《Different DxD Revamped》Ch 12- Attack on the Church


As the group moved towards the church, they still hadn't figured out how they would save the nun since the group that was watching the church hadn't been able to get that information before the raid, so they just decided to play it by ear.

They did decide that the team working on taking out the exorcists would also take the task of finding her, and call in support as needed. As they got ready to move, Elze had a communications circle near her ear waiting on confirmation of the removal of Kalawarner from the church, which along with an attack at the front of the church would signal the start of the fight.

As the group split up, Issei took command of the Fallen team and Sona took the Exorcist team as it had been agreed upon by both peerages and approved by the Maou's that the two of them would have joint control over this mission since it would be split up at times and would be easier to give orders by one or the other when needed.


Vali Team Location

Vali POV

Looking at the church where we had been doing a boring mission recently of keeping an eye on some rogue fallen angels, I was ready to get this done and move onto some real fighting. Knowing that Azazel wanted at least one alive and that they had what might be the best method to do it without risking anything, I turned towards my companion Arthur Pendragon and his sister Le Fay, the latter of which was integral for the upcoming start of the battle.

"How's it looking? Are we good to go?" I asked Le Fay getting an enthusiastic nod back from her.

"I'm as ready as I'll ever be I believe, considering I haven't tried this spell before outside of testing. I Just don't have the power to send her to the underworld yet, or at least I don't think I can without further testing." She replied.

The magic she was talking about was one our team had worked on making after learning of an old glitch that used to be a part of the contract papers that the devils use.

The glitch, before it was removed from the papers could be used to forcefully summon a devil tied into the clan that had their magic circle on the paper and if the person that was doing the summoning was talented enough knew what they were doing they could pull anyone from that clan.

Even though it was fixed, Azazel had heard about it and mentioned it to Le Fay once when she had asked about a way to help move people out of situations or anywhere else something like that would come in handy and he told her about the glitch and said if she wanted to make a spell for something like that, it was fine but if it was ever used in a way that would hurt the fallen angels, he would not help her or anyone she taught it to get out of it, making it be one of the few times she or anyone on Vali's team had seen him fully serious on something, and Le Fay took his warning to heart and got clearance from Azazel himself before she would use it here, as well as for Linze, who had been taught the magic as well in case it might be useful for this situation somehow and got the go-ahead. Nodding at her words I had one other concern with this mission.

(A/N: I'll explain where I figured out this trick down in the bottom a/n section)


'Azazel did warn me to be careful if I brought my team in, considering who's a part of it.' I thought knowing that one of the devils in this town was related to a person on my team and it could cause more issues then it was worth, so I made sure to keep her out of the mission, and just brought Arthur and Le Fay with me.

"Then begin the operation. We'll stay back and watch from here." I ordered giving the go-ahead to Le Fay to start the operation.

Back To Issei

Normal POV

With Elze and the group that would be attacking the fallen angels, she had a hand to her ear listening in to Vali's team as they activated the magic to pull Kalawarner to them, knowing that Le Fay wasn't sure about the spell she was using if she could send her anywhere besides to her location, and Linze, who was with the group going after the exorcists, was doing the same thing.

As they got confirmation that the teleportation was successful, they gave the go-ahead to move onto the battle, which started with the team going after the exorcists to create a distraction in the front, giving an opening for the other group to go in and start the attack on the fallen angels.

As Issei and Koneko found Raynare, they worked together like they had practiced with Sutr, having decided to work together on defeating her early on in the training, though most felt that either of them could take Raynare on by themselves, especially after Koneko got retrained, they knew that working together would be best so practiced in the time they had and were pounding the fallen to a pulp between them, batting her between themselves like a tennis ball, doing their best to keep her from catching her breath.

Raynare, for her part, had learned early on that between the two of them they were absolute power hitters, but couldn't do anything with the knowledge as they worked together to defend each other when she tried to attack one and then hold her down and give the one she tried to attack a chance to pound mercilessly on her, and she was absolutely pissed at herself for killing Issei, now that she knew he had the Boosted Gear, which he had gotten to the point in using it where he could easily boost certain parts of his body to help him in a fight, though he was mainly boosting his speed as he was strong enough even to not need to boost his strength.

She'd even tried to beg for her life, but she had gotten no remorse from Issei or Koneko since he knew that she would likely do this again since she went after innocents once, he didn't want it to happen again.

While Issei and Koneko were having a field day using Raynare as a punching bag, Elze and Tsubaki were having a hard time taking down Mittelt due to the fact that while she didn't have much battle experience, she had leaned more toward learning Sacred Gears along with Azazel and was a tough nut to crack either way, all the while trying to throw the two off their game by throwing taunts at them, though Elze was able to keep her on her toes thanks to being a close-range brawler fighter who used gauntlets set up specifically to fight Fallen Angels that were given to her for this mission, and it also helped that Tsubaki was using her Sacred Gear Mirror Alice to throw back any light spears Mittelt threw though hadn't been able to get any solid hits in on the fallen while working around and in tandem with Elze and throw multiple light spears back at her and was making progress.


Though that changed for the better when Issei threw Raynare into Mittelt's side throwing her off-balance and allowing Tsubaki to hit the two with some thrown back light spears, not doing a lot of damage but none-the-less would help finish off the two Fallen.

