《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 8 : What Goes Around Comes Around


Once night arrived, general Lian and his unit entered Rock city.

"Welcome general."

The bronze armored captain opened the gates personally with his two black armored deputies and stood in front of his squadron to salute the famous shameless general Lian.

The man is a hero of the Shi kingdom because of his resounding win over the white legion of Bai empire in the east a few months ago, the empire was always the most arrogant in the territory around Shi kingdom.

Their borders met with Shi kingdom, Mu Kingdom, Hai kingdom to the west and many other kingdoms to the south, north and two other empires to the east.

Their land size is more than a dozen times larger than the Shi Kingdom alone, and three times larger than the four kingdoms of Shi, Mu, Hai and Yan combined!

Their arrogance is well-deserved because they had the strength to back it up, yet, this shameless general Lian brought them to their knees.

There's a rumour about the supreme commander of Bai empire's west territories laughing aloud when he received the news about general Lian getting deployed to the western army of Shi kingdom.

"Send word for the seventh company, assemble in the third training ground at first light."

Lian Laoci rode in after giving orders to the gate captain.

"Captain did someone from captain Li's seventh company offend any of the general's men?"

One of the deputies whispered as he remembered the general's expression when he gave the order earlier.

"None of my business, send the messenger."

The captain gestured for his soldiers to close the gates and went back to his quarters to rest.

"Little Zhang go notify captain Li of general Lian's orders."

The deputy told one of the men to go and started gossiping with the other deputy about the latest rumour.

"Did you hear about the incident of captain Li? They say he flogged one of battalion leader Zi's soldiers a hundred times and that soldier didn't utter a single sound."

"That couldn't be right! A hundred lashes without screaming once, could it be that captain Li went easy on the poor soul? That also doesn't feel right. He's always been strict for the last couple years seeking that promotion to battalion leader."

"True, they say he dislocated a shoulder while doing it and couldn't get back a single sound. Hehe, they say the soldier ended up sleeping as he got flogged."

"Impossible! Are you sure he was really doing his best? Captain Li has a couple accomplishment in the battlefield you know, his strength is the real deal."

"Beats me, I just heard it from the medic in our squadron. You know how close he's to the others in the garrison."

The deputy shrugged his shoulders and went to get something to eat.

Such occasions and that specific topic being discussed was happening everywhere in the garrisons since a couple days ago, captain Li failed to suppress the news of that incident from leaking outside his company.

"Captain Li, I carry a message from general Lian."

As he sat in his room clenching his fists after hearing from one of his loyal deputies how others caught wind of the news of that day, he saw one of the soldiers report as he stood outside the door after giving his salute.

'Did he also hear about it?' captain Li thought as he felt a shudder run through his back.


He looked at the soldier's arms and didn't see any scrolls and knew it was a verbal message.


"General Lian ordered for the seventh company to assemble at the third training grounds at first light, that's all."

The soldier already heard the news about the flogging incident from one of his friends in this company, it was a lot more detailed than the one his deputy heard from their medic.

Seeing the cynical expression on the soldier's face made captain Li burn with rage, if it wasn't because that soldier isn't under his direct command then he would've forced him to double or triple the normal daily training just to wipe that smug out of his face.

"I received your message, you can go now."

Gritting his teeth and stifling his anger captain Li glared at the young soldier and dismissed him.

"Right, I could get lashed if I delayed any further."

Grinning at the angered captain Li the soldier swiftly spinned on his heels and ran away as he snickered to himself for being smart in choosing his words.


Finally captain Li couldn't hold his anger anymore and flipped the table in front of him with a hand as he stood up.

"Tell the men to gather at the third training ground at dawn, whomever is lagging behind will be flogge... Forget it, just tell them that this is general Lian's orders."

After calming down slightly captain Li told his deputy then choked on his words, what a joke to try and threaten those men with flogging, especially in such times after what happened!

They'll just drag theur feet and arrive behind schedule deliberately just to embarrass him, after returning that day the whole company seemed to be conspiring against him.

His words no longer carry any weight, and more than eighty of the men applied for a transfer from the company.

All captain Li could do was try and delay for sometime and hope for things to return to normal before the time for promotions arrive.

When the men heard the orders and knew that general Lian was the one giving the orders for assemble they all arrived in the third training ground in time and fully geared.

Surprisingly when they arrived they found the general's special unit standing behind him and waiting in the third training grounds after arriving ahead of them!

