《The Unexpected Heroes》Luke's story Part 8
-Traitor’s point of view-
Information Broker grinned at me as he held onto my hand. A second ago I was trying to take my hand out of his grip and the next I was dangling off the edge of a building.
“So this is the infamous Avenger. I don’t believe we’ve been introduced, my name is Information Broker. I am sorry but I’m going to have to take E-23 with me now.”
I looked up at the grinning face and shivered, Runaways durability was no joke but he had punched a hole right through her stomach.
“Are you part of the organisation?”
The villain shook his head and I swayed precariously in the air, “Not the organisation you’re thinking of, but that doesn’t mean I can’t profit off of this piece of information.” He looked at Runaway.
I looked behind him and saw that there were several people fighting, Information Broker looked in their direction as well and frowned.
“Hmm, unexpected company, no matter. It was fun meeting you Avenger.”
He let go of my hand and a found myself falling through the air towards the ground below.
I groaned and my body ached all over as I got up, I had smashed into the sidewalk underneath the three story building and it had cracked under the pressure of my body and my aura had protected me from most of the damage. If I had been an ordinary person my body would have been crushed on impact.
“So Information Broker gave me a little treat did he? And who might you be.”
A man grinning man wearing full body Velcro walked towards me and bent over me. A strange feeling swept over me, like I was getting weaker and weaker as he walked closer to me.
“You don’t look so tough.”
He lifted me up and I punched him, he took it and grinned.
“Without those powers of yours you hit like a girl.”
My eyes widened in realization and he punched me back, then he kept punching me as he held me with his other hand.
“The name’s Eraser,” *punch* “if you can’t guess what my powers are,” *punch* “Then you’re a fool.”
My aura was gone as well. His ability wasn’t a Strength or Creation type, maybe Manipulation?
*Punch* either way, I wasn’t going to go down without a fight. I gripped my hands into fists.
“I know what you’re thinking and the answers Unknown type actually.”
I punched him again and he grabbed my hand to block it, then he gasped as the knee I had sent out at the same time hit balls and he let go of me. I jumped backwards and my aura started to seep out again.
‘Some sort of area of effect power.’
“What! I thought you were a hero or something, what kind of hero kicks someone in the sac?”
He stopped groaning and got up again, I walked back warily since it was possible that his ability could be thrown at me. He lifted his hand menacingly and started running towards me.
“I’m going to kill you-”
A large shape smacked into him and he went flying into a concrete pillar and it broke on top of him, covering him in its broken pieces.
“Delivering the power needed to protect the weak, Force blasts onto the scene!”
A large girl appeared in front of me while grinning, she was covered in muscles and her back was broad enough to fit mine twice over.
“Wasn’t that Eraser?”
She was frowning at the pile of stones covering Eraser and I grabbed her hand.
“There’s no time, they have a hostage so we need to get to that roof. Can you fly?”
I pointed to the roof and she shook her head at my question. I cursed. I had never felt so helpless from my inability to fly. Suddenly she wrapped her hands around my wrist.
“I got a way, since you have an aura it should be fine. Hold on I’ll be joining you shortly.”
“Err, wait a second. What-”
Before I could protest she swung me around in an arc and threw me into the air, I watched the side of the building getting closer and closer to my body and almost got cut in half by a rusty pole that was jutting out of a window.
Then the building disappeared and I was flying in the air with the roof coming closer and closer towards me.
I hit the concrete roof face first and I thanked god that my aura and strength power prevented any series injuries. I looked around and saw that the heroes were still fighting and Information Broker was laying on the side watching them while keeping Runaway busy by opening the hole so that she would have to use her energy to regenerate.
My aura swept across my body and I ran towards him.
-Force’s point of view-
“You’ve grown stronger fatty.”
The rubble in front of me began to move and I tensed as Eraser lifted the pile of rocks off of his body and stood up to face me. His face was grayed from the stone dust that had swept over him.
“But you’re still no match for me.”
I jumped away from him. I had faced off against his power erasing ability before. I knew his range for cutting off powers was around ten meters or so. He grinned and ran at me. His hands and face were covered in blue veins.
