《Enter into naruto verse》Growth


.... so fonishing the leaf sticking excercise was only a little tricky. My ice release kept wanting to freeze the leaf. Took about 3 daus to figure it oit.

So now im trying the tree walking excersize. I now see why naruto kept falling to much chackra usage. I have the problem of my kekai genki flaring up.

I found that meditating to steady the flow of chackra helps avoid ice release from hampering my progress. So it took me about a week to get it down.

I think ill take a break for now, i havent seen signs of people around here only animals. I even picked up a wolf pup, i think its a wolf. Hehe its nice not having anyone tell me what to do.

I have been fully immersed into that creepy bastards medical notes. He even had a comprehensive guide on medical ninjutsu. Im only able to revive recently dead fish though .

I might be able to fix a broken bone or so but im not twisted enough to break my own bones and try it out on myself. I am doing quite good for an 8 year old.

My physical training has improved i created basic weights with my ice release so even when weather is bad i can still train indoors.

I have no idea how genjutsu wirks nor the eight inner gates. Hopefully i can get the info somewhere. But i have no desire to join a ninja village why give up my freedom.

I have thus decided to go around selling different items, ive made ninja dolls out of clay birds out of wood a couple wooden flutes, fishing rods and dont me but when i find a supply of paper i intend to copy a great deal of famouse books from my old world.


Hey im sure im going to need the money. I also managed to make a cart. The wheels of course are made out of ice so perfectly round and as i run chackra thru the conecting parts it turns the wheels. Steering sucks though.

Thankfully i found a village around ten miles out so hopefully they will let me enter. I doubt they havr child labor laws here.

... .... ... ... huff huff huff . So close but im seriosly tired now hopefully i dont get in trouble for taking a nap so close to this village..

Get in line people no cutting in line. Those that cause trouble in the leaf village will be barred from entry.

Huh did i really just find the leaf village on my first excersion how unlucky, wonder what time frame im in.

Next person. Huh said the gaurd whats a child doing coming here by himself asked the guard. Im intending to sell goods i made to raise money sir, replied edward.

Ohh why arent you in school kid. Um i have no parents sir. Ah an orphan well ill have to check your goods make sure nothings dangerouse of course. No probmem sir.

Oh these ninja are quite well made my nephew would like one im sure said the guard. No problem sir you can have it as a gift. I dont have any money to pay a toll now so hopefully we can negotiate a way for me to enter....

Sure no problem kid here let me check the bingo book first...... nope seems clean. Well here you go kid. Stop buy the tax office on your way out to pay a 15 percent fee on all goods sold in the village.

... .. .. well that was rather easy to get in a sob story and puppy dog eyes did thd trick. Im sure if i caused trouble though it might have been a different story.

Well where to set up.. ..

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