'We already arrived early yet general Lian is waiting for us!' the soldiers and low rank squad and squadron captains under Li CangLai were surprised when they saw the general and his men and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Good day general, all of my men are gathered as you commanded."

Li CangLai saluted respectfully as he stood in front of his men after he checked if there's anyone missing and that his men are in formation.

"Captain Li, report to this general step by step exactly what you did after I gave you the order to flog the coward soldier."

Lian Laoci sat on his chair and drank some tea to wash away some of the drunkenness from earlier, he had joined Jian Jianjun and his men for seven rounds in their celebration.

They didn't sleep in over thirty hours!

Still, he and his men won't be thrown off balance by a few rounds even if they were lacking proper sleep lately, they can still keep working for another three days unaffected.

Their twenty years in the eastern borders saw battlefields that kept going for three days and three nights.

What joke is doing some light horse riding and chasing some cowards for a day and two nights then throwing orders to a pack of spoilt soldiers in the western borders and having a few drinks without sleeping in between? Lian Laoci already is hundred percent sure that his men can take double that work load without losing a single percent of their efficiency!



Captain Li CangLai was shocked by the sudden question and his soldiers behind him had gloating eyes as they waited to see just how will he evade this one.

The eighty soldiers and captains of the seventh company who asked for a transfer from being under Li Canglai's service didn't even raise the issue to the general yet and he backed their commanding officer to a corner for them.

'Did the general hear about the incident as well?' these eighty individuals thought as they watched their captain's face pale and his tongue stammer as he searched for an answer.

"What? Can't you even narrate to this general what you did! Report captain Li CangLai, your superior is waiting for a "Detailed" report. Before I left to chase the "Coward's" fellow soldiers who abandoned their positions and arms then escaped the battlefield you sent the report of completely burning the bodies and administering my orders, now walk me through it step by step after I left."

Lian Laoci sat straight and glared at his dawdling subordinate who squirmed in place like a virgin about to confess her love, then shouted at the captain.

"Yes, after giving the coward a hundred lashed like you commanded we left after burning the bodies and gathering the weapons, armors and identity tokens."

"That's not what happened."

"That's not what happened."


"Shut up Ba, it's not your place to speak here that will be your final warning!"

After captain Li CangLai gave his report while agilely stepping away from the landmines of his wrongdoings, general Lian and and that old Ba who didn't forget to scatter the monster repellent powder around Feng spoke the exact words at the same time.

Captain Li CangLai turned to glare at Ba Tusai and tried to shut him up frantically while bringing up the rules of the military.

"Stand down captain Li, you, do you have something to say?"

General Lian glanced with his eyes to the side for Li CangLai to step back then looked at the soldier carrying a spear who had a short yet muscular physique who just spoke, he smiled at him then asked if he has something to add to what he already knew.

"Yes, greetings general I'm Ba Tusai a spearman from the seventh company, during the day captain Li CangLai was given the orders to flog the soldier he gave the man seventy standard flogs like the general commanded. Only the last thirty were given with increasing force in each hit until the captain ended up dislocating his shoulder in the last swing."

After giving his version of what he saw in the incident Ba Tusai took a step back and closed his mouth after finishing his report.

"Captain Li, what do you have to say?"

Not only was the general's face dark because Feng didn't include that in his earlier scolding and it seemed like the young man was going easy on the general and saved him some face.

Which hurt the general's pride even further!

'Sigh, now Laoci will show you his frightening side. Why did you have to be that cruel on a helpless person? You could've just followed your orders, flog the kid, drag him back to the city, strip his rank, then throw the silver coin at him and be on your way.' Jian Jianjun sympathetically looked at the paling captain Li CangLai and thought, he admired Feng more for being considerate of the general's face.

But the truth ended up dug out anyway, now Li CangLai will have to bear the brunt of it.

"G.... general Lia...."

"Did you? Or did you not do what was reported by your soldier?"


"Did you or did you not?"

"He did general."

"He didn't even leave the young man his money, we're supposed to be given one silver coin when we get released from duty."

"That man was the most strong-willed person I've ever met."

"Not once did he make a sound even after Li kept increasing the force of his strikes."

"Hahaha I laughed too much when the young man snored in his sleep as he got whipped."


One of general Lian's deputies silenced the crowd after he found signs of disorder coming from these men in front of his general, however, his tune wasn't harsh but his eyes were filled with killing intent as he looked at Li CangLai.