“What’s wrong with you?”
A look of surprise crossed his face and he looked down at his hands, lifting them in the air so that the sun would reflect off them and he could get a better view.
“And by the way-”
I dug my foot into the ground and pushed backwards so that I leapt towards him,
Before he could move his hands to defence I had already appeared in front of him,
I smashed his face with my fist and he went flying back,
I leapt in front of him again and smashed my hand into his face so that he would be crushed into the ground,
“You’re still sensitive about the whole being fat thing? You look like you’ve improved your diet though. Don’t those muscles weigh more than that layer of fat you used to have?”
Eraser grinned from underneath me and I realized that he had caught my last punch in his hand. I felt my powers drain and as I was experiencing the loss something hit me and I went flying back. I cried out in pain as my back scraped against the pavement, my strength powers were returning to me now that I was out of his range but it hadn’t returned enough to block the pain.
“Impossible, you don’t have a strength power.”
I looked up from the ground at the villain and he grinned. He lifted the veiny hand that had hit me and made a punching motion with his hand.
“Whole new set of powers fatty, don’t think you’re the only one that can cover your weaknesses.”
The sound of an explosion came from the roof and I cursed, my personal assistance device told me that there were other heroes up there and I needed to join them. The area had already been evacuated so I could afford to let Eraser go if it meant saving a hostage.
“I guess in the end I still win, and Emperor isn’t here to save you this time.”
I placed my feet on the ground and as though he could sense what was going to happen Eraser ran after me. But it was too late. I was already airborne and heading towards the roof.
I could hear his laughing voice calling after me as I flew.
“You can run fatty, but you can’t hide!”
-Killers point of view-
“What is this ‘Killer’ nonsense you got going on?”
I stared at the villain, Air Master, who was grinning in front of me. Even though I was wearing a mask I knew he recognized me. I stayed silent and he grinned harder.
“Bet you didn’t expect to see me here did you ‘Killer’?
I ran towards him but before I could get close I was blasted off my feet by a gust of wind and sent back to where I started.
“Oh no you don’t, I know your power. We worked together for years after all.”
I glanced at the nearby hero, I think his name was Halfling, but he was engaged in his own battle and hadn’t heard the villain’s words.
I sighed, “You mention that again and I might have to tear you a new one. Working with these guys seems a little below you.”
I lifted a hand towards him and released chemicals into the air but they hadn’t reached him, he had some sort of wind barrier in front of him.
“Trying to control my mind again eh?”
He appeared in front of me and his fist hooked my face. Blue veins were running down his face and I stared at him, he hadn’t had super speed before.
“Surpised? I was a little more than surprised when you ditched me to go and join the association.”
He appeared in front of my again and I lifted my hands to spray my mind control chemicals into his face but the barrier of air was only centimeters in front of him, not allowing anything to come through.
“A little note would have been fine-”
He punched my face again and my head smashed against the ground, cracking the concrete.
“But you just up and left!”
I wiped off a trickle of blood that was running down the corner of my mouth.
“Were you expecting a warning? I’m not that soft Air Master.”
He smashed my face against the concrete again, cracking it further. His face was seething with anger.
“You send a bloody squad of heroes to my house!”
Oh right, I had done that.
“Blow me.”
To the side of us something happened and the roof exploded, Air master was blasted off me and I tumbled across the ground. I pushed myself off of the ground and looked around.
“What the hell.”
I saw Air Master groaning as he got up and ran towards him but he sent me back with a gust of air. He was just playing with me now.
A lesser explosion sounded and I looked around, an incredibly muscular girl had just jumped onto the roof. Since she was wearing a mask I could guess that she was a hero.
“Don’t look away now ‘Killer’!”
A fist hit my stomach and I blanched.
This was going to be a tough fight.
-Halflings point of view-
“A gun, brother. Really?”
Blue pulses of energy blasted towards the villain in front of me as I shot at him with Righty, my gun. The bastard was dodging all of my shots.
