《Redemption: a Pokemon story》Hire or Fire


Vaal and Ciel were dropped off at just in front of the large building, with neon blue capital letters detailing LFP. The taxi driver smiled at them through the window, grinning as he called towards the two rookies.

“Goodluck! Your probably going to need it” he started cackling as he floored it away leaving the two of them a little confused and rather offended.

“The hell was he on about?!” Ciel was rather upset, his tail curling up tighter as he fummed. Vaal just sighed, turning towards the door he stared ahead

“He probably right unfortunately” Vaal murmured to no one in particular, but Ciel very clearly heard him. The persian turned to join the quagsire in staring at the door way.

“You have to be kidding right, we have made it this far we can’t lose out now can we?” he spoke in a distant tone of voice. Vaal just grimaced.

“As much as I wish to say otherwise, they have every right to downgrade us to regular police if they decide to” Vaals head and fall dropped a bit, his arms starting to tap against his stomach again, tail swaying from side to side. Ciel just took a deep breath before taking a step forwards.

“Well, it's now or never, you coming?” Ciel looked back towards his partner, beckoning him with his right hand to step forwards, a nervous smile giving away his false bravado.

“Yeah, I suppose it is, let's do this” Vaal quickly caught up to the persian and the two pokemon walked as one towards the door.

Reaching the large glass door, Vaal turned to Ciel.

“...If we fail, drinks on me?” the persian smiled

“Nah, drinks on me” he chuckled briefly before adding.

“That way we actually have enough money to get smashed” Vaal just punched the cocky pokemon lightly on the leg, it was the highest he could reach in natural form but he still smiled at the joke regardless.

Inside the reception area were a mixture of off duty and on duty officers, all different species of pokemon, the most notable feature however was every pokemon was at the final stage of their evolutionary line. Sat at the reception desk was a female girafarig in human form was sat at a laptop. A couple of the officers pointed towards the two rookies that were stood like statues in front of the glass door.

Ciel glanced at Vaal before shrugging his shoulders rid of tension and placed his hand against the glass, seeing there was no handle on the outside but there were some on the inside. Vaal matched Ciel putting his hand against the door.


“On three” murmured Vaal, Ciel just took a deep breath and nodded. Now all the officers in the reception, even the receptionist, were now inspecting the two through the doorway.

“1, 2, 3!”

They pushed. The door didn’t move an inch. They pushed again, harder this time but the door just shuddered slightly before returning to be motionless.

“Do we smash it?” Vaal casually asked his partner, a vein was visible on his temple pulsating. The receptionist had gotten her phone out, seemingly taking photos the whole ordeal whilst the officers were laughing their heads off as they stood in the lounge watching the two rookies struggle at the front door.

“Not now no” Ciel’s claws were starting to show themselves, extending out of his fingertips where the nails should have been. The officers started to quiet down as the receptionist waved with one hand at the two rookies before pointing to the side of the doorway where there was a rather large green button with two arrows pointing away from each other on it.

Ciel and Vaal both coloured immensely, Ciel then pushed the open button and a moment later the door slid open. The laughter returned in full force as the two pokemon jerkily walked towards the reception as quickly as they could, both still red in the face. The receptionist to her credit hadn’t burst out into laughter which had helped a bit and she had even put down the phone.

“Good morning, I take it you are the two recruits here for your final test?” she spoke in a calm gentle manner to the two pokemon that had stood rather woodenly to attention in front of the front desk. Vaal was the first one to nod, quickly followed by Ciel. the receptionist just smiled at them before turning to point towards a pair of doors to her left.

“Go through those two doors, take a left and your interview will be on the 3rd door on the right side of the corridor, the commissioner will be with you as soon as he finishes with the other recruits.”

“Many thanks”

“Thank you very much”

Vaal tugged the still red face Ciel towards the doorway, on making it to the doorway a voice called out.