That person who Li CangLai bullied now holds the sword of the general's beloved eldest son, to the deputy and every single member of the special unit under general Lian's comman this kid Zhu Feng now is comparable in rank to their young master Tushi.

Not only did this little shit bully him unreasonably and tarnished the general's reputation, he denied the man of his rightful money, didn't bring him to safety and exposed him to danger!

Fuck, if it wasn't for the general being here then he or any of his brothers-in-arms would've beaten this Li to death themselves just for what he did to Feng.

"For the last time, I'll ask you senior captain Li CangLai. Did you, or did you not?"

Clenching his fists the general said thorough gritted teeth.


"General please.... It was just a coward and I really don't know what got into me that time, somehow I found myself striking heavier in each swing."

After kneeling down on both knees captain Li was sure that his chances of promotion were surely going to fall into another's hands, making up his mind to plead guilty he decided to remind the general that it was just a coward.

While Li Canglai is a veteran who experienced many battlefields and Feng on the other hand is just a coward, surely the general will know which of them two is needed more in the army.

After bending his back until the storm passes, Li CangLai can seek these rats out and give them a piece of his mind.

"Then let me tell you Li CangLai about the other side of the story, that man got attacked on the same night while being hurt and helpless by a wolfpack from beast mountains. If you're unarmed and in perfect health, what are the chances of you surviving such attack?"

Lian Laoci said as he asked the captain who was trying to minimize his losses by kneeling and acting pitiful.


Li CangLai raised his head in surprise and was too shocked to answer such a question, these wolves were famous for being extremely ferocious and wicked if they had someone as their target.

They'll track you anywhere and their persistence would sap away at your endurance, courage, strength, and energy.

Especially since these beasts are extremely vengeful and become even more aggressive if one of them was killed

Even if Li Canglai was armed to the teeth his chances of survival are at most one percent, not to mention unarmed!

"Fuck, old Ba you lied to me. You said you scattered monster repellent powder around the young man."

One man next to Ba Tusai said as he grabbed his friend's armor and kept shaking him back and forth, the man was so agitated and spittle kept flying from his face at Ba Tusai as he spoke.

He was maddened with rage because he was the one supposed to scatter the powder, if that brave person died because of his neglect then he'll spend the rest of his days feeling regret.

"Of course I did, are you calling me a liar?"

Ba Tusai glared back at his friend who was very idiotic and forgetful all the time after he pushed him away from him and wiped his face in his sleeve to remove the spittle while feeling disgusted.

'fuck! I wipe your ass for you and you still dare complain? I too have a temper asshole!' Ba Tusai thought that while wishing if he can excuse himself to go wash his face.

"Shut up!"

Ba Tusai and his roommate separated begrudgingly as they glared at one another.

Jian Jianjun smiled at the two who almost started to wrestle, he knew they must've liked young Feng's unyielding nature that's why they did the action of scattering some monster repellent powder despite receiving no orders to do so.

He told them to shut up, simply because this powder won't stop an alpha wolf, they didn't know it and he was lazy to explain because right now the general was speaking.

But he took a close look at their faces as he thought 'Such overflowing charisma to influence these soldiers without speaking, what if young Feng led them to battle and fueled them with morale?' Jian Jianjun shivered with excitement as he imagined these faces hungry for action and following that young man in green to the battlefield.

"Captain, your general gave you a question."

One of the vice-generals snapped at the dazing captain Li CangLai as he watched the man's men who had faces devoid of respect or worry as they looked at their captain who was on his knees and looking like a fool in a daze.

'Such person isn't fit to lead, his men are apathetic and caring not at all as their superior gets admonished publicly. Clearly they're unsatisfied under his command' the vice-general thought as he shook his head.

"Not a chance in a thousand lives general."

Li CangLai said with a softer voice as shame filled him.

"En, then what's the chance of you capturing one of them then taming it?"

General Lian didn't shame the captain and asked another question.

"Aah... Could it be?"

The man next to Ba Tusai caught up fast on the hidden meaning behind the general's words, his eyes lit up with hope and a wide smile started to form on his face.

"What is it? Dumb Fu Liwei, mother fucker don't tease me and spit it out already."

Ba Tusai kept poking his roommate with his elbow as he stood at attention, he made sure his actions were minimal and his tune faint.

After all they could be flogged for causing disturbance repeatedly in front of the general and his men, that's the army not some mercenary organization after all.

