《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 21 : Lord Feng’s Wedding


Next day at first light the people of sword village noticed the collumn of soldiers being led by one silver armored commander entering their village, followed by a few dozen men and women in neat clothes.

Following that entourage was a few dozen workers loaded in wagons followed by a few dozen more wagons loaded with materials, they never stopped once they entered the village and in a few minutes they were already fixing the Lord's manor deep in the belly of the mountain.

The Hui family were watching that in disbelief because even after Zhu Feng mentioned that he already bought the mansion yesterday it was hard on them to digest that this young man who evoked sympathy yesterday was that capable! Finally Lanfen and her father accepted the facts with excited hearts after a while, Hui Lanfen hid in her room with the excuse of taking care of her sleeping sister afterwards yet she kept looking up at her mansion from the window of her room.

The young beauty spent nights daydreaming about someday living there like a princess, who knew that such dream wasn't that far away from reach anyway.

"Commander Ba Tusai requests an audience with Baron Zhu."

The loud voice coming from behind the gate of their courtyard pulled Lanfen out of her daze.

'I'm about to get married to a noble, who could've imagined? Tehehe' while giggling in bless, Hui Lanfen stretched on the bed next to her sleeping sister and hugged her to sleep with a wide smile on her face.


"How can I help you commande-" in a bad mood ever since he got manipulated yesterday, Zhu Feng was about to give the loud voiced commander a piece of his mind yet his words halted in his mouth when he saw the man in silver armor. "It's you from back then, I heard that if it wasn't for your monster repellent powder then it could've been a lot worse back then. I never got to thank you personally. did I? Doesn't matter I guess, thanks man. But I have to say it, your captain was quite an asshole. My back still have scars from that rodeo and it itches like a starving bitch sometimes, come in."

Ba Tusai smiled when Zhu Feng remembered him and stifled his laughter when he heard the joking tune of this newly elevated noble with the rank of Baron and his immediate superior, he kept the unnecessary details to himself since this Lord is bound to become informed personally very soon.

"I'm here to report to my Lord, the men searched the Baron's manor thoroughly and it's all clear, right now the craftsmen are being aided by my men and the servants to make the manor at it's finest shape. Behind me are the best tailors of Rock city for the Baron's and the Baroness's attires in the wedding, courtesy of advisor Jian's."

Ba Tusai spoke then gestured for the two men and women behind him, then waited in silence.

"I see." Nodding once, Feng turned towards the Hui's house and hollered in amusement : "Baroness Lanfen, your tailors are here for you."

"Come, you can take my measurements while I speak with my savior. You two just go inside the house her room is the second one on the left in the second floor."

Walking towards the pavilion where his wolves are lazing around, Zhu Feng smiled when he saw the two men in elaborate clothes being apprehensive as they followed while the two women responsible for Lanfen ran for their mistress while feeling pity for their colleagues who had to work while being glared at by wolves.


"Anything else you should be warning me about Ba Tusai? Like For how long will you be staying with me to watch over my house and what not."

Spreading his arms to the sides for the shaking tailors to do their work, Feng asked Ba Tusai to give him insider information if he can.

"If possible, then me and my men would like to stay under Lord Feng's service forever, you still have to tell the craftsmen how would you like your insignia to be. To mark your lands with your flags, to tend to the problems of your people, remove the threats of monsters and bandits alike from your territories, pay your taxes, and train your men and recruite fresh troops. Of course you can strengthen your relations with other nobles and make some new but I have no knowledge of that matter."

As Ba Tusai spoke without reservations, Feng listened carefully without interrupting once.

"Why do you think that? You know my history more than these two tailors here, when you met me my hands and feet were shaking just the same from fear. You and your men don't mind serving a Lord who was dismissed from the army for being a coward, for life to top it off? Strange. Don't you think?"

"Indeed it would seem that way to those who didn't see or hear you snoring like a baby while the captain dislocated his shoulder trying to get you to whimper at least once with his whip, people think we're exaggerating when they hear the story and I get it but facts remain facts for me and my men."

"Are you telling me you're admiring me because I have thick skin? Not a very smart reason if you ask me."

Zhu Feng retorted with a smile on his face, he promised himself to be positive from today onwards for Lanfen's sake.