“It's a push door just so you know!” The laughter came immediately afterwards, even the receptionist had to catch herself from laughing as Ciel rushed through the door first, holding it open for Vaal before slamming it after them, cutting off most of the noise from the other room.


“Well, that could have gone better” Ciel was the first to speak before sliding down the side of the door.

“Euuuugggghhhhh….” Ciel had put his head in his hands, dragging them down slowly across his face. Vaal had just wandered over to the wall opposite and started to bang his head against the wall. This carried on for a couple minutes till the embarrassment had died down a little bit.

They slowly made their way down the corridor looking for the 3rd door on the right. They hadn’t noticed the cameras that were swiverling around to watch them make their way down the corridor in a downtrodden manner.

In the buildings security room the commissioner and his hand selected examiners were in the middle of a giggle fest, they had seen everything from start to finish, and whilst they knew they shouldn’t they could help but laugh at the spectacle.

“Hehehe, okay who was the wise guy that removed the push button to enter sign?” a femamanine voice echoed around in the shadowed room. A more raucous voice replied to her.

“I think Leeroy had the idea, Leeroy! You buy the rookies a drink after work, got it?!”

“Yes chief!”

“Oh come now Lance, it was all a bit of fun!” the female voice had a fruity undertone as it sounded out.

“Haha oh it definitely is fun but it went a bit far” the voice tried to go more serious towards the end of it, but failed somewhat.

“Hmmm I suppose so, so you're going to pass them?” the female voice spoke in a silvery tone of voice, however the owner of the male voice huffed at that.

“Well if Bolt says I will like them i'm inclined to agree with him, he hasn’t been wrong yet. Plus they both have pretty good test results from the academy. Though I still want to see how they act under pressure” the light from the security screen lit up the lower jaw of the male voice, showing him grinning viscously.

“Should we turn up the heat then?” the female voice sounded rather curious. There was a pause and silence in the room. The commissioner’s grin grew larger.

“Why not, turn it up the heat Evil eye” a new voice entered the conversation with a wheeze.

“Awwww boss you know I hate that nickname...” The pokemon known as evil eye wheezed and whined at the use of the nickname, however complied with the order anyway.

Ciel and Vaal were completely unaware of this however as they walked into the “interview” room.

On entering the room they were met with a single desk with four plain black chairs. Vaal sighed as he grudgingly wandered over to one of the chairs, pulling it out before slumping down onto it, head and arms splaying out onto the desktop. Ciel wordlessly just walked over to the chair next to him lightly dropping down onto the chair.

“I can’t believe that happened...” Vaal groaned quietly into the table top. Ciel just patted him on the back with one hand the other hand busy massaging his head.

“Look, it's not like they can fire us because of it yeah?” Ciel tried to point out the positives but his heart was not into it.

“No they can just choose not to hire us in the first place. They can do that”

“Yeah that's true...”

“Eughhh what am I going to tell my parents...”

“Hey we haven’t been fired yet have we?”


“Come on, head up, relax, use amnesia if you need to. I don’t think the commissioner will have seen that so we might stand a chance at this” Vaal seemed to consider this for a moment before leaning back taking a deep breath with his eyes closed before giving a very exaggerated breath out causing Ciel to smirk.

“Hey, at least they let us in” that caused Vaal to start laughing.

“I thought you were really nervous about today Ciel, what changed?”

“You try being nervous after embarrassing yourself in front of the whole precinct” gave a snide remark that made Vaal laugh and cry at the same time.

“Yeah, things can’t really get any worse now can they” Vaal spoke softly, his face falling slightly as he started to accept what happened did in fact happen, it certainly helped a lot for his nerves, it was hard to stay nervous about things after that was your first impression on the majority of the pokemon that you could be working with in the future.

“Okay so what's the plan now? We kinda failed big time on the first impression side of things” Vaal eyed up his partner. Ciel leaned forwards hands together, a thoughtful expression on his face.

“Okay, my idea is...”

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