Only eight or nine people in seventh company seemed to figure it out, as captain Li was taking his time waking up from his daze similar situations happened amongst the soldiers.

"Not a chance at all."

Li CangLai lowered his head and felt the world spin in his eyes, he too figured out why the general kept asking these questions.

'That shivering wimp not only survived that! He also tamed one of these wolves?' Li CangLai looked at the sun to check if it was rising from the west when he thought that.

"Zhu Feng did all that, me and my men met him yesterday and saw with our eyes. That wolf tried to attack this general when I approached the man, now tell me. Which crime is more deserving of punishment cowardliness or desertion?"

General Lian announced his encounter with Feng yesterday which made both Fu Liwei and Ba Tusai sigh in relief and smile while the men of the seventh company listened while their hearts kept being pumped up with excitement, every one of them liked heroes and that young man's first encounter with them left a very deep impression then now after the general delivered the rest of the news their admiration for the so-called "Coward" grew more and more.


Li CangLai said in a lower voice that seemed to come from a dry well.

"En. Now, a single man. Unarmed, alone, wounded, laying next to more than four hundred human bodies and a dead demonic beast's body getting burned. Wakes up to find himself surrounded by wolves, he struggles for his "ONLY" life armed with fourty-five bronze coins, some water and rations, and as he said it. "Some kind people left him liquor to drink before he dies by the way of getting torn to shreds by hungry wolves" yet somehow he passes the night alive and gains a prize from the wolfpack, isn't this a lesson for you all. If he can do it, then you can do it too."

Getting up from his chair, general Lian started to lecture his men.

Heck, even Lian Laoci felt motivated after hearing the complete story, that kid was very much to his liking!


Li CangLai felt his back shiver and his hair standing on end when his seventh company shouted such answer in unison.

'Are these the same men who kept walking around with droopy shoulders and dragging their feet after every order? Since when were my men that coherent and enthusiastic!' Li CangLai thought as he stared wide awake at his men, everyone stood with their backs fully straightened and their chests puffed out.

They had an air of intimidation to them which was something extremely novel to the seventh company leader, it made Li CangLai's hands shiver because when all of his men were glaring at him he felt fear grip him by the throat right now.

"G....general please forgive me, please forgive me."

Captain Li CangLai knew that he was going to be made an example of, kowtowing and slamming his head to the ground until his forehead's skin cracked and blood seeped down on his face.

"You can be forgiven."

Unexpectedly general Lian said something that made the whole crowd stare at him in confusion.

"Or you can be demoted all the way back to the rank of a foot soldier."

Before Li CangLai got to enjoy the feelings of relief he was pulled back into the abyss of despair by the general's last phrase.

'Now you'll see the true side that gave Laoci the nickname shameless general' Jian Jianjun thought as he watched his friend toy with the captain's feelings.

"No, general Lian I beg you for forgiveness, this Li admits his wrongdoings and is forever regretful."

Panicking, Li CangLai continued his kowtowing ritual.

What a joke, getting demoted to a foot soldier means ending up at most as a squadron captain or his current rank of company captain or as it commonly being called "senior-captain" before reaching his retirement age, not to mention that the danger footsoldiers face and the risk to their lives is the highest of all military ranks and troops.

He felt horrors when Li CangLai remembered the days he spent in the front-lines as a foot soldier, he faced death more than a dozen times and barely escaped after a few close calls which ended up with him badly injured.

"Simple, the man you called a "Coward" got lashed a hundred lashes without making a sound, I won't be unreasonable and ask you to sleep as you get lashed like he did according to these good men's testimonies. Just do the same and endure it in silence, seventy standard flogs and thirty with increasing force."

General Lian Laoci brought his disciplinary whip, made from simple leather and recently cleaned then polished with oil.

"General Lian is such a just and upright person, he didn't add a single term over what captain Li did. Really, when you get smeared with Karma sooner or later it will knock on your doors to collect her due."

"Will he accept the flogging or will he relinquish his rank as company commander?"

"Getting flogged while maintaining absolute silence isn't like what you fools might think, two days ago there was a bet on who can endure ten with increasing force. After the fifth flog they all started wailing like beaten dogs, best record was eight and old Han still can't stand straight for long without his face paling. Just take a look back."

The soldiers from the seventh company started whispering amongest themselves as they watched the face of Li CangLai contorting with indecisiveness.