She doesn't deserve to be burdened with his sorrows, it was enough that she accepted him and Biyu and helped him share some of his pain.

"Bfft.... S- sorry my Lord I.... I never mean-"

"At ease gentlemen, you two were shaking a bit too much I felt like you needed a laugh. Did you get all my measurements?"

One of the tailors couldn't hold it and laughed on reflex, then he was horrified by his mistake since he's not dealing with a normal customer on his shop but a noble Lord and the most famous jinx of the whole Shi kingdom!

City lords were transferred to the capital because of him and the western army met a grand movement of reformation because of him! Not to mention how many demotions and scoldings that happened the past few months.

Then the tailor felt a calming hand on his shoulder and heard Feng's answer which removed the mountain of worry from the poor man's chest, hearing Feng's question caused the tailor to nod fiercely up and down as if he's a chicken picking rice from the ground.

"Good work, now go do whatever you want in madam Cho's tavern but be careful or they'll strip you naked after winning all your money."

"Thank you m'lord, congratulations on your wedding. May the goddess of life bless you with healthy and strong offspring to succeed your name."

Seeing the two tailors leave smiling widely made Ba Tusai shrug his shoulders when Feng's eyes fell on him waiting for an answer.

"That's why we wish to keep you company Lord Feng, these wolves next to you are prove enough and how you dealt with these two men just now is the confirmation of our faith in you. Most of my men are grateful to you because if it wasn't for you then most of them would be stuck, I used to be a footsoldier under captain Li Canglai yet here I am two ranks higher after months of your incident. And there's many examples similar to me north and south of here, if that's not enough to follow you then I have nothing but my and mine soldiers selfish desire to follow you."


"I see. The insignia of my choice is my five wolves howling at a blood moon, the flags marking my land I'll leave it to you. If there's any monsters or bandits we'll deal with it one at a time, my people's problems will be heard after my wedding, no taxes for five years but we need to make preparations early just in case, training the men we need to discuss after my wedding as well alongside the matter of recruitment, nobles can kiss my ass I never wanted it and never will. You my friend need a dozen of assistants to help you manage matters faster, that's your first priority."

"Eh! Assistants? For me!"

Hearing Zhu Feng speak made Ba Tusai nod again and again in approval yet he was surprised when Feng mentioned the last matter, pointing at his own face in confusion as he spoke.

"Yes, you're going to be the commander of my guards, which means my right hand man. You need to be in control and you need to be quick about it. But if you overworked yourself then you're bound to make mistakes and we don't want that, every responsibility of mine has to have a man who answers to me when shit hits the fan. Do you get it?"

"Kind of."

"It's alright, for example tax. I have to pay it the kingdom but I don't have time to go around collecting it, right!"


"I need someone to oversee that matter and someone to collect it, then someone to investigate secretly or more than one if it possible to prevent corruption. Such example has to be on all of our responsibilities, keep our hands clean and our conscience unblemished no matter what. Then we grow strong enough so that if an evil dares to stretch a hand towards our loved ones we can crush it with absolute might."

Ba Tusai felt his heart race when he heard Feng's ideals, he was aware that this young but courageous man had great aspirations but he never thought that he was aiming that high and far into the future.

'We made the right choice in choosing him.' that thought was burned deep into his mind and he looked at Feng's face with admiration, next morning Ba Tusai was bringing his family to live here next to his Lord even if it was dangerous compared to Rock city.

"Excuse me my Lord, the craftsmen need to know about your choice of the insignia to finish it as soon as possible with the flags. There's two soldiers at the doors of the courtyard if I'm needed send one of them to fetch me, I need to go make sure the work on the manor is moving according to schedule. Will you be paying us a visit soon?"

"No, go to the blacksmith's workshop on the street to the left after taking a right and ask auntie Qing and auntie Baozhai to give you Lanfen's jewelry and dresses, after the two ladies finish taking her measurements then invite them to fix the clothes that I bought then tell the servants to put everything in order in her dressing room with her jewelries. Oh and my new sword as well as my weapons and gear take them with you as well, thank you Ba Tusai and tell the men that we will have fun in my wedding. Make sure that everyone working in my house is well treated, you know how much I hate injustice."

