《The Unexpected Heroes》Side Story 1.1: Ernesto's story
Hero: Revolutionary.
Powers: I can heat up my hands and shoot lasers from them.
Date: 11/27/2014
Time: 1800 hours
Location: Hero association team housing accommodations, shower room.
This is the hero Revolutionary reporting on the capture of the villain Pure Blue. Before writing this report I feel obliged to state that this was quite possibly the toughest day I have ever had while on duty as a hero. I will start at the beginning of the day and continue onwards.
“Ernesto are you almost done in there?!”
“Wait a minute!”
“Hurry up! We have to be ready in five minutes!”
I, Ernesto Guevara aka the Rank 20C hero Revolutionary, was facing my greatest challenge since joining the hero association.
I would not hesitate to call this my darkest hour.
If it hadn’t been daytime this would have been my blackest night.
I was in the bathroom staring up at a metallic thing that could only be described as a monster. Its horrific metal mouths spewed forth steam and streams of water as it looked down at me.
Its head was only the size of my fist but that didn’t make it any less terrifying. That was because the head belonged to the one being my entire existence was devoted to defeating, my greatest nemesis.
Time and time again I had experienced defeat against this heartless monstrosity, its mouths spewing forth liquid fire that prevented me from coming near it.
I am of course referring to the device known as a shower head.
Like I do around all my enemies, I moved cautiously and made sure to emit a deadly serious aura. I tentatively placed my bare shoulder underneath one of the streams of water jutting from its mouth, to test whether it was safe to enter.
I was rewarded for my efforts with a direct hit to my life points as the scalding hot jet stream of water burnt my delicate skin and completely destroyed its untouched and innocent surface.
‘Jet stream of water’ is that the correct term? I dunno. Either way I swear it was assaulting me on purpose man.
A lock of my fragile brown hair was also singed.
I couldn’t get near it. I had tried and tried again for several hundred afternoons in a row, but this monster doesn’t have a moderate setting. It’s either set to lava or magma with this baby.
Crimson Cricket –Y’know my teammate of course, the hero ranked 34C – tells me that the shower gets sort of moderate in the mornings. But who takes showers in the mornings? That’s just weird and unnatural on so many levels.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, the hot water kept turning off at random times and I was assaulted by the coldest water I have ever felt –I swear it reached a negative degree at some point– and it didn’t stay cold, it just changed temperatures at will.
It was like being caught between a rock and a hard place.
Like, seriously, I tried dipping my as- I mean my posterior into that water and I could feel the cold seeping past the fat and into my bones.
So anyway, I bent over as far as I could so that only my ass caught the water and I felt the most intense chill I have ever felt. I swear it was like freezing cold spears of ice were raining down from that shower head and trying to stab my butt with subzero temperatures.
-As a side note- I highly recommend that the bathroom utility services in the hero associations living quarters be improved.
These showers have negative implications on my health. And by health I mean shrinkage.
There was a lot of shrinkage. And by a lot I mean a lot.
*BAM* “I shit you not Ernesto if you’re wasting time making soap bubbles agai-” My teammate, Dark Flower, bust the door down and charged into the bathroom, immediately shutting up as she saw me bending head over heel against the water.
I saw that she was wearing the usual black tights and black tank top she wore on missions. Both of them had a flower pattern on them that I found pretty cute. I had asked her about it once. She said it fit her theme and the clothes made it easier for her to move. I didn’t complain, after all, the black cloth contrasted nicely with her white skin.
“Oh my god.” She looked down at me as she began to speak again, “So this is what the great Revolutionary's packing.”
“What was that?!”
I could hear the television blaring in the background as Cricket shouted at Flower from the living room.
“Did you just knock a door down?!”
Flower was muttering something under her breath.
She put her hand to her mouth to hide her laughter –unsuccessfully I might add– and ran out of the bathroom.
“He-hey wait! Don’t even think about-” *crash*
I tried to go after her but I tripped on the wet floor and landed into a pool full of shower water. I groaned. It was the cold kind of shower water.
“It isn’t what it looks like!”
Like I said, there was a lot of shrinkage. I emphasized the word ’lot’ on purpose here. Be sure to add that in the final version of this report.
“Hey Cricket! Come check out what Revolutionary’s packing underneath his camo pants!”
I couldn’t but think to myself at that moment… ‘Oh god, my life is so ruined.’
Well, I suppose you just want an update on that guy we beat. But seriously, this was one of the most serious and live-threatening tragedies to ever happen in the history of ever. I just know it.
So anyways, I had gotten changed into the camouflage coloured shirt, pants and Green Beret hat that made up my costume. We were on the way to the latest mission site after getting a distress call from a couple of civilians that were being terrorized by a villain, Pure Blue.
Dark Flower was telling us what she had found out about Pure Blue. I’m not sure why but she was smiling the entire time and looking at me while holding back giggles and laughs. She didn’t look like she was trying very hard to forget about what had happened in the bathroom.
I might miss a couple of words but this is basically what I remember her saying to us.
