《Reincarnation of A Regretful Soul》Chapter 6 : ZhuQing Material


"Guh.... Wha.. uhh.... Sto...ugh..."

"Stupid pervert.... Dare to have eyes on this lady?.... You deserve some beating...."

"You're wrong.... Ouff.... There's a misunderstanding.... Ouch.... Y..you even hit below the belt!.... Ack.... This is playing dirty.... Gawk.... Time out...."

Lili never stopped punching Feng then the beating evolved into kicks and throws.

'How is it that he can tolerate my hits to this degree? He never stopped trying to turn this into a conversation and his eyes weren't clouded by emotions even when I hit his groin by reflex and kept maintaining their clarity, not to mention before when he ran next to me when I rode Shadow here while being injured quite badly at his leg. Huh! his wounds healed to this stage in a few hours already? But I only gave him a very low grade pill that's only suitable for mortals, these pills tend take effect at least after a day. But his most annoying trait is that he keeps standing up which makes me look bad. Just stay down you cockroach!' Lili was feeling conflicted by this situation, after a round of beating Feng she was sure there's some kind of a misunderstanding here.

"Huff.... Wheeze.... Huff.... So strong.... Huff.... I can't stand straight at all.... Huff...."

Feng was supporting his knees with his palms and gasping for breath as he bent over, his mind was playing all the moves Liling used to punch or kick him, how she positioned herself before tackling, throwing or tossing him.


Lili wanted to keep going until he drops, even a full-fledged master in martial arts would be sprayed on the floor after sparring with her for half the amount of time she kept beating Feng.

Yet he said he couldn't stand straight!

"I wanted your help in melting something with.... Huff.... Your fireball."

Feng saw Lili clinching her fists and hurried to explain out of fear that round two would start before he gets the opportunity to deliver his message.

"Eh! That's it?"

"Of course, it's in this blanket. I wanted to melt it and fuse it with my clothes to make them more durable."

Feng dragged his feet and went towards his clothes with a body covered in dirt, he was thankful that his last shred of dignity (underwear) didn't fall off in action.

"Then why'd you take off your clothes?"

Qing Liling was already believing Feng and feeling ashamed for bullying him, but, she couldn't find the strength to apologise, she wanted to throw a question that will give her ego an excuse for not apologizing.

"You already took them off earlier and saw everything, what harm will come my way if you saw it again? And I would need to take them off when you start using your fire later. I saw no reason to cling on to them for a few more seconds that's all."

Feng looked at her with a raised eyebrow then told her his reasons, but once he started speaking Lili's face turned pink as she blushed then she started to feel ashamed of herself.

She really did see all except for his groin area and butt.

'Humph, not apologizing, not apologizing. No way' Lili kept shaking her head left and right while thinking that as if that will help clear the feelings of guilt away.

Feng didn't waste time and because the sky was getting darker he wasn't sure if Lili will stay and help him or leave and return tomorrow.

"These are the shards of the shell from the demonic beast that you killed a few days ago, and these clothes and shoes are made from it's hairs. What I want is to try and fuse the two materials into something that wouldn't break easily like the shell which turn into glass if hit from the right angle. And, not having space between it's strings for a sword or weapon to pierce like the hairs."


Feng started explaining his idea to Liling and told her the pros and cons of each material.

"If you must go then it's alright, I'll try to do that in one of the blacksmith shops in Rock city later."

Zhu Feng saw Qing Liling keeping silent and he sighed inwardly then offered her with a smile, he was thankful for her auntie Qing and enjoyed her company for the day even if it had some moments filled with depression and awkwardness.

Even though she ended up giving him a thorough beating, Feng knew she misunderstood him for a pervert otherwise she wouldn't be so petty as to beat up someone way much weaker than herself.

She held back on her punches and didn't break any of his bones, the only time she -overstepped the unmentioned rules of beating a helpless person was when she- kneed his balls out of reflex when he helplessly lost his balance and found himself leaning at her small body.

"Snort, I'll help you this once. But if it doesn't work don't blame it on me, or I'll break your legs. Humph."

Liling felt annoyed with Feng because she felt that she must apologise yet she couldn't humble herself to this fellow, absolutely not.

Doing a couple hand gestures with her left hand again, she summoned another fireball.