"Pretty much yea. Hahaha congratulations Baron Zhu on your wedding."

"Oh fuck off."


"General the wedding is happening tomorrow morning, the boy finished everything ahead of schedule thanks to how good he treats people."

"Eh! Something came up?"

"Tailors they may be or winemakers everyone is singing praise of how the new Lord is making everyone happy, his charismatic personality is rubbing on everything that comes close to Sword Villa. Merchants from nearby cities, towns and small villages are making their way towards the Villa seeking to gain profit from the occasion."

"Excellent. Send a battalion to the Villa I don't want some young foolish noble with his head in the clouds and ears clogged with his own ego to go provoke the lad in his big day, better yet if you block strangers from entering the village all-together. Merchants and visitors can have their fun outside under the safety of the army, I always knew that a market nearby lonely mountain would flourish. You know what to do Jianjun."

"At once general."


"Little Feng wake up, come-on lazy bones it's your wedding day you should be getting ready to receive your beautiful wife!"

"Auntie Qing let me sleep some more, I've been up for two days now adjusting this correcting that and listening to people's problems even though I told them many times that I'll take care of everything after my wedding. Then the men in my guard kept pestering me to join them for a drink then it never ended, I need some sleeep.... Zzz"

"Zhu Feng get up right now or help me god I'll tell the men to drag you to your wedding naked!"

"Auntie Baozhai you'll be shaming me if you do and I know that you're good at heart and won't do-"

"Men strip him naked and drag him to receive his wife!"

"Oy! Mother #@&$, let go of me you sons of #[email protected]&. Alright! I'm up and awake. Happy now?"



Bao Baozhai crossed her arms underneath her chest and gave Zhu Feng whose eyes were spouting fire as he glared at her a nonchalant look.

The soldiers were stifling their laughter as they let go of Zhu Feng who felt like he's being mistreated by this senior, ever since she solved her issues with auntie Qing and these two women seemed to become at least thirty years younger!

Had Zhu Feng knew that it was the pill that Yin Meirong gave to Bao Baozhai which caused that effect he wouldn't be surprised that much, after all he saw Qing Liling use her superpowers first hand a few days after he came to this world.

Now the two ladies look like twenty something years old and their beauty flourished once again, much to Da Donghai's joy and happiness.

𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘺 𝘣𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘥 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘢𝘵 𝘯𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘳𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘫𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘨𝘦𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘢𝘧𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘦𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘣𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘺, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘤.

Covering her mouth and giggling like a maiden, Qing Qiuyue walked towards Zhu Feng and embraced him to ease the tension between him and her older sister Baozhai.

These two got into too many arguments lately like two kids who couldn't come to term no matter what.

"Now go wash up and get cleaned little Feng, you reek of sweat and wine. I'll prepare your clothes for you."

Pushing Zhu Feng towards the bathroom Qiuyue said while smirking when she saw him pouting his lips like a boy who just got scolded by his parents.


"Hahaha..... Keh, every time I remember how we dragged Baron Zhu into a drinking contest in the night of his wedding day I can't stop feeling proud of you men. Good job everyone."

Ba Tusai smiled at his men after they gathered in the training grounds behind their barracks then congratulated them on their achievement first thing with a fist raised towards the sky.

"Yeah.... Ahahaha we did it."

The eighty something soldiers looked at their commander standing underneath their Lord's flag in his silver armor and celebrated their trickery, while Ba Tusai looked at his men which included some that Zhu Feng already knew before and some new faces.

Li Canglai was standing amongst the captains and oddly enough Xi Qiqiang the former Bone Crusher bandit was standing next to him!

Former soldiers from the old seventh company like Fu Liwei, Ba Tusai's old friend and the one who was supposed to handle sprinkling the monster repellent powder around Zhu Feng in the first place.

"The village is blocked by the general's men and we can allow ourselves to relax a little today and have some fun, and that's alright and all but we can't let our guard down and regret it later. Lord Feng said something yesterday which kept ringing in my head until this very moment, he said : "Better safe than sorry" take a moment and try to understand the wisdom in that short verse. Tell me men, are you unsatisfied in anyway under the Lord's service?"

