《The Secret of Life》Chapter 11


Adna and Al who were working in the government established friendships with politicians. In fact both Azia and Lex have politician godmothers too. Azia, had the wife of the mayor in their city, while Lex had the representative to the congress as her godmother. Azia who had health problem had one time been rushed to the hospital and the car of the husband of her godmother who was the mayor of their city was used, with his personal driver driving the car bringing the child to the hospital. Al had to leave his motorcycle at his workplace as he was with Adna and the child going to the hospital using the car of the mayor of their city. Azia in the hospital always told her mother Adna, ‘’we now go home’’. Adna just told the doctor to instruct her what to do as she will manage in the administration of the child’s medicines. The doctor then permitted them to go home. Adna became very careful with Azia’s food because she had allergy to shrimps, crab, and also she must stay away from dust, and smoke.

Everytime Azia had school activities, Al and Adna made sure they were always there the whole time. The school always required costumes for Azia and her classmates, and Adna had her new dressmaker to make the costume for Azia. Aunt Felip could no longer make dresses because she was already old. When there were celebrations in school, Azia would bring foods from school and gave it to the office mates of her mother, even those with high position. They were so amazed with Azia as she was too young to be thoughtful to others. Lex also took voice lesson class in the school where she studied. During the recital, there were so many audiences. Adna and Al were there too. One of the voice coach of Lex who was the pianist, was Adna’s teacher in high school. When she knew, Lex is Adna’s daughter, she told Adna to encourage Lex to sing because she has a nice voice. The recital was done in a big auditorium of the school. Lex was the youngest and cutest performer during the recital. She was wearing the most beautiful dress, Adna could provide her. Lex did a great performance, she was able to hit the high notes. Her piece is still memorized by Lex, ‘’Be brave little one, make a wish for each sad little tear, hold your head up though no one is near, someone’s waiting for you. Don’t cry little one, there’ll be a smile where a frown used to be, you’ll be part of the love that you’ll see, someone’s waiting for you. Always keep a little prayer in your pocket, and you’re sure to see the light. Soon there’ll be joy and happiness and your little world will be bright. Have faith little one, ‘til your hopes and your wishes come you, you must try to be brave little one, someone’s waiting to love you’’.


Continuously; Lex sang another piece, ‘’the sun come out tomorrow, bet your dollar bottom that tomorrow, there’ll be sun. Just thinking about tomorrow clears away the cobwebs and the sorrow ‘til there’s none. When I’m stuck with a day that is gray and lonely, I just stick out my chin and grin and say…..ohh, the sun come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on ‘til tomorrow, come what may,..tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you’re always a day away’’.

The third piece of Lex, ‘’I believe the children are our future, Teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside, give them a sense of pride to make it easier let the children’s laughter remind us how we used to be. Everybody’s searching for a hero, people need someone to look up to, I never found anyone who fulfill my needs, a lonely place to live and so I learned to depend on me. I decided long ago, never to walk in anyone’s shadows. If I fail, if I succeed, at least I’ll live as I believe, no matter what they take from me, they can’t take away my dignity. Because the greatest love of all is happening to me, I found the greatest love of all inside of me. The greatest love of all is easy to achieve, learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all. And if by chance that special place, that you’ve been dreaming of, leads you to a lonely place, find your strength in LOVE.’’

And for the finale, another girl joined Lex, she was older than Lex, and they both sang, ‘’Don't lose your way with each passing day you've come so far don't throw it away Live believing dreams are for weaving Wonders are waiting to start Live your story Faith, hope and glory


Hold to the truth in your heart If we hold on together I know our dreams will never die. Dreams see us through to forever where clouds roll by for you and I. Souls in the wind must learn how to bend. Seek out a star, hold on to the end. Valley, mountain, there is a fountain washes our tears all away Words are swaying,somebody is praying. Please let us come home to stay

If we hold on together, I know our dreams will never die. Dreams see us through to forever

Where clouds roll by, for you and I…’’.

Both Lex and the other girl took a bow to the audiences and they received a big round of applause from them. Lex performance was the highlight of the recital, as she was the smallest performer and the youngest as well. Adna and Al were surprised how their daughter had shown her talent in singing. It was only Aunt Felip who taught her the poem, and the song, ‘’Bunny, Bunny, do not run away,. I’ll give you grass and clover, if you will only stay’’. The same song and poem learned by Adna from Aunt Felip. When Lex stepped down from the big stage, Adna and Al came close to her, and tightly embraced her. Adna said to lex, ‘’congratulations! You really have a nice voice and had a very good performance’’. Al and Adna brought Lex to the mall. They bought plenty of foods for Lex. It was a beautiful moment for their child. When they reached home, Aunt Felip was told by Adna about the performance of Lex. Aunt Felip had teary eyes because she was overjoyed. Lex had her repeat performance in their place. There were contestants for Battle of Champions for Singing. They were all adults but Lex was their guest performer. The experience of Lex enhanced her confidence. As Papa Mar would always call Adna to join his conversation with company owner who visited him, Adna also had no stage fright.

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