《Aim and Fire》Chapter 7


When Caitlin woke up the following morning, she immediately felt something was very, very wrong.

She was warm.

As much grief as the Queen gave her, Caitlin was grateful for inheriting several positive traits from her parents; incredible athleticism, an unflinching will and belief in justice, a brilliant sense of humor, but she cursed her vulnerability to the cold. Thick pajamas were the bare minimum for a quality night’s rest in mild climates, and she was certain the chill of winter would prove fatal if she wasn’t bundled in the wearable equivalent of Lilith’s wardrobe.

Last night’s fire was but being snuggled against Christiansen was heavenly. He generated a frankly ridiculous amount of body heat. Likely because of how big and muscular he was under all that armor. Pressed up against his broad chest, her feet between his calves and his hands resting on her back, Caitlin luxuriated in a nexus of maximum coziness. Being wrapped up in his muscular arms made her feel content. Protected from the cold.

Not that she needed any sort of protection, especially from Christiansen, but having someone to combat her greatest enemy was comforting.

She knew it was an unnecessary risk, but Caitlin couldn’t help herself from gazing up at him. His kind eyes were closed, and those soft lips of his were parted. Even compared to the legion of dukes and princes she encountered throughout the years, he was handsome. In a youthful, boyish sort of way, but dashingly handsome nevertheless. Combine dancing blue eyes, a charmingly messy head of hair, a chin like a slab of granite, and a body resembling a statue of a mythical hero, she felt comfortable concluding there was a horde of females willing to fight each other to the death for a chance with him. Based on his behavior last night, though, he’d be too afraid to give the winner a kiss on the cheek. The way he held and touched her as if she were a glass statue and the slightest misstep would break her, she wondered if he so much as hugged a woman prior to today. She wouldn’t have offered to cuddle with him if she thought he’d do anything inappropriate, but Caitlin was surprised by how timid he was with her. There was also Mairead’s comment about his chronic shyness when it came to the opposite sex. Could she have misjudged him?

Caitlin ran her fingers across his shoulder, down his arm, and down to his hand, feeling the hardened muscle just beneath his shirt. Hw was so solid and dependable, and he felt every bit as muscular as he appeared. Even if he could scarcely speak to her without tripping over his words. She threaded her fingers between his and gave a sigh of contentment, snuggling against him. When the journey concluded, Christiansen might prove useful as her personal heater. Give him food, shelter, clothing, and the freedom to do as he pleases during the day, then at night he could assume his duties as Caitlin’s heat generating pillow-blanket. Mother and Lilith wouldn’t make it easy, though. If she so much as glanced at a handsome young man with shoulders like a plough horse and rippling abs that glistened alluringly in crimson firelight, they’d tease her relentlessly about her having an imagined crush on him. But if that’s what had to be paid to endure the Winter and Fall months? A worthy price, especially with just how warm Christiansen kept her in this toasty cocoon. Moving towards the Imanese Mountain meant the temperature would only drop from this point forward, so Caitlin needed to soak up as much warmth as possible. Was wanting a quick cat nap so unreasonable, especially with how chilly it might get without her servant keeping her toasty?


Speaking of which, Caitlin couldn’t stop laughing to herself about how she shocked him with her cold feet. There weren’t many scenarios where it’d be prudent to neutralize him with her feet instead of a sharp object, but she found it useful to know an opponent's weakness. The idea of a big, brave knight like Christiansen being brought down so easily was very amusing. She found that endearing. Cute.

“Thank goodness Lilith isn’t around to see this,” Caitlin said, hoping to rouse the slumbering knight. Nothing so far. Not that she was complaining.

Some minutes later, Christiansen let out a grunt of annoyance as his muscular arms slipped off her and stretched. Apparently, the knight wasn’t as heavy a sleeper as she hoped. She detected the faintest hint of a grin before panic washed it away.

“C-Caitlin,” he cleared his throat. “You’re, uh, still here. Good morning.”

“Were you expecting someone else?”

“No, I’m just surprised.”

“You were hoping for someone else.”

His eyes bulged and his cheeks burned. “No. Of course not!”

“Relax, Christiansen. It’s just a joke.”

“Okay,” he whispered. “Do you want to get going?”

