《Tale about fire》Prologue


In a time, where time itself wasn’t aware of Its own existence, four mighty beings clashed against it other. They fought uncountable number of battles in the void and the results of those is the universe we currently know.

But again, for what purpose? To free themselves of their own boredom I say. To fill the silence and the darkness with both life and sound so their existences would be no more empty nor lonely. No more meaningless.

But yet, how? They were birthed alive by the void itself but could they birth life on they own? Fortunately yes, and they did.

The new lives were good to keep the elements entertained and like a show they watched mortals fight, die, prosper and decline for a good amount of time without never interfering, until Fire decide that watching the mortals was not enough anymore. "They needed a ruler" it said, "someone that will show them their true purpose, their potential as one". Lies, claiming to work for their best when it wanted nothing but more chaos, it saw their lives like nothing but wood to be burned for its own satisfaction.

That was when Water and Earth interfered, they would not watch when Fire burned the life that they created.

This fight was later called "First War" by the smaller beings. The "war" broke fast and fierce, but it was a lost battle to begin with as the four are similar in strength. Fire had no chance at all, not alone at least.

Fire lost, and so peace came once more, it was the calm before the storm a few said.

Fire was in rage, but nothing could be done, his enemies were too strong and asking Wind for help was of no use. "Happy enough drifting through space while watching mortals doing absolutely nothing" it blamed, but it was still not ready to give up, not without trying and an infinite lifespan gives you plenty of time to put some plans to work.


Fire gave life to a little blaze, it was small and feeble but still a true born of his own flames with the potential to one day reach the amount of power that would help him against his enemies. A gamble if you ask me, as the act of creating such a being will not only deplete its own energy but the being will probably never mature but well, gambles are known by their risks, right?

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