When Feng heard her threat he was ecstatic, he hurried to take a piece of the scorpion's shell and one of it's hairs from his clothes and offered them to Lili.

"First do a little experiment with these, if it doesn't work there will be no need to waste your time on the rest."

Feng was feeling the unbearable heat from the fireball on Lili's hand again even from 3m away, helplessly he tried to stretch his arm while standing away.

"Just... Leave them on the ground and stay back."

Liling had the urge to throw the fireball in her hand on this suicidal fool, this fireball spell can incinerate a mortal in seconds if he stood half a meter from it even though it was the most basic of spells in her arsenal.

"Right it's getting hot in Here, ehehehe."

Feng hurried to leave them on the ground and retreated to stand next to Storm, she was crouching on top of her pups and preventing any of them from leaving her side.

Fear written all over her face and within her eyes, she kept nudging Feng's legs with her head nervously as if pleading that he would release Storm so that she can take her pups and get away.

"If you behave nothing will happen to your family, just keep holding on to the little ones alright!"

Feng felt Storm becoming more and more like a tamed animal, for the whole day her muzzle was removed and she didn't try to do anything funny or unexpected.

She lazed on the ground and played with her pups or glared at the tied up chicken while licking her canines, poor bird laid three more eggs in her fear and Feng snickered at the comical sight of it clucking non-stop in panick and laying eggs one after another.


Storm pinned her pups and kept licking their fur to soothe them when they tried to protest for their right of freedom.

Liling held the palm-sized shard in the left hand, the one and half meter long and finger-thick hair in the right hand then placed the shard first in the center of the fireball, she didn't seem to be affected by the heat because her hand was covered with a milky white thin layer on top of her creamy skin.


When the shard entered the fireball, nothing happened to it and it kept turning around in the fire as if falling from a very high altitude.

The scorpion's hairs mostly looked like leafless tree branches, some of them had been trimmed by Feng previously and some were left in their original state.

The untrimmed ones were mostly added in the mattress underneath Storm because trimming them wasted a lot of time and effort, most of the trimmed ones were added in Feng's crude clothes and boots.

The one in Lili's hand is one of those hairs wich Feng trimmed using his primitive stone knife, once she added the hair strand to the fire ball it made chi.. chi sound and started to become thinner obviously and it's color changed from black to purple gradually.

Finally it became no different than a hair strand from Lili's silky hair with the only difference being the color.

As she placed the long purple hair strand on her palm and gave it a close look, Lili removed her left hand from underneath the fireball and it remained in place with the shell shard inside it.

When Feng saw her do another magic trick and use both hands to tug at the long purple hair strand he was feeling something he never felt before, longing!

He never yearned for anything or had dreams of the future, he always felt regretful for his mere existence in a world that doesn't welcome him.

When he had to go out and restock on his food and got his ass handed to him, he felt regret for the cruelty of his community and his mankind towards one another.

When he felt the anger coming towards him from his father as he beat him, he felt regret for his mother's soul which got exchanged with his own in his birth.

He felt regret because of every thing that happened to him in his life, why?

Because he never felt like he truly belonged to this world, it was cruel, unfair and ugly deep down in it's core.

Clearly there was various kinds of everything and there was differencw from time to time and from place to place, but the corruption never stopped happening and evil was clearly winning at the end by exploiting the dark side of humanity.

They can all live without having these negative effects of their existence, why would you hurt someone when you can just ignore him?

Is it cool to waste some of your short life on scolding, beating, hating another instead of going out and having fun with your friends and loved ones? Does it feel good to have wealth many times more than what you can ever spend in your whole life instead of helping others improve their lives? Power? Etc.

It was not his fault and he knew it and didn't take it upon himself to change the world, because only a fool would think that way.

Even if you dedicated your whole life to help others you'll end up being used by these villains for their own benefits, or your efforts wouldn't even be noticed and after generations whatever that you could change would be butied in the sands of time.

It will never change, humans don't change and that's how it is.

Either accept it and pray for all the higher powers to live your short life without getting your feet dirty by that vile truth, or accept it when the swamp's dirt reach your ears and take your last breath before you drown in it and turn into another demon in human skin or be forced to live in shackles within a community which successfully uprooted the good tree and burned it to ash.

Either way, you'll accept or be forced by circumstances to Accept.