When Li CangLai heard his choices he gritted his teeth after a dozen seconds of hesitation then got up and walked to the punishment pole.

His action gave away his choice.

"Which of you seeks the honor of administering this general's order?"

Lian Laoci turned towards the members of his special unit and asked as he raised his whip with a smile.

'Standard flogs in the special unit is completely different from this west army, because of him the eastern army soldiers would choose the battlefield instead of the punishment pole every single time. Li CangLai whether you liked it or not, wishing for death will be the only thing you'll truly be asking for later if you tried to endure. Just try to faint faster and this nightmare may pass somewhat easier on you, but I doubt you'll stay unconscious when the next lash land on your back' Jian Jianjun thought as he watched the guards in the general's special unit draw lots and frown when they weren't the lucky ones to do the flogging.

"Ahahah I win, don't you worry guys I'll dedicate one for you all."

One cocky guard started to wink at his brothers in arms like a celebrity with a smug on his face when he discovered his win then he bowed slightly to the general as he received the whip.

Yet that guard was a giant to a short person like spearman Ba Tusai, as the lucky guard stood there and twirled his arm in the air to warm it up enthusiastically all the seventh company felt pity for their captain, two soldiers did as ordered and left their positions in the company's formation and tied Canglai's hands to the punishment pole and left.

He was considerate enough to take his top off himself before getting his hands tied which expose his wide back to the lucky guard.

"Like I said, seventy standard flogs. If the force of these hits fluctuate even slighty then you'll be receiving one flog yourself for each wrong swing after you finish my commands, after seventy you'll increase the force gradually in each swing with the last strike being your absolute strongest."

After clarifying to the guard that he will be punished if he got careless and lost his focus, general Lian's men were enjoying the paling face of their brothers-in-arms who celebrated early.

"Now that you understand, begin."





"This isn't standard flogs!"

"Shut up you fool, this is general Lian's special unit. Their rules of discipline are the harshest rules in the whole kingdom, the king himself authorized for the general's rules to be applied on any army that he commands whenever and wherever he goes. Why else would Li CangLai hesitate that long before deciding, it's because of this unit's existence and their severe rules which applies. I guess we were lucky that the general hasn't ordered for the rules to be administered on us yet since it hasn't been a couple weeks after he replaced the previous commander-in-chef."

"Why else do you think the eastern army got nicknamed the "suicidal lot"? It's because those who face the whip or the battlefield choice would unhesitatingly choose to enter the front lines and kill some white dogs. Their standard lashes are three times heavier, taking ten is considered taking sixty or seventy of our gentle standard flogs. The accumulated pain is that great."





"What is it with this whip? It only leaves skin marks despite being heavy-handed lashes."

"Slippery snake's leather, despite being no longer than thirty or fourty meters long and being clawless and fangless they say that it's hit kills you without shedding any blood or breaking any of your bones. It gives the body a dose of unbearable pain that you can never handle or ignore, they say the soul gets beaten out of the mortal body if the hit was hard enough. That cruel beast loves to hold it's prey in place after entwining itself around it then slowly lash the prey's body with it's tail until the prey dies from the pain, that makes the taste of the flesh to it's liking. They say."





The flogging continued under the apathetic eyes of the general and the unwilling eyes of his men who wished to be the ones doing the flogging instead of that lucky brother of theirs, after all he received the honor of washing the stain off the general's reputation and avenging their new young master Feng by teaching this bully a lesson for going too far and to follow his superior's orders correctly next time.

While the seventh company no longer felt angry at their commanding officer Li for being a dick and bullying a weak scrawny young man, right now they felt sorry for him as they watched his previous strong image crumble and now he can only try his hardest to stifle his cries after every hit.

The guard didn't dare use any needless force or hurry his hits, like a machine he hit once every minute unlike what captain Li did to Feng which was 2 hits per minute.

'Endure, must endure, he never screamed once, that shivering coward did it so can I too' somehow Feng was taken as a role model to captain Li as he got flogged.

And it seemed to work!

Until his seventeenth flog.

Once the soldiers saw their captain Li endure seventy flogs with two bloodshot eyes and holding onto the punishment pole with his elbows like it is the most beautiful woman in the world and leaning on it with every ounce of his strength as if it is his source of support, they admitted that the man is really superior to them when it comes to endurance and will-power.







"You can stop now."

