《Tink's Shorts》Detrimental Power


Her eyes continued to get heavy. The pain throughout her body preventing her from even screaming out. Not a single soul on this earth would hear her die this summer's eve. Once the body expired, she felt the pain of death disappear, and an odd deprivation of feeling took over. An effeminante voice is heard, and explains that the previous life is over, and a new one is to begin. Most of her memories are to be removed, but some will stay. She will access them, but only as dreams. Every previous death seemingly came to her mind in superimposed flashes.

The life she was killed while running away from a pack of giant frogs, but she knew they weren't called frogs in that life; but she couldn't remember their name, human flesh was their favoirte food, and they would hunt it endlessly until it was caught. The life she, and her family had been burned alive in a housefire because of an accedent in the middle of a gang war. The life she, and her best friend, left her house to go to a graduation party at the quary; and instead, a tire blew, she lost control of her studibaker, ending up submerged in a lake, and died from drowning. The life where, she was a he, died of a heart attack on a stage, while wearing a red graduation robe, she didn't remember much about that death, only that everyone was laughing as the body slumped into the curtain behind her.

The memory of fifty lives worth of deaths was all she could remember. And this voice asked her a single question.

"You will be born again, your soul is scheduled for nine more lives after this one. the timeframe you are born into this time will have many challenges, and at this time, you will have to choose which gender you want to be. there is enough genetic information for you to be male, or female. males have the power to create life, while females have the power to nurture that life, and make it grow. you will be asked this question three more times, unless you answer male."


"Female." she thinks to her self, not knowing how to answer the voice. she feels herself go to sleep, and after an unkown ammount of time passes, the voice comes back.

"it is time for the next stage for your development." hundreds of thousands of memories bombard the small developing human. and she realizes they are memories of her hobbies in her past lives. "The timeframe you will be being born into, for this life, is much more open to ideas and creativity than your past lives, and allows for much more freedom for females than for males, however males will generally have additional free time in order to partake in pastimes. This is the second time you are being asked this, do you wish to become male, or stay female?"

"Female." She thinks once more, and just like the previous time, felt herself go to sleep.

The next time she awakens, the voice seems a bit more persistant, and memories of previous romances fall into her mind, memories of courting, and dating women, as well as memories of being courted by honorable men, and being chased by those not so honorable. "This time frame, a religion called Christianity has taken hold, and is the most prevelent." from her previous four lives, she rememberd some of this religion, and understood its morality and precepts. "this religion preaches that reincarnation can't occour, even though almost every member of the religion has met me at least seven times before. in this religion, females are to honor males, and to be equal partners, however most practitioners of this religion have taken the words to mean other things. The likelyhood of a female being abused, or taken advantage of, within this religion is quite high in certain areas of the world. do you wish to remain female?"


"yes." she states again. some worry has crept into her mind, but overall, she waves it off as her mind goes to sleep once more.

she awakens a fourth time. "little one, you are on schedule to be the younger sister, with two older brothers. if you choose to become a male, you will not experiance love, or have children until over half of your scheduled natural life is expended, and when you do; every memeber of your family will question the intentions of your, much younger, partner. however, if you choose to remain female, your eldest brother will rape you repeatedly as you grow older, until you turn the age of fifteen, when he will get you pregnant. you will attempt to hide the father of the child, and attempt to keep the family together, even though it will be detrimental to a healthy life for yourself; once the father is found out; the family will disown the eldest brother. You will experiance the love of the child for the remainder of your life. so your choice of gender at this time, means to either live a loveless life throughout your youth; or to be the reason a family breaks apart, gathering the unintentional ire of your relatives for being a victim; but know love throughout your life."

"no mother should have to choose between her children. Male." she thinks to herself, knowing the voice can hear her.

"So be it. removing active memory retrieval, setting fate; adjusting matricies; enjoy your new life, little one. as harsh as it may be."

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