“Brother? What brother?”
I called out and the villain grunted as he dodged another shot.
“I found calling you guys brothers easier, the alternative is so much harder to explain.”
I stopped moving and the villain in front of me did the same. I looked at him and took off the mouth piece of my mask to speak clearly.
“I like it.”
The villain grinned as he did the same and I realized that we were wearing the same mask.
“Of course you do, I made it up myself.”
I tapped my foot on the ground while pointing my gun at him, “A villain is it? So what do you call yourself?”
I looked at his mask and realized that it was in fact the character Gilgamesh.
“Like the character of that game series I can’t mention due to copyright issues?”
Of course, commercial heroes like me couldn’t mention the products of other corporations.
“That’s right, I love that game series.”
I laughed, “Me too actually, what a coincidence.”
Gilgamesh grinned and pulled a couple of swords out from behind him.
“Really, swords? They’re so low tech.”
Gilgamesh grunted and charged towards me with his swords slashing towards my heads from both sides.
“There can be only one.”
I jumped back and fired at him again, he ducked and dodged the bullets.
“Oh, you watched that movie too?”
Righty overloaded and I pulled the second one out from its holster, I called it Lefty, it was harder to dual wield but it would be a few seconds before Righty was ready to fire again. I looked up and saw that Gilgamesh had already covered the distance between us and was swinging one of his swords towards my neck.
“Of course, I felt that it was okay but it could have done better.”
*Clang*I parried it with Righty and the two weapons held each other at bay.
“Bit vague, have you really seen it? I have, I liked it. It was aesthetically pleasing.”
I sent back a reply by shooting him with Lefty but he deflected the blue pulse off his other sword. I jumped back and grinned, Righty was ready to fire again.
“Now who’s being vague brother? I don’t think you’ve seen it either.”
I jumped into the air and shot at him, he deflected all the shots with the blades of his swords and the force of the recoil caused me to flip backwards in a mid-air summersault. I continued firing at him while in the air to keep him at bay until I fell gracefully to the ground.
I landed on my feet and grinned at Gilgamesh. He was surrounded by smoking craters where the bullets had hit the concrete, individually they could only stun him but together they packed a powerful punch. Unfortunately none of them hit him and both Lefty and Righty had overloaded.
He looked at me.
“That was pretty awesome.”
I nodded, “hell yeah it was, I spent months perfecting how to do that you know. It’s my ultimate technique.”
Gilgamesh sighed and pointed a sword at me.
“Let me show you a real ultimate technique.”
He waved his hands in a semicircle with his swords facing upwards while screaming, “Gwahhhhhh”
“What the hell are you doing?”
He continued screaming and I watched. To tell you readers the truth I could hit him now but I’m pretty interested in his ultimate technique.
*Pop * *pop* *pop* *pop*
I was grinning until he screamed louder and two pairs of arms covered in blue veins appeared from the side of his torso. Gilgamesh started growing and he was quickly over double my height and more than double my length and he took four more swords out of the scabbards on his sides. I looked at him in horror.
“Oh bull-crap, you actually look like Gilgamesh?”
He lunged at me and his swords smashed into the concrete roof, cracking it,
“Face my ultimate technique, Final Form!”
I put Righty and Lefty back into their holsters.
“As always you have a terrible naming sense.”
Gilgamesh lunged into the air again while swinging his swords and I grinned at him. I pulled out another weapon from the bottomless knapsack I kept around my side and pointed it towards the villain flying towards me. His eyes widened as he saw it.
“Is that a freaking-”
A canister pulsating with blue energy flew through the air towards him and I grinned, “Your damn right it is.”
He went flying back as the explosion hit him and I grinned, “That’s right brother, I got a freaking rocket launcher! I call it Bomby”
Gilgamesh groaned as he got up and I stepped back. Bomby was supposed to have knocked him out for at least ten hours.
I heard the ground crack around me and Gilgamesh winced as something flew down from the air. We turned our heads towards the new arrival, a muscular girl with black hair had just landed on the roof and she looked pissed.
Gilgamesh roared and I turned to face him.
