《Emperor》Chapter- 14


He was dragged out of the house by his mother and was taken to a nearby market together with Alarice. The market was about 5 minute walking distance away however it doesn’t really matter for John though. He was sitting on Alarice’s shoulder. Alarice took John from Denata and placed him on his shoulder. John felt embarrassed as the passerby looked toward them. They were laughing and he was sure it was on the stupidity of Alarice. They stopped in front of a 3 floor building. It looked similar to a shop in his previous world. On front they had glass walls with different kind of clothing and jewelry in showcase on the others side so the ladies passing by would be tempted to buy them. His mom walked in and after that Alarice walked in. ‘Bam' ’Oww’ John head banged on the wall above the door. Door was short for combined height of John and Alarice also John was looking somewhere so he didn’t realized there was a wall ahead of it. John held his forehead. It was painful. He could feel the pain all over his head. Alarice took him down from her shoulder. She looked at John and then toward Denata. She hadn’t realized anything yet. She just walking toward the counter. She heaved a sigh of relief and looked back at John.

“Don’t cry little John. I’ll buy you a candy later if you won’t cry”

“Don dare to bribe me insensitive woman” said John while pressing his head with both hand at the place it collided with wall. It was second time she hurt him and both time it brought severe pain.

Her mother turned to look at his yelling son. She came near to him. She asked her "what happened? Why are you holding your head?"

"your friend banged my head on wall"

"No! It was an accident" she immediately said as soon as John accused her.


His mom asked him what happened and he honestly told her how his head was banged on wall by her. Then she asked Alarice and she also told the same incident but blaming it on John to not lower his head while entering.

"you are the one who was carrying me so you should have lowered yourself. I'm just a 3 year old child. Do you think I would be smart enough to know what to do."

"Yes you are smart so you should have lowered your head when you saw wall ahead of you" said his mom while lifting him up in his arm.

"My my what do we have here" an old lady entered in shop from one of the room inside the shop. She was old, most probably in her 70s. She was walking toward them with the help of a walking stick which was making a 'thud' sound every time she moved a step forward.

"Oh Alarice what happened here." She asked Alarice.

"Madam valary." Bowed Alarice "Nothing happened just a bit problem with my friend's child," said Alarice while gesturing with her hand toward Deanta.

She looked at them and asked about what happened.

"Nothing madam Valary. He just banged his head on wall so he is quite angry about it"

Valary looked at John. Scanning him from head to toe. She brought her face near to John.

"is he that summoned hero?"

"Yes," replied Denata.

Valary smiled and patted John head as she asked John what happened to him. John understood she was trying to be friendly but he isn't throwing any childish tantrum that he need to be appeased. It was a genuine anger.

He was going to say this to her but an arrow launched by someone from a midst of a crowd pierced John's back. The momentum of an arrow was large enough to pierce through his back and come partially out of his chest. He coughed a mouthful of blood.


Alarice and Denata were confused at what happened but it didn't take long for them to realize someone attacked John. They both went into a state of panic.

Alarice yelled, "Guards find the assassin".

Denata placed him on the floor while the old lady ran back to her office shouting something while running. John tried to look toward the direction from where the arrow came but the pain restricted him from doing that. The arrow was coming out of his chest and blood was oozing out from both back and the chest like a small fountain. Pain was becoming unbearable with every passing moment and his head started feeling dizzy.

Do you want to activate the healing option?(yes/No)

'yes' said John in his mind.

For healing effect to work foreign object need to be taken out of the body.

He read the next notification with his blurred eye. It took him long time to read just one sentence as sometime blood would come out of his mouth. He touched the arrow. It made a spine chilling sensation course all over his body. How would he take the arrow out if event touching it is this painful. He tried once again, this time trying to control the pain but her mother who was watching him while crying stopped his hand from touching the arrow.

"just endure a little, healers are on their way"

John wanted to tell her mother that he had to take the arrow out of his body to heal himself but the pain was not letting him to speak. He tried once again but Denata once again stopped him.

'let me take it out'

His consciousness was becoming cloudy he didn't have much time he needed to act fast but Denata wouldn't let him take out the arrow. If he had to pull it then it need to be done swiftly else Denata will once again stop him. John pointed with his finger at something behind Denata. She looked back. John hurriedly gripped the arrow with both his hand and was ready to pull it out. Denata by now realized something was wrong as there was nothing behind her. She looked at John who was gripping the arrow with both his hand.

John trick didn't bought him much time. Denata was once again stretched her hand toward him to stop him but it was most probably the last chance that John will get So he need do it somehow. He jumped backward with as much as strength he was able to muster. He increased the distance between him and his mother, getting him enough time to pull the arrow out.

"Ahhhhhhhh" John screamed as he pulled the arrow out of his chest.

Do you want to activate the healing option?(Yes/No)

Healing option once again poped up and john quickly activated it before he fell on the floor unconscious with an arrow in his one hand.

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