“Alright guys-” *giggle* “-this is what we know so far, the villain Pure Blue was spotted in R Block and was attempting to attack and rob civilians. He’s been given a C ranked designation since his powers mainly revolve around minor strength enhancement and a small control over nearby water-” she looked at me “- You could say that he… doesn’t have the full package.”
I butted in at this point, “Oh ha and ha, get on with the report already.”
–On another side note– I could never get used to how the association cut up sections of the country into ‘Blocks’ listed in alphabetical order. It still confuses me to this day.
Dark flower was giggling and had to cough to clear her throat before continuing.
“Pure Blue is a known minor criminal that’s been arrested a couple of times before. According to the case files it should only take us a few minutes to beat him and send him off to be incarcerated again. We have to be sure not to let him get near large bodies of water because he has been known to submerge himself completely and gain large amount of strength for a limited amount of time. Approximately five minutes. If not for the time limit and specific conditions on his increased powers he could most likely have been designated as a B rank villain. He-” she looked at me again “fell a little short of the mark… for the B rank list I mean.”
“Oh my god Flora if you continue I swear I’m going to jump up up and away right here and now. You’ll never see me again.” I was just a little pissed, I’ll admit it.
If you’re curious about ‘Flora’ it’s my pet name for Flower, she hates me using it.
“Don’t call me Flora, tiny man!”
It might seem a little harsh but Dark Flower and I always bicker like this – just between you and I, I think she has the hots for me– and Cricket moved in to stop us anyways.
“Water powers, enhanced strength, got it. It doesn’t sound like anything we can’t handle by ourselves. We don’t even need Silver and Splendid for this one.”
I should probably mention that our last two team members – Silver Casing [Ranked 45C] and Master Splendid [Ranked 23C] – were taking their weekly day off to visit their families.
Well the rest of the ride continued like that. It was a boring trip really and nothing important enough to note happened.
Cricket stopped the car in a street that was near the crime scene. We walked towards the shop the distress call had come from and found a couple of old ladies being terrorized by the dastardly villain.
The first thing I noticed about him was his hair. It was bright blue and to be honest after I got a good look at him I realized that he was a villain that was trying really too hard to stick to his colour scheme.
Not only did he have blue hair but he was also wearing blue khaki pants and a blue shirt. Blue veins were pulsating above his skin just like they did on the aliens from those old films. This guy was really a ‘Pure Blue’ guy.
Okay, I found the blue veins thing a little weird.
“Jumping onto the scene, Crimson Cricket is here to chirp the creed of honor!
“Bringing the change this world needs, the Revolutionary is on the scene!”
“Rising from ground, Dark Flower is here to spread her petals of justice over evil!”
We said the usual battle cries as we arrived. Honestly that was the most enjoyable part of the day for me. The look of embarrassment on Flowers face when she says hers is priceless.
I really think Cricket got the bottom of the barrel with his opening cry. Bet he regrets taking the team leader position now that he has to say his line first.
“More heroes… you guys here to bring me in?” Pure Blue turned to face us and I stepped back as his eyes met mine. They were blue as well. Not the healthy kind of blue, they were bulging with dozens of blue veins and I could instantly tell that something was wrong with this guy.
“You know that we are. Come with us quietly and the courts will go easy on you.” Cricket took charge of the situation as per usual.
All the blue veins that were running along his skin seemed to link back into his eyes.
“I want you to know… I want everyone to know… that I’m not the weak man I was before.”
He was talking weirdly. He couldn’t seem to spit out a few words without taking a pause. It was like he was constantly forgetting the last words he had said. That should probably have been our first warning. Second if you include the veins thing.
Well the next few things get a little complicated so I’ll just write about it as I saw it.
“Get back Cricket. Something’s wrong with this guy.”
Flower put a hand on Cricket’s shoulder and forced him back a couple of steps. Pure blue started moving towards the pair and lifted his palm up into the air.
I moved into position to attack with my lasers but before I could move I felt myself being pushed back and I fell onto the ground. I looked down and realized that my torso had been hit by a bubble of water.
An intense pain shot through my chest a second later as the water tightened and pushed against my torso and I realized that this guy’s control over water was a lot stronger than we had been told about. This could get dangerous.
“Guys, get back! Dodge the water bullets.”
Cricket and Flower instantly dodged the incoming blobs of water. I moved my hands over my chest to burn off the water that was crushing it. I looked around to see if I could find the source of water Pure Blue was drawing from and evaporate it.
I couldn’t spot anything that might be supplying Pure Blue’s munitions in the immediate vicinity.
Cricket moved behind Pure Blue and threw a punch at the same time that Flower flanked the villain and sent a kick flying towards his head.
I blasted off the last few droplets of water that were left on my shirt and lifted myself off the ground to join in the fight… just in time to see Flower crash into the fence right next to me. I rushed over to my teammate to check if she was okay but she just shook her head and pointed to Pure Blue. Blood was pooling on the shoulder of her black tank top.
“Careful, He can materialize water.”
Crap, we weren’t told anything about Pure Blue having a Creation class power. That explained where his supply of water was coming from.