Our fight wasn’t over just yet.
-Traitors perspective-
As I raced towards the villain he spotted me and grinned, Runaway had already lost consciousness from the pain. He threw her at me and I grabbed her body out of the air, when I looked up the villain had disappeared.
“Saving the lady before taking on the villain? How heroic.”
I turned around and blocked the arm that had come chopping down towards my neck. Information broker grinned and sent a flurry of punches towards me and I was sent back, Runaway tumbled out of my arms and onto the ground.
‘Super strength, teleporting technique.’
Out of all the combinations he had come across this was one of the most annoying set of powers. It was a high level of strength too, enough to harm Runaway’s extremely tough body.
“What could you possibly be thinking about at a time like this?”
I was interrupted from my thoughts as I went flying into the air and slid over the side of the building, I clung onto the edge and lifted myself up but Information Broker had already gone back to Runaway and stabbed her again.
An explosion lit up the air and I blinked, when I opened my eyes again Runaway was alone. I ducked as a punch flew towards me and kicked the villain that had appeared behind me. He went flying through the air and smashed into the ground.
A lesser explosion sounded and I looked at the person that had just jumped up beside me.
“Did you finish him already?”
Force looked at me and shook her head, “He’ll be up here in a minute.”
I pushed her out of the way as Information Broker’s hand stabbed through the air that she had been occupying just a second ago.
“Teleportation and super strength, if he hits you, you go down hard!” I shouted at her, she nodded and leapt towards the villain with her palms out, he threw a hand out to stop her but she twirled around the avoid it and smacked a palm into his stomach, sending him flying towards me.
I jumped into the air towards him and my aura gathered around my legs as I spun around and kicked him into the ground. Force grinned at me but I motioned back to the villain, he had already disappeared.
Force flew into me and we tumbled across the ground as Information Broker grinned at us.
This was going to be a long fight.
-Killer POV-
“So how would the hero association take it if someone told them that ‘Killer’ isn’t just your hero name?”
Air Master grinned and smashed his leg into my crotch as he talked. I shifted my knee to block his foot and smashed my elbow into his face. His wind shield blocked the damage but he was still pushed back a few steps.
I sent a kick towards his head as he was recovering but he ducked and another gust of wind underneath my leg sent me sprawling to the ground, “Your words are worth less than you, and you’re worth nothing.”
The villain frowned and he put his hand into his vest, taking out the needles that were packed inside.
“Play times over.”
I ducked to the side as he threw the needles into the air and another gust of wind blew them at me. I cried out as one of them struck my arm.
“I wouldn’t pull that out if I were you, barbed edges you know? A little trick I added after you left.”
He sent more needles flying through the air towards me and I jumped to the side to avoid them, right into the foot he kicked towards me. I slumped over as his kick hit my stomach and winded me.
“I could finish you right now if I wanted to ‘Killer’ but I’ve got bigger fish to fry right now.”
I stared at him and he laughed, a gust of wind blew the villain back towards a huge villain with six arms and the two started walking towards the others.
A voice called out to me and I found myself facing the hero I’d seen before, Halfling.
“You’re Halfling. No time for chit chat, shoot at them.” I pointed towards the villains.
He shook his head, “Can’t, my guns overloaded.” I pushed him to the side as a needle filled gust of air swept by us and jumped towards the villains, even if Air Master was immune to my control his ally wasn’t.
“New plan,” I spoke to Halfling as he ran with me towards the pair, “We switch opponents.”
He nodded in agreement and we split up to fight the villains, the six armed man grinned at me and his swords flashed as they reflected the daylight.
‘Strength based mutation, probably not immune to my chemicals.’
I dodged the swords that slashed out to cut me in half and jumped up towards the villains face, I had been creating my mind control chemicals for several minutes and I sent them all into his nose and mouth.
He grinned in my face and kicked my stomach to push me back across the air.
“God damn it, Air Master.”
Air Master looked at me as I called his name and smirked, he had set an air shield around his ally before I could get to him.