Now in this strange and foreign world that Feng doesn't even know a scratch about it, he felt his heart lean inside and spread these warm feelings which he never felt before.

His hands, aren't shivering!

He was sure that with these strange powers he can truly make it better for some people if he wanted or shield the helpless ones, protect and guide them to the life which wouldn't go sideways or veer from the straight path.

He can separate the true humans from the demons in human skins if he had the necessary strength, he would be able to leave his unique mark which could endure the test of times and make a change.

As he watched the frown on Lili's face, Feng made a decision to himself on that moment but like always he'll never dare disclose it unless he's a thousand percent sure of the results.

"It really is a good material, tugging at it with my full power didn't make it snap, here take a look."

Liling said as she bundled the purple hair strand and threw it to Feng to take a look.

Waking up from his daydreams Feng bent down and held the ppurple hair strand in his hand, after being treated with fire it became a lot more flexible and bendy to the touch yet it always flexed back to it's straight shape once he let go.

"This shard is very heat resistant, after getting burned with my fire spell for a few minutes it only had it's edges soften slightly. Heh, let's see how much can you withstand if I raised the temperature of my fires."

Liling felt her competitive spirit ignite and she made a few more hand gestures and the fireball turned blue from the previous orangish-red after gaining a bit of green color to it that quickly intensified until the fireball became that sky-blue color.

"Crack.... Crack...."

Loud breaking sounds started to come from the black shard in the blue fire.

"Hehehe hey Feng bring the rest let's melt them all."

Liling got overexcited and started to forget about the main reason for this experiment.

"We still need to see first if they'll fuse or not before we do that, remember that we want to create a better material by fusing the two together or it will be useless even if we melted them all. What if they'll just return to their previous hard state when we cool them down later? Be a little bit more patient Lili, please! Otherwise this will end up as a waste of your time and fires."

Sweating bullets, Feng tried to remind the rash teenager patiently.

"Tsk... Then bring more of these hairs for me and a few pieces of these shards."

Lili was startled awake from her excitement and glared at dummy Feng for spoiling her fun, then she refused to budge and requested more materials for her to play with even if it fails.

'humph, I'm the one doing all the work here and using my Qi force, all you're doing is giving this lady orders' Qing Liling thought that while squinting her eyes at Zhu Feng.

Sighing, Feng took a step back and gave Lili what she wanted.

Lili made another normal fireball and changed the small stack of black hairs into thinner purple strands, once the shards in the blue fireball spell melted completely their mass shrunk into the size of a baby fist even though the amount added was almost two basketball's worth of shards.

"Too little! But the black-purple color is interchanging which is beautiful."

Liling grabbed the liquid orb in her palm and started to knead and play with it using her fingers.

"Try adding it to the cluster of hairs in the red fire first, if they don't fuse together and nothing happens then try increasing the heat to the maximum first before using the other fire if the results are the same then forget it. Knead them or mix them together if it's possible."

Feng told Liling to try the fusion phase next expectantly as he watched everything that happened with his curious eyes.

The red fire made the liquid and hair strands mix but not truly fuse, removing the matter from the red fire into the blue fire excitedly Lili started to knead them with her hands inside the blue fireball.

Feng was feeling his throat become dry and his sweat evaporating once it exited his pores even though he was more than 20m away and being in an open area, yet Liling playfully placed her hand directly in the fire without any kind of discomfort on her face.

"Eh! It changed, there's no difference between the two in this thing, it feels like soft mud that stretches. Look!"

Qing Liling said as she brought out a piece of matter resembling dough in her palms excitedly she stretched it left and right and once she let go it would revert back to normal slowly.

The black wasn't deep or reflective and the purple from the hairs became dots like glittering stars on a dark night on this elastic material.

"It really is possible! This is great, Lili, help me with all these."

Feng almost jumped in joy and gathered every single thing that he brought from the scorpion's body, heartlessly he removed the wolf family from the mattress and brought the whole stock of hairs closer to Lili to turn everything into that new material.

He didn't hesitate to give her the sheath that he was keeping the stinger in as well.

Now all he have remaining from that demonic beast that was left intact was the arm long, weirdly and dangerously curved stinger that had the deepest purple color.

