《Demonhunter Zecruix》A Useful Stranger Part 7


Zecruix was sitting on the stool where he had his right elbow on the counter, facing the innkeeper.

“So anything conclusive yet, young un?”

The innkeeper asked him while cleaning the mug.

“… It is something but I haven’t understands the whole situation yet. Sometimes unnatural magick circulation is just that, unnatural. I need more information. I’ll be going to a place, rather shady but it’s the only lead, so if I haven’t come back after midnight, call for search party.”

It came out much more dramatic than he imagined. The innkeeper smiled in amusement and nodded.

“Take care! Don’t worry; this village is too small for crimes. I mean we all know who would likely to commit them. I’m looking at you, Gorav!”

A particular man, who was drinking merrily with a group, lifted his mug towards the innkeeper while shouting some native curse. Every patron here, upon seeing the lifted mug, lifted their own and cheered loudly.

Zecruix could feel the same atmosphere as last night and he felt like he rather stayed inside there and watched or maybe even immersed himself in the merriment but he realized he was only felt that way because he was kind of blissful right now.

Still, he has to fulfil his obligation and so he left the warmth and comfort of the inn.


He looked at the note again. Thankfully, the moonlight was bright enough and his eyes were adjusted to the darkness around so the content was quite clear.

He was getting close now but then he stopped and put the note back inside his robe. He unsheathed both of his short swords.

(Too small for crimes? Then these fellows skulking in the shadow is just doing it for fun?)

Even when it looked safe all around you, always be on alert especially when you’re alone. That was what his master always reminded him on a daily basis back then.


As he was walking on the seemingly solitary and small pathway in this underbrush that was leading outside of the village, he had heard rustlings and faint footsteps on the thicket on the right side earlier.

He initially ignored it as it may have just been some small animals but it persisted for some times and Zecruix eventually saw some human-sized silhouettes slipping around him.

Right now, he was warily watched his surrounding while readying his weapons, slightly shaking.

It was then two shadows stepped out, one in front of him and the other behind him.

Both of them had a piece of cloth wrapped around their face, concealing them. Their clothing was black tinged with greenish colour and both of them were wielding dagger on their right hand.

In short, both of them looked just as bit of a stereotype bandit.

After they fully appeared, both of them charged at Zecruix at the same time.

Zecruix reacted by going forward, with both of his short swords stretched out on each side.

The bandit in front stopped his charge and hopped back to evade as Zecruix swings the short sword on his left horizontally as he took a step forward also with his left foot.

After he swung, without stopping, he lunge forth his short sword forward, squarely at the centre of the man. The first bandit seeing this, tried to side step to the right but it was too late as the short sword had sunk into his right shoulder.

It was not deep enough to in capitated him but it was not

shallow enough to move freely, so the first bandit staggered backward and fell on his left knee, holding his right shoulder with his left arm.

The second bandit that charged from behind had just come close after Zecruix had dealt with the first bandit and just as he swings his dagger downward, Zecruix, with his short sword on his left arm, turned around and parried the second bandit.


The bandit slightly staggered back but recovered quickly. He then swiped his dagger diagonally in a flash. Zecruix, slightly surprised, instinctively backed down. The second bandit continues with his assault as though he was slashing around wildly.

Zecruix had to focus on defence while trying to search for an opening. The second bandit was quite skilful as he didn’t overexert on every slash and maintained a constant distance, leaving no room for counterattack.

The first bandit, whom Zecruix had wounded and keeping tab of, felt that his presence was disappearing. Sparing a glance, Zecruix saw that he had gotten up and then sprints into the darkness of the wood where he had appeared.

The second bandit ceased his assault and jumped backward making a considerable distance between him and Zecruix.

He then turned to his right and did the same thing as the first bandit.

Silence descends as Zecruix stood dumbfounded. After a while, He exhaled audibly. His heart was still racing and he could feel the adrenaline pumping through his body. It took a minute for him to calm down.

This was not his first combat with another human being but it was his first time alone. Back then when he had accompanied his master, he was a reassuring presence as unreliable as he was sometime were.

This incident caused Zecruix to deepen his suspicion towards the pair that he met this morning. It was too much of a coincidence that he was attacked when he was nearing. Still, he would meet them and he will try to pry into their motive.

Thus, he starts to walk.

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