"Not at all commander."

The united voice of the men rang thunderously from the training grounds and reached all the way to the village gates.

"Which one do you prefer? To be safe or sorry!"

"Safe is better commander!"

"This image is our pride and honor from this moment until we die or until we demand to be transferred from the Lord's service, I was told by Zhu Feng personally again and again to take more than enough care of each and every one of you and to respect your wishes no matter what. Never hesitate in speaking your mind all the time or you'll be unworthy of this great lord that loves and cares for us. Is that understood men and guardians of the Zhu House!"

"Yes Commander."

Again the sound of these men covered a few kilometers in radius and caused the previous hustle and bustle of the village and the new market next to it to suddenly go silent, if these citizens who felt cold shivers on their spines and goosebumps all over their skin previously after hearing these unanimous shouts were told that the men who caused them were half drunk from fooling around with Zhu Feng yesterday certainly they would gawk in fear.

"Good, now go get ready to do your jobs and stay safe and try to keep it this way everywhere around the village today. Dismissed everyone except you three."

Ba Tusai clapped once and gestured for his men to go then beckoned for Fu Liwei, Li Canglai and Xi Qiqiang to come then sat with them on the crude stone stools.

"After handling the swapping of the previous guarding shifts you will personally oversee the next shift around the manor Qiqiang, Lord Feng's wedding is a big deal for him and us I'm counting on you don't let me down big guy."

"Heh.... come-on commander don't give me that look, I was beaten black and blue by the Baron's horse even when I had fifty men. I know what I have to do to gain your trust but that man I don't dare get on his bad side, even now I'm haunted by nightmares everytime I remember that cloudy night."

"Lord Feng said that he's "Cool" with it as long as you're not going around making life harder on the innocents, last time he saved your sorry ass and gave you medicine and a chance to redeem yourself but that was a one time thing. Next time you'll be haunted by wolves instead of nightmares, tread carefully now captain Xi."

Ba Tusai nodded then pointed up at the flag above them where there's five wolves a lot like the wolfpack of Feng's howling towards a bloodred moon as he delivered his message, despite his big frame and unquestionable courage former Bone Crusher bandit leader and currently captain Xi Qiqiang of Lord Feng's guards still felt his balls shrink and shrivel at these words and could only nod timidly.

𝘓𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘴𝘩𝘦-𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘧, 𝘺𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘮𝘦𝘯 𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘶𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘭𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘶𝘤𝘦.

𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘪𝘧 𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘪𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘯 𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢 𝘭𝘢𝘳𝘨𝘦 𝘱𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘰𝘧 𝘸𝘰𝘭𝘷𝘦𝘴? 𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘦𝘭𝘺 𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘦𝘱𝘳𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘴𝘭𝘦𝘦𝘱 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘐 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘪𝘵.

"Good, captain Li you're in charge of the streets nearby the manor. Anything suspicious I want you to apprehend then investigate."

"Yes commander, did you convey my message to Baron Zhu?"

Li Canglai was worried about something else entirely other than his duty, his days after the general's punishment were hellish yet he managed to come out of his tribulation stronger mentally and physically.

Ba Tusai smiled and clapped him on the shoulder once before saying : "I did, and he said : "minor scratches nothing much but they do itch like ants crawling underneath his skin sometimes, these times he just wishes if you're locked in a cage with him so that he can toss you around like a piece of rag." Our Lord Feng doesn't hold a grudge longer than needed, you need to put your worries to rest captain Li and look forward. Make it up to him by protecting his loved ones and we can call it even, I think everyone here agrees with me."

"I understand commander, I won't let my Lord Feng down."

Fu Liwei smirked when he saw gratitude on the face of their old captain, looking at his old friend he waited for his own orders for the day.

"Captain Fu, you'll be responsible of guarding the Baroness and the Baron's living quarters-"

"Tsk, old Ba are you kidding me?"

"Something wrong Captain Fu? Are you disobeying a direct order perhaps? I'm happy to take you to Lord Feng right now to solve this or you can be held here in the barracks until the wedding is over to solve this-"

"God damnit I'm going, you're telling me to keep listening at attention to him as he have his fun with his mistress while you sons of bitches eat and drink and get merry all you like. You're still an ass commander Ba my opinion of you never changed a tiny bit from the first day we met."