Liling finished melting and processing all these materials in about an hour, during that time whenever the moon was covered with clouds the only light source in the area would be these two balls of fire in front of her.

Even the bugs in the area were silent as Lili worked, the pups got tired from struggling for freedom and slept soundly after getting a late meal of fresh breast milk.

"Phew.... That was a bit tiring, what do we do now?"

Liling caught the large result between her small arms and asked Feng as she raised it above head level then scattered the red fireball, the smile on her face was pure and full of excitement.

She was anticipating a good show from this fellow next.

"I think, as long as this material is heated constantly then it will revert back to this globe form every time we change it's shape, can you take a small part and try changing it's shape then quench it with water? Maybe that will keep it in the shape we want it to stay in, like blacksmiths do with their metals."

Feng suggested, but he wasn't sure.

"We can try, what do we make?"

Liling placed the large globe back in the blue fire and used her palm like a sword to cut a piece the size of two adult fists.

"It's getting chilly in here, don't you think?"

Feng rolled his eyes at the small girl while answering as he thought : 'of course it will be clothes for me, I've been in my strange underwear made from blanket shreds for a few hours now.'

"Heh, so how can we make clothes for you from that thing?"

Snickering at Feng's sight as he rubbed his shoulders to warm them whenever the late night's chilly wind of this last month of fall tickled his skin.

"How hot is it after you took it out from the fire?"

Feng asked in return as he brought all the water he have.

"Not that hot, about the same as boiling water I guess."

Liling placed it on her cheek for over 10 seconds then lazily said as she enjoyed it's soft feeling on her cheek.

"Alright, first I'll push my arm in it. What I need you to do is to keep the layer about the thickness of a finger on top of my skin and sever the excess once it reaches behind my elbow joint, let's see if we can make a long-sleeve glove in the first try. But, please hurry boiling degree isn't a laughing matter. I guess I can withstand it for only about 15 seconds before it becomes unbearable for me."

Feng breathed in and out a couple of times to prepare himself for the excessive amount of pain that is to come and readied the water bowl underneath his feat to quench it once Lili is done with her job.

Lili saw his eyes and knew he wasn't going to back down from his decision, she stretched the piece of dough in her hands like a sheet of rolled paper then nodded once.

"Hupph..... Hisss......"

Feng unhesitatingly pressed his open fingers inside this elastic material then kept pushing until his arm was in beyond the elbow joint, once he did, he discovered that it was much hotter than boiling water.

Gritting his teeth he endured the pain with a paling face and stagnant breath that got caught up in his chest.

Luckily Lili was faster than he expected, in four seconds she finished confirming his requirements for this long-sleeve then pushed his arm in the cold water below after separating the excessive amount of the material and throwing them back in the fire behind her.

"Does it hurt?"

Liling asked as she watched the relieved expression on Feng's face, somehow she felt the urge to slap his face when she saw it.

It was just too perverted!

"Not anymore, thankfully Lili didn't waste time and leave me to suffer needless pain."

Feng took a deep breath to calm then said as he started to peel off the glove from his hand, his skin had second degree burns and he frowned slightly as he watched bits and pieces of it sticking to the interior of the black glove.

The glove resembled another layer of skin and fortunately it didn't revert back into a piece of dough, otherwise Feng would've suffered for no reason just now

"Success, Lili created something amazing. Look it's very flexible and doesn't stretch much, try and test it anyway you like."

Feng noticed that Liling was staring at his burnt arm and distracted her by asking for her evaluation.

Lili bit her lower lip slightly then took the glove and tried to test it while giving her back to Feng, her eyes were currently moistened with tears at the sight of Feng going through that suffering without complaining at all.

She never saw a normal person endure pain like him, while she always took him for a coward and weakling even amongst normal humans.

After beating him up he didn't hate her for it, and he was willing to suffer for a chance in success.

If that wasn't courage then she's a coward.

Liling waved her hand and her sword appeared in her hand, it was a big sword compared to her small physique but she didn't seem to be affected by how big it is, it had a white guard made from some kind of ivory and the metal had a bluish color to it that weaved on the body like fires and disappeared on the two sharp edges.

Holding her big sword and pointing it downwards at the palm of the glove, Lili tried to pierce that glove with the tip and it stretched slightly inwards then refused to be punctured no matter how much she tried to push without using her Qi force, Liling felt that even if she used some of her energy all she'll be able to achieve is stretching it further.