A shadow covered the ground around me and I looked up, the six armed giant was already swinging his swords down on my head.
I rolled to the side to avoid them and jumped back up.
A gust of air blew past me and noticed something glimmering inside it, “Oh no way, you shoot needles?”
The villains grinned at me flashed his vest at me. It looked like there were over a thousand needles in the containers he had packed in there. I shot Righty and Lefty at him and he grew pale but there was some sort of shield blocking most of the damage from the energy pulses.
He threw another packet of needles into the air and the wind shredded it open so that the deadly objects sped towards me. I holstered Lefty and grabbed the only thing that would save me.
“Where did that come from?”
The villains grin was wiped off his face as I blocked all of the needles with a steel shield.
“Inter-dimensional knapsacks are all the rage nowadays, don’t you know anything?”
I fired Righty at him again and he dodged, even if he was shielded it looked like he didn’t want to take my shots head on.
“God damn it, Air master.”
The villain smirked as the hero fighting Gilgamesh called out his name. His head bent out of shape as my shield smacked into it and threw him to the ground.
“Didn’t your mum ever tell you that you should never look away during a fight?”
I grabbed the shield and put it back into my knapsack, the villain was out cold. Or so I thought until he sent a packet of needles into my legs. I fell to the ground and turned around to see him looming over me with more needles in his hand.
“No cries of pain? Too bad too since I love that part. Stupid pain nullifying powers keep ruining the good moments.”
I jumped up and punched his face, I followed it up with a shot to his stomach with Righty and he went flying back several meters and flopped still onto the ground.
“Nah, it’s just good armor.”
A pair of hands suddenly pushed me to the side and a sword flashed by me. I turned to find Killer jumping around as Gilgamesh slashed at him with his swords.
“Are you an idiot? Don’t just stand around in the middle of a battlefield.”
The guy was an ass.
I took out Lefty again and shot at Gilgamesh with my guns, he blocked the shots with the arms on his left and held off Killer with the arms on his right. Killer’s right arm was bleeding and I could see a needle sticking out of it.
I signaled to him and we attacked at the same time, I blocked Gilgamesh’s swords with my shield and shot his back while Killer punched his face. He frowned and I realized that his punch didn’t have the effect he intended it to. He poked the villain’s eyes instead.
Gilgamesh swung his swords blindly around him, forcing us back.
“I thought you knocked out Air Master.”
At his words I swung around and saw that Air Master was walking towards us, “Damn, I thought I did but he’s got some sort of shield.”
“His shield is made of air.”
I dodged another blind swing by Gilgamesh and landed near Killer.
“How does that work?”
He frowned at me and looked at Gilgamesh, the villain had joined with Air Master and his eyesight was returning.
“He speeds up the air around him, he can still breathe but it blocks most things.”
I lifted my guns and we separated as another gust of wind brought needles speeding past us. I fired at the villains but all of a sudden a body flew past me and into Killers arms. Another two villains joined Air Master and Gilgamesh and I glanced at the hero that had been thrown at us. It looked like the other heroes had lost their fights
-Traitor POV-
As I landed another punch on Information Broker I felt my power draining away and jumped back, but the villain had already grabbed me by the neck.
“The old me would have trembled at your power, but your strength means nothing to me as I am now.”
He threw me into the air and I felt myself being caught by a pair of hands, I looked up and saw a pair of green eyes looking at me from behind a mask.
My aura wrapped around me again and the hero dropped me onto the floor,
“You look alright to me.”
He looked away from me and faced the villains that had gathered together.
I grumbled and lifted myself off of the ground. I was surrounded by three other heroes, the muscular girl from before, the green eyed hero that had just dropped me and another hero that was holding a pair of guns in his hands.
In front of us were the four villains we had been fighting as well as Runaway who was looking worse for wear as the hole in her stomach repaired.
“Let go of the hostage!”
I sighed as Force called out to the villains. It wasn’t going to be that easy. As though sensing my thoughts, information broker laughed.
“Sorry babe, but this girls our meal ticket for the next few years. She’s worth more than your lives combined.”