"Scram captain Fu, we'll meet in the banquet captains."

The exchange between the two old friends was like always ever since he joined this battalion a source of amusement to Qiqiang, he saw a few veins throbbing on Fu Liwei's face and they twitched some more when commander Ba Tusai mentioned the banquet then his feet picked up pace to leave before this joke ruin his mode more than it already has.


"Baron Feng Baroness Lanfen congratulations, this general hurried here on my fastest horse once I heard the news of your wedding."

The great hall of his manor was where Zhu Feng sat with his guests, only those whome Zhu Feng knew and cared for their presence were here like the two aunties with their one handed giant, Ba Tusai and the men who were on last night's guarding shift and missed seeing Zhu Feng drunk, Hui Huiliang and his close friends from the village.

The rest of the guests were in the gardens or drowning in their liquor and devouring insane amounts of meat and sweets on the streets of the village.

Zhu Feng heard that it was even more rowdy on the new market outside the city but he was so busy getting scolded by Baozhai all day to care.

It was nice and fun so far for Zhu Feng who was still fighting his hangover and trying to smile to his wife and whisper compliments to her ear, until the shameless general Laoci entered with a dozen of his men which caused Feng to stretch his lips in disgust.

Still he had to swallow his disgust and grit his teeth and smile for Lanfen's sake, he has to give her the day of her dreams as perfectly as possible.

"Love, let me introduce you to the hero of our Shi kingdom general Lian Laoci in the flesh, welcome general to my humble banquet. This man is the strategist and right-hand man of general Lian, much of the losses that the white legion suffered on the eastern borders had to do with his brilliant tactics. Vice-general Zhang, vice-general Shang Haohai....."

"Welcome gentlemen, Fen'er have so much admiration and respect for you general. You're mine and everyone in my village's hero, meeting you is really a dream come true."

General Laoci smirked slightly when he heard Feng trying to diminish his accomplishments in the previous war in the east by giving the credit to his advisor, while Jian Jianjun smiled helplessly inwardly because he knew that Zhu Feng is still holding a grudge as it would seem.

"Hahahah is it now! Then I'll drink to that, had I known back then that such a goddess of beauty and gentleness was cheering for me then I would've fought three times harder against the white dogs. May your house grow larger and your Zhu family's name last forever as an eternal ally and one of the mightiest pillars of my Shi kingdom.... summon the gifts."

Raising his glass higher then calling his toast with a voice befitting a general who's used to leading men to the battlefield, Lian Laoci emptied his cup then hollered again.

The guests were hooked on the theatrical attitude but Zhu Feng was wishing if he could tackle the old geezer right now and slug him twice, two men appeared at the large door of the hallway walking side by side with a large wooden box between them raised by the handles on each side.

Then another two men then another and after a few seconds there was six brown boxes on the dance floor of this hall, the breathing of the guests and the bride were held in anticipation yet Zhu Feng wasn't excited at all.

He kept staring at Lian Laoci's eyes waiting for this geezer to reveal his cards.

Jian Jianjun exchanged looks with his general Lian Laoci after seeing that their target wasn't biting their bait as if saying : "General, the kid is glaring daggers at you."

But all he received from his friend was a reassuring smile which said : "Don't worry I got this."

"Our King specifically ordered for these gifts to be sent to Baron Zhu Feng in his wedding day after hearing about your meritorious deeds, summon the royal decree. All kneel."

The guests hurried to stand up from their seats and kneeled on a single knee otherwise they'll be seen as being disrespectful while the royal decree was revealed, twenty lashes was the penalty for such transgression.

Jian Jianjun respectfully and slowly brought a small box the size of two palms put together from his chest area and opened it to reveal a strange seal made from gold and elaborately decorated with precious gems and raised it above his head for all to see, after remaining motionlessly still for a few dozen seconds he returned it to the box and took out a leather scroll sealed with red wax from there then returned the box to his chest.

"All rise. This is the royal decree of his highness King Shi Bojing the third of his name and protector of the realm, on this auspicious day I hereby name citizen Zhu Feng a Baron of my kingdom with the title itself being hereditary to be carried by his offspring for seven generations to come."