Cutting didn't work as well and that strange material suffered no scratch when Liling tried a couple of times with intention to damage the glove's surface, when she placed the glove on top of a large piece of rock and punched with all her power to break the rock below it the rock only got cracked slightly.

That punch should be able to turn that rock into fragments or a pile of sand!

"It's a very good material for a mortal to use, I think it can save you from a couple attacks from a weak cultivator. But it's easy to bypass this thing's defensive capabilities once it is figured so don't overestimate yourself after wearing it, if a day comes and you find yourself face-to-face with one then my advice to you is either, kill him or her as soon as you can or run. The third option will always be your death, remember my words."

Liling handed the glove back to Feng with a nod of approval, she felt like she didn't waste her time with this experiment.

"Then as the creator you should name this new discovery."

Feng was smiling widely as he flipped the glove in his hands, he was in a good mood and asked Lili to name this material.

"Hrmmm, it's made under your specific instructions and by my hands let's call it ZhuQing material."

Liling named it and beckoned for the rest of the dough that remained from the creation of the glove, she wanted to get this painful experience over with quickly so that Feng wouldn't keep suffering for a long duration of time.

After making the other long-sleeve glove, Feng made a pair of long boots and was only missing a trouser and top.

Fortunately Lili was quick when she took the matter seriously, she snickered when she saw Feng slap his forehead and curse himself for being an idiot before the creation of the second glove, he remembered that he can minimize the burns on his body alongside the pain by applying cold water before making the dangerous act of touching this hot ZhuQing material directly to make this protective attire for himself.

Lili created a small hole in the ground as tall as feng and wide enough to fit his body then filled it with water after concentrating on her water techniques, since Feng wanted to create trousers and top then he couldn't quench himself in the small bowl.

Finally after half an hour of constant grunting he was almost done fortunately Feng had to endure a lot less pain.

Feet, legs, waist, abdomin, chest, shoulders, arms, hands, and neck was completely covered in that ZhuQing material.

Only Feng's head was exposed now.

"The remaining ZhuQing material can make two pair's worth of gloves or boots, don't you want any?"

Feng asked as he twisted his hips to feel the extension of his flexibility while wearing his new clothes.

"I already know how to create the ZhuQing material, if I want any then I can hunt another demonic beast. The water is a lot colder than before now since we're past midnight, want to make a helmet too?"

Liling refused by shaking her head and her eyes glowed in interest as she offered, after Feng applied water on his body his skin only got red from the heat after each part was made which will heal in a day or two.

"Hmmm, alright, make two small holes for my nose and another a bit larger pair for my eyes. No need for the mouth to have any. Oh! add two for the ears as well, make them the same width as the pair for the nose. I still don't know if that material is soundproof, who knows if it can affect that important sense."

Finally he was the skin-tight version of "Batman" with purple glitter all over.

"Thanks Lili, you're the best. Now all I need is to find a blacksmith to add this stinger to some metal and make myself a good sword like yours."

Feng caught the stinger in his hand and started mimicking "Zoro".

"Bffft.... What was that? These are the funniest sword moves I've ever seen, you're dreaming if you think that you can make a sword like my "Sky Punishment", Snort."

Liling laughed in amusement at Feng's actions when she saw him jump around like a child with a stick in his hand, then she puckered her lips when she heard him and brought out her big sword and rested it on her shoulder and posed like a badass girl from the movies, when she said the name of her sword blue fire were lit from the tip and spread on both edges.

"Hehe, it's alright I'll learn how to wield a sword and horse riding first then."

Feng stopped his actions when he saw this girl beat him in showmanship then took his mask off in surrender and patted Shadow's neck as he spoke, he was planning on learning to live in this new world first before aiming high.

"It's good that you know, I have some leftover metal ores remaining from the time I created my sword, since I don't know anything about blacksmithing I'll pass on that project. Take them and use them when you're going to create your own sword, the remaining of this ZhuQing material what will we do with it?"

Liling waved her hand and her sword disappeared then waved her hand again and a few blocks of metal appeared on the ground to the side next to her feet, the rest of the ZhuQing material could make only one thing since Liling made sure the soft helmet was double the thickness of the rest of the attire.