She contemplated the question for a moment, sliding her arm from his across his stomach and sitting up. A glance to the sliver of grey light piercing the curtains indicated it was still early in the morning. Plenty of time to get to the Imanese Mountain before dark.

“I’d rather stay a little longer.” she announced. “I don’t think I’m ready to get up yet.”

As Christiansen prepared to speak, Caitlin settled back down next to him. Nuzzling his arm once she maneuvered it into a more comfortable position, she sighed with contentment. She felt like a satisfied cat sitting in front of a fireplace. Christiansen put his arms around her shoulders and, to her surprise, pulled her closer.

“Umpf,” she huffed. “Stop squishing me.”

“S-sorry,” he stammered.

“Be quiet,” Caitlin turned away so he couldn’t feel her grin as she whispered.

In their brief time together, Christiansen clearly hadn’t relaxed. She couldn’t really blame him, given how much of their conversations consisted of insults and snarky comments. Part of her felt conflicted about how she treated her companion. On the one hand, he was a competent fighter and clearly tried to behave like a gentleman despite his numerous social and intellectual deficiencies. On the other, teasing him was simply too much fun. Making him blush and stutter was so easy, she couldn’t help herself.

He shifted and pressed his chin against the top of her head, nearly prompting another snarky comment about his lack of boundaries. Instead, Caitlin remained silent, entwining one of his legs with her own. For all his faults, he did an excellent job at keeping her warm; she felt like a satisfied cat before a roaring fire.

The two remained entangled in one another for several minutes before Caitlin breathed deeply. They couldn’t stay there forever, not with adventure and glory calling.

“I think I’m ready to go. If we leave now, I think we can reach the Imanese Mountain by nightfall.”

“Definitely,” Christiansen said as she untangled herself from his grip and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. He remained in place for a few moments before moving to the door. “Uh, if I’m right, your clothes will be right outside.”

As predicted, he brought her a basket containing her woolen tunic, heavy travelling cloak, and doeskin hide leggings, freshly washed and neatly folded.

“I’ll be sure to thank them for excellent service. You should get dressed and wait for me outside,” she commanded.


“Okay,” he said, a little dejected at her order. She made a show of turning to face the sunlight, busying herself with her unruly hair. It was as good a charade as any to get a surreptitious view of his shirtless body. After years of training, he cut an exceptional figure, even by the standards of knights. Caitlin found it difficult to tear her eyes away from the muscles of his back and his broad shoulders until they were covered by chainmail.

Once he was prepared to leave, Christiansen’s gaze lingered for a few moments longer before darting away.

“So,” he rubbed the back of his neck. “I’ll see you outside.”

His hesitant tone made it seem more like a hopeful question than a statement. Perhaps this was his lamenting their leaving this bubble for the ‘real’ world. The world where they were a princess, to be revered and worshiped, and a lowly knight, meant to be insulted and degraded for his incompetence. Rather than two travelling companions enjoying each other's company; two people sharing a bed to try and stay warm. After all he endured the previous day, and what he did for her the previous night, she owed him something.

“Thanks for warming me up, by the way. Haven’t slept that well in years.”

“Eh…” the increasingly adorable blush was back. “Well, you’re, uh, welcome,” Christiansen said, nearly sprinting out the door.

She snickered and shook her head. His reactions really were too amusing.


Descending the stairs, Caitlin found herself alone, but detected more than a hint of something that sparked her senses. The familiar, enticing smell of freshly cooked food first thing in the morning. She followed her instinct to the O’Doererys and Chrsitiansen sitting among a small buffet. Plates full of toast, eggs, sausages, potato waffles and pancakes littered the table. They cooked a far less elaborate meal relative to what Caitlin ate every day in the castle, but her watering mouth wouldn’t be denied. They must’ve been up for hours preparing everything.

“You don’t eat until the guest of honor is sittin’, yah’ bloody schalwack!” Mairead snapped at her husband dug through a pile of hash browns. “It’s royal tradition!”

“Shesa’ schweet’ gurl, she won’t care none if I-” Callum waved to Caitlin. “Caitlin! C’mon in! You tew’ better start eatin’ or I’m gonna finish everything!” He said with a hearty chuckle and a mouth full of food.

