《mmorpg dungeon for me》fight


Next day,the day where we will depart(I will skip the part where they left their house cause I don't have any experience writing such scene and also the fighting scene look like a bit,ahhhh you know,corny)

It's supposed to be night,but the scheduled got changed because of some situations

I did find a way to unsummun the mount

It took me a lot of effort to comfort Mei as she always cry throughout the travel

inside the carriage guarded by five heavily armored men

"Are you fine now???"I asked Mei whose snuggling on my chest

"Yeah I'm fine now"She said while wiping her eyes

"Ehhh you don't look fine"I said as I caress her soft cheeks

"No,I'm fine"She said with a low tone

"ok,just take some rest"I said while kissing her forehead

After that we continue on our way,but suddenly something hit us

"What is it???"I asked as I look outside of the carriage

"There's a tree blocking our way,young master"One of the guards said

"Hehehehehehehe they planned well"I said while looking at the obviously planted tree on our way

And not so soon after that,arrows come raining at us,but sadly we come prepared

I clicked a button my father gave me,this carriage is a magic weapon with a lot of defensive formations inscribed on it

Clicking it,suddenly a multiple layers of barriers appeared on the surrounding that blocked all the arrows

"Heheheheheheh do you really think your barrier can block our attacks"Laugh an unknown voice in the dark

Hearing that everyone draw out their swords ready to attack,but the next attack swallowed them all,I can't see it clearly,but it look like a huge ball of flame

Opening my eyes I can only see ruins all around,I got a lot of wounds of me,from the debris from using my body as shield for her and somehow it knocked her unconscious


"Who send you??"I said while picking myself up from the rubles and also her

"You don't need to know kid"said a voice as a man appeared from the dark together with a lot of bowmen

"hehehehehehe you think you can kill me??"i said while summoning my wing,companion and mount

I ordered my bear to carry Mei on the horse and leave

"You think you can leave together with her,boy???"Said the man with arrogant tone as he ordered his men to shoot us

"Yes I do"i said while opening my wings blocking all the arrows while my bear block some of the stray arrows

Seeing this,the man's eye filled with greed

"Hehehehehehehehe you look like other humans,so shitty and disgusting"I said while spitting

"Boy die!!!!!"He shouted as he chanted and a huge blazing flame appeared on his hand ready to shoot it to us

Seizing this opportunity that he is focused I take some stone from the ground before putting an amulet on it and throwing it to them

They tried to shoot it to stoop it,but sadly i practiced my throwing skill when I was young,I'm the notorious one who always shoot my mom's flower pots and my father is my shield

This amulet is known as blinding amulet,it's like a flash grenade,the only difference is that you can put it on objects to throw to your enemy

Taking this opportunity that their are blinded I ran to my horse And then ride it while making sure that Mei will not fall,about my bear,well he can run with the same speed as my horse which is equivalent to the speed of 2 horses combined together


you activated 2 set effects

wings+mounts=flying mounts

wings+companion=flying companion

"Woahhh!!"I shouted as the horse slowly rise from the sky and i hate this feeling,I never ride a horse before and this feeling is making me sick,almost like i want to vomit


"Quick!!!,Follow them!!!!"Shouted the bowmen and the unknown man as the blinding effect already subsided

"Shoot them,We can't let them get away!!!"They shouted as they shoot arrows at us

Seeing this,My bear blocked our back to block the arrows as he will only die if i die and he doesn't have the feeling of pain

He did block most of the arrows,but some still did managed to pass through him,but I managed to bock most of it with my wings

And when I think that they will no longer reach us.suddenly an arrow pierced my shoulder

"God damn it!!!"I shouted as I pull it out together with the feeling of pain,but somehow I;m losing my consciousness

"Save her"i said with my weak voice to my companion as my vision slowly darkens an I completely loose my consciousness

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