinent thought occurred to her, one that might keep them distracted. “Towards the edge of the village, you’ll find the leader, Valdon Derkez, the leader. If you’d be so kind as to hold him until your knights arrive, I would greatly appreciate it.”

“You heard her, people, let’s move!” At last free, Jamie and Caitlin followed Caimal’s parents. While protecting people from evil was always paramount in his mind, he couldn’t help but enjoy his brief celebrity status. He would’ve been fine indulging a bit longer, but duty to country always came first. It was a long shot, but hopefully Miss Martin could shed light on their bizarre encounter.

“Edith,” Caimal’s mother said to a woman dressed in a simple jerkin. “This is Princess Caitlin and Sir Jamie Christiansen. They wanted to see you.”

“It is an honor to make your acquaintance,” her ocean-grey eyes were filled with wisdom and kindness, and her pale, blonde hair reminded him of Mrs. O’Doerery, though their accents were radically different. “I wish it were under more pleasant circumstances, but you have my gratitude for defending our village.”

“Of course,” Caitlin said. “I hate to be curt, but can we talk somewhere private? The matter is delicate.”

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