《Dragons》Dragons Part 1


It’s been 200 years of peace since the last war. Children between dragons and humans were rare but not unheard of. Now a great war is starting with two families at the center a human family Marshall and a dragon family Draven.

The war started when the father of the prince died at a party with the royal dragons. His children were running around twelve year old Ilene the youngest twin and also the heir to the throne after her father passes or gives it up was playing with the young thirteen year old dragon Prince Groden who was also the crowned prince of Dragoon.

Adriana the older twin was playing with the young dragon Princess Amira. The Dragon Queen Taryn and Dragon King Acestes were talking to the Prince Morus. When Morus's father slumped over he just thought his dad fell asleep like he usually does when he is tired.

When the dragon royals left Morus checked on his father to find him dead he blamed the dragons that distracted him from saving his father. So when he was crowned king he declared war on the dragons his daughter Ilene was devastated about losing her best friend.

In the years to come this royal family will devastated and put back together over and over. It is the lovely Princess Ilene who will now tell this story.

It was my eighteenth birthday yesterday it was not as fun or happy as I would have liked but it was my birthday as will as my sisters.

Adriana used to be so different before our thirteenth birthday. She used to be cheerful and giggly at times now she is all so serious like father is. Father who has caused much pain and suffering to me and to others. Groden my best friend lost to me until the end to this war or my life ends. My sister's long black hair comes into my view.


“What is it that you need sister” I ask. Adriana's almost black eyes stare into mine.

“Will you come to the lab and see what the hunters caught” she says with a menacing smile.

”Maybe tomorrow” I say. I headed for my room and go to my bathroom my almost white blue eyes and my blond hair that is almost white are clear to see. The little almost for innocent of the twins people would say.

Just as smart as and even more beautiful than her twin Adriana. No one’s praise is more better than Groden's I remember playing with him the day grandfather died it was just like any day are parents got together I even couldn't wait until I saw Groden next.

Then the next day dad declared war on the dragons. I wish he never have done that it still pains me not knowing if I would see Groden next. If only thing could be different.

“Ilene sister I'm taking you to the lad tomorrow even if you don’t want to” Adriana calls. Her name means dark one I wonder if her name fits her in appearance it does.

My name Ilene means light I don’t care if it fits me or not it’s what my mom named me. I've never met my mom or even know her name all I know is knowing anything about her is forbidden for us. I go to sleep that night thinking of all I have lost and do not know. I wake up being dragged.

“Soon dad's plan and mine will come into action and my sister will not be human” Adriana says menacingly “oh looks who's awake my sister”.

I look up at her sadly about what she has become her eyes up close even closer than I have ever been since my thirteenth birthday are clouded like she’s not really there.

“Sister look what the hunters have caught” Adriana says pointing to a cage. I look and see some dragon that I hoped to see but not like this never like this.

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