《I thought I was right》Chapter 11


She immediately regretted her decision. Tears were leaking out from her eyes. She struggled against her rope and surprisingly she managed to shrug them off. Zoe landed in the fire but didn’t seem to notice. She charged at Kevin and actually sucker punched him square in the nose.

“Ahhh!” Clutching his nose, Kevin fell over. Blood dripped down his shirt and I wondered if his nose was broken. Kevin began to slowly become unconscious. Berry then appeared out of nowhere. A sudden thought came to my mind.

“Berry! Do your thing!” She looked at me blankly.

“You know? The controlling one?” I hissed at her quietly.

She nodded and closed her eyes, concentrating on her power.

Meanwhile, Zoe and Stephanie (who was apparently also not asleep) were fending off the other people. I put up an air barrier and let them rest for a little bit. Everybody in the crowds were racing towards us with clubs and bats.

I held up the wall with all of my strength and looked back. Berry was still concentrating on moving Kevin.

“Come on!” I muttered under my breath.

“I can’t hold it much longer!” Just when I was about to collapse Kevin stood up. He didn’t seem to notice that his nose was injured.

“What should he say?” Berry asked me quietly.

“Say stop.” Berry closed her eyes and Kevin spoke.

The crowd halted immediately. They looked at each other, confused.

“Um great fuher? Are you okay master?” The small man that had burned us spoke.

“You have done wrong.” Berry made Kevin say.

“You must redeem yourselves by acting order 66.”

The people looked at each other, some were crying, some were angry. I wondered what order 66 ment. I also wondered how Berry knew about it.

“Ready, go.” With a great cry, about half of the people turned to a partner and threw themselves at each other. They both crumpled to the ground, dead or unconscious. The rest of the people just stood there. Most of them looked ashamed. Some of the people were cradling their family and friends.

“You must listen to the fuher!” Kevin roared as if he was mad.


Berry was sweating hard and the back.

A few more people killed themselves but the majority didn’t. Suddenly one of them seemed to notice that Kevin was starting to fall down as Berry got more and more tired. He told everyone and the 20 ish people that were left charged at us, caching me by surprise. Berry dropped Kevin and sat down. Me, Zoe and Stephanie tried to fend them off but we were in no state to fight. Just when we were about to give up hope, Crystal and Dave exploded through the doors. Dave used his new power and lit the horde of people on fire. They people screamed and ran away, some rolling on the ground, trying to put out the fire. Crystal went over and froze them all together. She and Dave then admired the heaps of body’s on the floor.

“That’s quite impressive.” She said.

“That was all Berry’s doing. Also, Berry, how did you know about order 66?”

“Well, Kevin trusted me so he had me hide behind his throne so that you guys wouldn’t see me. He said that if I tried to escape he would kill all of us. So i was hiding and I overheard him tell the little man that ‘if that doesn’t work we will execute order 66.’ The little man started sweating and nodded, so I assumed that it would be a bad thing.”

“Um what is order 66 or whatever?” Dave asked. I realized that he and Crystal had no idea what was going on.

“Oh. You see all those dead or unconscious people? Order 66 made them suicide.” I briefly explained to him about Berry’s power and how she had possessed and controlled Kevin.”

“That is cool!” Dave exclaimed, “but what is on our neck?”

Me, Zoe and Stephanie instinctively touched our burned necks.

“I don’t know how this happened.” Zoe and Stephanie said simultaneously.

“It just hurts to move my neck. And I mean really hurt.”

“I- the little man put metal on a fire then dipped it into black sand then put it on our necks. Were you guys not awake? It hurt like the…” I trailed off, not able to describe how much it hurt without swearing.


“Wait if you guys weren’t awake when you were branded when did you wake up?”

“I woke up when Kevin was yelling.” Zoe answered.

“Same.” Stephanie added.

“I was going to own up to sucking out the fire but you did it first.”

“Yes, same and-”

“WATCH OUT!” Dave tried to warn us but it was too late. Something latched onto me and Zoe and pulled us together, my head hit hers and I became so dizzy that I started throwing up all over my attacker. I realized that it was Kevin when he wiped the puke off his face and threw up in return. Crystal came running over and froze Kevin’s face temporarily. I lay down, trying to stop the world from spinning out of control, and trying not to puke.

Kevin broke the ice off of his face. He gasped for breath and stood up shakily. I saw his face upside down, grinning down at me, like when we used to play tackle football and I would let him win, he would stand over me, smiling a grin. I would then get up and put him into a head lock until he called me uncle. I realized that was what we needed to do. We needed to let him think that he won then surprise him. The only problem was how to let everybody else know without letting Kevin catch on.

But the problem was how? I know that I could play my part easy peasy, I was already so tired that it was a fight just to stand. I stared at Dave and blinked Morse code for fake, like we had done many times before in class. I immediately fell over and started gasping for air and choking. Kevin looked down at me like I was crazy, he took out a small dagger from his bag and pointed it at me. I wondered how much longer I could hold out the act. Right when the dagger was seconds away from piercing my skin a flat sheet of ice flew in between me and the dagger. Crystal then cocooned herself in a block of ice and closed her eyes. That is some really cool sleet defense! I thought to myself. Berry hid herself underneath me as she had no power when Kevin wasn’t unconscious. I bet she was already tired from controlling Kevin for so long. Within seconds she actually started snoring. Stephanie and Zoe were standing back to back. Stephanie was holding a shorts sword that she had gotten out of nowhere and Zoe had her palms out. Zoe shot a beam at Kevin that was so strong that they were both blasted backwards. Zoe hit a wall and fell down, unconscious. Stephanie and Dave glanced at each other and Stephanie threw her sword like a javelin. She fell to the ground, having from exhaustion. Kevin rolled out of the way just before the javelin hit. Dave shot a few fire balls but Kevin reflected them back at Dave. Dave was knocked over, and fell backwards, hitting his head hard.

“Ha ha ha! You puny bunch of so called superheroes, you didn’t stand a chance! Now that I am free I will rebuild the republic I will be ruler once more! Ha ha ha ha ha!”

I shared a look with Dave and he nodded, looked at Crystal, she blinked and moved her eyes to Berry, she looked at Zoe, and Zoe looked at Stephanie. As soon as Kevin turned his body to free his minions that were still alive,

“NOW!” I screamed and we raced towards him, Dave set Kevin on fire and Zoe fueled the fire with air. Kevin roared and as soon as he turned around I bound him still with energy. Stephanie put her sword to his throat and said


Crystal froze Kevin’s legs together and Stephanie handed me a handcuff to handcuff him.

“Follow me.” Dave led the way out of the doors that he and Crystal had burst in. I carried Kevin (with magic, of course) upside down so that he was uncomfortable and easier to control.

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