"Let's make a sack, carrying my stuff in my hand is bothersome."

Feng looked at the metal ores then his items scattered around the place then decided to have a sturdy sack instead of a dirty worn-out blanket to hold his items.

"Alright then, I too need to get back since auntie Qing must've been a bit worried about me for leaving for long without notifying her."

Liling helped Feng create a large sack then said her goodbyes to the quad pups and after patting Shadow's neck twice and receiving his love she waved goodbye to Feng and left.

Before Feng got to think about his loneliness when the little girl left he saw Lili return again with a green robe in her hand.

"I forgot to give you a parting gift, this robe I found it alongside other things inside a cave west of here deep in beast mountains. Since it's a male robe and I have no use for it, you can have it instead. If you walked everywhere in these skin-tight clothes you'll definitely be mistaken for a pervert, hehehe. Goodbye Feng."

Liling handed Feng the green robe with a cute smile on her face as she imagined people pointing fingers at Feng when they see him in his strange attire.

"Thanks Liling, don't forget to send auntie Qing my regards."

Waving goodbye to Liling, Feng watched her disappear in the darkness of night.

"Haaah.... What a day? Storm have been behaving herself for the whole day now, good girl."

After wearing his protective suit Feng didn't mind leaving storm without a muzzle, of course he was currently wearing his soft helmet.

Going a step further he removed her collar and leash to see what will be her first action after gaining her freedom.

He was prepared to start running with Shadow on the first act of violence from her.

"Woof.... Awoo...."

As if celebrating her freedom from that bloody thing that kept preventing her from moving freely, Storm shook her neck and fur in excitement then howled at the moon.

Afterwards Storm started moving gradually towards Feng, licking his palm and nudging him with her head repeatedly.

"I too don't want you to leave, but you're not allowed to bully Shadow. Alright!"



Then Feng started to gather the metal ores, spices, food supplies, stinger in the sack and hid it in a secretive place between the rocks.

Now whomever comes will only find one horse, one man, one adult wolf, four small pups and a few boxes of chickens.

The weirdest combination was now in existence.

Next day Feng woke up to find Storm jumping around with the four lively pups chasing her, smiling at the sight he got up and made some breakfast for him and Storm.

Shadow wasn't in need of assistance, he ate the surrounding batch of grass and only seemed thirsty.

The chickens gave Feng a few dozens of eggs, he ate some and offered the pups some.

The rest was kept for later.

"Let's go Storm, we're leaving this place."

Feng placed the pups in his sack and tied it to Shadow's side then placed the chicken boxes on both sides and jumped on his back after struggling awkwardly in the beginning.

Holding the reins he told Storm as he wanted Shadow to go forward.


"Dude now you're supposed to be on "D" why are you going "Reverse" on me?"

Feng rolled his eyes at Shadow in frustration when he saw him taking a few steps backwards.



Once Storm showed her canines at the prey who seemed to refuse to obey her friend's commands, Shadow was like a horse whose tail was on fire after he got poked in the butt with a stack of needles.

He started running towards a stone wall and if it wasn't for Feng's quick response by pulling the reins right then he would've crashed.

"Oy, where's the brakes?"

Feng kept squeezing Shadow's belly in hopes for him to slow down, he only went faster and faster.

"Ah, whatever. You'll run out of gas sooner or later, Rock city, goodbye."

Feng went north diagonally to the walls and once the walls of Rock city were no more to his right, he changed his direction and went east by the time it was dusk Rock city's walls were gone from his back sight view.

Heading towards a short hill northeast to camp for the night since both Shadow and Storm were clearly tired, once there he saw the stretch of farms east of Rock city extending to the limits of sight from his elevated position.

"Drink slowly you two, water isn't going anywhere."

Patting both necks, Feng brought down the pups to feed then started to prepare himself and the group some food.

"Eh! There's a village down there? Tomorrow I'll pay it a visit before leaving, if they have a blacksmith I'll see if I can make that stinger into a sword there."

Feng noticed a village north hidden between two rocky walls jutting out from the ground and going for hundreds and hundreds of meters up.

Eating with Storm then sleeping while hugging her neck, Feng didn't notice the soft look that she gave him in his sleep.

Storm gave him the same look she gave her pups!

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