《Tink's Shorts》Unwilling Birth of the Time Mage



Time is Fluid.

Time was once considered a Constant, but we know otherwise. We experience the present through the culminations of decisions made, both in the past, and in the future. The appointment next week that you will miss, is the culmination of decisions that have already been made, most of which are outside of one's control.

It is a difficult thing to fathom; altering the past, to better the future, through a fluid present; however, that is the motto of the Order of Last.

To be considered one of it's members, one has to prove they have changed something in their future, by altering their past, and being able to perceive that change in the present. A high-task when the majority of the population still struggles to be able to even perceive the Astral River.

My sister is one of them.

She isn't strong, or very good at it. But she became a probationary member of the Order of Last two years ago, the day of her twentieth birthday. It was a weird feeling, knowing she changed something. I still don't know how to explain the feeling. I guess it would be like watching a movie, listening to music, painting a portrait, and playing an instrument, all at the same time. All have similarities, but feel different.

It felt that way for about an hour, about the time she began giving her speech. It was subtle at first, and then it became overwhelming, I felt like I lived through six different timeliness at the same time, watching six different movies that had the same plot.

Today, she is making an attempt to do it again. If she manages to do it, she becomes a full member of the Order. If she fails, she will be executed.

I sit in her school's gymnasium, silently praying over and over again to allow her to pass. When she steps onto the stage in the center of the room, I feel the pull on the Astral River, as the mages ready their spells. Some are to prevent interference, some to prevent her untimely death, and others to expedite it if she fails.


"Today, I will attempt to change the timeline. I have studied with four teachers for the past two years to attempt to make a single, controlled, change in the past, that will ripple through our present, to change the future."

Adding in the Order's mantra into her opening sentence seemed to bring smiles to some of the old people's faces. But her next statement didn't seem to be appreciated.

"The change I will make, is a simple one. My older brother, who can not use the Astral River, I will give him access. This change I make, means I must alter the fundamental portion of his DNA, and add something that isn't there."

Two of the elders stood as she completed her statement; but before they could react, I felt a massive pull on the River, and watched as the essence was coalesced into a sphere around her. And then the ripple. The wave shook through me, as I was the one to be effected the most by this change.

It lasted merely five seconds, but when the shield in front of me fell, so did the wave over me. I felt different, but couldn't tell why, or how.

I got upset to my stomach, and vomited almost immediately, and the elders looked pissed. I passed out after that, having no idea what had just happened.

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