After Jin Jianjun finished reading the king's royal decree to those present in the main hall he rolled the scroll and handed it to Zhu Feng's hand with a slight bow in his posture.

The joy and celebratory cheers of the guests covered the moment of awkwardness when Zhu Feng's eyes met the military advisor's.

"Open the first gift."

Shameless general Laoci helped his friend escape by calling aloud to his men to show these guests the generosity of their king.

"Whoah..... Old Hui I'm so envious of you, Lanfen and my son are the same age yet all he does is pick his nose and laze around everyday. Sigh, just look at how much gold there's in that box."

"Ten thousand gold coins, courtesy of the third prince to congratulate Baron Zhu on his wedding."

"T.... ten thousand."

Eyes fully rounded in shock was the majority of guests save a few like Qing Qiuyue and Bao Baozhai alongside Zhu Feng.

"Open the second gift."


The guests were curious and puzzled about the strange rocks inside the box and exchanged glances of ignorance, only Bao Baozhai knew what it was with a single look.

"Indestructible steel ores, courtesy of the second princess to congratulate Baron Zhu on his wedding."

By now Lanfen was melting in the embrace of her husband, in her wedding day she's in her dream house surrounded by people who cares about her.

Her hero is personally announcing the nature of the royal gifts sent her way by princes and princesses, the royal decree of legends was revealed and her children will be nobles.

She didn't care about the rest of the boxes and what might be within, if she could then she would snatch her man and go eat him with the blessings of sister Biyu of course!

"Open the third gift."

"Is that a...."

The one who was about to speak got elbowed in the chest to shut up after general Laoci glanced at him.

"A masterpiece work of a legendary craftsman, a dress for Baroness Lanfen completely made from mithril and silk extracted from the brood-mother of a hard shelled leopard spider. It can protect against poison and negate the magical attacks of low rank cultivators and weaken the effects of the physical attacks of blunt and sharp weapons, courtesy of the crown prince to congratulate Baron Zhu on his wedding."

Even Zhu Feng was stunned by the amazing beauty and advantages of the dress that got revealed, after what happened to Biyu he was grateful for the addition which will make him less worried if Lanfen wore that dress forever!

"Open the fourth gift."

"Eh! A fox? But it looks big for a fox."

"That's a snow wolf, I've seen one before inside the white walls of the city capital."

"A pure blooded demonic beast, a male snow wolf. Courtesy of Duke Jin minister of the left to congratulate Baron Zhu on his wedding."

"D..d... demonic beast! If it escaped that small cage then we're all going to die, how could they send such a dangerous animal here?"


Some poor villager was traumatized by the events of his childhood and started to panick, but he was muted after Yi Yaozu gave him a rebuking word.

"Open the fifth gift."

"Are these indestructible steel ores as well?"

"The fuck would I know, I've seen more strange things today more than I witnessed in my whole life."

"A dozen demonic cores of low grade demonic beasts, courtesy of Duke Jiao minister of the right to congratulate Baron Zhu on his wedding."

"Open the royal gift."

Without giving the ignorant audience any time to digest the information, general Laoci called for the sixth box to be opened.

But this time he called it "Royal" gift.

"Hrrrm.... That box looks empty was it sto- ugh!"

"Shut up, I swear you senile old man are going to get us in some trouble with your loose tongue someday."

The man among the audience of guests who always spoke first was elbowed again but in the solar plexus this time, then his wife kept beating him up with anger all over her face.

"This scepter has always been the symbol for the protection of my kingdom, rewarded from his majesty the king to Baron Zhu for creating the ZhuQing material which can help save countless lives of fellow Shi kingdom citizens. From this moment on Baron Zhu is named protector of the west and the title is hereditary for one generation."

Lian Laoci walked towards the box and scooped up a fine silver scepter with a huge jewel on top with both of his hands, then he walked towards Zhu Feng while declaring it's meaning then handed it to him with a smile.

After clapping the stunned young man on the shoulders twice in appreciation, general Lian Laoci twirled on his heels and spread his arms wide and said : "Now that we're done announcing important matters, Let's party." Then he snatched two cups full of wine and wildly tossed them into his mouth.


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