I wrapped my aura around my hands, while Eraser was there it would be hard to fight but I had to hope that he wouldn’t use his power while the other villains were in range.
“Shoot them.” I turned to look at the green eyed hero in disbelief but he was looking at the gun wielding man.
The man looked at him the hero, “Are you crazy? They have a hostage.”
Information broker grinned and blue veins appeared along his body.
“No! He’s going to teleport, stop him!”
The other heroes looked up at my words but Information Broker grinned, we had already wasted precious seconds talking.
Then he frowned and the other villains all dropped to the floor. I dropped to the ground as well and heard the other hero’s knees hitting the concrete beside me.
“What the hell.”
Erasers eyes widened, “get us out of here. NOW.”
The other villains looked at him as they tried to lift themselves off the ground but Information Broker was sweating as his veins pulsated. Then their eyes widened as they saw what he had seen and Eraser grabbed Information Broker.
Information Broker lifted himself up and pointed at us, “What is this power… It’s disrupting my concentration… I’ll have to bring them with me.”
Eraser was trembling and the villains were all sweating as they fought against the invisible force. I realized that I had felt this before, but it wasn’t a power, it was pressure.
It was the pressure of one of the strongest heroes in the world.
“Emperor!” My head shot up as Force looked in the air behind us and confirmed what I was thinking.
I looked back and saw a speck in the sky, if it hadn’t been for the pressure I wouldn’t have been able to distinguish the speck as a person, let be able to put a name on him.
The speck was growing larger and larger and I could make out the figure of Emperor, he was carrying someone.
‘Is that Light?’
Information Broker cried out in pain and I turned to face him just as he lifted his hand up into the air, “No! Stop him!” Pulses of blue light shot out from next to me as the hero fired on the villains but by the time they reached him he had already disappeared.
I looked around me and realized that I wasn’t on the roof anymore. I wasn’t sure where I was.
“Ow- where are we?”
I turned around as I heard a voice speak out and realized that Force had been teleported with me. She was holding her hand to her head and wiping away blood that was flowing from a cut on her forehead.
I looked around at the surroundings and I realized that I didn’t know where we were. The villains and other heroes were nowhere to be seen.
I had lost Runaway.
“Where did they go?”
Light stared in disbelief at the destroyed roof. One second the heroes and villains had been facing each other as he and Emperor had flown towards them and the next moment they were gone.
Emperor placed him on the ground and put his hands down where the others had been, “Somebody teleported them out. I’m not sure who since none of the people I saw has that sort of power registered in their files.”
He frowned and sat down.
“Err, shouldn’t we go after them?” As far as Light knew Emperor worked solo so nobody really knew his method for tackling situations. Even his powers were a mystery although they clearly included some sort of super strength and flying ability.
He glanced at Light and gestured for him to sit down as well.
‘Does he have some sort of teleportation power?’
“So, I can’t reach them but,” Emperor looked at Light, “First of all you’re going to tell me two things.”
Light found himself trembling as the full force of Emperor’s pressure. To his surprise Emperor was smiling at him.
“First, when did my good friend Avenger re-join the hero association?”
“T-today, actually, he turned up at headquarters with a girl in tow and they joined under the names Traitor and Runaway. He’s the one named Traitor.”
Emperor’s grin widened and he clapped his hands together, “It’s good to see that he’s back.”
‘Now that I think about it, the only heroes Emperor has ever been recorded as working with were Deus ex Machina and Lukey.’
“And since I know one of the girls personally then that means that the girl he came with. Was she the one with the hole in her stomach?”
Light nodded weakly, he had seen the damage as well and death machine or not he wasn’t sure if she could survive an injury like that.
Emperor’s smile disappeared.
“Then second, you’re going to explain to me very slowly and very clearly why there’s a death machine registered as a hero and why you haven’t told Avenger about what she is, I’ve read your files and so it’s safe to say that you and I both know Avenger well enough to say that he would kill her if he knew. So you’re going to tell me the whole story, from start to finish.”
Light flinched as Emperor stared straight into his eyes.