Caitlin took a seat across from Christiansen, eager to dig in but unwilling to forget years of training. They probably didn’t care, but

“That bloodeh’ mountain could topple,” Callum said with a mouthful of pancakes and pointed at the knight with a fork. “And this one wouldn’t miss ah’ blinka’ sleep. Unless there was food cookin’.” He burst out laughing and earned a roll of the eyes from his wife.

“As long as you aren’t cooking, I’ll come running every time,” Christiansen added with a sly smirk.

“Caitlin, whadya need? I’ll make you a plate, and daya’ want some water? Wine? Rose soda? Lemon drink?” Mairead said, holding a small, homemade bowl.

“Oh, don’t worry, Mrs. O’Doerery, I’ll make it myself,” Caitlin attempted to take it, but her host snatched it away with unusually quick reflexes.

“Ah-ah, no workin’ fer you, Miss Faraday. You’re a guest and we dew’ everything for our guests.”

Christiansen jumped in to resolve the issue. “I’ll do it, Caitlin, what do you need?”

Once again, he soured her mood with just a few words. The O’Doererys choosing to serve her was innocuous, as they were simply being gracious, caring hosts, but Christiansen making the same offer was irritating. Did he think she was some pampered brat incapable assembling a meal?

Still, she didn’t want to disrespect him, especially in front of his family’s friends. “Thank you, Sir Christiansen. A smattering of everything will do.”

Her servant did as commanded and set the plate. Hunger overtaking her senses, Caitlin gave him an offhand ‘thanks’ and dug in. After cleaning off half of the plate, her peripheral vision caught sight of Christiansen tearing through his food with ravenous abandon, only pausing to take a sip of his drink. It was enough to make her stop eating and watch. When their eyes locked, he paused, too, a light dusting of red painting his cheeks.

“What?” He asked nervously.

Caitlin rested her chin on her fist. “Nothing.”

After several minutes of the four cleaning off their plates, Callum spoke. “So, there’s somethin’ I’ve been wonderin’,” he bounced his fork between them. “How’d yo meet?”

“Oh,” Christiansen said. “Uh, we met in the, uh, forest.”

“He’s my personal bodyguard,” Caitlin said. “I’m visiting a friend in Efline and I’ve given him permission to accompany me.”

They instantly brightened. “One year on the job and Jamie’s already movin’ up! When were you gonna tell us?” Mairead asked.

“That don’t matter, Jamie’s guardin’ his favorite princess! Just like he always wanted!”

What a strange comment, especially considering its effect on Christiansen. He suddenly looked like he wanted to sink into the floor.

“So, Sir Christiansen,” Caitlin said, all innocence. “I’m your favorite princess?”

His eyes went wide like she just sprouted wings. “Uhh, yes. it’s only because there are two. Well, in Amorado, I’m sure there are more elsewhere. And no offense to Princess Lilith, I think she’s fantastic. Not as fantastic as-uh you. But, uh-you are each fantastic. In your own ways.”

The knowledge that Christiansen admired her prior to their first meeting wasn’t surprising. It was only natural for someone so oafish to revere someone brave and brilliant, but what specifically led to such adoration? When did it develop?

“Aw, he’s just bein’ modest, Caitlin,” Callum said. “Truth is, he’s always had a real big crush on-”

“Callum!” Mairead snapped.

“What? It’s like you always said; the boy’s always been a bit shy, specially’ around pretty girls. And he’s been smitten with-er,” His wife’s intensifying scowl forced him to reconsider his words. “You-know-who ever since they was kids. He’s always been terrified of talking to her!”

“If you don’t stuff your bloodeh’ cakehole right now, I’ll do it for ya’!”.

So, Christiansen was in love with some young lady, but was too terrified to talk to her. His affliction of puppy love was pathetic yet endearing. Having admired her from afar for so long, Caitlin surmised she’d have an easier time convincing the knight to leap into a ring of fire than getting him to engage her in conversation. Fearless in combat yet terrified by the prospect of conversing with his lady love. Usually with the rich princes of the land, it was the other way around.

In all probability, Caitlin could cajole the woman’s identity out of Callum, but where was the fun in that?

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