Merely seventy-three lashes and Li CangLai was beyond the breaking point, the soldiers sighed and watched their senior captain Li CangLai, leader of the seventh company and a veteran soldier who witnessed the horrors of the battlefield, they saw him break then wail with tears like a baby after three a bit stronger than normal standard lashes.

He wasn't wounded from the lashes which kept accumulating injuries on top of old injuries over time like Feng or had a thin back and malnourished physique, his whip was making Feng bleed overtime as well which further added to his suffering.

Both had differences in their situations but it was more or less the same degree of suffering, yet, Li CangLai took only seventy-three with seventy normal and three abnormal lashes to break his will.

Feng on the other hand, was snoring when his suffering ended.

Both men's wills are clearly on different levels.

"Untie him."

"After considering the matter, Li CangLai will be demoted to squad captain. Dismissed."

Lian Laoci received his disciplinary whip and left with his unit after ending the punishment event with his orders for demoting the company leader from a senior-captain to the most basic ranks of a captain.

By noon the news of the event reached the all the garrison and were heard by every soldier and leader of any rank.

Before the rotten few felt the cold shiver on their backs fade away, in the late afternoon another piece of news arrived.

Total reformation of the western armies ranks, tests of individual abilities will be given and those who succeed can apply for the next test for leadership abilities.

Last will be tests in tactics for the advanced ranks.

All can take them!

Even footsoldiers with no experience can climb higher and quicker in ranks if they pass some tests.

Wind of shamelessness rustled from the east towards the western army, Lian Laoci received all the complaints and gave one answer.

"Fuck off to the capital, my king gave me this authority. If you feel like I'm abusing my power then go there and brown nose until you're satisfied, when my king give me the order to stop I'll offer myself to trial after washing my neck clean. Until then, just fuck off from my face and let me do my job of strengthening my beloved Shi kingdom."

When he gathered all these different captains, company leaders, battalion commanders, brigadiers, etc.

Lian Laoci gave them no mind and gave his speech, his meaning was 'if you think your backing is better than mine then go ahead and bring him to the light so that I can kick you in the nuts after spitting in his face first'


Back to Feng, once he left the general and his unit he rode north until he met a short mountain before dusk and decided to camp for the night.

During his journey whenever he spotted a water source he'll stop and give his two animal partners a break to drink.

Since he had no map of the area and didn't know what kind of environment he's going towards, Feng kept his water supply at maximum capacity because if he found himself in a place with no water then it will be catastrophic.

Other than him there is currently six others who need to drink as well, and it was a chance to let the little ones stretch their legs and break their boredom every now and then.

Right now he wished for nothing more than one of these space rings which made his envy at Lili for owning one keep growing up by the moment.

As he remembered the small violent girl with the ponytail in her faint blue clothes Feng smiled as he took out the soft helmet and gently rubbed it with his thumb.

After taking a high secluded spot on the short mountain's waist, Feng started to make some food and ate slowly as he started to plan in his head on how to train now that he acquired a fine sword from the general.

"Physical training, basic sword techniques. Ah! How could I forget? the footwork technique Lili used in Rock city, I'm such an idiot."

Zhu Feng quickly finished his food then got up and did simple leg stretches and light exercise to warm up.

"How was it? Back straight with a slight tilt forward, bent knees before the sole touches the floor then toes push downwards while the ankles snap forward."

Feng started to slowly try imitating the motion.


"Ouch.... the fuck! My legs already healed and I'm injured no more, why is it still hurting so much? I don't believe that I can't do such a simple thing."

Feng felt his leg joints groan under pressure when he executed the move, sitting on his butt, Feng started to massage his ankles and knees until they became better then got up to try again.

If Liling was here and heard him call that footwork simple then she would beat him up harder than before, because she took 2 years to learn this movement technique from her sect once she entered at the age of seven.

Even then she was always helped with medicinal concoction soaks to heal herself and to avoid accumulating internal injuries!

"Ughh, it hurts more when I try to forcefully add power, again."

As Feng did his strange dance in the eyes of his six partners, Shadow shook his head and after blowing his lips in discontent he turned his head away from this idiot human and continued to search for grass to eat.

Storm would lower her ears in sadness when she hear Feng's painful grunts and place her head on the ground and remain quiet, when he gets up she'll raise her head with curious ears raised up and tilt her head slightly left or right as if expecting a change after his next try.

The four pups would try to interfere in the dance but Storm would call them back to her side.

"Aahh, son of a....."

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