As they were close to finishing off their fallen angel targets, Sona was just finishing off Dohnaseek, having been able to protect herself using her water magic to throw up shields that were able to block his light spears and keep him back enough she could use her magic to call out water dragons to deal damage to him and had him on the ropes when he decided to cut his losses and cast a bright light that blinded Sona long enough for him to get away, planning on trying to get to the nun's Sacred Gear out to help turn this battle around as from what he could tell they were losing. Sona for her part decided to leave him be for now knowing he wouldn't be able to escape went to check on the group taking out the exorcists.

She also couldn't help but wonder after thinking about it some more why the Fallen would think that the Gear that the girl had would help turn the tide of a battle. Sure it could heal any injury except death and most enemies would target the healer to deal with them first.

That group was having a field day hardly having any issues taking care of the rogue exorcists, though they didn't see the one they were warned about anywhere.

"Is it just me or do these guys seem way too easy," Kaori said as she mowed through a group of exorcists, not even needing to worry about her gear for the moment. While she would have loved to help take care of the fallen themselves, she knew that since both her and Yui were still new to the supernatural world and their powers, it was a smart decision to keep them back and not have them go against any stronger opponents for the moment and knew her fellow Knight felt the same.

"Sure but I'm sure a lot of that would be how much this group trained. I've seen exorcists before in action and they can be tough groups, but it might change with rouge groups." Linze said to the group as she stayed in the back helping with defense for the group.

During the training weeks, Linze had been quiet and shy when the training first started, letting her sister do most of the talking except when she was asked a question herself, but she had slowly warmed up to the group, mainly the Kendo girls surprisingly, and had helped where she could when someone was needing help with defense magic learning as she knew quite a few spells for that as well as being proficient in water and a little bit of fire magic.

Seeing a chance to deal some damage with the help of Kazuki, she yelled at him to get ready as she cast a water spell that swept the exorcists off their feet and left water on the floor, which Kazuki used to his advantage as he called on the Aria for lightning, casting it and used the water to amplify the effects, causing major damage to the exorcists, killing many of them and severely wounding the rest right as Sona walked into the room making her proud at what the group had been able to do.

"Good job everyone. Now that that's done let's see if we can't find the nun and I'm sure where we find her, we'll find Dohnaseek as he ran off before I could finish him off." Sona said giving the group their next orders and getting a nod back from the group.


Right before the exorcist group finished their battle, the other group was just finishing their own battle. Even though the light spears Tsubaki threw back at the two fallen hadn't killed them, they had wounded the two enough for the fight to end faster.

Tsubaki and Elze were able to finish off Mittelt with a roundhouse kick from Elze which knocked her to the ground right as Tsubaki cast a spell that threw blasts of wind onto her nicking her heart, and shredding a lung, finally killing her.

Raynare for her part was barely alive by this point too. Both Issei and Koneko were sure they'd broken a few bones in her before they'd knocked her into Mittelt, though what they didn't know, but Raynare felt, was a broken rib which that had punctured her right lung making it hard to breathe, and which is how she had been knocked into Mittelt as she had tried to catch her breath and been caught from behind by a kick from Koneko.

After they untangled and got back to fighting, Issei had gotten in a boosted punch trying to go ahead and end it which threw her into a wall of the church knocking her out, though he did go ahead and throw a fist through her gut finishing her off right as Mittelt was killed.

Right after they finished off their targets, they grouped up and moved on into the church where the group had just found the underground entrance.

As they moved down the stairs, Sona updated the group that Dohnaseek had gotten away from her and might be downstairs waiting on them, getting a nod from the group that hadn't heard the news yet.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, they came across what they had both thought and feared; Dohnaseek down below getting ready to start the process of stealing the Sacred Gear from the nun. He had created a barrier in front of him that the group couldn't take out without the risk of bringing the roof down on their heads, though those that happened to be at the right angle saw Linze smirk at something.

"You fools! You gave me the chance to steal the girl's Gear, which will make me invincible. Nothing can stop me!" He yelled as he tried to start the process but was stunned as he saw a magic circle pop up under the girl and pull her away from the cross and to the group. "What did you do?!" He screamed not liking where this was going.

"Oh, just another use of the spell that pulled Kalawarner out of here, that I was taught. I don't have to tell you how it works but suffice it to say I can pull anyone to my location if I'm close enough to them." Linze said as the nun teleported next to them, and started to fall as she was unconscious before being caught by Linze and Elze, while Issei had started creating a dragon made of ice using his magic to take down Dohnaseek, who in a fit of rage charged at the group instead of trying to run away.

"Damn you!" He yelled removing the barrier, while bringing out light spears as swords to slice down Issei, but he didn't get the chance as Issei's dragon was ready and tore into him, before he got anywhere near the group and tore him to pieces, finally ending the battle.

As everyone calmed down from the battle, they took stock with everyone and that no one was too injured from the fight. "Good job everyone. Let's get outside and get ready to call this mission a success." Issei said, getting a nod from everyone as they moved back up the stairs, after sending the remaining living exorcists through a portal to the underworld with a letter saying who they were.

Sona though remembered another issue and turned towards the twins. "How are we going to handle finding Kalawarner's treasure that Dohnaseek was holding?" Getting a nod from the two.

"The group that was helping by watching the church will go and help her find it, as they only teleported her to them," Elze said, having already brought that up with Vali, and getting a nod back of acceptance since Sona already had known people were watching the church due to the note from Azazel, though had one more question.

"Can you explain the magic you used to pull the nun to us with? I've never seen it before today."

"Let's get back to the Council office first if you don't mind so we can clear out of here, and I'll explain what I can," Linze said hoping to push it off for the moment, and after a couple of seconds, got a nod of acceptance from Sona as the group teleported back to the school.

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