*Sploosh* *boom* the sound of a large body of water hitting something hard resounded in the air and Cricket flew through the air towards me. Luckily I managed to catch him before he could smash into the ground.
“Well hey there gorgeous, sleeping on the job are we?” I grinned at Cricket and pushed him to the side as another water bullet sped past where he had been just a second before.
Since Pure Blue hadn’t tried to change the trajectories of anything he shot at us I took a guess he wasn’t used to the boost in his water manipulation ability.
“Come here you water throwing muscle head.” I jumped straight into Pure Blue and threw him to the ground.
I kneed his chest as we landed and he tried to push me off. Luckily my enhanced strength outmatched his.
That was until he put his hand onto my face and shot me with a stream of water. Not only that, it was stream of freezing cold water. This guy was bringing bad memories to my mind.
He shot another stream of water into my face and tried to shake me off by using his control over the water to throw me back. I didn’t let go but it was still pretty annoying. The guy was just constantly shooting out water from his hands and using it to push me back.
If I were him I would have used the water more wisely. It was like he had been given a huge amount of power and didn’t know how to use it. I felt my hands warming but I needed to get them dry before I could fire at the guy.
“Hey Cricket, hold him down for me!”
Before I even finished shouting I saw a shadow fall over Pure Blue and me. I immediately rolled to the side to avoid being crushed by the flying Cricket. Pure Blue let out a screech of agony as Cricket fell onto him and crushed both of his arms.
I already had my hands facing towards the two with my lasers flying towards the villain’s body. They bounced harmlessly off of him, which was strange, but managed to evaporate the water that was pooling around him. If he submerged and powered up it could get troublesome.
Pure Blue struggled to get out of Cricket’s grip but I knew from experience that someone with his level of strength would never be able to break free. Not to mention his broken arms would probably make escaping difficult. Cricket’s ability to jump so high into the air was terrifying when coupled with his incredible enhanced strength. I think that his drop would kill any ordinary guy.
Pure Blue somehow managed to raise his hands, Cricket took a couple of water streams to the face and was forced to let go of the villain. Pure Blue looked pretty happy for a moment before he realized that he was standing in a shadow that was shaped like a flower. He looked up to see if someone was dropping on him again and fell over as the ground shifted from underneath and tripped him.
“What the hel- argh!”
The villain cried out as Dark Flower’s shadow flower rose from the ground and swallowed him whole. It sort of reminded me of chocolate being covered in a wrapper. Pure Blue would be transported to the alternate dimension that was inside the flower and we would be able to deposit him into a prison in no time at all.
The two old ladies clapped and I gave them a bow and a little wave.
I heard the ruffle of shoes sliding across concrete as Dark Flower walked up next to me. She was bleeding from a cut on her shoulder. I ran my hands over it to cauterize it and smiled at her.
I knew her regeneration ability would heal the wound sooner or later but I wanted to stop the bleeding. Her durability made it painless and I could do the same for my lasers when I wanted them to be. As I finished I moved my hand over her head to ruffle her hair.
She pushed my hand away and blushed. I let out a laugh. Cricket got up and checked himself to make sure that he wasn’t hurt. Water splashed down from his head and he shook his hair until it was almost dry. He pushed himself off the ground and landed beside us.
All in all it was a good day of work.
We walked to the car and began the ride back to the hero associations living quarters.
I might just go and rest for the day. I wasn’t in the mood to finish my shower. There had been too much water hitting my body today for my liking.
“I’ll send a complaint to headquarters about this. We were about this close to getting into real trouble there because of their misinformation.”
Cricket made a small space between his thumb and pointing finger.
Flowers eyes lit up, “Oh wait, that’s the size of Revolutionary’s pe-”
I jumped up and covered her mouth with my hand.
“Glarbleglarg” She grabbed my arm and tried to finish her sentence but I refused to let go.
Cricket glared at us and told us to break it up.
Dark flower burst out laughing at this point and didn’t stop until way after our other teammates got home.
End of my report.
Ps: We really need help with this shower. Like I said, it’s giving misinformation to my teammates and it’s bad for both my health and my public image. It’s a menace to society I tell you.
A pair of hands dropped the report onto a desk and one of the two men that had been reading over it shifted nervously from foot to foot.
“It’s another report about a minor villain turning out to be stronger than previously thought. This seemed to be happening a lot more lately.”
The other man nodded his head. It was strange how often they were receiving these kinds of reports now.
“We should probably alert the association heads about this. It’s turning into something more than coincidence or natural boosts in power. I’ll send a message up when we finish off today.”
The first man stopped moving and grabbed another report from the pile that lay on the floor. There was still plenty of material that needed checking and finalizing before they could hand it back to the hero association.
“So are you going to include the part about how it was shrinkage and definitely not his natural size?”
The second man grinned at him.
“Hell no.”
Author's note: You may have noticed that this isn't part of the main storyline ~ Since I do all my chapters in parts so that they interconnect i found myself completing parts 7-8 before I did 6, leaving me with a problem of what to post today.
Hope you enjoyed it! Just comment if you want anyone from the side stories to be seen in the main story.
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