《Ares》Chapter 1 --------- History and Birth


The World of Ares is a world filled with many kinds of species from humans, to demihuman, dragons, elves and many more.

Ares was created hundreds of billons of years ago but live only started a thousand years ago.

Live was hard at first and they couldn't defend themselves from monsters and natural calamities.

This capital of history was also knowen as the time of Chaos and Terror.

After centeries of suffering a god descened and gave them the power of Magic and also gave humanity the art of weapon smithing so that all live could defend their family and home.

God gave the elves the power over nature and they also had more magic potential then any other race and were only second to dragons.

They had longer lifespans then most humanoid beings but there was also a downside to it as they had a fertality rate of 50%.

The dragons got similar powers but instead of the power over nature, they were given the power over the sky. As they also had a low fertality rate of only 25% they lived in the secluded mountains and rarily showed themselves to anyone.

The demihumans were like humans except they have animal features for example cat ears and a tail.

Demihumans got the power of strength and agility but they did't have suvh a long lifespan like the elves and dragons.

But instead the god gave them the power to transform into their beast form on their third birthday.

As the demihumans don't have many magicians they had a fertality rate of 100%.

The humans, unlike the other three major races only had the power of potantial but this power shouldn't be underastimated as they can learn things faster and have a higher chance to become a master in their art. They also don't have a long lifespan like the demihumans mostly refeared to as beastman in the human territory. As compensation the god gave them a fertality rat of 150% that means that they are most likely to get twins or triplets. They also got an ability to let them sacrifice their live to let the child inherit their powers and skills.


Year 4000 of the Holy Age

,,ahh aaahhh ah ," cries of agony can be heard comming from a mansion in the beastman territory.

,,Madame Rose push a little bit harder I can already see the head," said a female docter helping the woman to giving birth.

The woman had dark blue hair and dark blue eyes with a beautiful blue fur. The face was grimased in pain not showing the beautiful features of the woman.

The woman gave a final push and the child was born.,,Madame Rose its a healthy boy" the docter said.

,,Give me my baby I want to see him" said the woman with a weak voice and the docter gave her the still crying baby.

,,What a beautiful little boy we have."(woman)

Moments later a man with silver hair and silver eyes appeared. He had a silver coloured fur on both of his ears and tail and had a handsome face.

,,Dear are you alright."(man)

,,I am fine, honey. Look we have a cute little boy now."(woman)

,,Yes, he is certainly our son. How should we name him."(man)

,,His name shall be Mars, Mars Silverheart."(woman)

,,Good name dear now take a good rest. See Mars is already asleep."(man)


I may write more chapters on holidays or when I don't have any tests.

School in Austria(Europa)

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