《The Duesphage》chapter 1: Deusphage



***3rd person POV***

"At last! It's finally done! Now then, I just need to take a portion of my soul and place it inside the core" says a humanoid figure, it's body looking like it has some sort of light radiating from it.

"Done! Now, I'll give it part of my knowledge, so It can understand what I say after it wakes up" the figure snaps its fingers and a chair pops out of nowhere.


***MC POV***

As I open my eyes, I see a tall figure, it's features unidentifiable 'Where am I? What am I? Who am I? What am I doing here? Who is that?' As I was talking to myself the figure talks

"Hello, my son, I am your creator, you can call me father or you may also call me The One True God, you are my creation, a race that I created, a race that will dominate and destroy everything in its path, leaving destruction in it's wake, the only one of your kind" the androgynous voice then takes a deep breath, the next words that came out of it's semingly non-existent mouth filled with excitement and joy "A DUESPHAGE..."

'I am a duesphage?.. a thing that devours gods? I was made by him...Well, thats two of my questions answered' I decided to ask this figure called "father" a question

"Father... Who am I? What is my name?" I ask the figure sitting on its chair in a monotone voice.

"Ah yes... hmmm, your name shall be... THEO" 'well, that was anti-climactic I thought i'd get a cooler name'. The voice cried out "is that how your supposed to act towards your father? You were just born a few minutes ago! I'm hurt!" 'How did he know? Can he read minds or something?' The figure stands up and says in an annoying tone "DING! DING! DING! DING! Correct! I can read your mind, I AM the One true God after all"


"Then where am i?" I ask in an irritated tone.

"Hm? You are in MY domain, a domain inaccessible by those lower puny gods, a domain wher-" I cut him off here as he is getting annoying with all his bragging. "Alright, alright stop bragging now, please answer my questions properly"

He looks at me seriously and makes and gestures that says 'go on'

"Why did you make me? What am I to do after this? What am I capable of?" He leaks a sigh and answers my questions in a serious tone "I made you since I am bored and I wish to test how MY race would fare against those puny god's races. Well, You are capable of learning things very quickly and I gave your race a skill I like to call "devour" which will use your "aura" and eat ANYTHING then you will take any of its traits ranging from body parts to racial bonuses, though your body is incapable of wielding mana, it is capable of using "aura", aura is also known as divine energy, it's an energy only usable by gods but since you have a portion of my soul, you can manipulate it and bend it to your will. Your body is also capable of storing limitless amounts of aura." As I was taking all of this knowledge in, he speaks up again. "I will send you to a world after our little talk is done, which iiiiis..... NOW, okay bye-bye my son and good luck!"

Then I blacked out.

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