“And don’t even think about lying to me kid.”
Authors note: Took me a couple of days to upload but in return it's a couple of chapters long~
This marks the end of the introductory arc where I explained stuff and leads into the first real arc which will be starting in two days.
Ps: A filler chapter will be added tomorrow since I am introducing character in them that will be added to the main story later.
- In Serial25 Chapters
The Cosmic Interloper
Synopsis: A cyborg transhuman escapes her corporate indenture and through unfathomably unlikely circumstances, she ends up in a fantasy world of full of unique magic, angry people with sharp implements, and the whole flavor-spectrum of divine entities. Hilarity ensues. Features: - No blue boxes or cultivation, this is not a LitRPG nor about martial arts - Hard-ish Sci-Fi meets hard-ish magic - Generally trying to keep this "rational" Rationale: My primary goal with The Cosmic Interloper is to write something that I myself would enjoy reading. Of course, that’s not the only motivation, but I think it’s the most important one for me to keep in mind, especially as the author. In fact, this whole story came about because after consuming oodles of fiction, I found myself craving a very specific type of story which I couldn’t find many examples of. Then I asked myself, “why not write it myself?” and here we are. Disclaimer: In general, while I’m not writing a comedy, I do intend for this story to be funny and a bit wacky or absurd. That said though, I am using this story as a vehicle to explore some potentially dark topics including (but not limited to) slavery, speciesism/racism, and existential questions of self, consciousness, and identity. Still, I’m going to leave the “traumatizing content” tags off, because I don’t feel that what I’ve written so far (or plan on writing) exceeds the threshold that would be necessary for me to tag it thusly. Also, [insert your favorite boilerplate “views expressed” disclaimer here]. I shouldn’t need to say this, but the main character can be wrong on occasion (gasp!) and the way she views the world is not the objective truth (if such a thing even exists).
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A butcher, a village beauty, a coroner, and a wanderer walk into a tavern… In the world there are six elements. Five are seen and shattered. One is hidden and whole. It is said that the Kingdom of Ashmore holds that hidden element in its vast lands. In order to obtain it, a man plunged the Kingdom into chaos, starting many quests to end his reign. From a quiet village, four individuals took on the call to fill a quota. [Updates weekly. Every Friday.]
8 175 - In Serial22 Chapters
Isekai trash story
You know why you clicked on a story with this title #anime is trash and so am I The main character dies of a heart attack and awakens in another world, alone and in a cave with the body of a newborn baby. However he also has increased mind based stats due to his memories, so expect a somewhat op start, but no where near all powerful for the world. There is no real plot, the main character is just trying to figure out what he can before something that already knows what it is doing manages to kill him first. I am not a writer full time and hiatuses could be short or very long depending on irl work and stuff. All content warnings are displayed because I may or may not decide to add them in later, the harem/sexual content will be much further in the story than what is there atm.
8 219 - In Serial21 Chapters
Fire Emblem: The Lion's Blade
A young man is reincarnated into the world of Fire Emblem. Born in the kingdom of Bern, he chases his dream of being the strongest.
8 160 - In Serial87 Chapters
"Mx. Delinquent" | Various!Tbhk x reader
𝗙𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀𝗼𝗺𝗲/ˈfɪəs(ə)m/ᶠʳⁱᵍʰᵗᵉⁿⁱⁿᵍ, ᵉˢᵖᵉᶜⁱᵃˡˡʸ ⁱⁿ ᵃᵖᵖᵉᵃʳᵃⁿᶜᵉ.➪ I which Y/N L/N, the most fearsome student at Komome Academy, finds themselves in a blooming romance between their friends. But what happens when a curse comes back to bite them? Will they survive the hardships of life?Or will they succumb to the everlasting darkness?Maybe you will be saved by the ones who love you?❝𝐈 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩.❞❝𝑰 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘. 𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒅𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐, 𝒎𝒚 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆.❞__________A/N: I do not own JSHK/TBHK all reserved rights go to the creator. I do also not own you, I may write this story, but you guys are your own person!
8 242